• Published 9th Nov 2021
  • 2,269 Views, 70 Comments

Horizons - Battwell

The sequel to Sonic the Hedgehog X My Little Pony: Chaos & Harmony. But a new player is added to the adventure of a lifetime

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War In Netherworld (Part 3)


Twilight flew at speeds she had never gone before to try and catch her sister-in-law before she hit the ground. As she was approaching Cadance, she had a look of hope in her eyes. She was gonna do it. She was gonna save her.

"Oh no, you don't!!!"

Just as he said that, Vulture swooped in from above and kicked her to the ground at high speeds. A crater forming where Twilight had landed.

Meanwhile, Sonic was speeding back and forth, hands on his head as he tried to think of something.

"Can you get up there?!" Peter asked stressfully.



Suddenly, Peter pulled Sonic out of the way of Rhino, who was charging right at the blue hero. But before Sonic could thank his friend, he was suddenly tackled to the ground as a blast of negative energy went right past them.

Things are not looking good.

Celestia and Luna tried to fly over to catch Cadance, but the helicopter full of Demon Thugs were not gonna let them pass as they kept firing bullets from their minigun at the two former rulers of Equestria.

Shadow ducked under Scorpion's tail and knocked him down by sweeping at his legs. Shadow then saw Cadance and skated forward at high speeds.

(End song)

As Cadance approached the ground, she closed her eyes and shed tears.

"Twilight. Shiny. Take care of Flurry. And tell her I'm sorry."

She was about to hit the ground when suddenly....

(End song)

Shadow appeared and caught her in his arms.


Shadow then teleported to the ground and slid to a stop with Cadance in his arms.

(End song)

Shadow put Cadance down and removed the wing clamp and the ring on her horn.

Cadance looked up to Shadow with tear in her eyes.

"T...Thank you."

Shadow merely nodded in response. Shadow then raised his arms and spoke into his communicator.

"Sparkle. Armor. I have Cadance here. She's fine, so quickly get over here if you can."

As Shadow lowered his arm, Twilight and Shining Armor both teleported to their location and ran over towards them at a fast pace and tackled Cadance in a bone crushing hug. Each of them crying tears of joy and happiness.

"I'm so glad you're okay!" Shining sobbed.

Twilight pulled away, "Y...You are okay, right?"

Cadance nodded and wiped her eyes with her foreleg, "Yeah. I am. But right now, you and your friends are needed in Nethertower. You need to stop Sombra and his allies. You need to not only save our world. But ALL worlds from being rewritten."

Twilight tilted her head, "Being rewritten?"

Cadance nodded, "That's their plan. They want to rewrite EVERYTHING. Every world, everypony, every universe! You need to stop them! I'll be fine here. GO!!!"

Twilight nodded, "O...Okay! We'll stop them," she then pulled Cadance into an embrace, "Just stay safe, okay?" Cadance nodded as Twilight turned to Shadow, "Shadow. Thank you."

Shadow nodded as Twilight teleported away.

As Sonic and Peter readied themselves for battle, Mr. Negative and Rhino were held in place by two magical auras. Both belonging to Celestia and Luna. The two former Princesses then blasted the villains away with their magic. Before anyone could say anything, Twilight appeared before them all.

"Cadance is safe, thanks to Shadow. But now we need to end this, and fast!"

Sonic smirked at that.

Twilight turned to Celestia and Luna, "Can you two blast a hole in the side of that tower?"

They both nodded, "Need you ask?" Luna replied.

The two then lit up their horns with their magic and fired two super powered magic beams at the side of Nethertower, creating a way in for our heroes.

Celestia turned to Twilight, "We will handle things out here. You three need to stop whatever it is they're planning."

Peter nodded, "That's the plan."

Luna nodded, "Now go save us."

They all nodded and made their way to the tower as Celestia and Luna flew towards the incoming Rhino and Mr. Negative. Peter swung upwards, Twilight flew, and Sonic ran all the way to the hole in the side of the tower, determined to finish this once and for all.

(Start from 0:11)

Eggman walked through the door alongside Metallix, whistling a happy tune, completely ignoring Orbot and Cubot, who were motioning for him to get out of there.

"How's the battle going, boys?" Eggman asked.

Suddenly Eggman was held in place by a magical aura. It was then that Sombra got right in his face.


"Of course! She knew too much, and was trying to contact Princess Twilight! She had to be dealt with!" Eggman replied.

"NO! Not like that! Cadance is a nuisance, but I WON'T see her MURDERED!"

Sombra's grip on Eggman ceased, causing the egg shaped man to stumble back. He then pointed a finger at Sombra.

"What? You HATE her! I would think you'd be HAPPY!" Eggman snarled.

"IDIOT! I want her embarrassed, defeated, and to make her serve the rest of her immortal life as my servant! She can't do that if she's DEAD!!!"

Suddenly, they were both grabbed by Otto's mechanical arms and were raised into the air.

"I've had about ENOUGH of this pointless bickering! Due to the recklessness of BOTH of you, those fools not only know of our plan, but we've lost our only source of leverage over them!!! You call yourselves geniuses but you're nothing but FOOLS!!!" Otto shouted in anger.

Sombra's eyes glowed a menacing green, "Says the one who lost to the rabble dressed in pajamas!!!"

Otto snarled at the dark unicorn.

"YOU think your any smarter than ME? HAH! That's funny, considering all you've been doing this entire time was nothing but POINTLESS calculations! No wonder you lost your company!!!" Eggman mocked.

"WHY YOU...."

"Hey, 'geniuses'. Spider-Man and his animal buddies have infiltrated the tower. Or are you too busy slap-fighting to care?" Taskmaster informed his employers.

(End song)

All of their eyes widened in realization. Otto lowered the others to the ground. Sombra held his head up while Eggman dusted himself off.

"Hmph. Send the Guardian Angels. They should at least slow them down long enough for us to get our final weapon online." Sombra ordered.

Eggman continued dusting himself off, "Yes. Metallix, take Zavok and guard Checkpoint X! If they manage to get THAT far, it's up to you two to finish them."

Otto crossed his arms, "Taskmaster, go with them. It's time to earn your keep."

Sombra sneered as he thought to himself, "You've gone too far, Ivo. The situation is bad enough, but then you try to kill Cadance...? And Otto, your lust for vengeance is hindering my goals for Multiversal domination. I see you both for what you really are. We'll finish the Sinister Egg Core, and then IT will finish the two of YOU."

Eggman grumbled while thinking, "I had such hope for the both of you. But you two have shown your weakness. We'll complete the Sinister Egg Core, not that it will do you two any good."

"You two simpletons have gotten on my nerves for the last time. I will not have my vengeance taken away from me because of the ignorance of YOU two. Once the Sinister Egg Core is online, I will personally see to it that you two are extinguished." Otto thought to himself while gritting his teeth.

Sonic, Spidey, and Twilight charged down the halls of the Nethertower in search of the villains.

"Guys, I'm telling you. This is EXACTLY like the Death Egg. Follow my lead!" Stated the blue blur.

Twilight had a smirk on her face, "And I'M telling YOU.... This is classic Sombra defenses. Follow MY lead!"

Peter shook his head as he swung down the hallway, "You guys have it ALL wrong. THIS is just like a good ole' fashion Oscorp Weapons Lab. You both should follow MY lead!"

The heroes jumped over what seemed to be an electrified bridge and made it to the other side with ease.

Sonic rested his hands behind his head and smirked, "Beam bridges? Exposed Super-Conductors? DEATH. EGG. Deal with it."

The heroes then approached what seemed to be an enchanted door.

Twilight had a smug look on her face, "Enchanted doors showing your greatest fear? Nuh-uh. TOTALLY a Sombra design."

The heroes were evading multiple shots from two sentry guns with laser sights.

"Advanced weaponry that locks onto its target? Yeah, I rest my case," Peter quipped.

(End song)

The heroes were walking into a room with Sonic leading them.

"Okay, that about covers the traps. What will settle this debate will be the robot...."

Sonic and the others gapped at the three robots that stood before them.


Peter looked to the others and sighed, "We calling this a tie?"

Sonic glanced toward Peter, "Yep."

Twilight smirked, "You would."