• Published 9th Nov 2021
  • 2,280 Views, 70 Comments

Horizons - Battwell

The sequel to Sonic the Hedgehog X My Little Pony: Chaos & Harmony. But a new player is added to the adventure of a lifetime

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An Alliance Of Evil

"Our king? And who do you think you are?" Otto said to the dark stallion.

"I am King Sombra. Rightful ruler of the Crystal Empire and the master of Dark Magic." Sombra replied.

Orbot leaned in towards Cubot, "This one seems very self centered." He whispered into Cubot's audio processor.

Eggman then cleared his throat and stepped forward towards Sombra, "You're Equestrian." Eggman pointed out.

"Very good, doctor. Your genius knows no bounds." Sombra said sarcastically.

"Watch it! I came close to conquering your entire dimension, I could easily see to it that you are a speck of dirt on the floor." Eggman threatened.

"HAH! Please, your feeble achievements are nowhere near as close to mine. I actually conquered Canterlot." Sombra boasted.

"Uh-huh. For how long?" Eggman asked as he smirked.

Sombra sighed and bent his head down towards the ground, "A few hours." He muttered.

"Heh heh. I had Canterlot under my control for a day at least. Not to mention that I had used the power of the Elements of Harmony, or what was left of their 'magic', to try rewrite all of reality." Eggman said.

This caught Otto's attention, "You nearly rewrote all reality?"

Eggman shrugged, "It wouldn't be the first time. I managed to erase time and space with a time monster under my control, I broke my planet apart to reawaken an ancient dark god, and I imprisoned a multitude of planets to submit them under my control thanks to alien energy."

The other two villains stared at the mad doctor with their eyes widened in disbelief.

"Wow." Sombra spoke up.

"Intriguing." Otto said.

Eggman then turned to Sombra, "Now, back to the matter at hand. Where are we exactly?"

"This is a void I like to call, the Ether. It's where dark beings like myself are sent to after they perish." Sombra revealed.

"And how, pretell, did you meet your demise?" Otto asked, curious.

"I had recently been resurrected from my previous defeat by a fool named Discord, who was disguised as the dreaded Father of Monsters, Grogar." Sombra explained.

"Ugh, I heard about Discord during my brief time on Equis. What an absolute joke! He is anything BUT the Spirit of Chaos! He wouldn't know what chaos was if it punched him in the face!" Eggman exclaimed.

"If I may continue? Anyway, I decided that I wouldn't play any role in that fools game. So I returned to the Crystal Empire and took it over for myself. Unfortunately, those blasted ponies got in my way and 'defeated' me. But in reality, they led me right to the source of their power. And I destroyed them!" Sombra went on, describing these events in great detail.

"Thanks for that, by the way." Eggman muttered, sarcastically.

Sombra rolled his eyes and continued, "So, I took over Canterlot and seized the throne to rule all of Equestria. But those annoying ponies somehow had the power of their Elements still residing within them and they used their power to tear me apart. And now you're all caught up."

Otto walked around with his thumb and index finger stroking his chin in thought, "Quite an interesting tale, Sombra."

Eggman stroked his moustache, "What about you, Otto? I'm assuming you've been bested by some do gooder who just can't take a hint?"

Octavius sighed and looked at the other two villains, "You assume correctly. I had recently completed a project I was working on for quite some time, The Neural Interface. It would help amputees move their replacement limbs by thinking, just like any normal limb. But, my former business partner and friend, Norman Osborn, took everything from me and was running for mayor. He cheated his way to where he is and I didn't find that fair. So, I freed five of New York's most notorious villains and we took over the city. I also released a deadly virus that quickly spread all over the city, I was victorious! For a time. My protégée betrayed me and stopped me from killing Osborn and locked me away like some animal!!! I've been imprisoned for nearly two years since then." Otto finished explaining.

Sombra looked impressed, "It seems to me that you know how to get things done, Otto. I'm impressed."

"We each have a thing in common. We try to make the world better for ourselves but some young upstarts get in the way of our vision and prevent us from claiming victory." Eggman surmised.

"What I don't get is how our plans failed. They were full proof!!!" Otto exclaimed.

"We're all geniuses in our own right. Alone we are a force to be reckoned with, imagine how powerful we'd be if our geniuses combined." Sombra inputted.

Suddenly, an evil smile found its way onto Eggman's face, "Now, there's a thought."

"What do you mean, Ivo?" Octavius asked.

"Sombra has a point. Alone we are powerful, but together, we'd be UNSTOPPABLE!!! I believe an alliance is in order. With our superior brains and power, we'd finally claim what is rightfully ours! We'd be invincible!!!" Eggman exclaimed.

Sombra then smiled evilly, "We'd be kings!!!"

Otto then smirked, "We'd be respected!!!"

"WE'D BE VICTORIOUS!!!" All three villains shouted in unison.

Orbot and Cubot just shook their heads, hearing this same speech from Eggman before.

Sombra then laughed evilly, "Just think! With our combined power, we could conquer all of Equestria!!!"

"Think bigger, Sombra. We could conquer all three of our worlds with ease." Otto said.

"You're both thinking too small. Why conquer three worlds? When we could conquer the ENTIRE MULTIVERSE!!!" Eggman exclaimed.

All three villains laughed evilly as a plan formed before them.

Eggman then began walking away from the group and waved his hand for them to follow, "Come, my new friends! We have multiple worlds to conquer."

"Uh, Ivo?" Otto said.

"How're we meant to escape this endless void?" Sombra finished.

Eggman then stopped dead in his tracks and slumped over.

"Crud." Eggman said.

"How're we meant to get out of here?" Otto asked.

Orbot then tried to get their attention.

"Um, excuse me?"

"If I had enough power, I could use my magic to free us." Sombra said.

"Um, sirs?"

"I don't suppose you have a solution, Ivo?" Otto asked.


"Unfortunately, I don't have the proper materials to create a gateway for us to escape into." Eggman said.

"BOSS!!!" Orbot shouted.

Eggman turned angrily, "WHAT?!"

Orbot then pointed behind them. They all turned and saw a tear in reality, coloured red.

They all turned back to the robots and chuckled in embarrassment.

"Um, WE KNEW THAT WAS THERE!" Eggman yelled quickly.

"Yes, we were just testing each other to see if we could escape if that portal wasn't there to aid our escape." Otto added.

"Yes, we aren't imbeciles who didn't notice the portal until now!" Sombra finished.

Orbot simply face palmed in response.

"Quit being a smart alec and SCAN THAT PORTAL!!!" Eggman ordered.

Orbot then floated to the portal and scanned it using his eyes. Once he had finished, he returned to the group of villains.

"The portal is stable enough for us to travel through." Orbot reported.

Eggman smiled evilly, "Excellent." He then turned to his new partners, "Shall we?"

They all smiled and walked through the portal, ready to put their machinations into action.

(End song)

The three villains stepped out of the rift and arrived in the command deck of Eggman's Final Fortress. The rift remained open behind them while Sombra and Octavius looked outside the window of the command deck, impressed that Eggman had built something of this magnitude.

"This is quite impressive, Ivo." Otto commented.

"Why, thank you, Otto." Eggman smiled at the compliment.

Sombra then chuckled evilly, "Now, our plan can finally be put into action."

"Yes, but there is an underlying problem." Otto pointed out.

"And what's that?" Eggman asked.

Octavius then stepped towards the rift with his hands behind his back, "How do we make sure that this rift doesn't just lead back to the Ether?"

Sombra then put a hoof to his chin, "Hmm. You raise a valid point, Otto."

Eggman then smiled and walked towards Otto, "Not to worry, We can just create an interdimensional gateway that connects to our three universes."

Octavius looked at the egg shaped doctor in surprise, "You sound like you've done this before."

"Believe me, Otto, when I say that this isn't the first time I've dealt with other universes. I have all that we need to create a fully operational interdimensional gateway right in this Final Fortress." He then turned to Sombra, who was walking towards the pair, "And with our three genius minds, we could have it fully operational by nightfall."

"That's excellent news!" Sombra stated.

"But I'll be needing something from my world on Earth." Otto said.

Eggman arched an eyebrow, "And what would that be?"

"My arms." Otto replied.

Sombra looked confused, "But you already have your arms."

Octavius pinched the bridge of his nose, "No, I mean my mechanical arms I use with the Neural Interface. If I have them here with me, we could get this done at a much faster pace."

Eggman then walked over to the computer console, "Say no more, my scientific friend."

Eggman typed in a few commands on his keyboard. It took a bit of effort to find Otto's dimension, but he eventually found the right frequency and activated the Matter Transporter. The laser gun descended from the ceiling and fired a white laser at the rift. After a flash of light, Octavius' mechanical arms, along with the Neural Interface, appeared on the floor of the command deck, tangled up.

Otto smiled and walked over and equipped his arms and the Neural Interface. The four arms then slowly emerged from his back and planted themselves on the floor and pushed upwards, lifting Doc Ock into the air.

"Now, let's get to work." Otto said.

After a few hours, the interdimensional gateway was nearly completed, it just needed a way to keep the rift stable enough for them to pass through safely.

Eggman then had an idea and turned to Sombra, "Sombra. Can you use some of your Dark Magic to keep the rift stable? You know, just in case."

Sombra smiled and nodded. He then lit up his horn and fired a green blast from his horn and it hit the rift. The gateway then dinged, signaling that it was ready for use.

Eggman laughed in victory, "Mwhahahahaha!!! A success! A brilliant success! We have created a fully functional interdimensional gateway!"

Otto then chuckled alongside him while Sombra laughed evilly.

Octavius then walked over to the gateway with his for arms and turned around to face his new allies, "We've done it! But there is a point that must be discussed."

"And that is?" Sombra asked.

"We need a base of operations." Otto stated.

"What about the Final Fortress?" Eggman suggested.

Otto shook his head, "No, it can't be anywhere in our three universes. We need to operate from a place where nobody would be able to access us."

"Like another dimension?" Sombra asked.

Eggman then had a thought, "No, like a dimension in between dimensions."

Otto arched an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

"They're called Special Zones. Essentially, they are dimensions in between dimensions. Very difficult to access, and very rare. That would be the perfect place to operate from."

"But wouldn't that take too long to find? And even if we do, it would take too long to set up a suitable headquarters for us to operate in." Sombra pointed out.

"Ah, but that's where you're wrong. You see, time works differently in the Special Zones. One hour out here, equals one week in there." Eggman revealed.

"That would give us enough time to set up the base and gather up our forces." Otto said.

"Although it would take some time to find one, but we could create one. That alone could take around three weeks, even with all of our genius." Eggman said.

"If that's what it takes to claim what is mine, then so be it." Sombra said.

"Then, once we create our Special Zone, we can gather up our forces and finally strike against our enemies." Octavius added.

Sombra then turned to Otto, "I can mind control some warriors and Ivo has an endless army of robots to aid in our cause. Otto, do you have any ideas on who you could get to aid us in our conquest?"

Octavius then smiled, "Oh, I have an idea. A sinister idea."

Author's Note:

Stay tuned

You don't wanna miss what happens next.