• Published 5th Jan 2020
  • 1,838 Views, 92 Comments

Atychiphobia - Ice Star

[Poetry] Sunset Shimmer struggles with keeping a regular diary, among other things.

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Merry Hearth

Bright Star's dear Sunnybun has no future with me. I love her as dearly as any mare my age can, but Celestia knows I should have moved into a place better for an old gray mare like me years ago. The firework already has the stubborness of a star-beast, and I'm losing my ability to keep up with her. Sunnybun's interest in this school is a blessing from Celestia herself. How else am I to ensure she'll have a proper home in case something happens to me? At the School for Gifted Unicorns, they will know to keep her mind busy until marehood.

Goodness knows I can't. Celestial Charity and Disability Services bits are more than enough for an old soul like me, but little Sunnybun is different. She's a child, for Celestia's sake, and a bright one at that. I wouldn't let her waste away in lesser schools when she aims for the best. But those bits only go so far to every book she wants and the latest trinkets of a young filly. She's never been to the cinema and the greatest gifts she's known are trips to those old wizard travelling shows that come by ever now and then or the odd bit of stage magic that comes rolling through.

I don't know how much more I can do this. Pulling her to where she needs to be is truly pulling the sun. And to think that the blessed Princess Herself manages a whole school of foals. Why, they're probably all like Sunnybun too. I swear to the Sun Mare herself, whatever must be signed to let that little one have the home and things she ought to will be so that she can live on their campus. If it's as big as I remember, she'll have more than enough space for years to come.

She rarely gets to play outside. Sunnybun will talk off the ear of anypony who will listen and keep burning long past her bedtime, but I can't chase after her. I can't know the streets of how this city keeps growing. She'll get lost if I let her out there. I know she will. Yards are good enough for fillies who haven't even entered school, and the cul-de-sac is enough of a world for her until I can get her to that jewel of a city, her Canterlot.

I don't think she even likes little one her age. She'll chat with them like anypony else and join in for all the old games - hide and seek, tag, and the like - and insist on playing Princess Celestia in all their make believe games. Sunnybun laughs with them and remembers all their names, the sweet filly. She just doesn't bring anypony home. She'll bring cookies and punch outside and romp around as any child should, but no friendship of hers has ever been brought past the front door. She certainly is good about being polite and eager, and tells me all about the little ones I see from the porches and windows. Sunnybun just never has more than playmates, I suppose. I'm not sure if she'll miss the other rugrats in Canterlot.

If she gets in...

I have faith in that filly, but faith alone won't get a spot in that school. It's as much of a crown jewel as the city and goddess herself are. Why, one of the neighbors had a shrinking violet of a little gal. Perfectly above average in magic, but she still wasn't able to stay in that exclusive place. Princess Celestia cherry picks the very cherry picked prodigies she tosses in that ancient place, who knew! Sunny's a gifted gal, and that's no doubt why she can't connect with others well. Firecracker attitudes and a sprinkling of tantrums here and there aren't enough to deter a force as fickle as children from playing with her. She needs to be around foals who can handle her better. Sunnybun's just too high-strung and special; I have to tell the little one that nearly every day. She is special and is going to go places, but by the gods, getting her to the top is difficult.

She needs somepony who can be a proper family for her, and love her like I can't. Somepony who will never be weary of her or with her and just love her enough.