• Member Since 29th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen 38 minutes ago

Scipio Smith


One hundred years ago, Twilight Sparkle gave her life to defeat Grogar, the Tyrant of Tambelon. But legend says that she will return, in Equestria's time of greatest need.

Thunder Shield, the last survivor of a destroyed people, is Princess Luna's student, but he is morose and moody, unable to move past his grievous losses and afraid to form new bonds with other ponies. He opens his heart only to Princess Luna and to his fairy friend Kenzi, another orphan of the world who has no idea of where she came from.

When Grogar returns to wreak his vengeance, Thunder must thaw out his frozen heart and open it to other brave ponies if he is to stand against the cruel tyrant. With only a ragtag squad of Royal Guards and a time-travelling Twilight Sparkle to aid him, Thunder Shield must rediscover the magic of friendship to save Equestria from darkness and despair.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 22 )

What a coincidence I was planning on using the Tyrant Of Tambelon myself.

You sir, have piqued my interests.
There is so much backstory in this that it makes me wanna squeal.
The description already made me liking it, but with your writing style, I can tell that this is going to be a long and eventful story full of feeling and sadness.
And I'm very sure you're gonna try to reduce any piece of comedy in this (not that I'm complaining).
You earn my favourite.

This story has promise. Looking forward to more.


Yup. He's a cross between the devil and the Dark One from The Wheel of Time, so I think it fits. Plus G1 canon Grogar was no slouch for ego either.

yeah, it really shows. "I killed twilight sparkle" every 5 minutes. The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

All I really want right now is Celestia's reaction when Twilight comes back. I love reaction scenes. :heart: Still, the story is pretty good and I like Grogar as a villain. I just hope this doesn't turn into an OC shipping fic. Sometimes those ones lose sight of the original plot and focus too much on the romance.

it seems like an appropriate place to end the chapter to me, and an excellent chapter it was.

Insidious and CKD seem to be a step up in henchponies for Grogar when compared to that (literal) kiss-ass Bray. Out of curiousity, do you see him still being voiced by Michael Bell in this, or by somebody else?


When I wrote that scene I actually had in mind Benedict Cumberbatch's Smaug/Khan/Hollywood Bad-guy voice, to be perfectly honest (I feel a bit embarassed saying it out loud). How does it sound in Michael Bell's voice?

Damn, what a chapter. 'Bout time celestia had her eyes open, and the end of the chapter was excellent.

Okay, seriously. It's about bucking time Twilight shows up! Where is she?!? Or when is she?

4705034 Not having seen G1, I can't confirm if Bell did the same for Grogar, but I've noticed that most of his villainous characters possess a certain wheezing quality to their voice. Watch his performance as Ixus Naugus on the Sonic SatAM episode "The Void" to see what I mean: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-uS6qY0ACc

Cue Twilight! Cue her in!! Celestial needs her super bad!

So glad you're back! Looking forward to more!


No, I just haven't written any fanfic lately.

I once had a fic with Grogar but it didn't go so well. Hope yours does though.

I am enjoying this fic so far, have an upvote and keep up the good work :pinkiehappy:

Are you going to continue this? Because it would be a shame that a story as good as this be discontinued.

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