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Just falling through this tempest called life


Another story presenting a "What if?" scenario.

The changeling invasion has been repelled by Princess Cadance and Captain Shining Armor's shield spell. Every changeling that attacked Canterlot has been blasted out of the city...

...except for one.

Special Thanks to TheOwtcast for proofreading this story. Please check out their work if you haven't already.

Made the Popular list 8/1/2023!
Featured 8/1/2023!

Edit 8/1/2023 - Forgot to include the AU tag

Chapters (13)
Comments ( 87 )

This was a REALLY good story

Hmm this is a very interesting star of a story and also interesting scenario of what if stories so after Shining Armor and Cadence love Shield blasted all the changeling including Queen Chrysalis away from the city only one changeling actually was left behind his name is thorax and somehow he managed to escape from the blast but unfortunately he got captured meanwhile everybody we're trying to recover and Twilight's friends apologize for not listening to her but then they got the information that there was one Changeling is still here and it looks like thorax kind of Spill the Beans about his species and reasoning and basically for all the madness so now he has to wait I wonder how this will go

Luna nodded in agreement. "The next time that we have a royal wedding, I fully intend to be present, and not be asleep in a bed with orders given not to disturb me for any reason."

Yeah I kind of wish she helped during season 2

"That's interesting," Twilight mused. "They appear to have many traits in common with us, as well as many other mammalian species, so I had figured that their reproduction would've been the same male-female copulation followed by the implantation of the resulting embryo into the endometrium as in many other placental mammals with and a gestation period comparable to ponies, but it seems their insectile traits preclude them from that method of procreation."

Good Lord those are big words I don't even know what that means

Ok that was something so it looks like Celestia knew about the changelings but she never thought they were gone extinct but actually they were just hiding until the right time to attack but at least she told Cadence about the information about them in case something like that happened which it did and Twilight really wants to know how do these creatures work and it looks like the guards gave them an information about what he said Shining Armor was getting a little frustrated understandable but the princess needs to talk to thorax before Shining Armor gets to do it but Twilight also wants to talk with him as well but Celestia thinks that only Luna and her can do this but she can still like Twilight talk to him after they were done with him I wonder what the princess will do

Despite confusing some of these ponies in the beginning, the trick didn't work for long. Soon enough, a massive fight broke out, and quite surprisingly, the ponies came out on top.

Even after reviewing all that had happened, Thorax could still not think of a reason why that wave of energy that struck his hivemates and sent them flying wherever had spared him. What made him so special that the energy simply ignored him, as though he were nothing more than a tree in the wind?

That would be a very interesting Theory why it didn't affect him I guess you can say that he is much different from the other changelings

If you've never read any of his stories

*their stories (I'm nonbinary)
You're welcome, it's been a pleasure to proofread for you :twilightsmile:

Sorry. Hard habit to break:twilightsheepish:

Well then that didn't go very wrong poor thorax he was pretty nervous about meeting with the princess he couldn't like think or anything and Celestia noticed that he is much different from the other changelings and Luna did not help the situation by scaring him and basically he went to a panic mode and Celestia had to calm him down by putting him to sleep well maybe Twilight and the others will have a chance

Celestia looked at him with a frown. "Again, Captain Armor, I will not allow you to interview the prisoner."

Maybe that's a good idea because the attack is still too fresh and he'll probably will do something not thinking he needs to calm down first

What if... they don't trust me to do my job anymore?

It's not because of that it's because the event is still too fresh and not only that your anger will Cloud your judgment and once again I get that what they did to you but you have to think about the circumstances that maybe not every changeling doesn't have the same feeling about the whole situation

It looks like Shining Armor is really having a difficult time not knowing what was going on and he really wants to talk with thorax but the princess thinks that he's still not suitable to talk with him after the event but he really wants to try but the princess said that Twilight and Applejack will talk with thorax and he's not too happy about it but they reassured him that everything would be okay but he still doesn't think it won't this is going to be a long day for him

"Perfect," Thorax thought as he focused his magic on a transformation spell...

Uhh thorax about that....

Thorax got up and appraised the food in front of him. He frowned; these ponies either didn't know or didn't care about changeling needs. Changelings sustained themselves from the energy of emotions other creatures felt, and preferred to feed on love.

Well to be fair they never seen changelings before until they showed up in season 2 and there were about was pretty hidden for a long long time before they strike

First, he didn't want to cause any creature harm, even these two guards. They were only doing their jobs, after all.

Sigh you are very kind changeling thorax

"Now, I'd like to ask you some questions," Twi began. "I expect complete honesty from you; if you're lying, my friend here will know, understand?"

To be honest with you it makes sense to have Applejack with Twilight sense she is the element of honesty so yeah good move

Excellent story, but you should have posted it chapter by chapter over several days instead of one posting.

And whatever happened to Discord?

Chrysalis is still alive?

Chrysalis is dead, according to the last chapter

As for Discord, the majority of the story happened immediately following the season 2 finale. As for the epilogue, he's not really accounted for, so you can make your own conclusions. He could still be in stone, or he could be free from stone and elsewhere.

Wow, look at Thorax squeal. One might consider this treason.

On a humorous note, that is how you're supposed to talk to pigs.

Fluttershy is about to be the star in Little Shop of Horrors

Twi scribbled the information down quickly, as though she were a mare possessed. "So you guys take the energy from emotions of other creatures? Could that energy be restored to them? You know, given back?"

Yeah like sharing love instead of taking it

Well it looks like things went a little smoothly this time so thorax have no idea what was going to happen to him but then Twilight and Applejack came in and he was pretty excited to meet one of them even though under the circumstances Twilight and Applejack asking some questions and he didn't hold back the information they were asking and Twilight was going into twilighting mode while Applejack is like the lie detector but after that everything went okay and hopefully things will get better from there

The remaining four element bearers all shuddered; they remembered the chaos spirit and his vile game that nearly destroyed their friendships for good.

Oh yeah I remember the manipulation that Discord did back in season 2 premiere it wasn't pretty

Princess Celestia shook her head. "Captain, as I've said before, you are a direct victim of the queen, and this matter is one you are too personally invested in. I fear you may do something rash in the heat of the moment and leave us with no leads other than what this changeling has given us so far."

Hate to admit but yeah it's true usually the victims especially to officers of the law will Act without any hesitation especially after the reason events either they will put themselves in danger or the prisoner be in danger as well in the act of Revenge even if it's self-defense I think I remember watching that in Law and Order or something but it's sort of something like that

The admittance by Luna surprised many in the throne room, especially Twilight; she had never realized that her idol and teacher was bisexual, or possibly pansexual.

Yeah I wasn't expecting that at all either but then again it is been a thousand years

"I know that it may not seem like it, but your brother is suffering," Luna told Twilight. "You can't tell because his wounds are inside himself, and he is covering them so that you cannot see them."

Basically they're hiding their emotion behind a mask they say they're okay but deep down they are hurting

Well then once again things got a little awkward so it looks like Twilight and Applejack Got Back with some information but shining armor things he can still get more information from thorax but Luna and Celestia already told him that he is no position to do so especially since he was a victim of Queen Chrysalis influence and they had to put every note that Shining Armor would not allowed to talk with thorax or near him and he felt defeated and Cadence was still worry about him but until then all she can do is to support him as best as he can to heal his wounds and the others preparing for the wedding but I wonder what Fluttershy is asking Luna for

Why are you everywhere bruh?

Dear Princesses, it's important to be clear. You should bring him aside and point out that he's really not on top of his game: he assumed with no evidence that they were going to do something very stupid. So, he will take a break, effective immediately rather than waiting for his honeymoon.

Well I'm just where I think the story is interesting why is it a bad thing?

"Well, tough break!" the guard said as he whacked the bars of the cell in a taunt. "I heard what having that done to a pony is like, so you can forget having one of us offer ourselves up like a hot lunch! We wouldn't do it for a manticore, and we sure as hay won't do it for you!"

I get it that they are trying to protect other ponies but thorax is not really a threat he refused to hurt anybody I'm sure if he give him a chance

Other than two language error, this is a pretty strong start.

Plus, I love the fact that TheOwtcast is almost officially the de facto expert in all things Thorax, and maybe Pharynx.

Excellent job on this story altogether. Not much I can say that other reviewers haven't already said better, but the exchanges, characterizations and general wrap-up was all well done (including the reason Thorax was spared, the assorted explanations and the little after-the-fact alterations to future events [particularly Thorax preventing the destruction of the Golden Oaks Library, developing a crush on Fluttershy {probably more than a little bit of a rivalry with Discord given his own feelings for Fluttershy} and Chrysalis getting that level of karma for the stuff she was hiding]).

All in all, a rather enjoyable What If?

The tail jumped a bit, but then tucked behind the wall the rest of the pony was behind. A moment later, and half a yellow face with pink mane and cyan eye poked out.

Oh wow Fluttershy wanted to talk with him wow that's pretty cool of her to talk with him

Thorax winced a bit. This could go poorly, he mused.

I mean at least you're trying buddy

I really dislike the fan canon that Applejack is a walking lie detector because of her Element. This is further cement by the fact that this Applejack apparently needs some kind of magic to channel "honesty" that the wards block.

I can believe that she would be chosen because she has a history of lying experience, which is official canon, or that she has some keen senses instead of just being empowered by the Element of Honesty.

This Element lie detector is a fan canon that breaks apart if you think a bit. Applejack would have sided with Twilight at the start when she was warned about Cadence being fake.

And since we are using the "Elements empowers their aspect", why didn't Rainbow Dash use hers to detect disloyal ponies like Wind Rider who is only loyal to his ego?

Why didn't Rarity detect that Suri Polomare was being selfish?

Twilight is different; the Element of Harmony literally grew that Castle of Friendship and made the Friendship Map. But even then, she can only physically help ponies rebuild their friendship, not detect a broken friendship like a metal detector.

Pinkie and Fluttershy doesn't really have this trope due to their personalities that either already aligns with the aspect or clashes with it.

The "Elements of Harmony makes the bearers good at their aspect" is a really dumb trope that has some reasonably big holes in it. Most egregiously is Applejack being a living lie detector.

Fluttershy winced a bit at his wording. In truth, she had never considered the possibility of a creature needing to do something horrible to survive, but then again, she never really thought about what Harry did before or after coming to her cottage for tea time.

I mean Harry is a predator and unfortunately Fluttershy and he is a meat eater as in he eats other small creatures mostly fish but still yikes

Thorax thought about what Fluttershy had suggested for a moment. "I can't speak for the rest of the changelings, but if there was a way to get the love I need without hurting others, I'd gladly take it."

I'm sure you will find a way somewhere in this season 6 of this alternate timeline

Twilight nodded. She had yet to go see any of the affected ponies, but she had a feeling they wouldn't even want to be in the same room as a changeling after what happened at the wedding. "This will still need to be researched, though. As long as the whereabouts of the rest of the changelings is unknown, we can't presume they won't come back. There could very well be another attack at some point in the future, and knowing how to combat it would benefit us greatly."

Which unfortunately she's right they will come back in season 6

"I can't just let him starve," she said to herself as she went to prepare for the real royal wedding.

I wonder if Fluttershy is going to be a little bit rebellious and to help thorax

Well I would say this was a pretty nice conversation so thorax was not expecting another visitor and what he saw was another familial one Fluttershy and she was pretty brave enough to talk with him despite how scared she is especially what happened they really had a nice conversation and even telling how changelings eat and apparently they needed love to survive even though he didn't want to hurt any other ponies despite how hungry he is so with that Fluttershy left and talked with Luna about information that thorax said and Luna talk about the old times how things were not pretty at the time and Fluttershy thinks that maybe she could help him by giving her love to him which Luna does not like the idea so with that I wonder if is she going to do it behind their back

I mean, the obvious hint would seem to be that both Shining and Cadance wanted to throw out the “evil” changelings -- and no matter what one may think about the rest, Thorax would have a pretty difficult time qualifying as one of those. Now I’m not necessarily convinced that a “simple, basic” shield spell would normally even be capable of that degree of discernment, but given that this particular casting already had to single out specifically the changelings so as to not just blow up all of Canterlot or at least kick out the ponies along with them...yeah, there’s wiggle room.

Basically Thoarx didn't get knocked back because he never attacked anyone?

Nah, it's just that you're everywhere lol.

A bit oversimplified but yes. He doesn't want to cause harm and he doesn't enjoy causing harm, hence why he isn't evil and was spared by the shield.

Yikes. So many of these conversations should have been held in private. That superseding order MIGHT have been appropriate to send to the guards on duty near Thorax, with an additional order not to speak of this order to anyone else… but to all guards? It's basically saying 'your boss is crazy and we have lost confidence in him'. He would be best off resigning as a compromise to prevent that order going out.

It seemed like some things were said twice.

The individual dismissals were weird and time-consuming to little benefit. That could have been greatly compressed.

Also, these interrogations are very… half-assed. Even if the predictable answer would be 'I don't know', it'd be worth asking:

What were your movement orders specifically?
How was the plan was supposed to pay off in the ideal case?
What was the general treatment you were ordered to give to the populace?
Did you engage in combat? and then, why not?
How much training did you have?
How old are you?

In Twilight's session, there are some that would come up given her interests and what she heard from him.

What are the limitations on the forms? Can you turn into a flea or mosquito? If you do, are you as vulnerable as that form would be? A tree? A rock? Aside from hate and love, what emotions are usable?
How many ponies are held in the hive?
How much love do you need to feed?
Is there a unit of love?
Can you just measure/feel how much two ponies love each other?
We've seen the effects of heavy feeding on ponies - what are the effects of light feeding?
Don't changelings love each other?

ALSO, it seems to me that AJ as a lie detector is 100% non-canon. Her superpower is being so bad at lying that if you don't immediately know she's lying, she's telling the truth.

Twilight wrapped her own hooves around him and started rubbing his back in an effort to comfort him.

Awww 😢

Okay so Twilight was checking up on Shining Armor how's he doing looks like he was pretty excited for the wedding but he still feels guilty for what happened specially what he said to Twilight but she forgave him no matter how everything went she's not going to hold it against him and he still wants to talk with thorax but Twilight still thinks it's not a good idea but she'll probably think about it now she's checking up on Cadence and it looks like both of them gave them the same answer about how the shield work when they blasted the changelings off and it looks like Rarity is on a mission to make the most amazing dress of all

The pink mare kept laughing as Applejack rolled her eyes and kept up with her work. Eventually, Pinkie's laughter died down, and she became surprisingly serious.

"I don't think he should be punished."

Well at least there's another Pony who doesn't think he should not be punished

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