• Published 18th Jun 2019
  • 2,572 Views, 62 Comments

Rise of the Shimmering Sun - Sollys

Sunset Shimmer's journey from her fall at the Fall Formal, all the way to her adventures with the Spectacular Seven.

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Chapter Two: What To Do

Has that car been following me this whole time? Whatever, might as well go get some food to eat, I'm starving. I really don't need to see anyone from school there, it's too late anyways, right?

Luna slammed her head on the steering wheel "Is she seriously not even going home?" She gave an annoyed groan and made a U turn. I'm not in the mood for this, I could really care less about the demon brat right now. She looked behind her and watched Sunset walk into Sugarcube Corner clutching her sides, either from hunger, or from the cold.

The doorbell rang for the small bakery, it was 5:00 A.M. and Sunset knew that Mr. and Mrs. Cake would be open already. She noticed something though, there was chatter, and it wasn't from any of the workers. She turned to the left, where she saw the same group of girls, who had just defeated her. The talk was silenced the second she walked in, and received glares of both curiosity and anger. 'Just ignore them, get your food, and walk away'.

Sunset walked to the counter putting on a faux smile, "Can I get the blueberry scone and Chai tea please." Still receiving glares from the others, their eyes not leaving Sunset. 'Ignore them, ignore them, ignore them' she thought to herself while she grabbed the bag and payed the money she owed for her goods.

"Hey Sunset, why don't ya come here for a sec?" a southern accent called to her.

Aw, come on!

Sunset stopped in her place, and turned towards their direction. She dragged a chair to the group of girls, clearly showing that she did not want to be there.

"What can I do for your guys? Sunset grumbled.

"Well we just wanted to get to know you sugarcube." The blonde haired girl stated.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "Come on Applejack she obviously doesn't want to talk to us, can we just go now?"

"Rainbow Dash! She's been cleaning up that rubble all night give her a break please!" Rarity said as she shoved Rainbow.

"If you want me to make it quick sugarcube Ah will, Ah just wanted to know if you would like to be our friend." The country girl continued.

Sunset looked at them blankly, trying not to drop her jaw in the process. "Is this some kind of joke? You want to be my friend? Or is this because the Princess of Friendship told you to.?"

"First of all Sunshine no one can make me do anything. Second if I choose to play nice with you it's my choice and mine only." A raspy voice growled at her. Sunset rolled her eyes, making sure that Rainbow Dash saw.

"Well..uhm, maybe if you would be a little nicer we can surely be friends..maybe." whispered Fluttershy who was hiding behind her long pink hair.

"OoOooh we can totally make cookies, cakes, go shopping, and have sleep overs together!" Exclaimed the pink haired girl as she left up in the table.

Sunset stared breifly before hearing someone older yell behind her, "Pinkamena Diane Pie! Off the table this instant!"

"Sorry Mrs. Cake!"

Sunset tried to comprehend this all and continued to stare at the five girls. "Yeah sure, I'll be your friend or whatever." She mumbled.

"YAYYY!" the cotton candy haired girl screamed.

Sunset didn't want to say anything else, she was too tired and just wanted to leave. "Look, I really appreciate you guys being so nice to me, but it's been a real long night, and I just want to go home now."

"Sure thing sugarcube, would you like to come to the Zoo with us tomorrow?" Applejack said as Sunset started her journey to the door. Sunset didn't listen however, she walked out the door, her mind in too much of a daze to listen to what they had to say, but she swore she could hear a series of whispers when Applejack made the statement. Sunset began her walk home, not sure what to do tomorrow, and for the rest of next week. 'Great, now I have nothing to do but sit in the crumbling building. But I could go to the zoo tomorrow with those girls, maybe I can finally learn bout this "friendship thing:''

Back at Sugarcube Corner

"Applejack! What were you thinking inviting her to Fluttershy's birthday like that?!" screamed Rainbow Dash, clearly more upset than Fluttershy.

Applejack squinted her eyes, "Because, if she doesn't learn to make friends she might go back to being her old self."

"And what makes you think she still isn't her old self Applejack? She obviously doesn't want to hang out with us!" Dash retorted.

"And what makes you think she doesn't want to hang out with us, she could have been tired or something." Applejack said. Dash gave her a glare and huffed.

"I really don't mind if she comes, as long as she isn't mean or anything." Fluttershy added quietly. "Rainbow Dash, if she does try being mean to me, which I hope she won't, you guys will be there to help."

Rarity nodded her head, "Of course Darling."

Rainbow got up from the table and muttered., "If she tries something Shy, I'll be more than there for you." The other four girls got up with Rainbow Dash, said their goodbyes, and headed home, it had been a long night after all.

Back at Sunset's place

Sunset had just arrived at her "house" and wanted to just sleep, but she couldn't. No matter how much she tried, she couldn't sleep. "You know what? If I can't sleep than I won't!" she said to absolutely nobody. She got up and went to the small fridge she owned. Sunset opened it up and there was 2 cases of beer. 'These were supposed to be celebratory, but I guess not anymore. I am technically 25, so try me.' Sunset drank til morning, she did not get an ounce of sleep, and nor did she think that she needed it.



"Ugh, now what?" Sunset said drunkenly. She picked up her phone and saw 2 new messages from Pinkie Pie.

Heya Sunset! Meet us at the cafe

Okay, sure when?

In half an hour silly!

"WHAT! Shit I need to get ready!" She threw her phone on her bed and quickly took a shower. She finished relatively quickly, then looked at herself in the mirror. 'I look high, I really should have slept last night, and now I'm half drunk, great.' She scurried out the door of her house and looked at her motorcycle. Sunset was still drunk, and she didn't want to have to take her bike to the shop again. 'I'll just take take the bus..'

Author's Note:

Hey! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I have been getting tons of ideas for other stories and I can't wait to finish this one, see you all on the next chapter!:rainbowdetermined2: