• Published 10th Jan 2020
  • 4,510 Views, 48 Comments

The Equestrian Spider - Kronos11111

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Chapter Two

I awoke from my sleep and crawled out from under my lean-to. I looked over to the sleeping forms of villains past, 'I guess it was real. This is going to be fun when they learn Nen. Until then I'll have to put my plans on hold. I need to train my own Nen anyways so it's good I found them now instead of later. I have to find other members however.' I took off my clothes, minus my underwear, and stepped into the river. The fish swam around me and kept moving up stream. I noticed that my body had changed when I can here as well. While I wasn't super buff I did have some muscle.

I finished up my makeshift bath and steeped out of the river. I didn't have a towel to dry off with so I decided to try something. I gathered my aura and used Ren. the explosion of energy blew off most of the water. I turned it off and put my clothes back on. I went to wake up the three only to be met with them wide awake. Tirek was indifferent, but the girls were blushing slightly.

"Are you ready to begin training?" That snap the girls out of their trance and all three of them nodded. "Good, to start I'm going to explain what Nen is first. okay?" They sat down and looked focused. "Nen is a technique that allows a living being to use and manipulate their own life energy, also known as aura. Aura is the life energy produced by all living bodies vital for survival. Aura from all parts of the body has a tendency to flow together, producing one mass of energy. This happens without the individual's awareness, typically resulting in a slow leak of aura continually escaping the body and stemming up and off the top of the head. The pores or points on the body from which aura flows out from are called Aura Nodes." They had a slight look of confusion but had a understanding.

"Nen users are able to manipulate their aura and create supernatural like powers. Normally it takes years of meditation to open and control the opening and closing of these nodes. I will however, be speeding up the process by sending my aura into your body. This will force the aura nodes to open up. Tirek will be first. Please stand up." He got up and I walked behind him. I put my hand near the back of his neck and I used Ren. His Aura started to flow out of his body in mass, almost like Ren but without any refinement. "Focus and stop the aura from escaping. Imagine it flowing through and around your body without leaving it."

He closed his eyes and started focus on his aura. It slowly started to retract and flow smoothly around him. he opened his eyes and looked down at himself. "Go sit down and focus on maintaining this state." he sat down and closed his eyes. I did the same with Cozy.

Cozy's aura almost instantly formed into Ten, 'Holy shit! She might be on the same level as Gon and Killua. Maybe even more.'

"Very impressive Cozy. Go ahead and join Tirek." She sat down next to him. I walked behind Chrysalis and sent my Ten into her body. Her aura came flooding out.

Chrysalis had a lot more trouble than the previous two. She was sweating profusely and out of breath. She barely made any progress since starting about ten minutes ago. She kneeled over and started to cough up blood. Cozy tried to help her but I held out my arm to stop her. Chrysalis slowly stood back up, clearly in pain. Her eyes were bleary and out of focus.

'Her aura has been drained by a great amount. She's on the verge of death at this point. Come on Chrysalis, don't die on me.' Her aura began to smoothen, taking on a more caring feeling. She fell to her knees, gulping in every breath.

"You did great. Go get some rest."


I sighed, "It's not like she could. The reason you almost died is because too much of your aura escaped."


"please stop yelling. And yes, my initiation could easily kill someone. You and I both know if I told you that nobody would have done it." They looked in thought and nodded. "Get some rest."

She shook her head, "No, I'm going to keep working."

I simply shrugged, 'If she wants to continue then that's fine with me.'

"Everyone form in a circle. Class is back in session." I sat down and the others gathered around me. Activating my own Ten I began to speak, "What you are doing is one of the four major principals of Nen, it's called Ten. Ten is the process of keeping the nodes open, but also having aura flow through and around the body rather than away from it. Once maintained, it creates a shroud around the user that feels similar to standing in a lukewarm, viscous fluid. Ten maintains youthful vigor and reduces one's aging, since the energy powering the body no longer leaks away; one can keep the body from breaking down and deter the aging process.

"Ten is the most basic defense against emotional Nen attacks, and it also offers limited protection against physical attacks, but hardly any when said attacks are enhanced with aura. Through frequent meditation and practice, one can improve the quality of their Ten and even maintain it in their sleep. Once it has been learned, it will never be forgotten, much like cycling and swimming.

"Despite being the most elementary technique of all, Ten is also one of the most important, since, together with Ren, it plays an instrumental role in determining the strength and smoothness of a Nen user's aura flow. For the next few days we will be working on nothing but our Ten. Understood?" They all nodded and started meditating. I put my hands on my knees and closed my eyes.

My senses started to grow dull as time passed. My hearing was the first to disappear. Touch and taste left at the same time not long after. A few minutes later my sense of smell. I was only able to tell when the smell of grass want further and further away.

I began to think, 'Who should I pick to be the other Troupe members? If Twilight hasn't gotten to them yet then I want to get Trixie, Starlight, and Tempest. Discord is a obvious choice, but it will be difficult if he's already reformed. If at all possible I would like to get Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker on my side as well. If Sombra is alive then he would be a great choice. Convincing him might be even harder than discord. That leaves two open spots left.'

"This is a interesting sight. Who and what might you be?" I turned around to see Princess Luna.

"Princess Luna? If you're here then I must've dosed off while meditating. To answer your question, I'm Julien Wood, and I'm a human."

Her eyes widened slightly, "A human? My sister has told me little about them when they appeared after my banishment. They disappeared before I could return however." She looked me over slightly, "You have a very smooth Nen, but it should only be able to be used by the element bearers and the Princesses. I must ask, how do know about it?"

I looked over her to notice she also had Ten, 'So only the main six and the Princesses can use Nen? That will be great down the line, but why did she call it Nen and not Ten. Does she not know about the four principals? What about the others, do they not know as well?'

"Thank you for the compliment. I learned about it through images I found while exploring one day." AKA I found the manga Hunter x Hunter while I was walking around the city. It was in a bargain bin at some hole in the wall bookstore.

"Is that so?" She slowly started to fade away, "It seems your waking up. I hope to speak to you again Julien." She completely faded and I felt .my senses come back to me. I opened my eyes to see the moon high in the sky. A small stone 'house', for a lack of a better term, was made by the river. Cozy walked out and noticed me.

"Your awake, we called it quits when the sun fell. We were going to ask what to do next but you seemed to be asleep. Dinner is ready if you want some." My stomach decided to make itself known.

I stood up, "Dinner sounds nice."

'That was a short talk with Luna. Hopefully we won't have to again. I don't know if she can track me like that or not.'
(POV Luna)

I was walking down the hallway to the throne room. I had just risen the moon and it was my turn to rule. Entering I found my sister talkt with the element bearers.

I sped up, "Sister I have something to tell you." She turned to me, "I was exploring the dream realm and found something interesting."

"What did you find dear sister?"

"A human." She flinched slightly, "Not only that but he can somehow use Nen as well." Her eyes went wide. She started shaking and hyperventilating, "Sister!" Everypony did their best to help but to no avail.

She suddenly spoke, "We must find him. Where is he sister?"

I was confused, "I don't know. Why do we need to find him. He was quite nice to me."

"Don't let him fool you. Humans are monsters that kill without any remorse. We must find him right away." She teleported away before we could ask her anything.

I looked at the bearers, "I'm sorry for my sister. Please stay the night. I'm sure we will have much to discuss in the morning." The bearers slowly walked out, confusion clearly written on their faces.

I sat down on my throne, 'What is it that you're not telling me sister?'