• Member Since 16th May, 2013
  • offline last seen 16 hours ago

The Boss

"The rewards of tolerance are treachery and betrayal."


Comments ( 22 )

Not sure about this one. It's well written though

In the show spike didn't actually have an opinion on zecora and anything he would have said would have been ignored. I mean twilight at first thought they were being silly until the poison joke got her and their friends basically convinced her because she didn't read a book because she misunderstood the title thinking it was talking about ghosts and similar things when it was talking about plants that do cool things.

Intriguing. I will be looking into this one with great interest. You have successfully hooked me, good sir. Well done.

Not a bad story but it would need to be a bit more cohesive whole. It jumps quite a bit from one point to another and there are many time skips. Many characters are being introduced and then never heard of again and their stories are not resolved.


I was actually worried about those being a problem, now that I know it is, it's something I'm hoping to improve on in the next story/side-project.


I noticed a few spelling and grammar mistakes through the whole thing but they didn't detract from my enjoyment of this story.
I enjoyed reading this story a lot and I can't wait to hear more about Orzel and all the other.
The differing perspectives were nice to see, spikes maturation and Director Orcus were particularly great.
It's a crime that this story doesn't have more views, keep it up Jefe you got the good stuff

Love your work:scootangel:

Added to the Long Fics group. Hopefully you'll get readers to check out your work from that.

Luna observed figures moving in the firelight, accompanied by growls and the clatter of steel. Her palms glowed brighter as magic coiled around her body. Where once her gown had been, now came the weight and heft of darkened armor. Its surface swirled with wild patterns of light and dark steel, as Damascus steel was want to do. Despite its beautiful exterior, the armor had served Luna as recently as her return from exile, though in that context against her Sister's emissaries... The woman shook her head as she landed with a grunt. Standing at the edge of the circle, she watched the figures within with minor trepidation. What lay before her, violently shifting with speed and brutality, was a struggle the likes of which Luna hadn't seen since the darkest days of the Nightmare War.

Should this story not be labeled Anthro? In any case I’m not a fan of anthro, can’t stand it really. Which is kinda sad, as this seems like a story I would’ve loved.

Have a good day.


Humanized, not Anthro.

Edit: There's more detailed info in the description's content tag section. Don't know how you feel about that, but if that's more your speed I hope you come back! Thanks for reading regardless!

Ah, that makes sense. Although humanized ponies still not my cup of tea unfortunately. There’s only been one, maybe two anthro stories I’ve ever enjoyed. I just stopped trying to read them after a while.

If it’s Equestrian girls I don’t mind all that much, but anything much else and it’s not enjoyable.

But from what I’ve seen so far, it looks like you have a great story here. Good luck on your future writing endeavors.

Furthermore, as my daughter, you are my heir. One day, when you are ready, the Obsidian Throne and all the duties that come with it, will be passed to you." The woman turned in her seat, meeting Orzel's eyes directly. "I admit, this will not be an easy undertaking, but as with all things..." She took Orzel's hand softly into her own. "You shall not be alone."

Wait, is this meaning Luna is mortal, or Orzel is immortal, or is it preparing for the eventuality of Luna’s death or retirement?


Orzel is a dragon, and in this alternate universe they age very very slowly, at least in appaearences. Usually topping out at a maximum apparent age of 30-ish (Except for the extremely old, but going into detail on that would be spoiler territory). However, biologically speaking they're 'Timeless', rather than 'Immortal'. Like large rocks in a river, time flows around them while they remain more or less stationary, or so it's believed. As far as they know, they won't die of old age, but they can still be killed, albeit with a fair amount of difficulty. Given some of the dangerous threats Equestria has faced in the past --both canon and of my own design-- this enhanced durability and timeless nature makes Orzel a natural choice for the role, in order to shore up the line of succession in the event of a Decapitation Strike.

Luna in this scene is speaking of a time in the future when she will eventually --hopefully-- peacefully abdicate the throne and pass it to her daughter, much as the Royal Sisters did with Twilight Sparkle in the show. Though I didn't really go into detail in the story, Celestia is still guiding Twilight to become her eventual successor, a dynamic Luna is now copying with Orzel.

Thanks for the clarification!

If you go ahead and make a sequel, do you plan on keeping Orzel isolated from her family and Spike?

While I understand and agree with the logic you used in keeping her away from the rest if the worst should happen to the princess's, I kinda felt her being isolated wasn't good for her development

That's just my 2¢ I'll still read your story regardless


I'm definitely going to do a sequel, as there's a lot of stuff I want to do to flesh out the characters and the world. Unfortunately my work schedule's been kinda weird of late, so I haven't had as much time to write as I'd like. As for Orzel being seperated from her family/Spike, I actually had the same concern when I wrapped up this one, so in the sequel I'm aiming to have her, Spike, and Alba take a more active role in dealing with the Changeling Threat. I've also got something cooking to better flesh out Spike in the lead up to the next story, though it won't be nearly as long as this or the sequel.

Silently the girl's eyes flitted behind her spectacles, darting over each line upon the page with feverish intrigue, committing them almost instantly to memory. It was a fascinating story, in which the heroine, a woman by the name of Hearth Fire, was unwittingly tasked with the safe delivery of a platinum ring to a mysterious wizard's tower in a far off city of vices, a ring with which that same wizard would defeat a great foe. The protagonist awoke after being mortally wounded, yet somehow she'd survived, saved from death and pulled from a shallow grave by a golem working on behalf of the aforementioned wizard. Through sheer determination, the hero was fighting her way across a vast and dangerous desert. Gathering allies in her quest to prepare to fight a growing force of evil in the East, and recoup that which was unceremoniously looted from her not quite deceased personage...

New Vegas?

Cpt price and cpt Soap MacTavish. Atheist the 1920-1940's versions of them in equestria
Edit:don't underestimate the lose of one ship . Sometimes that one ship could cause a lot of problems


Yeah, I like putting lil easter eggs in like that.

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