• Published 18th Jun 2019
  • 2,583 Views, 61 Comments

Rise of the Shimmering Sun - Sollys

Sunset Shimmer's journey from her fall at the Fall Formal, all the way to her adventures with the Spectacular Seven.

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Chapter 5: Confrontations, Agreements, and Detention

School. It's the thing Sunset had been dreading for the whole week. Sunset knew that going to school was going to be hell. But if she didn't go who knows what would happen. 'Probably nothing to be honest, as far as I know I don't think any of the staff or students want me around at the moment.' Her alarm clock read 6:30 A.M., and she was about to be late if she didn't get up soon. So after checking her phone, and the countless messages she had received from her 'friends'. Over one hundred from Pinkie Pie, 10 from Fluttershy (most of them apologies for what happen at the Zoo), 5 from Applejack, and 6 from Rarity.

Sunset pressed the 'Mark all as Read' button on her phone, at this point she would just talk to them at school. She stayed at home over the rest of her suspension, all though she should have went out, bought a new jacket, and actually try getting a job. She couldn't push around small middle-schoolers anymore for their lunch money, so she had to get a job sooner or later. She took a quick shower, looking at the scars on her back, still quite red, but didn't hurt as much. Only when she applied pressure did they hurt like someone had put a knife through her back.

Sunset mounted her motorcycle, proud she could ride with Nova and her gang now, but wish she could get a better bike. The engine roared and Sunset made her way to school and made sure to park in the student lot. She knew how upset Vice-Principal Luna got when she figured out that a student parked in the staff lot. 'I'm already on her bad side anyways, how could it get any worse?' Little did Sunset know, it could get much worse the second she entered the school.

She received looks from almost every student, and as much as she wanted to ignore them and act like they weren't there, she couldn't. She sighed and moved on to her locker, a few paper balls had been thrown at her, and the looks didn't cease at all. Sunset finally reached her locker, and of course numerous rude drawings, pictures, and messages had been written in red on her locker. While reaching for her books for the next class she heard someone approach her. Before Sunset knew it she was face first in her locker.

"The Grrreat and Powerful Trrrixie always get's her revenge!" Sunset heard her pursuer yelled. Before she could climb her self out of her locker the door slammed. 'At least she didn't lock it.'



She heard the laughter of many who were watching the incident. Now Sunset was angry, she had been trying to keep her cool all morning, and she was already upset. She could feel it getting hot in the locker, and it wasn't because she was claustrophobic. She kept getting angrier, like she wasn't in control. Sunset threw her fist into the locker door, and her hand went right through it. She kicked the locker door open, and it appeared as if there was smoke coming from the spot were she had punched the locker. All laughter had ceased. The only sounds that were made was the sound of Sunset huffing and puffing, and the locker still sizzling from where she had punched.

"Never, and I mean never, try that again. Got it Trixie?" Sunset said, she had cooled down now, but made sure that Trixie knew what she was messing with. Everyone had backed up now, and walked around Sunset like nothing had happen.

Sunset continued her morning without anyone touching her, or pushing her into lockers. She received the occasional paper ball to the head, but that was about it. The bell had rang, and it was time for her to move onto her next period, lunch. She had been dreading it the whole day. Lunch meant that she had to see the five. Which included Rainbow Dash, who she was still pretty upset about. Sunset knew that she deserved a push into fountain, but she just hated the fact Rainbow Dash had to do it.

Sunset walked to the lunch line, receiving looks and whispers from everyone around her. At this point she didn't care, as long as everyone left her alone, she would be happy. 'Would I be happy? Do I want to be alone?' The thoughts ran through Sunset's head, that's when she ran into someone. And it wasn't just anyone, but none other than Vice-Principal Luna herself.

"Miss Shimmer you have lunch detention for 1 month if you don't recall." She bluntly stated.

'No I don't recall that at all.' "Yeah, how could I forget." Sunset said unintentionally rolling her eyes.

"In my office please." Sunset sighed and walked with the woman, she couldn't help but wince at the laughter that followed when she left the cafeteria. 'Did she know about the locker incident?' Sunset had hoped that the news of Sunset almost blowing up a locker hadn't reached the woman yet. Luckily for Sunset, she didn't seem to mention anything about the locker during their awkward lunch break.

Every once in awhile during the lunch Sunset would see Luna giving her a look that said 'I'm still watching you'. Sunset took notice of it and she shrunk down in her seat every time she would see it. After the lunch bell rang Sunset basically darted out of the room, giving Luna a quick wave. Before Luna could say anything else to her, she ran out and headed to the library for study hall.

"Hey Sunset!" A southern accent called to her. Sunset froze in her place, 'I honestly feel like this day is out to get me.' She turned around slowly to see the group of girls walking towards her.

"HI SUNSET!" Pinkie Pie screamed in Sunset's ear and gave her a bone-crushing hug.

"ᴾᶦⁿᵏᶦᵉ ᵃᶦʳ" Sunset tried to say as Pinkie dropped her.

"Sorry Sunset! I was just so excited to see you! Did you not get our texts I think I sent a few myself." 'Heh, yeah just a few.'

"Oh, yeah I wasn't really looking at my phone during my suspension, mostly tried figuring out what I was going to do this week, so by the time I looked at my phone, I figured that I would just talk to you guys in school." Sunset shrugged.

"Sunset I am so very sorry for what happened at the zoo." Fluttershy said in her soft voice.

"It was nothing of your doing.." Sunset said glaring at Rainbow Dash.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm sorry for pushing you into the fountain or whatever." Dash said rolling her eyes, and giving Sunset a deathly glare.

"YAY WE CAN ALL BE FRIENDS NOW!" Pinkie screamed as she pulled both Rainbow and Sunset into another hug. Pinkie dropped them before they could complain.

"Sunset, Rainbow Dash, don't you two have a study hall together?" Rarity said in her Canterlot accent.

"Yeah." Sunset replied cooly. Dash just shrugged her shoulders and stepped away from Sunset.

"Great darlings, that means you two can walk together while we go to our classes." Before Sunset could leave a remark, the four walked away and left Dash and Sunset alone. Sunset turned to face Dash and was pushed into the nearby lockers, back first. Sunset screamed in pain, which scared Dash for a moment, but then got close to Sunset.

"Only for the sake of my friends will I play nice with you, got it?" When Sunset didn't respond, she was slammed into the lockers again making her wince. This time it didn't go unnoticed.

"What do you two think you are doing?!" Sunset heard someone yell. She opened her eyes to see a terrified Rainbow Dash and a furious Luna. "You two with me, now." They nodded in response and followed her to the Principal's office. While they were walking, Sunset would rub her back where the two scars were, and grimaced. She didn't know that Rainbow Dash had seen her do it.

Luna knocked on the door and pointed to Susnet and Rainbow Dash. "These two were fighting near the the library lockers." Principal Celestia stared at them both for a second, as if she was eyeing them down and asked Rainbow Dash to come in first and Sunset to wait. Luna nodded her head and returned to her office, occasionally checking on Sunset. Then came Sunset's turn. She tried to get a good look at Rainbow, who had a sullen face on, and gave Sunset a little push on the shoulder. 'Great, now she hates me more.' Sunset walked into the office with a frown on her face.

"Hello Sunset," She heard Celestia's calm voice say, which reminded her greatly of her mentor. "Have a seat please." Sunset gulped and followed the order. Celestia just stared at Sunset, and Sunset gripped the chair tightly. She reminded her too much of her mentor, who she feared so much. "Sunset, are you alright?"

'Am I alright? Are you kidding me lady? I blew up a locker today, my back feels like someone stabbed me and left the knife in. So if you wanted to know if I was alright, I am definitely not.' "Yes, yes everything fine."

"Are you sure?" She asked again, her stare never leaving Sunset. She started getting tense, and hot. She felt her hands get warmer and warmer. Suddenly there was a smell in the room, like something was burning. "SUNSET! You need to relax!" The principal screamed before grabbing the nearby fire extinguisher and blasting the chair Sunset was sitting on. The smoke died down, and there was a huge pile of foam on the chair, Sunset stood up.

"I am sure Miss Celestia," Her tone was harsh, "Now if you excuse me I need to clean myself up, I suppose I will see you in after school detention." Sunset stormed out, she looked like a foamy monster as she walked down the halls. Celestia not saying a word, and her mouth a gape.

Rainbow Dash had just stared at Sunset, confused and amused at the same time. She popped her head in Principal Celestia's office. "Is everything alri-"

"YES RAINBOW DASH!" Dash jumped at the sudden tone of the woman, "I'm sorry, I think I need to go see Sunset."

Sunset was washing her self off, trying to get as much of the flame retardant of her clothes and hair. She heard as so one approached her in the bathroom.

"Sunset, I'm sorry"

"For what?" She answered coldly.

"For putting so much pressure on you, I should have been a little easier in that conversation."

"You don't think?" She turned to face Celestia, and looked at her apologetic and worried face. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean for that to happen either. I didn't know it would happen, I didn't k-know that I-I would get p-power-" Before Sunset could continue she was pulled into a hug. Sunset hadn't realized she was crying the whole time she was speaking. She was unsure of what to do at first, but than returned the hug to her mentor's counterpart.

Ring The final bell had rang, and it was time for Sunset's after school detention.

"You don't have to go today, Sunset."

"No, no it's alright, I have to talk to Rainbow Dash."

"Nothing violent right?" Celestia had said worried.

"N-no nothing like that." Sunset shook her head.

"Alright, feel free to leave at anytime though." Sunset just nodded as she watched the principal walk away. Before she was out of earshot she heard her yell, "And try not to set anything on fire!" Sunset grinned at that comment. She grabbed her bag and started to head towards the detention room. She had something to say to Rainbow Dash.

Author's Note:

Wow, longest chapter yet! Two chapters in almost one day! We are grinding through these chapters ladies and gentlemen! I hope that everyone is enjoying the story so far, I know I am. I think I have a passion for reading and writing, I find it so intriguing! Anyways, I hope to see you soon in the next chapter, Sollys signing out. :rainbowdetermined2: