• Published 24th Nov 2020
  • 5,028 Views, 330 Comments

Level Up! - RisuUmbra

A new MLP MMO turns death game as the players are sucked into what they assume is the game... not as fun as you'd think

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Ch 49: Crossroads Pt. 2

Chapter 49: Crossroads Pt. 2

I’m not gonna panic, this is probably because of Sparkle and I can ask her about it later. I eyeballed my apparent ‘curse’... The curse of the fox… that isn’t really a curse. The curse of the fox comes from the Chinese saying “May you live in interesting times” which actually means the intended target is to live in uncertain and chaotic times… which actually makes sense when everything is put into perspective. The mythical creature known as the Kitsune is usually spoken of in the same breath as this curse which led to the creation of the curse of the fox.

I sighed and put the issue aside for now, there isn’t anything I could do about it for now. I don’t know how to dispel curses, only give them. We need to move on to the next step, it feels like it’s going to be sundown soon and I still want to make a few healing tinctures for David and Morgana. I suggested that we all split up to find more herbs but Morgana vetoed my plan and had all of us stay together. Her reasoning being ‘Never split the party’ which I ended up agreeing with, we decided to forage around the back of the city. David carried Morgana in his hooves while I fused with Calcifer and carried Falling Star. We flew past a few griffin players on the way there and I caught a glimpse of where all the thestrals were staying. They had claimed a whole street and had a few guards blocking off the entrance to the street. For a moment I was worried that they would impede us but instead they paid us no mind as we flew past.

When we got to the closest forest I let Morgana take the lead and direct all of us. I kept an eye on the skill though and waited until it was close to leveling. I don’t want to suddenly collapse from the pain. It was a nice walk in the forest with everyone. Morgana pointed out any useful herbs that I happily snapped up, keeping an eye on the slowly increasing Herbalism skill. It was when we found a small bush of that Yellow Yarrow herb that we paused, the passive sitting at 89% and this would push me over the top. Morgana and David were quick to slide to my sides as I plucked the herbs from the ground. The migraine hit hard but didn’t push me to my knees this time.

Adept Herbalism: Gives the user the passive skill of identifying plants

Skill Level 5: 0.02%

Cost: 1 Sp

As my mind cleared I parsed through the new knowledge in my head, now I could see what Morgana meant about being able to identify the herb but not know what they did. I could at least tell if the herbs had healthy or healing properties. I actually saw a few poisonous plants here and there but that’s something I don’t want to get into right now, at least until I know how to make an antidote for poisons. While we were all gathering I had an… odd thought. It was about enchanting, is there such a thing as useless enchantments? I plucked a stone off the ground and stared at it as I trotted through the undergrowth following Morgana. I wonder if I could just…

Enchanting Complete!

Stone of Gravity Detection: This magical artifact can be thrown to detect the presence of gravity, if it drops then it is there.

Rarity: 1/10 (Why did you make this?)

I let an honestly amused smile grow on my face, as I looked at the ‘ahem’ magical artifact I had created, I eyed my menu and the honestly pretty good chunk of experience that gave me. It barely even took any mana to make and I don’t think it really counted as space magic. I tossed the stone up into the air and watched the enchantment activate as it detected gravity, the stone never came down as David snatched it out of the air. I didn’t even need to explain before his system told him what it was and he busted out laughing. He passed the stone over to a curious Morgana and watched her giggle at it. Falling was just staring at all of us like we were crazy so I decided to let him in on the joke. He giggled at the silly enchantment as he looked over the softly glowing stone.

We had a good pile of herbs before he decided to head back, the flight back was fast and uneventful. Making a large batch of Healing Tincture was easier than making three separate batches. I had to continually add more water as it condensed down with the herbs, there was a moment of confusion as I puzzled over how the tinctures would be stored in the flasks. At first I thought I would need to mix the tinctures in water before I could store it but apparently not. The concentrated mush smoothly slid into Morgana’s red tinted flask and a red ball slowly formed in the center of the flask. I made three tinctures worth of healing for each of us. I also had a flask full of flux that I needed to get rid of at some point. It was well into the evening now and we had finished our preparation for going our separate ways. That brought everything back into perspective, the moment I hoofed over David’s flask an unexpected wave of melancholy washed over me.

The day was pretty much over, there were no more distractions or plans to go through. We were all going to split up… well almost all of us. I felt Calcifer land on my back and wrap a comforting wing around me and Falling leaning comfortably into my side. A nudge from David knocked me out of my funk, I shook myself. This was no time to be sad, I am going to enjoy the remaining time I have with my friends and tomorrow I’m going to leave and help the Thestrals and if Faith tries anything… Well David said it best. If she tries anything then I can just grab Falling Star and fly away with Calcifer.

That night we had a nice dinner all together, it all felt really… domestic with Falling Star there. Our own small little family all together for a meal, we ate mushroom stew with a side of salad that tasted great. That night was a peaceful one… at first, everyone was asleep and for some reason I woke up. Something woke me up but I was too foggy from sleep to figure out what, I looked around the room, Falling Star and Morgana were in the bedroom snuggling with my lion, David and I were sleeping out on the couch… well I was sleeping on the couch, David was sleeping on a cloud he had made floating above me.

I paused and listened to the quiet of the night and heard it, the flapping of wings getting closer and closer. That’s what woke me up, the tingling in the back of my head. My sixth sense … there’s someone coming… and I think I know who. I stood and quietly trotted over to the balcony, I slipped out and turned up to look at the night sky. There were shadows circling above me, the moon was high in the sky… midnight. One of the shadows landed next to me on the balcony, I spoke first.

“When your guard said you would hear my answer tomorrow, I didn’t think he meant 12 o’clock on the dot.” I didn’t need to look at her to know the pleased grin she was sporting, She giggled at my obvious annoyance before speaking.

“Oh Beloved, you know how particular I am about time, have you given my plea any thought…?” Her tone was leading and almost condescending, she already knew my answer but she wanted to hear me say that I would help her. I had a moment of pure spite where I wanted to say no just because of who she is but I stopped myself. I took a calming deep breath and spoke.

“I will help your people, but know this… if you try anything, and I mean anything that would do me or anyone I care about harm…there will be hell to pay.” Lightning flashed through the cloudless sky momentarily lighting up our surroundings and revealing the stygian glare I was aiming in her direction. The dark of the night grew colder and unnaturally dark as I took control of the shadows. I felt my intent start to constrict around her like a python before I let it relax, I could see the flash of fear in her eyes before she regained control of herself. I waited for Faith to speak only for her to give a shaky nod before going still once more.

“I’m glad we’ve come to an… understanding, come back in the morning at a normal time and then we’ll leave” without another word I turned and stepped back inside while not breaking eye contact and with my magic I pulled the sheer curtains over the doors. She could still see my silhouette but judging by the fact that she took off after means she got the message. I took a breath and turned away from the balcony and was surprised to see everyone behind me, David had his sword in hoof, Morgana hooves were covered in a layer of stone, Calcifer had flaming darts hanging over their wings, and Falling Star was sitting on the back of my growling lion. It was David who spoke first.

“Are we all good?” I let a smile grow back on my face, all of them had my back immediately.

“Yeah… yeah, everything is fine. Let’s get some sleep, we have a long day ahead of us.”

The next morning was gloomy and overcast and yet the skies were a bustle of activity, changeling and gryphon players alike were scrambling to get ready to be led to Southtown, to join the rest of the players. Even Spike the dragon was making plans to start rebuilding Canterlot after the players regrouped, the dragon moved with a renewed sense of purpose. Bright smiles were plenty around the citadel… except where I was standing. Down by the entrance of the city the thestral delegation was preparing to return back to their lands with Falling Star and I along with them. David was sitting by the front gate with me as he waited for all the other players to get ready to leave and Morgana… she was in the middle of trying to talk down Victoria, the unicorn that asked for her help hunting down her brother.

Morgana didn’t want to lie to her so she told the one eyed player of her relation to their target. There was a lot of anger and yelling at first until Morgana was able to calm her down and convince her that she was more than willing to help her find her brother. David and I were sitting in silence as we watched Morgana talk to Victoria and her ‘three’ companions about the route they would be taking. I haven’t seen Faith at all yet and at this point I was assuming that I would be the last to leave.

I pulled myself out of my head when I saw Morgana finish talking to Victoria and turn to us, she’s ready to leave. I nudged David to get his attention and roused a still groggy Falling to Morgana’s approach. Her expression was especially soft when she looked at us, goodbyes are always hard.

“... it’s time for me to go” After her soft words she made no move to leave, none of us knew how to say goodbye to each other. Morgana had been by my side since the very beginning, a voice of reason and kindness that always tried to do the right thing and help others. I stepped forward to hug her, the hug was long and warm.

“We’ll see you again soon” The somber feeling in the air lightened slightly as I pulled away, David hugged her next. Calcifer swooped out of the sky and landed next to me and Falling, he was waiting to say goodbye next. Falling and Calcifer hugged her briefly before pulling away, for a moment we all just stood there looking at each other before she turned to walk away. Morgana quickly rejoined her group and started heading northeast towards the mountains dividing the frozen north from equestria. We all watched her go until she rounded a bend and we lost sight of her behind the hills.

It wasn’t even an hour before the rest of the players showed up in a cloud of gryphons and changelings, the diamond dog players marched below them. Now it was David’s turn to leave, he turned to me with a smile.

“Remember what I said, if anything happens then just fly away and come to Southtown. They need you not the other way around” David’s caring words settled a bit of my mounting worry, I hugged him. With one last squeeze he released me then took off, he flew to the head of the flying players and grabbed one of the clouds out of the skies. A sudden flash along with the rumble of thunder pulled everyone’s attention to him. With one last wave to us David turned and started to lead the veritable army of players back to Southtown. I lost sight of him pretty quickly behind the other flying players, I took a fortifying breath and turned my attention back to the Thestrals. Most of them stood in parade rest or at least the pony version of it. All their bags were packed and they were ready to march.

“I’m glad to see that you haven’t changed your mind dear” Faith said while approaching with her usual four guards surrounding her, that made twenty five thestrals in all. She continued on past me and Falling, not even waiting for me to answer her. One of her guards peeled off from her and stood before the other soldiers and stomped a hoof onto the cobblestone, the clack echoing out and grabbing their attention.

“About Face!” As one, all the soldiers turned on the spot and faced the forest leading towards where Spike said the crystal forest is.

“March Formation Star!” The thestrals in the middle took wing and flew to the outside edges of the formation leaving a gap in the center that Faith was placed into. Faith gave me a look before gesturing that I joined her with her hoof. I frowned before levitating Falling up onto my back before trotting over to her. For a moment I was going to deny her out of pure spite but that would leave Falling vulnerable. Faith gave a pleased smile when I joined her before turning to who I'm assuming is the captain and giving a nod.

“Move Ou-!” The captain was cut off by another shout, a voice that was faintly familiar. The thestrals around us flinched and got into fighting positions, I had to strain to see past all of them.

“Wait!” Coming from the same direction that David and the other players left from was another group of ponies and leading them was somepony I wasn’t expecting to see again any time soon. I could see the gleam of her spear from where I was standing, a determined smile was stuck to her face as she charged ahead of her companions. I pushed my way through the soldiers and by the time I was past them she had reached us. She stopped around ten feet away breathing hard from her sprint, some of her near white mane had broken free of its ponytail and her brown coat was dappled in sweat. It was the look in her eyes that reminded me of her name, it was a steely look that I had a hard time placing as either angry or determined.

“Lucky Harvest?!”

Author's Note:

It's back and improved!

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