• Published 24th Nov 2020
  • 5,028 Views, 330 Comments

Level Up! - RisuUmbra

A new MLP MMO turns death game as the players are sucked into what they assume is the game... not as fun as you'd think

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Chapter 34: Bitter Medicine

Chapter 34: Bitter Medicine
Marcus PoV:

David and Morgana’s faces went through a myriad of emotions as I went through my story. I started all the way back when I first met Morgana and her brother Arthur, how the initial reason why I went into [Shadow Magic] was because I needed a way to restrain Arthur in case he tried to attack us. Morgana looked like she didn’t really know what to feel about that, I get that she wanted to defend her brother but at the same time… it was possible. I told them how I practiced with it during the night and how the skill itself wasn’t dangerous. David was slightly skeptical at that and voiced his doubts.

“Isn’t dark magic all about corruption? Dismissing the possibility all together doesn’t seem… smart” I nodded along with his words, this whole conversation was going much better than I had feared.

“Normally yes, but my [Cutie Mark] reduces the chance of corruption to zero and a [Cutie Mark] is needed in order to really be corrupted or else the percentage just stays at one to two percent chance” I almost went on to explain my thought on how the corruption mostly stems from power greed and the fact that there is no cost to learning the magic besides time and effort. I paused and realized how nice it was to share my thoughts on this.

“ After we left the forest I focused more on elemental types of magic, my fire magic and summoning magic led to my [Imbue] skill which if i’m perfectly honest I do not use how i’m supposed to” I gave a small grin at that thought, I’m proud of how versatile I am with my spells. David perked up again at my words and moved to speak.

“Oh yeah! I wanted to ask you about that, back with the other players I noticed that many others had fire spells like you but they were more… cookie-cutter if you know what I mean. You have so much more control and freedom when it comes to your spells, what’s the difference?” That’s a very good question from David, I didn’t expect him to be watching others' magic that closely. The answer is actually pretty easy despite how complicated it all looks.

“The answer is actually very simple, almost every element has an initial manipulation skill to help you start using that element. My [Fire Control] skill gave me the basic [Fire Bolt] spell and also my first elemental imbuement [Ember Imbue]. That’s just the first part of the skill tree though. Past that though are other spells and passive abilities that can be bought by skill points. The spells you saw are the ones that were bought, they can grow in strength but they can get better mana costs over time. I never bought another spell past the first [Fire Control] since I can just replicate anything I need. Any new spell or element that I want to learn can be gotten through practice. That’s how I got [Lightning Control] and my [Shield] spells”

That impromptu lesson was a lot longer than I thought, my throat hurt a bit but I kinda liked sharing what I knew. I’m starting to get a new appreciation for teachers. David and Morgana were listening closely and occasionally gazing to the side to look at their menu screens. They might be making their own plans to try and get more skills through practice like I have. I realize we’ve drifted far off the main topic, I felt Calcifer send a wave of laughter at how easily the serious atmosphere dissolved. Ignoring the giggling bird I took a peek out of the window nearby and saw that the townsponies had finished cleaning up around the plaza and had moved on to rebuilding. That reminds me, I really need to go through that massive hoard of treasure at some point. I’m pretty sure most of it should have reverted back to their natural not-gold state after Ozymandias had died.

“Okay, we need to get back on topic. This next part is pretty important so… brace yourself” I started off by explaining the moment Morgana and I had our little epiphany on the true nature of this ‘game’ and about Aaron. I watched Morgana carefully while I described the event, I had just got to the part where she doesn’t even have a computer and the moment she started to squint and massage her head I stopped speaking and watched her. She didn’t seem to notice I had stopped speaking,

I’ll allow them to know, you’ll need trustworthy allies for what is ahead

The sudden message from the sp- My Goddess caught me off guard and I almost missed when Morgana snapped out of her stupor. She stared at me with a frightening amount of clarity, going from slightly tired and in pain to wide awake.

“We didn’t have a computer! This isn’t possible! Aaron should be in prison and we shouldn’t be here! But if this isn’t a game then… “ The realization seemed to instill a deep sense of dread in both Morgana and David, David was the one to finish the sentence.

“Then this is all real, we really are in a whole different dimension, The NPC’s are real ponies… oh god! My skill basically mind controlled them!” David began to heave, a hoof shot to his mouth. Springing to his hooves he sprinted to the bathroom, the sound of David throwing up sent shivers of revulsion and guild through me. I should have told them sooner.

“Then… I led all those innocent ponies to their deaths… “The quiet despondent voice of Morgana grabbed my attention, she was still sitting in the exact same position. Gazing down at her hooves with a look of pure disgust as if they were covered in something horrible.

“No you didn’t, you saved as many lives as you could. You inspired them to fight for their home and defend those they loved. You are the bravest, kindest, most fantastic woman I have ever met and I am so proud to call you my friend” Morgana’s glazed over expression slowly changed, tears started to run unsuppressed from her eyes. I moved to sit next to her and gave her a hug, she didn’t cry for long. She pulled herself together quickly and looked at me gratefully before the two of us followed David into the bathroom. Our pegasus friend was bent over the toilet letting out silent tears, I flushed the toilet and joined him on the floor. Morgana joined me mere seconds later with a towel for David.

I don’t think David’s tears are only about his skill use on the native ponies. I think it’s about how he thought about them, how he didn’t think of them as people, how he didn’t think they were truly alive. That’s something that springs from somewhere deeply personal, he’ll tell us if he wants to. I just hope he won’t be too hard on himself. I wasn’t even half way finished with the truth and was already this exhausted. I felt wrung out, Morgana looked empty but heartened, David looked disgusted with himself and looked on the brink of passing out from simple emotional exhaustion.

“Maybe we should finish this talk later, we need to get some rest and if you want… we can keep talking in the morning” Morgana looked like she wanted to interject but stole another glance at David instead, his tears had stopped for the moment but the hurt on his face was plain to see as the sun. I’m pretty sure no one will have any issues with us commandeering this house for a night. I rose and gently grabbed David’s hoof and tried to help him stand, Morgana grabbed his other side and helped me steady him. The two of us guided David back over to the couch, I was too drained to try and go up the stairs. Calcifer started to dig in my bag and pull out some blankets, I didn’t think any more about it. All the thinking, planning, talking, and emotions had drained me. Floating the blankets up with my magic and draping them over the three of us haphazardly, David was out first leaning his head on Morgana like an oversized pillow. Morgana followed just as quickly after pulling the blankets over herself completely and making sure David’s head wasn’t going to fall. I lifted the corner of the blanket on my side and let Calcifer scooch his way under the blanket, his body was the perfect warm temperature and his feathers were so soft. I don’t care how juvenile it makes me seem, I snuggled in close with the three most important people in my life and went to sleep with a smile on my face.

Author's Note:

Trauma Then Snuggling

Short chapter... sorry, but I updated how the menu's look! Hope you like them! No more brackets!

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