• Published 5th Jul 2022
  • 1,284 Views, 39 Comments

Equestria: Singular Point - lazejovanov

Through unusual circumstances, the Mane Six and the Mane Five meet each other and band together to face down a hopeless future.

  • ...

Beast in the woods

Equestria; Present Time

Diamond Tiara continued pursuing the bird that stole her tiara deeper into the Everfree Forest. The concern of getting lost in the forest was secondary in her mind, for retrieving her prized tiara was the prime goal for the filly at the moment. Veering around any trees or rocks in her path, Diamond Tiara kept her focus on the thieving bird that was carrying her tiara tightly in its claws. So focused was she on the flying thief that she didn't even notice the Cutie Mark Crusaders galloping only a few feet behind her, calling out her name and asking her to stop or at least slow down, both of which fell on deaf ears.

"Diamond Tiara! Slow down!" Apple Bloom called out, trying to keep up with the pink filly along with her friends.

"It's no use. She's too focused on that bird." Scootaloo said, noting the blue jay the filly was chasing.

After a while, the blue jay eventually came to a stop and perched itself on a branch with the tiara. Diamond came to a stop at the foot of the tree, glaring up at the bird that had her tiara. "Give me back my tiara, you stupid bird!" She angrily called out to the bird.

Almost as if mocking her, the blue jay gave her an indifferent glance before continuing to admire its prize. This infuriated Diamond Tiara even more as she attempted to climb the tree in order to reach the bird, but to no avail. "Ugh! Curse these hooves! Why couldn't I have been born a pegasus?" She growled, throwing her tiny hooves in the air.

At this point, the Cutie Mark Crusaders finally arrived, stopping to catch their breaths from all the galloping.

"Calm down, Diamond." Apple Bloom said gently, approaching the still-angry filly.

"How can I possibly be calm when that stupid bird up there stole my tiara?!" Diamond angrily retorted, pointing a hoof up at the blue jay.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders looked up at the bird, who was still admiring the tiara it stole and not paying any attention to them whatsoever.

"It's a blue jay!" Sweetie Belle happily said.

"A what?" Diamond couldn't help but ask.

"A blue jay. It's a bird that likes shiny objects, and has been known to steal shiny things that catch its interest." The unicorn explained, looking up at the bird in fascination.

"Well, tell it that my tiara is mine, and not its!" Diamond retorted.

Sweetie Belle thought for a moment. She could use her magic to telekinetically take the tiara from the bird, but she didn't feel comfortable doing such a thing, especially since the bird appeared to be so fond of it. But at the same time, she knew that her friend needed it back. Suddenly, a solution caught the filly's eye in the form of a small worm crawling in the leaf litter. A smile formed on Sweetie Belle's face as she used her magic to lift the worm and turn to the blue jay.

"Oh, Mr. Blue Jay! Look what I got for you!" Responding to her call, the bird looked at the fillies and immediately saw the juicy earthworm squirming in the unicorn's telekinetic grasp. "I'll trade you this worm for that tiara you have. What do you say?"

The blue jay looked at the tiara and then at the worm. It was a tough decision; it really liked this tiara, but that succulent worm looked equally as appealing. Finally, the little bird sighed and dropped the tiara to the ground, where Diamond immediately swooped it in her hoof and kissed it porously, ignoring the odd looks the other fillies were giving her. With its end of the bargain fulfilled, the bird flew down as Sweetie levitated the worm higher to allow the bird to grab it in its beak, before flying back to the tree to enjoy its meal.

"See? Any problem can be solved with a peaceful solution." Sweetie Belle happily said.

"Ain't that the truth!" Apple Bloom couldn't agree more.

"Well, it did help getting my tiara back, so I suppose it has it's advantages." Diamond huffed, still not liking that her tiara was stolen.

"Uhh... guys, you might wanna look down." Scootaloo, having noticed something, alerted her friends and pointed to the ground

The other fillies did as she asked before all four ponies gasped in shock at what they saw. The ground on which they were standing was riddled with footprints everywhere. Had these been the tracks of any other creature, like a wolf or a bear, they wouldn't have been too startled by them. But these footprints were positively massive; each one was large enough for a filly to fit inside perfectly. By looking at the footprints, the fillies could also tell that whatever made these also possessed large claws.

"What in Equestria made these?" Diamond Tiara asked, measuring one of the footprints and realizing it was almost bigger then her entire body.

The realization immediately came to Sweetie Belle's mind. "It must be the monster I saw!" She exclaimed as she recalled what she saw before Button Mash bumped into her.

"What monster?" Diamond asked, turning to her in confusion.

"Before the bird stole your tiara and you ran into the Everfree Forest, I saw a huge creature hidden in the foliage, and it was looking right at me." Sweetie explained, recalling what she saw. "I didn't get a good look of it because it was so well hidden, but it was definitely big, had spikes all over its body and I think its head looked kind of like a crocodile!"

"If that's true, it looks like that thing must have passed through here." Scootaloo said, noticing that the footprints seemed to be going deeper into the forest. "I wonder what this creature looks like." She said as an inquisitive smiled spread on her face; something that did not go unnoticed by her friends.

"Oh, no! I know that look, Scootaloo. We are not going after that thing!" Sweetie Belle said.

"I agree." Diamond Tiara stepped up. "It's bad enough that a bird stole my tiara, and now I'm going monster hunting? No thank you!"

"Come on, guys! Just a peek, and we go back! In fact..." The pegasus pointed at some vines that was hanging from a nearby tree. "We'll tie these vines to this tree, and follow the tracks. And when we find the creature and see what it looks like, we'll use the vines to backtrack to where we started!"

Her friends looked at her uneasily. Even though they mentally admitted that using vines as a trail to make sure they don't get lost in the forest was a brilliant idea, it was still a risky thing to do. Not to mention their sisters and families will no doubt scold and punish them for this.

"Well, I'm in!" Apple Bloom suddenly declared.

"What?!" Sweetie Belle and Diamond Tiara exclaimed simultaneously,

"What? It's not like this is the first time we've disobeyed our sisters. Besides, this might be a creature that we've never seen before. It could be the discovery of the century!" The farm pony happily said.

"Yeah! And my parents would be so proud of me for discovering a new species!" Scootaloo added dreamily.

Sweetie Belle and Diamond Tiara were not as enthusiastic as their friends. On the contrary, they'd much rather get out of here as soon as possible. Knowing this, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom looked at them and gave them the puppy-dog eyes in the most pleading way possible while clasping their front hooves together as they silently begged. Sweetie and Diamond tried to resist with all their might before finally giving in.

"Ugh! Fine!" Sweetie groaned and rolled her eyes. "But just so you know: when our sisters find out about this, we're gonna be in big trouble!"

"Pff! We'll be done by the time they find anything!" Scootaloo scoffed and casually waved her hoof.

With that, Sweetie Belle used her magic to tear off some of the longer vines from the tree and began tying them together.

Equestria; 4,000 Years into the Future

Sunny knew that Maretime Bay and the other pony cities will never be the same again. Not after the shocking incident where a mysterious flying creature came out of nowhere, attacked several ponies, caused severe property damage, and suddenly died without any explanation. The news of this incident had already spread to Zephyr Heights and Bridlewood. Many phone cameras caught the rampaging Rodan in the act, including Pipp (who was the first to record the kaiju when it arrived at Maretime Bay). After the monster mysteriously died, it naturally sparked a lot of questions among the pony community. What was this creature? Where did it come from? Are there more like it? And perhaps most importantly, did the return of magic have anything to do with it?

"Oh, my fillies! I'm so glad you're alright!" Queen Haven said as she happily hugged Zipp and Pipp before turning to Sunny, Izzy, and Hitch with a thankful smile. "I can't thank you enough for saving my little fillies!"

"No problem, you're majesty." Sunny smiled.

"Just doing our jobs, Ma'am." Hitch smirked.

"What are friends for, right?" Izzy smiled happily.

"When I heard about this, I rushed to Maretime Bay as fast as I could!" Haven took a deep breath to calm herself down. "What was that thing, anyway?"

"We wish we knew the answer to that, your majesty." Sunny said as she looked down, her ears flattening against her head. "This is just a theory, but I think the return of magic might have caused this creature to appear."

"You honestly think it's the return of magic?" The Pegasi queen asked, scared at the idea that the gift she and her subjects now had might be a double-edged sword.

"Again, this is just a theory at the moment." Sunny clarified. "But considering this creature appeared only a few weeks after we helped bring magic back to Equestria, it's the best hypothesis we have so far."

"It apparently also reaaaaaally hates technology for some reason." Izzy chimed in.

"It's true." Zipp nodded. "It attacked Pipp, and later me, the moment it saw her phone. Something about the phone seemed to tick it off."

Queen Haven grew more nervous as she heard this; her breathing was fast and uneasy. If there are more creatures like this out there, reawakened by the return of magic, and if they are indeed hostile to advanced technology like her daughter claims, then Zephyr Heights, the most technologically-advanced of all the pony kingdoms, would surely be a prime target for these flying monstrosities.

"If that's true, I have to warn my kingdom!" Queen Haven said as she pulled out her own mobile phone to contact her guards.

"Izzy Moonbow!" Everypony turned to see Alphabittle galloping towards them as fast as he could, with a worried look on his face. He stopped and took a sigh of relief when he saw the familiar faces of his friends. "Oh, I'm so glad you're all alright. We were so worried when we heard what happened yesterday."

"Rest assure, Alphabittle. Everything's under control now." Hitch said confidently.

The large unicorn turned to Zipp Storm, and gave her an approving smile. "Thank you for saving Lilly Cornfield."

Deducing that that was the name of the unicorn filly she saved from Rodan, Zipp smiled back at him. "Heh. No problem. I just did what any sensible pony would have done in that situation."

"So, what do we do now?" Alphabittle asked, turning to Sunny and Queen Haven, hoping they have some kind of solution.

"Well, now that we know creatures like that exist and will attack us if given the chance, we should be more prepared for whatever comes next." Sunny stated. "There's no telling what else could happen."

"Well, the sea could turn red like cherry juice, with giant sea monsters swimming in it." Izzy said, her voice sounding rather fearful and uneasy as she stared farther south and out at sea with a fearful look.

"Izzy, that's oddly specific." Pipp noted, quirking an eyebrow.

Rather than replying with words, the lilac unicorn simply pointed farther south, prompting her friends to turn and look out at the sea in disbelief and shock. Just as she said, in the visible sea horizon, the usually crystal clear, blue seawater was in the process of rapidly turning blood-red. Sunny, Hitch, and the other ponies raced to the edge of the cliffside coast to observe this sudden and unusual phenomenon in disbelief. They watched as the crimson substance spread far and wide, transforming a once beautiful scenery into something straight out of a nightmare. Even more astonishing, a large mass briefly breached the surface of the blood-red sea before submerging. Before anypony could question what that was, the surface once again breaks, and a creature of titanic proportions rises from the crimson water like a giant cobra rearing up before letting out a loud roar.

Sunny, Izzy, Pipp, Hitch, and Zipp, along with Haven, Alphabittle, and all the other nearby ponies watched in complete silence as the sea monster finished its roar before it turned and submerged under the red sea. As the beast submerged head-first, the rest of its long body followed, thus giving the ponies a very good look of how it looked like.

In terms of appearance, the creature had an extremely long, serpentine body, with a head resembling that of a shark crossed with a viper snake. Dozens of fins ran along both sides of its serpentine body, mirroring a centipede's legs, while also sporting whiskers resembling antenna on its snout. Finally, the creature had a pair of mantis-like forelimbs close to its head, while a pair of frog-like hind limbs were located father down its long body. A tail-fin in the shape of a maple leaf was present on the tip of its tail. Although it was too far away to tell for certain, Sunny and all of her friends knew that this aquatic creature was far bigger than Rodan; in fact, this sea serpent could be big enough to eat the flying reptile in one bite.

"What in the world is happening?" Queen Haven asked, her voice trembling with dread at the sight of this.

"I think we're in trouble." Hitch gulped.

"And I think that might be the understatement of the century, sheriff." Zipp muttered.

Sunny said nothing and watched as more of these giant sea serpents started surfacing all over the transformed sea. The Rodan attack, while terrifying, was at least within the realm of countering should another appear. But this... she honestly did not know what to make of it. Was this another phenomenon that was sparked by the return of magic? Did the return of magic go wrong somehow? She could not say. All she could do right now is watch helplessly as the red color in the sea continued to expand and grow nonstop, followed by the arrival of more of these sea serpents as other ponies came to watch this nightmarish phenomenon play out.

Equestria; Present Time

The Cutie Mark Crusaders and Diamond Tiara have been following the footprints of the mysterious creature for quite a while now. They had tied multiple vines together, with one end tied to the tree that was closest to the trail that lead home, as they carried the other end with them as a safety precaution so that they don't get lost. So far, the journey through the Everfree Forest had not been as dangerous as they had been expecting; it was rather uneventful. Still, they new better than to let their guard down.

The footprints eventually lead up the top of a slope. Seeing this, Scootaloo turned to her friends, "Shh. I think it's on the other side of that slope, so be careful." Giving the pegasus silent nods, the four ponies began climbing up the steep slope with moderate difficulty. Once the fillies reached the top of the slope, they realized that the slope was part of a ravine with a stream running at the bottom. And at the bottom, the little ponies finally saw the thing they have been tracking for the last 28 minutes. Words could not begin to describe at the peculiar creature that was drinking from the stream, the dappled light from the forest canopy shining down on its form.

The creature in question was quadrupedal with brown skin, a red underbelly, and scaly armor plating that covered the majority of its body. Its back was covered in a thick carapace that hung off of its body as it came to a split where it reached the tail. Its armored back was completely covered in sharp spikes that were curved inward, while five rows of smaller spines ran down the beast's long tail towards a spiked club located on its tip. The monster's front legs were plantigrade while its hind legs were digitigrade. The hind legs also had large spikes protruding from their knee joints. Its head was similar to that of a crocodile, with several inwardly curved horns at the top of its head and a single horn residing on its elongated snout, while a row of three spikes ran down each side of the beast's neck. It's crocodilian mouth was filled with sharp teeth, with two on its upper jaw longer than the rest.

In terms of size, this creature was almost twice the size of the chimera that Apple Bloom encountered 2 years ago. So far, it seemed oblivious to their presence as it continued to drink from the stream.

"What is that creature?" Diamond Tiara whispered, feeling scared at seeing this wild and potentially dangerous animal.

"That's the creature I saw!" Sweetie Belle whispered slightly more loudly, but not enough for the creature to hear her. There was no mistaking those spikes and that face, this was definitely the same monster she saw not too long ago.

"I've never seen any creature like this." Scootaloo said. "And I don't think mom and dad have, either. Oh, I can't wait to tell them about this!" She said giddily.

"Great. We saw what it looks like. Can we just go now, please?" Diamond Tiara asked eagerly.

Before the Cutie Mark Crusaders could replay, the edge of the slope beneath Apple Bloom suddenly breaks, causing the young filly to slide down the steep slope. "Apple Bloom!" The other ponies cried out as they watch their friend slide down the steep slope screaming. When Apple Bloom finally landed on the ground on her behind, she rubbed her flank to ease the pain. The mild pain instantly disappeared when the filly heard a low growl. Her ears flattened against her head and she gasped when she saw the creature lift its head up and turn to look at her. So paralyzed with fear was Apple Bloom that even the shouts of her friends above failed to snap her out of it. It is only when the armored creature started moving towards her did the filly regain the will to move. Apple Bloom looked up and quickly tried to clime back up the slope, but due to the steepness of said slope, she slided right back down.

She watched as the crocodilian-like creature closed in on her, its long tail swinging back and forth almost like a cat before pouncing on its prey. When the monster's snout was only inches from the little filly, Apple Bloom clenched her eyes tightly and waited for the attack. However, instead feeling of sharp pain, she only felt breathing. Opening one eye ever so slightly, Apple Bloom met the amber-colored eyes of the creature as it stared back at her. Slowly opening both eyes, the little filly saw that the creature was standing in place and staring at her, showing no signs of aggression or hunger. Fear slowly faded away, replaced by curiosity and fascination.

"Y-You're not gonna hurt me, are you?" Apple Bloom hesitantly asked.

Seemingly responding to her question, the creature tilted its head to the side.

"Apple Bloom!"

The all too familiar voice of her older sister broke Apple Bloom's gaze from the creature's eyes, and looked up the slope to see Applejack and Rarity standing beside the fillies. The sudden shout and appearance of the two mares subsequently startled the kaiju, who let out a loud roar that sounded similar to a train. The inwardly curved spikes on the monster's back begin vibrating rapidly, appearing to produce an asymmetrical force-field that surrounded its body. Not wanting to see what the beast was planning to do, Applejack quickly slides down the slope and lands in-between her little sister and the creature.

"Get away from my sister!" The farm pony yelled before she turned around to introduce her hind legs, Bucky McGillicuddy and Kicks McGee, to the monster's face. Seconds before Applejack could thrust her hind hooves forward, the armored giant suddenly jumped several feet backwards, making the farm pony completely miss her target. "What the-!?" Applejack looked back in surprise when the creature managed to evade her kicks. She didn't have too long to contemplate this as the beast spun its body around to introduce the farm pony to its own weapon located on its hind end. The monster turned its whole body a full 180 degrees, and Applejack saw the spiked club on the tip of its long tail racing for her head.

The orange pony instinctively ducked her head down, leaving her hat suspended mid-air, which was the only casualty of the beast's tail attack.

"Whew. That was close." Applejack sighed in relief.

"Applejack, stop! He wasn't gonna hurt me!" Apple Bloom cried out to her sister, half-annoyed and half-concerned.

"You're in big trouble, missy!" Her sister looked at her with a fierce scowl. "What in tarnation were ya' thinkin' running off on you're own like that?!"

"We were tracking that creat...ure..." The filly trailed off as she looked back to the beast... only to see that it was now gone. Somehow, it must have fled when the two sisters were busy arguing without making any noise whatsoever. "Where'd he go?"

"Never mind that, Apple Bloom." The scowl on Applejack's face remained unchanged. "You have a lot of explaining to do when we get home!"

"The same goes for you as well, Sweetie Belle!" Rarity said to her little sister, having an equally-stern look on her face. "You have no idea how worried I was!"

"Sorry, Rarity." Sweetie Belle apologetically looked down, her ears flattening against her head.

"Alright, gals. Let's get goin' befo-" Applejack stopped mid-sentence when she realized something: Her hat was missing. "Mah hat! Where's my-!" Once again she stopped as she remembered something; when she narrowly avoided the monster's incoming tail, her Stetson hat was hit by the spiked club, and must have gotten stuck on the creature's tail. "Oh, ya' gotta be kiddin' me." The farm pony rolled her eyes.


Elsewhere, Fluttershy's animal sanctuary was not the same it was a few days ago. Long, yellow tapes that read 'Caution! Keep out!' were wrapped all over the sanctuary as a barrier to keep both ponies and animals out of the now-health hazardous area. It was not an easy decision to make, but Twilight Sparkle had no other choice but to quarantine the animal sanctuary after learning from her friend, Moon Dancer, that the substance that she now calls Archetype is capable of robbing magical creatures, including ponies, of their magic. It's effect has not yet been understood on living, non-magical creatures. Royal guards patrolled the area, making sure every creature was at a safe distance away from the contaminated water.

"I'm so, so sorry I had to resort to this, Fluttershy." Twilight said to her friend, her voice filled with regret and remorse. "I wish there was something else I could do about this."

"It's alright, Twilight." The yellow pegasus gave her a reassuring smile. "In fact, I'm glad that Moon Dancer was able to learn the properties of this 'Archetype'. Now I know for sure to keep my animal friends and other magical creatures away from it."

"Thanks, Fluttershy." Twilight smiled back. "Still, I'm not sure where the Archetype is coming from, or how to get rid of it. Anyway, since your animal sanctuary is gonna be quarantined for quite a while, I'm happy to let your animal friends stay in Canterlot's private gardens."

"Oh, Twilight. I can't thank you enough! I just can't!" Fluttershy happily exclaimed.

"There's no need to thank me, Fluttershy. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't do something to help you while we deal with this problem?" The princess gave her a sweet smile.

All of the sudden, Pinkie Pie appeared beside the two ponies, her body vibrating like crazy like a jackhammer. "G-G-G-Guys... I'm-m-m-m-m fe-e-e-e-e-e-eling s-s-s-s-s-s-s-omething." Pinkie said with broken words due to the intense vibrating state her body is going through.

"What is it, Pinkie?" Twilight asked, concerned at the sight of her friend vibrating like that.

After several more seconds of intense vibrating, Pinkie Pie's body eventually stopped moving. "Wow! I thought would never stop! Anyway, my Pinkie Sense has been acting up all day yesterday. Ever since I woke up from bed, my body's been shaking nonstop!"

"Oh, dear. What does that mean, Pinkie?" Fluttershy gently asked as she and Twilight approached the pink pony, looking at her in concern.

"I'm not sure." Pinkie admitted. "I haven't felt this type of Pinkie Sense since the doozy incident when Twilight finally accepted my Pinkie Sense is real." A loud gasp came out of the party-planning pony's mouth. "Oh, no! If that's the case, that means a super-duper-mega-ultra-unbelievable doozy is gonna happen!"

Had this been Twilight 5 or 6 years ago, she would have dismissed this as nonsense and not believed a word Pinkie said. But thanks to experiencing the Pinkie Sense the hard way via numerous failures to understand it, Twilight finally gave up and accepted that this gift of her friend is as real as her own magic.

"Is it serious or just something harmless like a pony admitting they were wrong about something?" Twilight asked.

"No, no, no, no! This is super serious! This is gonna be a type of doozy that neither you or I, or even the whole world has ever seen!" Pinkie shouted as she stood up on her hind legs and stretched out her forelimbs to emphasize what her Pinkie Sense is telling her.

Hearing this, Twilight and Fluttershy felt dread and extreme anxiety grip them. They looked at one another for a moment as if silently conversing, knowing the same thing was on their minds, before turning their attention to their friend. "Pinkie, about a day ago, Moon Dancer and I discovered a new substance called Archetype. We discovered that it can absorb outside magic, effectively stealing a creature's powers. Do you think your Pinkie Sense might have any connection to that?" Twilight asked. If Pinkie's was saying her Pinkie Sense is predicting that something doozy was on it's way, and that it was serious, she could only wonder if it is connected to the Archetype or not.

"Hmmmm. I'm not really sure." Pinkie tilted her head in contemplation. Suddenly, a shudder ran through her body. "Oh, wow!"

"What is it?" Fluttershy asked, already fearing the worst.

"My Pinkie Sense is telling me that something big is gonna happen in Ponyville... right now." As if on cue, a loud feminine cry echoed from the place Pinkie predicted, followed by a loud roar that sounded almost like a train horn.

"Oh, my. What was that?" Fluttershy asked, startled by what she hard.

"I don't know, but we have to get there and see what's the problem. Come on, girls!" Twilight said before she, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie began galloping towards the small town where the scream and roar came from.


Moments earlier...

Inside Sugarcube Corner, Mr. and Mrs. Cake have just finished baking four stunning and mouth-watering cakes. The first was a mix of yellow and blue colors, and filled with all kinds of dessert toppings; The second was chocolate-brown, with several freshly-peeled bananas sticking out of it; the third was light yellow and pink in color, and filled with strawberries and cherries on the bottom and apples at the top; and finally, the fourth cake was dark-red in color with white stripes running from the top to the bottom, complete with several small cupcakes surrounding the bottom.

"We just keep outdoing ourselves, don't we, honey." Mr. Cake asked, looking at their cakes with pride.

"We sure did." His wife agreed.

All of the sudden, both heard a loud crying of their twin foals, Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake, from upstairs.

"I'll go check on the twins, dear. You can finish the other desserts without me." Mr. Cake said before he went upstairs to check on his son and daughter. After he left, Mrs. Cake turned, took her rolling pin, and started making preparations for more desserts. Mrs. Cup Cake was aware that their precious cakes happen to be very close to the open window, but she honestly doubted anypony would steal their cakes. Besides, considering their boss, Pinkie Pie, is best friends with the ruler of Equestria, she honestly doubted anypony in the right mind would attempt to steal them.

That is until she suddenly heard a loud chomp, followed by chewing noises. Did somepony actually take a bite out of one of their cake just now? A disapproving frown appeared on the otherwise gentle mare's face as she turned around to face the interloper.

"Have you no shame? Who do you think you are-" Mrs. Cake stopped mid-sentence when she turned around and saw the being responsible for rudely taking a bite out of their cake. A creature that she could only describe as something straight out of a Nightmare Night story was poking its crocodile-like head through the window. With one bite, half of the yellow-and-blue-colored cake was absent, and with another bite, the whole cake was gone. Having eaten the first cake, Anguirus turned his head and took another huge bite from the chocolate-covered, banana-filled cake that not too far away.

"AHHHHHHHH!" Mrs. Cake lets out a loud, frightened yell that could be heard throughout Ponyville. In her panic-induced state, she grabbed a nearby pepper shaker and threw it at the monster. "Back, you beast!"

The shaker flew clear across the room and smashed against Anguirus' snout, releasing the pepper on the kaiju's nostrils. The armored creature felt an irritating sensation on his snout before he made a sudden expulsion of air from the nose and mouth. After snorting a little to clear out what little remained of the pepper, the kaiju turned to Mrs. Cake and let out a deep growl of irritation.

"Oh, dear..." The Earth pony's ears flattened against her head, realizing the mistake she did.

Taking a deep breath, Anguirus' lunged forward with his jaws wide open, unleashing a sound that shook the citizen of Ponyville to her core.