• Published 10th Jan 2020
  • 4,492 Views, 48 Comments

The Equestrian Spider - Kronos11111

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Chapter Six

Author's Note:

I suck at writing a country accent so please forgive me. Also spike looks like this.

"A scar can be easily forgotten, but some words can be remembered for the rest of your life." - I can't remember where I read this.

I woke up and stretched. Looking out the window, sunlight filtered through the curtains. I walked into the dinning room to see Spike has yet to wake up. I looked around the kitchen and found very little to eat. Most of the stuff that was etable was tomato soup. I still had most of the bits from yesterday so I left for Ponyville. Once I reached the edge of the forest I stared out at the town. People moved from place to place, interacting with one another. I activated Zestu and walked out from the trees. When I entered I stuck to back alley's and large groups. I stole a newspaper to read when I went back.

The marketplace didn't have much to offer. Basic fruits and vegetables were for sale but nothing worth noting. I saw an apple stand, I couldn't see who was running it but I could see the sign. They were selling 20 apples for only 8 bits. I pulled out the bits and walked over. When I got there I bent down, grabbed a bag of 20, and placed down the money. I was about to leave when a orange hand grabbed my wrist. Looking up I saw a very angry AppleJack.

'Shit! How could I forget that AJ ran this stall.' I stared at her as she did to me. Unlike her however, I remained calm and didn't show any emotion. I moved my hand slightly and pointed at the bits with my other hand. She looked down at them then back to me.

"This ain't 'bout you not payin'." Her grip tightened so a deactivated Zetsu. Since I was no longer 'hidden' people started staring at me. Some even ran away.

"Then what is this about Miss Apple?" I knew what it was but I needed to be sure before saying anything.

"This is 'bout you foulnapping Princess Celestia yesterday."

I rose a brow, "What do you mean? I heard she was found outside Princess Twilight's castle. I also heard she was safe with no signs of damage or anything either." This was true, nobody would shut up about it.

"And what 'bout Spike or Derpy dis'pearing last night?" Her grip tightened into a vice.

"You're mixing up correlation and causation Miss Apple. Just because it happened after I showed myself that doesn't mean I didn't." She stared at me before finally letting go. I rose a brow and stared back at her.

"You're tellin' the truth so I can't be too mad at ya. Now leave before I change ma' mind." I moved through the crowd and went into a alleyway. Once I was out of sight I activated Zetsu and left town. Before you ask, technically I didn't lie to her. All I did was answer her question without actually answering the question. If that makes any sense.

On the way home I found a small stream with some large fish swimming in it. I grabbed a sturdy branch and broke it so the end was sharp. I took off my shoes, stepping into the stream, and started fishing. I only grabbed 4 since I didn't have a way to keep them good for tomorrow. I made it back to the castle and went to the dinning room. Spike was still asleep but the other two were up and training. I went into the kitchen and tried to turn on the stoves. To my surprise they actually worked. I started gutting and deboning the fish before cooking them. While that was cooking I found a clean and sharp knife to cut up 4 apples. Once they were cut into slices I held them over the flame to give then a nice brown color.

It was difficult but I managed to find four clean and usable plates. I split the food up equally and walked out with all four plates. I placed them down and looked over to Spike. He was finally awake and boy did he look mad. I went over to him while the other two went to eat. I undid his gag and threw it off to the side.

"You hungry?" I asked him. He didn't let up his stare and remained silent. "I'm asking if you're hungry. I made some food for you to eat." He once again remained silent. I shrugged and went behind him, his eyes never leaving me. I undid the rope then started walking over to the table. "If you get hungry then come and eat." I sat down next to Daybreaker. Leaning over I whispered, "If he tries to leave or send a letter, kill him." She nodded subtly.

I couldn't find any silverware so the three of us ate with our hands. Every now and then I looked back at Spike. He has yet to move and looked completely confused. It wasn't until we were almost finished we Spike came over and sat down. He sat across from me and next to Chrysalis. It was then that I realized why dragons live so long. His aura was leaking away very slowly. So slow in fact that I almost thought he was using Ten somehow. He picked up the fish and took a small bite. I could see the light in his eyes spark as he chewed. That was the fastest I've seen someone eat a whole fish. I was pretty sure he would've eaten the bones if I didn't remove them. He started eating the apple slices when the three of us finished. The other two went and trained while I took out the newspaper I stole.

I read the front page, 'Celestia foulnapped and rescued the same day.' Reading the article it said that I did something to her that caused an evil clone or something to be created and take her place. Then I kidnapped her and a Squad of guards saved her while I was escaping. Me, Chrysalis, and Daybreaker managed to get away before we got caught however. I turned the page to see a Artist rendition of Daybreaker, Chrysalis, and I with 'Wanted Dead or Alive.' We had a bounty of 40,000 bits each on our heads. Spike finished eating and looked at me.

"You going to tie me up again?" he looked on edge, like he was about to fight us.

"Nope." I answered simply.

He looked dumbfounded, "But I'm a hostage aren't I?" The rest of the paper was basic news so I closed it.

Looking up at spike I told him, "You're a hostage by definition only. To me, you're just a guest that is staying at my home. You're free to move around the castle as you want. If you try to leave or send a letter however, there will be grave consequences." He gulped and nodded. "Good, now I am going to train. As I said you're free to wander around." I got up and walked a little aways. Activating Ren I started to do push ups. Kill two birds with one stone, I get a workout and train my Ren at the same time. Since I was working out at the same time I could only hold Ren for 5 minutes. Spike has yet to move from the table. I took a small break and sat across from him. I was covered in sweat and my arms burned.

"You're not going to explore?"

"No, I want to see how you guys got so strong. But It looks like you are working out and those two are just standing there but worked up a sweat somehow." I chuckled and looked at him.

"So that's how it looks to non-users huh?"


I nodded, "The three of us can use the same powers your sister and her friends." We were quite for a moment.

"What's it like?"

"Huh?" I tilted my head.

"What's it like? Having that kind of power." He was staring at my intently. I thought about it for a moment.

"It's scary." It was Spikes turn to look confused. The other two started paying attention.


"Yes, scary. You can easily kill someone without even trying. A simple flick of the wrist and you've broken a persons bones." I looked down at my number, "And... it's even scarier when that's your job. The reason why you gained this power." Everybody was silent, not even daring to breathe. "But enough about that. That's move on to something less depressing. What are the missions with your friends like? Saving the world day after day."

It was his turn to look sad, "I don't actually go on any of the adventures."

I rose a brow, "What? Why not? You saved an entire kingdom by yourself. That has to be worth something."

"No, I just stay at the library and sit around. Clean maybe but I don't actually help at all."

"That's not true." He looked up at me, "You're the most important piece. It's you who finds the book Twilight needs. It's you who gives them what they need to win." I leaned over the table, "You're the one who finds the final piece of the puzzle that they need to solve it, and what do you get? Nothing. No party, no celebration, no cake, not even a thank you. Yet, you still choose to help them... Why?"

He looked down in thought. I could see the conflict in his eyes. Reliving how important you are but never appreciated. helping the ones you love, but never get helped yourself.

'Good, if this works then the seed of doubt will have been sown. It'll eat away at his heart until he comes back to us willingly. It will be a great blow to the others, both strategically and emotionally.'

"I... I don't know. I'm not sure how to take this..."

I sat back down, "It's alright. In truth I only brought you here to talk. I wanted to know what it is like to be a hero from their perspective." I turned around, "Chrysalis, make sure he gets back home safely." she nodded and started walking to the door with Spike. I caught up with them and placed a hand on his shoulder. "If you ever need a place to feel like your truly free, we will always accept you with open arms." I let go and watched him leave.

I activated Ren and started doing some sit-ups. While I was doing that Daybreaker left to hunt for some food. My abs were burning and i was sweating up something fierce. I stood up but left my Ren on. If I had to guess than my Ren was already at 2 hours. If I'm correct then Daybreaker is at 2 1/2 hours and Chrysalis is at 45 minutes. I'm not sure how but we seem to be training faster then we should. I just said magic and left it at that until I could really understand it. Daybreaker came back with some fish and berries she found. She went to go cook them while I continued to train my Ren. Chrysalis soon returned not long after. We had a small lunch and went back to training.

'I'm not going to let then do the water divination test until they can use Ren for 4 hours. What should I do for my own Hatsu though? I'm a conjurer so I'm a little limited. I could always do my favorite weapon or something...' I continued to think until night fell. It was when Chrysalis said she was going to bed that it hit me. 'I don't need to use MY weapon, I could use their weapons. I will be... The Spiders Armement.'