• Member Since 12th May, 2013
  • offline last seen 16 hours ago

Kris Overstreet

Convention vendor, compulsive writer. I have a Patreon for monthly bills and a KoFi for tips.


Rarity describes her most recent nightmare to her friends in song form.

A very brief entry for Super Trampoline's Fimfiction Feghoot Festival. (Although I wonder: does the definition of feghoot exclude filks?)

(Cover image by DarkFlame75.)

Part of the Remember Fort Libris print anthology, thanks to our Kickstarter supporters!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 28 )

"But... well... I think instead of a fast cello solo, this tale would be better suited to a slow, lonesome electric guitar solo."

Rarity isn't bad with a guitar herself.

But this was art.

Get this writer a medal!

I do appreciate how Vinyl was apparently on standby with literally every instrument imaginable ready for deployment. Now that's teamwork.

In any case, magnificent work. Best of luck in the contest.


Took me too long to figure out the tune, so I had to read it again.

Not too sheepish to leave us with a woolly pun, I see.

I spent the fic reading it and thinking of the tune...

Then the last line hit and I will never see that song the same.

~Skeeter The Lurker

*cue the 3 minute guitar solo*

Shit I was gonna use this cover art so long ago.

I remember using Paint to remove the RPG.

Same here, and to help out I found a karaoke mix of the song on youtube. :derpytongue2:

9688868 9688519 Technically, there's two tunes, though Pinkie Pie barely got started. Did you catch that one?

I'm a child of the 80's so Sweet Dreams by the Eurythmics was relatively easy. :twilightsmile:

Oh yeah, I got Sweet Dreams right away.

Cheese Sandwich, of course, prefers the ‘who am I to diss a brie’ version.

A Filk with a Feghoot?


I just heard that song on the radio!


"Eeee-ques-tri-a's Top 40!"

"This is Casey Kasram with Equestria's Top 40. Our long-distance dedication goes out to a special mare and sister making it work against the odds. The letter begins:
Dear Casey,
Several years ago, a young unicorn struggled to live up to her cutie mark as a pony of fashion in the small town of Ponyville. She opened her very first fashion boutique, in spite of no one in town wearing clothes except for the local apple farmer. Even though she didn't have many customers, she always found the time to be generous and gave away many outfits to those in need. Another special unicorn moved there and became the librarian, only to face down an unspeakable evil. The fashion designer, the farmer, the local baker, the local animal caretaker and one of the weather ponies, under the guidance of the librarian, defeated Nightmare Moon and saved Equestria. The librarian later became Princess Twilight Sparkle, and those six friends are better known as the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony.

"Casey, please play Hotel Gallopforya for my sister, Rarity, who still finds the time to be generous to everypony around her, even as she saves Equestria and runs her fashion empire -- especially her little sister.
Signed, Sweetie Belle

"All right, Sweetie Belle, here's your long-distance dedication..."

:moustache: Wow, that was a real nightmare

:raritycry: the worst

:moustache: you can have my wooly cap

:duck: but I'm the one who gave it to you

:moustache: ewe can have it

:duck: ewe said the ewe word


I got the tune from the first line, and was like "Oh damn this is going to be work ". Nice job!

How to make a story better? Make it into a musical :raritywink:

You're a true shepherd of the pen. The shear concept is interesting enough.

this tale would be better suited to a slow, lonesome electric guitar solo."

I was expecting something from "Sound of Silence" after this.


Hello darlings, my best friends
I've come to whine at you again
About the things I saw in my dreaming
About buying thread for my seaming
And the vision involved some technicolor ewes
(Whoever knew?)
Selling thread that was wound so stylish

... yeah, this one doesn't work nearly so well.

I like it :-)

I feel like rather than Octavia, Rarity should have been hacked up by griffons.

Tagging with #filk :)

Author Interviewer

I hate myself for upvoting this, but that was rather impressive and you did make me laugh.

Also, it's much more fun to the tune of "Through the Fire and Flames". :)

I honestly had no clue what song it was supposed to be until the last line. I'm going to have to read this again some other time, when I can play the song on YouTube, because I just can't get it right in my head.

Brilliant work!

I got the first sing right away, the second... I thought it was "Turn the Page," and then when I figured out what it actually was and tried to start over, I wound up intermixing the tunes in my head and that was kind of weird.

I clicked on the source button. I realised what I thought was a horn on the top was an RPG... My first thought:

"Well, shit." :rainbowderp:

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