• Member Since 17th Jul, 2016
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I'm just someone who isn't much of a talker, but does like to share several ideas I've thought of.


When news about a new restaurant that serves meat opens up in Ponyville, there's a bit of mixed reception. On one side, you have creatures like the students and other visitors to Ponyville that'll be happy to have some food like chicken and fish to eat again. On the other side, there are the ponies who aren't fond of having animals being eaten.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 87 )

“Hmmm… Let me see… we got chicken wings, chicken strips, BLT sandwiches, creamy pot pies, bacon-wrapped bagels, chicken lollipops, chicken nuggets, beef skewers, and others. And of course, I could also include onion rings, potato fries, and stir-fried vegetables to balance the meal.” She then gazed at the students writing down the info onto their notepads with their pencils. “You got all of it?”

dang, now I'm hungry

“It’s an ordinary Saturday in Ponyville when everypony overreacts.” He quickly helped unload the machine and then asked for his payment. Gimme rolled her eyes and handed over the bits. The stallion then made his way outside, struggling to get past the mob of ponies.

And Tuesdays are disaster days.

Gilda placed her list down and crossed her arms with an aggrieved sigh. “Let me guess… they’re overreacting?”

You know them so well

Ok, after reading PeckishBeak’s stuff for a while, I can’t look at Griffons eating meat the same way anymore. :rainbowderp:
Good thing this is only T-rated. :rainbowlaugh:

Beef? You do recall that cows are sapient and talkative, right?

Also Fluttershy feeds her animals fish in season 1...

Interesting so far.

And what has Spike been eating all this time, besides gemstones?

Hello, PonyPixel’s editor here.

Now that you mentioned it, I completely forgot that they do talk in the First Season 😶😶😶

And during the Winter Wrap Up, I think I do remember Fluttershy did give fish to an animal. Maybe that’s different.

“Indeed,” Gimme replied. “This place is neat and the ponies living here are sympathetic.”

Well I mean in the final episode of season 9 in the future we did see a lot of creatures living in Ponyville so I think that's pretty cool

“I do. Recently, I’ve heard about this young chick-cub that has been adopted by a pony couple in a place called Cloudsdale, I think his name is Peter if I’m correct. And some other griffons in Griffonstone are saying they might move elsewhere in Equestria like Ponyville. But… I had a feeling that they’d get stuck eating plants for all their lives since ponies are herbivores and are not prone to eating meat. Griffons like me and you, or a hippogriff or dragon, need to have that source of protein in order to stay strong. That’s where we come in.”

Hmm yeah I guess that's a good point protein is very important meal of the pyramid Food Group if you know what amount you eat

“They didn’t season that skewer,” Peridot commented. “It lacks salt and pepper too.”

Yeah that's sometimes always a problem let's just hope they listen to criticism and make the food a little bit better

“Garry, would you ever pay for these high prices just for a small meal like this?” The young griffon looked at how much each meal cost.

Yeah I will admitted when it comes to like small lunching it should not be too expensive I mean if they're in good quality then maybe but still

“What about the ponies?” Peridot asked. “They’d not be happy about us eating animals since they are caring for small creatures.”

Ohh yeah I kind of forgot about that and one pony will not be too happy about it and you know who I'm talking about 😬:flutterrage:

“They do,” Gleaming Pearl agreed. “Our pony classmates did the same most of the time, especially Princess Twilight being afraid of ladybugs, which I don’t understand why.”

Because they're creepy I'm sorry I just don't like bugs and I can relate to that fear don't judge me

“You know, that does raise a question I’ve been worried about,” Gallus added. “Does Professor Fluttershy know about this?”

Yup I knew it this is going to make things very complicated so much

When the mare stopped to check on what the crunching noises were and looked back to see each one of her cabbages had a bite mark on them. “…AHH! My cabbages!” she cried in horror.

Lol oh my gosh I can't believe you did that nice references

“I do,” called a voice. A young filly known as Scottaloo stepped forward. “My parents are very daring when it comes to wild animals, they often hunt them before they can harm anypony. From what my dad said, some creatures ate non-meat foods, but this was often rare and the plants weren’t as filling as meat gained from hunted animals.”


“I’m guessing they’re right,” Rainbow Dash commented while pointing to Spike and Greta. “I mean, forcing a predator to be a vegetarian is like giving a plant chocolate milk to grow.”

Rainbow right you can't force anybody how they eat everybody has their own different taste when it comes to food

Ohhh now this is another situation that's going to be very tough so apparently there's a new restaurant run by a griffin named Gimme More which that's a pretty interesting name so the students interview her about the new restaurant and they said they can taste test it as a product of meat which that's pretty cool free food until the restaurant opens but unfortunately some of the food are not the best quality and the price are a little bit out rages for just a lunch in I mean it's not a dining restaurants at least I'm not mistaken but nevertheless it was the other creatures were pretty excited mostly for carnivores but unfortunately another problem is that ponies do not like the idea and basically harassing the other creatures who are carnivores so this is going to be a big huge problem so they had a Town meeting and it looks like Discord and rainbow try to distract Fluttershy not to go to town but unfortunately she started to see something wrong so they come clean about the situation and Fluttershy was not too happy about this situation as we expected that's going to happen but it looks like some of the town meeting kind of went a little bit better without ponies and creatures going crazy at the beach other kind of and Fluttershy this is going to be a long day for her I wonder how this will work out guess we'll find out next time

I've only read one fic where they had beef and one where they had leather.

For beef the deal was "not all cows are sapient" and they had a government inspector that had to verify the cows weren't sapient prior to harvest didn't even sound plausible to me.

For leather they made it out of sapient cows that chose to donate their bodies when they died of old age.

Then there is that one where discord gave the mc a ultra nice leather chair from an AU and it came to light all leather products were super illegal in equestria so he couldn't keep it.

The mare read the paper and was horrified with what she read. “The new building is going to serve meat?”

Aww, and here I was hoping Fluttershy would be all "oh okay, that makes sense, seeing its a griffon running it and all. it would probably have to happen someday anyway." Because, yeah, she's Fluttershy. But she's also Flutter-"nature's so fascinating"-shy, who knows perfectly well how the food chain's supposed to work, and that some creatures needing to veer carnivorous to survive is unavoidable and just part of nature.

And it would've been funny to see everybody to go to such lengths to try and shield her from it only to find out she's largely unbothered by it--nature is what nature does, after all. :raritywink:

But I digress! The story still does what it set out to do and still conveys that same message, if not through Fluttershy, so can't really complain. :twilightsmile:

here in brazil they canceled a jaguar for eating a capybara


Okay, it's just kids who don't watch Animal Planet. I'm brazillian and I just thought it was a joke... well, this is low... even for us...


But she's also Flutter-"nature's so fascinating"-shy, who knows perfectly well how the food chain's supposed to work, and that some creatures needing to veer carnivorous to survive is unavoidable and just part of nature.

There actually is one scene of Fluttershy feeding a fish to a ferret. Though "She Talks to Angel" has her forcing obligate carnivores in her sanctuary to eat a vegan diet, so...

And in the comics, she reacted to two groups of mutual enemy animals effectively tearing each other apart with fascination, not horror.
Hence the "nature's so fascinating" reference I made earlier.

But that's exactly the point I'm making here--she knows perfectly well the dietary demands of some creatures requires meat, and knows that's just part of nature. As for the "She Talks To Angel" incident, I always interpreted that as a rule for in her Sanctuary only, so to ensure all creatures present wouldn't be at risk of getting eaten by another if they happened to be common prey for one another, which honestly makes sense--no point to the whole sanctuary for the critters if they're just gonna end up as easy meals for other predators already there.

I mean, if she could get all animals, predators and prey, to coexist peacefully without having to eat or otherwise harm each other, I don't doubt she'd totally do it...but I'm also sure she knows that is probably unrealistic, at least wide-scale. And honestly, she would be a pretty lousy animal caretaker if she didn't and opposed that reality just because she personally was squeamish to it.

But as I said before, it's clear part of this fic's point is to make exactly that same argument, Fluttershy or not, so I'll probably be pacified so long as that continues to hold true throughout, and I don't really see why it wouldn't.

I think you mean this one. The fish wave to her and everything.

Funny thing is... horses sometimes munch on mice and other small critters... they're descended from omnivores, hence their simple stomach as opposed to ruminants, who will become quite ill if they eat more than a tiny amount of meat.

Then there are pigs... who will eat YOU if they get the chance.

Well...you're half right--first image is fan made for some added dark humor. :trixieshiftleft: But the second one is indeed from the opening to "Dragonshy."

I was fully expecting Fluttershy to be completely unbothered by the whole thing. I think it would have been funny to see a whole chapter about Fluttershy's friends trying to shield her from the restaraunt, only to find that she's not only aware of it, but actively supplying eggs and other non-meat animal products, and is fully behind the idea.

I also have a personal headcanon that's somewhat relevant; meat is a delicacy, comparable to caviar to us. This is based on the fact that horses are themselves opportunistic carnivores. I can't link the video since it's formatted as a Short, but go onto YouTube and look up "horse eats chick." The video is of a horse just bending down and eating a baby chick that was walking by.

I think meat would manifest itself in the show as a food only the rich could eat with regularity, and very uncommon for normal ponies.

There's even some evidence in the show for this. I'm almost certainly reading too deeply into a mistake or oversight, but juat like any good conspiracy theorist, I don't care.
Between the tomatoes and rhe cheese, there is a dark, round object that I choose to believe is meat. I will not be dissuaded, nor corrected.

I tackled this issue in a few stories and for me, it sort of establishes that ponies should be used to carnivores.
Fluttershy especially since she literally in one episode caught and FED fish to otters. Not to mention what was said about dogs and cats is a huge part of it.

I would also like to point out some interesting biology on horses and that is they can in fact eat meat, just not digest it properly.

Actually it would be more like giving a foal liquid fertilizer to grow considering that forcing carnivores on vegan diets puts unnecessary strain on their liver, kidneys, and pancreas (along with their other organs over time). I think a little slide show of various animals suffering from diabetes, liver, and kidney failure is overdue for young Fluttershy. Additionally, a lot of the wheat and grains used to stretch out dog/cat food has been been linked to various cancers as well. While I have mixed feelings about Fluttershys denial about nessessary diets, it’s not enough to ruin the story for me. Though I have to wonder if she has any real formal training, which could be part of the issue. It might be a little funny if she starts wondering where all the cute little animals keep disappearing to at the sanctuary…. Especially since mister wolf has barely touched his steamed veggies!

Not sure if someone else has already said it, but the issues with the restaurant are pretty normal. Especially for new owners/chefs, it takes awhile to get the food and prices right, especially if the local area doesn’t have similar places to compare your prices too. There’s a lot more trial and error then most people would like to admit. Which is why opening a restaurant is so challenging and risky.

I know Fluttershy is shy, but she knows how nature works. Kinda surprising to see her conflicted about this. Well, every story is unique for a reason, and not everything needs to be exactly like the show. That's how creativity works, right?

You have my attention. Would like to see where this goes.

My own headcanon on the matter is that it's something that everypony does but nopony talks about, but that's mostly to set up a human-raised character to make a "pleasures of the flesh" joke. EQG Spike would probably do it if it wasn't a crossover, because he's a dog and would have horns on that side of the mirror.

Comment posted by RedWhiteBrony1999 deleted Apr 23rd, 2022

Which I suspect where the whole "ponies are vegetarian" idea stems from--it's not so much due to a biological need, but rather a cultural choice to be largely vegetarian, because they wish (generally) to be so friendly to all creatures...and it's sort of hard to do that when you're also trying to eat them. :rainbowlaugh:

That would be a good theory explaining why he's much shorter than Smolder, even after going through the molting process.


As for the "She Talks To Angel" incident, I always interpreted that as a rule for in her Sanctuary only, so to ensure all creatures present wouldn't be at risk of getting eaten by another if they happened to be common prey for one another, which honestly makes sense--no point to the whole sanctuary for the critters if they're just gonna end up as easy meals for other predators already there.

I would think that depriving obligate carnivores of essential nutrients would make it harder to keep them from eating the other animals. Unless pony alchemy can synthesize said nutrients from vegan ingredients, which seems reasonably plausible.

Or maybe Fluttershy provides the needed food for them, and it's the predators are just not allowed to hunt and kill themselves while within the sanctuary.

There's a couple different ways it could be done, honestly.

Assuming a growth spurt's supposed to accompany the molt at all, and just how long ago Smolder's own molt was in relation. Given our only on-screen example of it was just Spike himself, there's little reason to assume how it went down for Spike is really any different for how it went down for any other dragon.

Well this is a very interesting situation here I just hope they don't make Fluttershy look like an idiot because I understand when it comes to carnivores they need meat just help her to understand this is called a circle of life

“Yeah, but the quality of the products is going to slip if you have too many of them. Also, if you had fewer options, you wouldn’t have to make your prices high.” Gustave showed Greta how much the meals cost and she was appalled.

Wow I didn't even know there was that many and no wonder it was so dang expensive especially just for lunch maybe dinner probably but still tone down the price Ponyville is not really the richest town

Comment posted by LyraHeartstrings1999 deleted Apr 22nd, 2022

“Tell him that the chefs are getting the hang of these recipes,” Gimme responded rudely. The waiter nodded and walked back to Gustave and Greta.

Oh boy I'm starting to see some problems with her restaurants :facehoof:

“I think there was something wrong with that stew,” Greta responded. She groaned as she held her stomach. “Please tell me you have a restroom.”

Uh oh judging by the name of the chapter theres that few problem :pinkiesick: 🤢

“You know,” Mayor Mare spoke, “I was willing to give this place a chance. More creatures would enjoy having different meals to eat if they moved here, but not if it’s being run like this.”

Well at least the mayor was pretty understandable giving chance to other carnivores to open a restaurant but if the owner doesn't care about the health safety rules then this is not going to fly

Fluttershy helped set out some food for her animal friends until she got to the wolf, who Fluttershy named her Sandra. Sandra had a bit of an issue when it came to what she could eat. There were a couple of times she had been caught trying to eat some animals like Angel, but Fluttershy always managed to catch her before she could get a bite.

Oh hey I almost forgot about that wolf and I remember her in the episode she talks to angel I think she's pretty cute when she not vicious

“Sounds good. Thank you for that advice! C’mon, Rose!” Carrot Top ran off with Roseluck following her, looking a little worried. Fluttershy and Sandra looked at each other in confusion.

Oh dear I don't know what those two are up to but something is not right and they're going to escalate the problem

Oh boy this is really not good for the restaurant right now so it looks like Greta and Gustav went to the restaurant of Gimme Moore and so far they only saw a couple of problems with the price money and not only that the waiting time was too long but when they got their food they were starting to eat but Greta felt sick to her stomach apparently something went wrong with the meat and there are so many contamination in the refrigerator and not only that even the Chef is not even that good either they don't even wash their hands which that is not good and also the fryer kind of explode and some of the hot oil hurt one of the worker now she also has a problem with safety rules but apparently grete was not the only one who got sick some of the kids at the school of friendship got sick as well and apparently they got food poisoning and Gustav wanted to warn her about the safety and health she's trying to serve the food if she doesn't comply to those she will have to force to close down and not only that she go to jail for in danger the public and her workers as well luckily the mayor was pretty kind enough to give her a second chance to clean her act together hopefully this experience will teach her to be more thoughtful and think about the safety of not just the workers but the customers as well meanwhile Fluttershy was still having some mixed feelings about this whole situation about that restaurant and she's worried about the animals but apparently Sandra the wolf I was so hungry that she went to that restaurant luckily the student stop her and once that was done Fluttershy took Sandra home but not until Carrot Top and Roseluck ask a question about a wild animal which this kind of raise a lot of concern about that kind of question and something tells me this is not going to end well I just hope they don't do anything stupid well we'll find out next time how that will work out

One more thing it's too bad that Greta and Gustav don't have a name tag it would have been very interesting to see them again a couple of times but they only showed up only one time and probably him he only show a few but never talks

Y'know out of all the Mane Six, Fluttershy would have been the one who would have been most likely to have consumed meat.

See, as the caretaker of many of the animals around Ponyville, there may have been times when an animal in her care was unable to hunt and refused to eat plants. So, she'd go down to the river, cast a line and fish up some fish. She'd then prepare it, serve it to the animal and make a show of eating some of it to show that it's fine. Any leftovers would either be given to other predators or returned to the river in a semi-ritualistic manner so as to give thanks to the fish for the sacrifice it was required to make.

Another thing is that while Ponies may be vegetarian, they are not vegan. They raise chickens for their eggs and milk is something that ponies trade for with cows.

If this story was an episode with a title card at the beginning, I'd use this as the music played during the title card

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