• Published 5th Jan 2020
  • 1,838 Views, 92 Comments

Atychiphobia - Ice Star

[Poetry] Sunset Shimmer struggles with keeping a regular diary, among other things.

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Love, and Other Wrong Impressions

"Hello, who is it?"

"Oh? Sunset, that's you? Gracious me, it seems like you find a new way to knock every day."

"Yes, you have my permission to enter. What is it that you needed? This isn't about any of your recent assignments, is it?"

"I... You just wanted to talk? Why is that? Is there something wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong? Then Sunset, what is..."

"Oh, you silly goose. 'My door is always open' is just a figure of speech, dear. I thought you would have known that by now."

"Ah... well, I'm afraid my office is no more special than anypony else's."

"Ah, no, my Faithful Student. I'm not the type of teacher that would need office hours. You have been my only pupil since the last."

"Yes, you may take a seat. But, please, dear, do try and be brief. I have a meeting in an hour and a half with the Mayor-Mare of Whinnyapolis and that is not a duty I can reschedule."

"Good. Now, what is it that you wanted to talk about? Is there something going on that I need to be concerned with?"

"Hm, what about us, my Faithful Student?"

"No, I sent that Mother's Day card to your grandmother. She is much more deserving of it than I, and I'm sure she'll be sending her thanks for it shortly. We really should find the time for you to have a visit home. I can't imagine your poor grandmother likes being separated from her Sunnybun for years like this."

"Oh, Sunset, what is the matter? Did you want to send it yourself? Oh good heavens, why did you give it to me if you didn't want it sent home?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"Sunset, please enunciate, or are my ears deceiving me?"

"Why would you want me to have your Mother's Day gift? That is highly inappropriate, dear. Unless..."

"Oh, Sunny, you don't have to cry. I get it, I really do."

"Yes, I'm so sorry I didn't see it beforehand. Fillies your age just adore pranks. Calling the teacher 'mom' is very 'in' with the foals still, I suppose? Are you upset I didn't laugh? How about this, on the next All Foal's Day, we can have a do-over and a prank-war. There are never any summits or court on that day, and I'm sure that you would enjoy a break from your studies for a full day if you continue to earn it. Doesn't that sound nice?"

"...There is no need to scream at me, Sunset Shimmer. It was only a card, that's nothing to get mad about."

"What was that?"

"A-adopt you? Sunset, I do not think you understand what you're asking of me."

"...Please, lower your voice. Goodness, great heavens... adopt you? Why, Sunset? You are my ward and your grandmother is very much alive, what you ask is something more appropriate for a—"

"...You think of me as your m-mother? Sunset, I-I..."

"I have never adopted anypony before, Sunny. I am not a mother."

Nor have I ever wanted to be.

"How long have you felt this way? Why didn't you give me any sign? Oh Sunny, why didn't you just tell me?"

"...I see."

"Please, don't cry, Sunset. You don't need to shout. I... I'm not going to adopt you. To do so would break the bond between teacher and student. I would no longer be able to teach you—"

"Sunset, you need to listen. Please, try some deep breaths. You have no reason to be angry with me. I want to continue to be your teacher, and if you continue to act like I am your mother or want that from me, then we would both be breaching the ethics of the distance we are required to maintain for our respective positions. Do you understand that, Sunny?"

"Sunny, please. Do not speak so cruelly to me. I hear you very well; shouting will not make me reconsider. You're a big filly, aren't you? When was the last time you got something by stamping your hoof and screaming? Why is it that every time you find a limit, you must try and push it?"

"Cold? How am I cold? Do you really think that you can get what you want by screaming such things at me like I am across a gorge? For shame, Sunset Shimmer. I have boundaries too. You fail to have empathy for me or realize that adoption is a mutual process requiring my consent and vulnerability in doing what you wish. Instead, you have stomped all over the respect my choice deserves. Not only that, but you have also failed to recognize that you have a very narrow view of the love I have for you. How is it that you could come to me with a sensitive request, and as soon as I so generously offer you my time and your answer, you turn around and act so viciously?"

"Watch that horn! I do not want you to have another surge! Your magic and emotions are a fire that you must learn to bottle and swallow, my dear, lest the scorch everypony around you."

"No, Sunset! No magic! Dim your horn this instant, or I will!"

"Sunset Shimmer, I think I have been far too lenient with allowing your behavior. You break my rules, disregard my curfews, intrude upon the home I have extended to you, and spit upon the muzzle of my curriculum. I am deeply sorry for the way you feel, but you have chosen to react poorly. Do I need another sign that I have coddled you too much, as a mother might?"

"I don't have to stand for these accusations, young lady. Stop with your cruel words and calling me an Ice Queen when I'm not. It is I who have had your best interests at heart and have been trying to push you where it is you are needed most. I am your teacher, and I will always be. I see now that I need to start acting more like one. Most of my Faithful Students required at least thirty years of tutelage before I could even consider graduating them from their studies. Somehow, you are proving yourself to be more of a hellion than any of my Faithful Students when they are close to fifteen years under my wings!"

"Language, Sunset! I am pleading with you to listen, and to listen kindly! Your grandmother reviewed my teaching contract and saw fit to sign it after I approached you about Studenthood. She saw no problem with the lengthy studies my Faithful Students undergo, and neither should you. I think you should look at the positive side: since you are the youngest Faithful Student I have ever had, you will graduate young too. My average Faithful Student is thirteen years old and graduates at forty-three. Consider the bright scholar you will be and the record-setting future that awaits you, my dear Sunnybun!

"You need to listen to me right now. I have lent you my time and my ears, only for you to slander me. Do you not realize how many times I have let you insult me? How prone to fights you are? I said it once, and I will say it again: swallow your heart. You are giving your emotions too freely, and it is blinding you. From this day forward, there will be no more outbursts. One more screaming match like this, and I am going to have to reconsider your studies."