• Member Since 29th Jan, 2013
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Scipio Smith



Twilight Sparkle has been living in Ponyville for almost a year now, and the long-awaited Grand Galloping Gala is just a few days away. But three strangers have come to Ponyville, bringing with them the promise of great change.

One is the enigmatic Raven, who reveals little of herself beyond vague generalisations but who appears to have some history with Twilight and her friends, even if none of them can ever recall meeting her before.
Making much more of a bang, literally, are Prince Lightning Dawn and his sister Krysta; together they bring astonishing revelations about the history of Equestria, while Lightning also brings a stick lodged in his posterior. But Twilight can see something underneath his often unappealing manner, and as he bends towards her she begins to wonder just what it is she might be feeling towards this stranger from the stars.

Can Twilight open Lightning's eyes to a whole new world, and whole new way of living beyond the grim austere demands of duty and necessity? Or will Lightning's nature drive away not only Twilight but also his best hope of salvation?

Unbeknownst to either of them the fates of worlds and stars and even an entire galaxy are bound to these two, the virtuous princess and the half-made knight; and their journey has just begun.

Chapters (17)
Comments ( 19 )

Hmmm, a nice start Scipio.

I can see the possible (and probable) directions you're going to take this in. I look forward to seeing more of this.

Of course, You have to believe to see it. And good for me that I can see plenty.

Until the next installment,

Okay, this looks nice. Will read later.

It's well-written but I'm finding it a bit hard to follow.
Would you mind explaining? I could just be a bit slow today. :twilightblush:

Is this a crossover? If so with what series?

It's an alternative take on a fairly infamous fanfic on this very site called "My Brave Pony: Starfleet Magic" in which the author of that series basically tears down everything you love about MLP:FiM and replaces it with his bad OCs and worse philosophy.

If you're lost by everything that Lightning has just said then you're in the same boat as Twilight and that was partly the point. More explanations are going to follow next chapter that will hopefully clarify a lot of stuff.

Oh my God! This is so good! Can't wait for more :yay: :pinkiehappy:

Comment posted by SpikeSmolder fan deleted Apr 22nd, 2020

I am very confused and concerned.

Raven will be brought by an Ecclisiarch to be a part of an Engine of Penance when this is all over and done with.

I just finished reading this story, and I am very confused.

The storyline is solid. There are some good plotlines going on, and it doesn't feel like anything is being shoehorned in. The characterizations are spot on, and I love that the voice of the narration matches the character that is being followed.

I am confused because this story has only 1k views and a hand full of likes and comments. This is severely underrated.

I'm looking forward to reading the second part!

“Well,” Rarity said sharply. “I must say, Prince Lightning Dawn, that I am inclined to agree with Applejack upon one thing: a prince should have better manners than to be so frightfully rude.”

Nope he really wasn't that rude about it and the reason for it makes worse. Typical over reacting ponies. You really could have executed this better. Have him be more insulting instead of simply saying he simply rather not see it.

I notice that every comment on this has at least one downvote.

Now that's just pretentious, Mykan.

Yeah, this is a good chapter. I like the characterization of Lightning Dawn, and I'm guessing that Saturn is a renamed Titan. This looks promising.

It did, in a sense. This was a little droplet of pure darkness, concentrated malice, hatred, evil, this was sin itself; long ago, in ancient times when races older than ponies had walked the stars, a very clever but equally foolish archmage and scientist had had the idea that they could identify the evil within their fellow creatures and remove it. Just suck it right out of them, strip them of all sin. And thus, they reasoned, would they create a utopia where everyone was good and kind and decent. A noble thought, but a misguided one; even here in Equestria, the closest to a utopia that Raven had ever seen, there was yet darkness dwelling alongside the light. Mild darkness, to be sure, compared with what Raven had seen elsewhere, but nevertheless... it was in the nature of beautiful things to be flawed; perfection was too uncanny to look upon for too long, let alone to appreciate. Yet he had set to work, this clever, foolish creature, bending his energy towards sucking the darkness right out of people and putting it... where? Why, in a box. In a box that grew larger and larger as more and more sin and vileness and base desires got shoved away inside in a single roiling, broiling, fermenting mass of sheer hatred until the box could contain it no longer. Evil swept back into the world, consuming all it touched, corrupting them, bending them to its will until it was defeated. Raven did not know, or perhaps she could not recall, how it had been done. She did not know whether the defeat was permanent; some legends said the darkness had simply fled into deep space, to lick its wounds and recover its strength ere it returned to once more attempt to snuff out light and goodness once and for all. Either way, it had left fragments of itself behind, scattered little pieces of pure hate lingering on countless worlds, driven to seek out hosts and possess them, driven to gain strength, given to wreak havoc, given to harry goodness and righteousness whenever its strength allowed. It knew nothing of peace or restraint. It was barely capable of thought. It knew only the desire to devour all things, or else turn them to its own image.

Ah, the Dark King.

Interesting read.
I do have to say I'm a little miffed at Raven.
Like, I get she acting kinda desperate because, as I understand it, she's from the future where Equestria is doomed, but... Seriously, Raven? Quit with the sneaky, shadowy preventive stuff and give an actual warning to the ponies of the past (or present, I guess). If they are skeptical, and do not heed your warning, then fine, you were heard, and you can say "I told you so". But attacking innocents indirectly? Not cool.

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