• Published 13th Nov 2018
  • 5,498 Views, 287 Comments

Flash Sentry, Defender of the Peace S4 - Banshee531

One year has passed since our heroes first met and saved all of Equestria. Now, Flash must protect the newly crowned Princess Twilight as she carries out her duties. But when a strange new power awakens, he must learn to grasp his own destiny.

  • ...

Daring Don't

It was yet another day in the town of Ponyville, this one having Flash and Springer flying over the park after finishing their morning training. Flash was once again covered in dust and a few bruises, curtsy of their attempts to master a combo attack. The end results were clear from how Flash appeared, having been blasted across the canyon six times.

"I'm starting to think we should stop with this whole combo move thing," Springer grumbled as he plopped his head on top of Flash's mane. "I mean, Skybreaker and me were able to pull it off the first time. If it was possible to do it that quickly, then don't you think we would've made a little progress?"

Flash let out a snort, "That's quitter talk. Just because its not working now, doesn't make it impossible. Besides, we can't just stay where we are now. If we do, we'll eventually come across an opponent we can't beat, and we need to keep improving if we want to keep the ponies we love safe."

"Maybe..." Springer hummed with a glum frown, "But wouldn't it be better to try and use that thing you used against the Timberwolves before?"

Flash groaned at this suggestion, remembering that incident and knew he was also trying to trigger that moment. "I've been trying, but I've got no clue where to even start." Before they could say anything else, Flash looked down and spotted somepony in a tree besides a bird's nest. Seeing this, he landed and said, "Hey Shy."

"Oh! Hello Flash, Springer." Fluttershy replied before blinking at Flash's torn-up shape, "Did something happen? You look like you've been beaten up....it wasn't Iron, was it?"

"Oh this?" Flash pointed to his fur. "Eh, this is nothing. Just some good old fashioned hard as hooves training. What's going on with you?" He then noticed the chicks in the nest, all who were tweeting loudly and flapping their wings.

Fluttershy smiled as she pinned a piece of paper to the trunk, which unfurled to show birds flying. "I'm explaining the basics of flying."

"Sounds like fun," Springer commented as he raised up his head. "Need some help? I'm sure Flash would love too."

Fluttershy opened her mouth to reply, only for a familiar rainbow colored blur to suddenly shoot past them. It moved at such a speed that Springer was blown of Flash's back, yelping as his head hit the dirt. "Ooooh!" Flash flinched at the sight, leaning down to try and help the now swirly eyed jakhowl, "You okay bud?"

Springer moaned as his head started to wobble back and forth, "I can't feel anything below my eyebrows."

Flash was about to respond, but the blur returned and started spinning around the tree. "Four more months, four more months, four more months!" With that last proclamation, the blur tackled the two pegasi and pushed them into the air, revealing itself to be Rainbow Dash, "I bet you're both excited, huh?"

"Oh my," was Fluttershy's reply as she pulled away and started stroking her hair, "I...uh...I could be excited? But I don't really know what you're-"

Rainbow flew back in front of her, interrupting as she exclaimed, "Come on, you gotta be excited!"

Flash then peeled Rainbow away from the shy pegasus, "Rainbow, a little context please. What are we supposed to be excited for?"

Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Duh!" she clapped her hooves as wonder filled her eyes, "The next Daring Do book is coming out exactly four months from today!"

"Oh..." Flash and Fluttershy replied in unison before Flash rolled his eyes, "Sure, I guess that's exciting. Though your level of excitement is more of a two weeks from today amount. You're reminding me of Spike during Heartswarming."

"That's because of how awesome the book's bound to be!" The two watched as Rainbow's imagination when into overdrive. "So what amazing, incredible, awesome adventure do you think Daring Do will have in her next book, huh?!"

Flash and Fluttershy glanced at one another, knowing that whatever they say would likely be drowned out by Rainbow's out loud daydreaming. And just like they thought, she start imagining what the next book could be while doing exaggerated areal stunts. "Will she cower?! Turn tail and run maybe?!" Rainbow asked at the end of her story. "Or will she fly at full speed, knowing full well that she's going against all odds! For the greatest challenge she ever faced was still surely be no match for-"

"Look out!" Fluttershy screamed before she and Flash flinched, a loud crashing sound filling the air. They opened their eyes to see one dazed pegasus now slumped over at the tree she just hit. At the same time, the birds Fluttershy were teaching were now flying around her head. "Oh dear...I'm not so sure she's gonna last another four months."

"Eh, I don't know about that," Flash replied as he started to help the dizzy pegasi. "We've seen her in worst states before. There was the best young flyers contest, cider season...I could go on."

"I guess you've got a point," Fluttershy replied as she picked up the birds.

Flash then patted Rainbow on the head, "Why don't you head home and rest up? Then it'll only be three months and twenty nine days until the book comes out."

"Yeah...you're right," Rainbow stated as she started to shakily fly away.

After Fluttershy put her bird friends back in the nest, she turned back to Flash. "You think she'll be okay?"

Flash shrugged. "She's Rainbow. How much trouble can she cause over a book?" He began to make his way back to his library home, only for a moan to catch Fluttershy's ear and make her look down at the semi-conscious Springer.

"Err...Flash. You forgot Springer."

Flash laughed as he picked up the jakhowl. "Knew I was forgetting something." With that, he started making his way back to the library while Fluttershy and her birds restarted their flight lesson.

Four days later...

Flash loved having Pinkie for a friend. Not only was she a ton of fun to have around, but she also knew how to keep things interesting.

Like right now for instance. If Flash had normal friends, he'd probably be sitting around bored due to the nothing state Ponyville sometimes put itself into. But Pinkie's amazing ability to know when a pony was gonna be bored somehow kicked in two days ago, so she had arranged a party for today. And the party was everything he could need, the pegasi chuckling at the sight in front of him. It was all of his friends in different hats, an umbrella hat on his own head. Even Lightning, Wild and Iron were there, the three wearing a bowler, windmill and top hat. However, the only one of the trio that seemed to like the hats was Wild, but that didn't faze the other two defenders.

However, as things continued to amp up, the party came to a sudden stop when the main door slammed opened, revealing one Rainbow Dash, "Hiya Twilight! Aren't you excited that-" She didn't get to finish, as both Pinkie and Wild blew party horns in her face.

Twilight shined a huge smile at the athlete. "Rainbow! So glad you finally made it!"

Rainbow's eyebrows raised at the sight of the funny hats. "What's everypony doing here?"

A fez wearing Pinkie blew another horn in her face, "We're having a holiday party!"

"What holiday?"

Wild then slung his hoof around the mare with a giant grin, "National Random Holiday Party Day! Its one of my favorites!"

"Favorite, favorite!" his puppets repeated, all of them wearing different hats.

Lightning then glared at his old friend, "Didn't you say earlier that this was the first time you've ever heard of it?"

Wild nodded. "And already it's shaping up to be the best holiday ever!"

"Ever, ever!"

Rarity, cup in magical aura, stepped up to Rainbow. "I've never heard of it either." She took a sip, "but the punch is quite tasty."

Pinkie giggled at this. "You might say the secret ingredient is-" She looked around before whispering into Rainbow's ear, "a secret!" She shot the pegasus one final look before jumping off to have more party fun.

"How come nopony bothered to invite me?"

Applejack, her normal stetson replaced by a comically large red one, trotted to her side with an annoyed look in her eye. "I came to invite you personally, but you were a speck too busy reading that last Daring Do book for the twelfth time."

"I don't see why you bother," Flash added with rolling eyes. "At this point, you could probably recite the dang thing from memory."

"That's a scary thought," Iron joked as he took a sip, the defender also trying to ignore the glare Fluttershy was giving him.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes as well as she picked up a cup of punch. "Yeah, well, in three months and twenty six more days, I'll be able to read the next one."

Upon hearing this, Twilight Sparkle turned to her. "Oh, haven't you heard? The release of the next book got pushed another two months."

Flash almost facehoofed, now thinking about how he should really start carrying a camera. If he did, he'd have probably would have been able to capture Rainbow spitting her punch into Twilight's face. "TWO MORE MONTHS?! I've already been waiting so long!" They watched as the mare's body shook like a leaf. "I don't think I can take another two months! I'll never make it!" She fell to the floor, spread eagle and face down.

Fluttershy gulped at this, "Yeah...I can vouch for that."

After Pinkie reached down from the ceiling and put a party hat on Rainbow's head, Rainbow glanced up at Twilight. "Did they give a reason?"

"The publisher just said author A.K. Yearling won't be able to finish the book for another two months." She then levitated a plate of snacks, "Cupcakes?"

As Pinkie and Springer grabbed one off the plate, Rainbow picked herself out while releasing a low growl. "How could you possibly know that before me?! I'm the series' biggest fan!"

Twilight looked insulted by that claim. "I'm just as big a fan as you! In fact, I'm the one who first introduced you to the books. Remember?!"

Flash facehoofed at this, "Anypony else getting the urge to yell continuity in front of some fireworks?" The only one who nodded was Pinkie while the others just gave him an odd stare.

"You're a weird pony," Iron told him. "You know that?"

Flash just shrugged, "Beats being boring."

Twilight giggled at this as she got back to the main topic, "A.K. Yearling might be my favorite author. I know everything about her. Where she grew up, where she studied literature, where she wrote the first Daring Do book..."

A bulb went off in Rainbow's head as she leaned up to the new princess, "Where she lives?"

Twilight hummed as she searched her database-like brain, eventually receiving her answer. "No...though I could probably find out somehow. Why?"

"Don't you get it?!" Rainbow yelled as she grabbed Twilight's shoulders. "The new book is obviously being delayed because she needs help dealing with whatever everyday nonsense is distracting her from spending her every living breathing second writing! So I...I mean, fans like me, can get to read the new book ASAP! Think about it! We could help her with her laundry, buy her groceries, cooking her meals, whatever! Now, who wouldn't appreciate that?"

"Hmm, I don't know Rainbow." Twilight mumbled, "What she probably wants most of all is respect for her privacy."

Flash nodded in agreement, "Yeah Dash, what you're suggesting is usually how restraining orders are born."

"She can always just say no," Rainbow replied before turning to the other girls. Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie and Fluttershy all nodded, obviously agreeing with Rainbow.

Twilight let out a glum hum, now relenting, "I suppose you're right."

"No she's not," Iron almost yelled.

"All you're gonna do is tick her off." Lightning added.

"I'm with them girls," Flash said as he hopped down to Twilight. "It'd be bad enough if you did this on your own, but think about the new position you're in now Twi. You think it'd look good if Equestria's newest princess got stamped with the creepy stalker label?" He crossed his hooves at this, "I'm sorry girls, but I'm putting my hoof down."

Three days later...

"Remind me to never put my hoof down ever again." Flash grumbled as he rubbed his still very sore ear. The defender was now making his way through one of Equestria's jungles with the girls, which made him let out a long sigh, "Ugh...I still can't believe you all roped me into this. Why am I your bodyguard again Twilight?"

Twilight rolled her eyes as she shook her head, only to see Pinkie painting a red line on the ground as they walked. "You see what I mean? Why would she live in this remote part of Equestria, except to keep folks from intruding on her privacy? We should respec-"

"I think I spotted the house!" Rainbow interrupted after leaping out of the bushes. "We're super close! Follow me!" She then flew off like a rocket, all but Flash and Twilight following after her.

"Wait!" The alicorn yelled.

Flash huffed as they began to follow. "What's the point of you being a princess if nopony's gonna do what you tell them?"

Twilight rolled her eyes again, "Just come on already."

Flash stayed still and crossed his hooves. "Oh yeah? If they can ignore you, and you ignore me putting my hoof down, then I can ignore you too." However, a purple aura enveloped his ear and twisted it. "OW! Ow, ow, ow! Alright, I'm coming!"

The two soon caught up with the others, only to come to a stop as they and the others saw the sight in front of them. It was a simple stone brick cottage, but it had its front door beaten along with several broken windows. "Oh no..." Twilight gasped as she put her hooves over her mouth. "What happened?!"

"Apparently, somepony has intruded on her privacy pretty hard already." Rainbow replied as she cricked her hooves.

"This doesn't look good. Come on...." Flash pulled out his Celestic Gear and gestured for the others to follow. Rainbow went next, flying up to the door and knocking. However, the one tap made the wooden construct break off its hinges and fall to the floor.

"Hoo-wee, somepony really trashed the place." Applejack commented as they looked inside.

Pinkie hummed as she walked into the house. "Maybe..." she then disappeared before reappearing atop a pile of junk, "or maybe A.K. Yearling's just a terrible, horrible, unbelievable slob!"

Rarity spotted a nearby mirror, looking into it to see the glass broken. "Oh my...I hope A.K. Yearling's alright."

Twilight gulped at this, "Oh no! What if something terrible happened to her?!"

"I know!" Rainbow jumped out of a pile broken chairs and balled up paper, "There might be no more books!" She then saw the stink eye from the others, "Uh...but of course, I'd be worried about her too. Heh...."

"Right...sure you do." Flash commented before his ears twitched, picking up the sound of hoofsteps. "Hmm? Somepony's coming."

Fluttershy gulped, "Oh dear...what do we do? What if its the somepony that ruined this place?"

Flash wanted to tell them to hide, but the hoofsteps were too close. Instead, he simply jumped in front of the door, only to come to a stop. Standing before him was a frowning brown mare with black hair, and she was wearing glasses, a hat and a purple cape. "What are you doing in my house?"

Rainbow's jaw dropped at the sight, her eyes now the size of dinner plates. "A...K-K...Yearling?!" This question was followed by a low squeal, which was getting close to only being heard by dogs.

At the same time, Twilight's face started show nothing but panic, "Now hold on! We didn't do this, we swear!"

"Its true," Flash added as he stepped in front of A.K. Yearling. "We showed up and found the place like this."

The mare seemed to only be half listening, more focused on Flash's appearance. "Trail? Is that you? Did you...lose weight...and work out a bunch?"

Everypony blinked at the question, Flash shaking his head, "Uh...no. My name is Flash Sentry."

"Oh..." Yearling replied as she blinked at him, "Huh. You sure do look like him. Though I guess you can't be Trail since Misty isn't with you."

Those names clicked in everypony's heads, Pinkie then speaking up, "Hey! Those are the names of Flash's parents!"

The look on the mare's face told them all one thing, "You know my parents?"

A.K. Yearling shrugged, "I may have met them a time or two. You definitely look like you could be Trail's kid...." She then walked inside, ignoring everypony as she started to shuffling through a pile of papers. "But that's not important right now. I'm busy..."

As she passed by Twilight, the princess let out, "Well...we're awfully glad to see you're alright."

A.K. Yearling then pushed Rainbow, who had been looking through some papers on a desk, aside and started doing the same as Rainbow whistled. "Okay, clearly this isn't the best time, but I've just gotta say how much we all really love your books." She let out a nervous laugh.

The author pony turned to her, only for her eyes to widen when she spotted what Rainbow was standing on. One quick yank later, the strange mare then pulled out a strange contraption along with a book. Placing them on the floor, she tapped the contraption, which was showing three rings, all of them now spinning. Once the third ring stopped spinning, the emblem on the cover glowed as she spun it before a loud clicking noise could be heard. The book opened, a gold ring now sliding out. Miss Yearling signed as she looked it over, "Its safe. Thank goodness." With that, she placed the ring inside her cloak.

"Great!" Rainbow trotted over to the mare, "maybe now would be a good time for me to ask her how we can help move the new book along a little faster." Miss Yearling turned to shoot a glare at the mare, "Chop chop!"

A.K. Yearling rolled her eyes at this while Twilight grabbed the pegasi in her magic. "Rainbow Dash, a minute please!" One pull out of the house later, Twilight released Rainbow and went straight into lecture mode. "Rainbow...A.K. Yearling has made it pretty clear that she wants to be left alone! We need to respect her wishes!"

It was in that moment that Pinkie popped up between the two. "You should tell that to those guys." They followed her hoof and looked up at the roof, spotting a trio of earth pony stallions sneaking in through the roof's window.

"What the heck?!" Flash yelped as the group went up to the first floor window. There, they spotted A.K Yearling being surrounded by the three, but before Flash could do something, the mare threw off her three pieces of clothing onto the stallions to blind them. Doing so revealed a new set of clothes that looked strangely familiar. She was now wearing a safari shirt and hat, the ring she had been worried about now on her wing.

Flash heard Rainbow and Twilight gasp. "A.K. Yearling is Daring Do!"

"Well....wasn't expecting that."

"A.K. Yearling and Daring Do are one and the same!" Twilight repeated as she continued watching, "My mind is officially blown!"

Rainbow slightly chuckled at this. "Aw come on, I knew it all along."

Flash shot her a deadpan stare, "Right. Sure you did." He looked back at Daring, only to see her easily fend off all three stallions. "Not bad."

"Amazing!" Applejack added in awe.

"Incredible!" Rarity finished.

One of the stallions then managed to get a lucky hit it, knocking the ring from her grasp. It landed in a lit fireplace, heating it up to the point where nopony could touch it. But as the stallions tried to think up a way to grab it, a whip snapped passed them. The leather weapon pulled the ring over to a table, knocking a water jug that spilled over the ring, cooling it.

"Wow!" Pinkie cheered as they watched Daring whip the ring to her side, "So much action! Whee!"

"That's nice, but I'm not gonna just sit here." Flash commented as he jumped into the house, "Flash Force!" A beam of light shot out of the sword's crossguard, cutting between Daring and her attackers. "Mind if I...cut in?!" With that, Flash fired a Flash Cutter at the three, forcing them back.

As Flash leapt to Daring's side, a glare now graced her face, "I don't need your help. I can handle this on my own."

In reply, Flash turned to smirk at the mare. "Oh I know, just call me added insurance." He looked back at the stallions, readying his blade. "Now, count up your sins."

The three blinked at the statement, unable to respond. That and Flash had just rushed the three, socking the jaw of the middle one with his knee. With this attack down, Flash then did an aerial split kick, knocking both into the walls.

Now finally deciding to help, the girls ran inside, Rainbow at the front of the group. "Don't worry Daring Do, I'll-ahh!" She then let out a yelp, tripping over her own hooves before falling into the ring holding mare.

Daring grunted as she was knocked to the ground, the ring being flung free and going soaring over the ponies' heads. It landed by the door, where a brown stallion with a black mane and skull cutie mark was waiting. The stallion picked it up with a smirk. "Many thanks, Daring Do. As you've probably surmised, our earlier search for this treasure was...unsuccessful. So kind of you to find it for us."

Daring stood up and glared at the stallion. "Give it back, Caballeron!"

"That's Doctor Caballeron to you."

Rainbow was about to say something, but Flash hushed her as they watched Daring speak up. "So let me guess: Ahuizotl put you up to this?! You're stealing the ring to give to him so his hold on the Fortress of Talacon will be good for eight centuries as foretold by the prophecy!"

"Close....but no. I'm going to sell this to him, make a bundle, and retire from archaeology in splendor."

Daring let out a long growl. "Caballeron, you fool! You're dooming the valley to eight centuries of unrelenting heat!"

"Not if I can help it!" Flash leapt at the stallion, only for him to pull something out of his pocket before tossing it to the ground.


A cloud of smoke suddenly appeared, pushing Flash back before flapping his wings at the fog. As the smoke cleared, Caballeron was gone. "Dang it!"

Daring turned to glare at Rainbow, who laughed nervously. "Err...sorry."

Daring just rolled her eyes before making her way to the door, passing Flash as she did. "Come on, you're with me. The rest of you stay here."

Rainbow hopped in place with wide eyes, "Hey! Why does he get to go?!"

Daring shot another glare at the mare, "Because from what I can see, he can actually be of some help. Plus, if he really is Trail and Misty's son, then I know I can trust him." With that, she spread her wings and kicked herself into the air.

Flash turned to Twilight, only to get a nod as the princess said, "Go."

"Got it." Flash took the air, soon flying side by side with Daring. And as the both glided through the air, Flash slowly asked, "So...you know my folks?"

"Sure do. Never said anything about a kid though."

"Yeah....please don't ask about that. So, what's the plan?"

"Get the ring back and hide it someplace nopony will ever find it."

Flash let out a chuckle, "Now that's a plan I can get behind. But wouldn't it have been easier if the girls came with us? Twilight's a powerful magic user and Rainbow's got major skills."

Daring rolled her eyes at this. "And where were these skills before? Besides, I work better alone. The only reason you're with me is because I'd be an idiot to not have a Royal Knight helping me." She gave him a slight glare, "You are a Royal Knight, right? Your weapon wouldn't work like that otherwise."

"Right...yeah." Flash gulped, knowing he really shouldn't tell her the truth of still being an apprentice. "But you know, the others do have skill. I've read....okay, I've only listened to Twilight when she read them, but I have heard your books, and I know for a fact that what you've gone up against can't hold a candle to the stuff they've faced together."

Daring just looked away, shaking her head as she started to land, "No. My work always involves secrets, and since you never know who you can trust, its best to never trust anypony."

Flash flew down after her, the two landing side by side. "You seem to trust my parents."

"That's different."


"It just is!" She slapped her hooves over her mouth, now glaring at Flash. "Alright, enough talking. We need absolute stealth from here on out. You can do stealth, right?"

Flash smirked at the question, "You kidding? I can be as quiet as my friend Fluttershy when I want to be," he saw Daring's face turn to one of confusion. "It means I can be really really quiet."

"Good. Then let's go." Daring got down onto the ground and started crawling, Flash following after her.

It wasn't long till they managed to locate hoofprints. Following this, several minutes passed before the two came to a stop, now hearing rustling behind them. Flash glanced at the sound, whispering, "You think they doubled back on us?"

"Possibly...." Daring turned towards the noise, ready to pounce.

"Wait. Let me do it." Flash then pulled out his blade, "I'm the one with the sword, remember?" Daring frowned, but nodded all the same as Flash pointed his weapon at the bush. And as the sound started to get louder, Flash crouched down and yelled, "Gotcha!" he ran into the leaves, tackling and pinning a pony to the ground. That is, till he saw who it was. "Rainbow?!"

"Ow!" The pegasus mare moaned as she rubbed her head. "What was that for?!"

"What's going on?!" Daring asked as she got up, only to see Rainbow, "Oh, its just you." She then turned around to walk away again.

"Wait!" Rainbow yelled as Flash waved his wings in front of her.

"Hang on. What are you doing here Rainbow? Where are the others?"

Rainbow just shrugged, "I don't know. Left them back at the cabin," she watched as Flash facehoofed. "And I'm here so I can help Daring Do!" Her face became one of glee and wonder. "Going on an adventure with her, its a dream come true!"

"This isn't a game Rainbow," Flash told her in a harsh whisper. "And if you're gonna be here, keep the noise down!"

"Who says you can give the orders?! Just because Daring asked you to help-"

"She asked me to help because I showed her that I'm competent. You wanna impress her, then stop fangirling. Geez, you're acting worse the Rarity." Rainbow let out a small screech, anger and rage on face at the insult. However, before she could reply, the two caught up with Daring.

"Why is she still here?" Daring asked.

"Because she can help us..." Flash turned to glare at Rainbow. "If she doesn't go overboard."

Rainbow looked at Daring pleadingly, causing the explorer pony to sigh. "Fine. But she has to do exactly what I tell her."

Rainbow's face became one of absolute joy, "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I won't let you down!"

"You'd better. Now, let's-"

"Let's go!" Rainbow raced into the air, leaving Daring to stare daggers at Flash.

Flash in turn, let out a nervous chuckle. "Trust me, she can help us."

A few hours later...

The sun and moon had now began to swap places, the trio finally locating Caballeron and his goons. Hiding in the bushes, they peeked through to see the group camping out and eating a bale of hay.

"Looks like they decided to have an early dinner before making their way back down the hill to the marketplace in town." Rainbow commented as Daring moved over to the side, scraping up some mud to stick to her face. "Oh...I see! You're gonna ambush them like in book four at the Horavian caves! Or maybe-" Her rant was stopped as Flash covered her mouth, shushing her.

"Be quiet!" Flash growled, "Stop fangirling and let's just follow her plan, okay?"

Rainbow blinked and then slowly nodded. And as Flash removed his hooves, Rainbow turned back to Daring. "So...what's the plan?"

Daring turned back to them, now wearing a beard made of leaves while holding a bag of bits. "Just sit and watch."

Caballeron and his companions were enjoying their dinner, only for their attention to be changed as the sound of bits jingling made them look at the nearby bushes. It was here they spotted Daring, who was now coughing to speak like an old fogey. "Hello fellars...I have been led to believe you have in your possession an item of significant importance that might be...for sale."

As she said this, Caballeron moved closer to check the bag's contents as he replied, "Oh uh, well...I did have another buyer lined up, but he's not here." he held up the ring, "So...sounds like we have a deal."

But as the schemer was about to give the ring to the mare, a loud suddenly shook the air. Caballeron's group shook in fear at the sound, the ground now beginning to shake.

"What's that?" Flash asked with a slight gulp.

"I think I know," Rainbow replied as she lifted herself slightly up. "And I know it isn't good."

The sound of falling trees happened next, only for a new figure to appear. It was a giant cat-like being, who's skin was a combo of dark and light blue while wearing a bronze Aztec necklace and arm bands. "CABALLERON!" It roared. "Where are you?!"

Daring glared at the beast, "Ahuizotl!"

The monster held out its tail, which showed a hand. The sight made Flash shiver, reminding him of his time as a human. "Uh...what is that Rainbow?"

Rainbow's expression became of mix of excitement and fear, "That's Ahuizotl, Daring's main archenemy! I...I can't believe he's real too!"

"You gotta be kidding me. That thing is way too ugly to be real."

Ahuizotl then walked up to the group, his tail-hand now pointing at Caballeron, "The ring! Now!"

To say Caballeron was scared would be an understatement. He was down right petrified, his hooves dropping the ring before grabbing the bits and turning tail a second later. And as the ring hit the ground, Daring and Ahuizotl glared at each other. The cat monster then shot his tail at the accessory, Daring leaping at the ring as well. But as the two clashed, Daring was a second faster, snagging the accessory in her mouth while dodging the tail.

Flash and Rainbow both gasped at the sight, Rainbow chanting to herself, "Be cool, Rainbow Dash, be cool...she's got this!"

"Who cares if she's got it," Flash grumbled as he gripped Lightbringer. "She needs help!"

"The ring, Daring Do! Give it to-AAAHHH!" The beast cried out as Flash slashed him in the back, the defender then flipping over the monster to land by Daring.

Daring took the ring out of her mouth and put it around her neck, "Now Ahuizotl, you know I love you, but I can't give you the ring till I've properly proposed." Daring remarked as Flash pointed her weapon at the beast.

"You realize if you put that in your next book, you're gonna be fuelling a ton of slash fiction."

Ahuizotl laughed as he straightened up. "Interesting, because my friends here have a proposal of their own." With that, he snapped his tail hand's fingers and was joined by a tiger, panther, cheater, lynx and...a house cat. The five growled, or hissed in one case as they stalked towards the two pegasi.

Flash and Daring shared a glance before nodding, the panther using this moment to pounce, only for the explorer pony's hoof to be placed into its jaw. It fell back, the tiger taking its place as it attacked. But as it tried to strike, Flash used Flash Grinder, knocking it away with ease.

Rainbow watched with baited breath as the two fought side by side. The familiar pang of jealously returned, making her frown. It was them that she noticed her idol's hat on the ground, which she grabbed before waving in the air. "Daring Do! I've got your hat! You want me to toss it?" Daring was a little to busy to respond, though Rainbow's eagerness prevented her from seeing that. "Daring Do! Daring Do!"

But as she did this, Flash and Daring kept fighting at the beasts with ease. That is, till a familiar terrified cry quickly caught their attention, making to turn and see Ahuizotl. The monster was now holding Rainbow in his tail hand, making them both come to a halt, Daring then getting pinned under one of the feral cats.

Flash, who had been in Theta Mode, dodged another slash of claws before pointing his blade at Ahuizotl. "Let her go!"

Ahuizotl laughed as he grabbed some dirt and tossed it into Flash's face, making him cry out as he was blinded. With this, Ahuizotl punched Flash in the face, knocking him into a tree as Lightbringer flew out of his hooves. And as he felt the wood embrace his back, the defender slumped to the ground, moaning as he lost consciousness.

"Flash!" Rainbow cried before turning to the now tied up Daring do. "Don't worry Daring Do! I'll come help you!" Ahuizotl however, had different ideas and simply tossed her back into the bushes. "Whoa! Ow!"

"Don't bother!" Daring told her as she and Flash were dragged off. "I'd say you've already helped plenty."

Rainbow then pulled her head out of the bushes, her wings flaring as she started to chase Ahuizotl. But as she followed him, she soon halted as she saw the enemy go into a large temple with Daring and Flash. Seeing this and an assemble of guards out of the temple, she slumped onto her flank, "What have I done?"

As the sun began to rise, Twilight and the girls had finally managed to locate Rainbow. The mare hadn't moved a muscle the entire night, even when the group appeared, Rarity getting to Rainbow first, "Rainbow! Thank goodness you're alright!"

Twilight came up next, now blinking as she looked around, "Where's Flash?"

Rainbow barely moved her hoof, pointing it at the temple. "In there. He, Daring Do and the ring have been captured by the dreaded Ahuizotl, and its all my fault." Another round of gasps filled the air as Rainbow's hoof slumped back down. "I'm a failure..."

Twilight let out a long gulp, a tearing feeling ripping through her heart. "We've gotta go save him! Err...them!"

"Why?!" Rainbow moaned out as she flopped down into the grass, "They've probably already got an escape plan. All I'll do is mess it up."

Twilight leaned her head back at Rainbow's reply, her head shaking a second later, "We can't be sure of that. If Flash was in your hooves right now, do you think he'd just sit back and do nothing?!"

Rainbow sighed back. "No...but he's different. Daring Do obviously admires his skills."

"And Flash admires yours," Fluttershy added as she patted the blue mare with her wing. "Just because you've messed up doesn't mean you should give up."

"Daring Do doesn't think so," Rainbow mumbled as she slowly got up, turning to walk away. "My hero's way better off without me."

Applejack took this moment to jump in front of her, "Hang on there pardner! This don't sound like you."

Pinkie threw her hoof around the mare's neck, "Where's the Rainbow Dash who would help anypony at the drop of a hat?"

Rarity giggled at this, "Or pith helmet as the case may be..."

"She's here, where she's got no business being," Rainbow pushed Pinkie away and started walking. "She should be at home."

Twilight let out a loud huff, "Rainbow Dash! Are you really going to abandon one of your closest friends?! Its fine to look up to Daring Do, but you've put her so high up on a pedestal, you can't even see your own worth anymore!" She trotted up in front of Rainbow, glaring at the athlete. "Flash and Daring need our help whether they want it or not! How would you feel if you were trapped and Flash or any of us didn't come to save you?!" It was here that Rainbow came to a stop, her eyes drilling holes into the ground. Twilight just shook her head at this, "Rainbow Dash, you once told Flash you'd never leave your friends hanging. Well, I'm sure he remembers....but do you?!"

Rainbow's brain flashed back to when they went after the Elements, how she had given up a chance to be leader so she wouldn't abandon her friends. She then looked back at the temple, her face slowly morphing back to her usual self. The very sight made Twilight smirk, "So...are you with us or not?"

Flash let out a long moan as he felt himself coming around. The first thing he noticed was that he was hanging by his hooves due to him being bolted to a stone wall. This alone made him blink, soon trying to pointless move before glancing down, now seeing a pool of water that was swimming with much hungrier looking ugly goldfish.

"So...you finally awake?" asked a voice, making him look up and see Daring hanging opposite him.

"What happened?"

"Your little friend got us caught. I knew she'd be trouble." Before Flash could say anything, she then yelled, "Surrender now Ahuizotl, or I'll be forced to take you down!"

The explorer started to struggle, trying to break the bonds as laughter filled the air. The laughter soon showed itself as Ahuizotl, who was on a ledge above them with the ring in his tail. "Oh Daring Do, I will so miss your amusing laughter-jokes. Now, I must leave to commence the ring-placing ceremony to unleash eight hundred years of unrelenting, sweltering heat! AHAHAHA!!!"

"You won't get away with this!" Flash barked back, "Even if we go down, my friends will stop you."

"Ah. Thanks for the warning," Ahuizotl replied with a slight chuckle. "I'll be sure to be ready to greet them with a whole army of spears and arrows!"


Ahuizotl then pulled a cord, causing a drain below him to open and unleash a torrent of water. It spilled into the pool, causing the fish-infested water to rise before walking off, laughing as he left the two to their fate. The two watched as the water rose, causing them to frantically pull at their restraints.

"You know...I always knew it would end this way."

Daring gave him a raised eyebrow look, "really?"

Flash just shrugged. "The details aren't exact, but yeah, pretty much."

Daring rolled her eyes before pulling at her shackles, her eyes going wide when she felt one of the stones connected to it wiggle. Seeing this, she shook it some more, causing it to get loose enough for her to slide out. Flash saw this and followed her lead, now wiggling at his own restraints. It came loose as well, the two soon pulling all four hooves free. However, as they did this, the added weight of the rock began to pull them down into the water.

The two flapped as hard as they could, Flash able to lift himself away from the water. However, Daring didn't seem to have the same amount of strength, and began to get dangerously close to rising torrent. Flash saw this and tried to push himself closer to her, his wings now starting to strain himself.

"Darn it...I can't-"

"I gotcha!" a new voice yelled as it came and grabbed the Daring Do. It was Rainbow Dash, her wings now flapping with all their might as she pulled Daring up, Flash following suite. It wasn't long till both managed to fly up to the edge, Flash and Daring then breaking the rocks that had been weighing them down.

"Thanks Rainbow." Flash grunted as he patted his wings. "That was close."

"No prob."

"Tch." Daring grunted as she cricked her neck, "I was just about to save myself, y'know."

"Yeah right," Flash barked back, only to get a glare from Daring.

However, Rainbow just ignored the comment as she pulled out a familiar sword and hat. "I just thought you might need these."

Flash smiled as he took Lightbringer, while Daring simply huffed as she put her hat on. "Have I mentioned yet that I work alone?"

"Have I mentioned yet that you're lucky I don't?"

"And we love you for it," Flash finished as he gestured them to follow, "Now come on, unless you want eight hundred years of heat."

"Don't worry about that. Twi and the others are dealing with Ahuizotl as we speak." Rainbow commented as the three made their way to the cat monster. And true to her word, as they reached the end of the corridor, a purple flash indicated Twilight's location. They reached the door and now saw that Twilight and the others had managed to get the ring, the group now playing keep away with Ahuizotl and his minions.

Daring then noticed a tower of rings behind the whole mess, causing her to tap Rainbow's side. "You, come with me." she then turned to Flash, "Can you keep them distracted?"

"No prob." The apprentice knight replied as he jumped into the fray, soon seeing that Rarity currently had the ring, "Over here!" The fashionista nodded before tossing it, which he caught just in time to dodge an oncoming spear.

Ahuizotl saw him and looked over at Daring and Rainbow, watching as they began to take the tower of rings off of the obelisk. He turned back to Flash, "Enough! I have thank you for the warning, as it made me realise that this was in order." He snapped the fingers of his tail hand, causing holes to open in the wall, more earth ponies soon appearing out of them. Each were holding a bow, all soon firing a storm of arrows. Everypony gasped at this, Flash's eyes going wide at the barrage of attacks heading his way. He then raised his sword, swatting away the shots while Twilight created a forcefield to protect the others. At the same time, Daring and Rainbow hid behind the obelisk, unable to get the next ring thanks to the arrow-filled mess.

"What do we do?! We can't fight them like this!" Pinkie asked Twilight, only to be ignored as Twilight just stared at Flash.

The pegasus was still deflecting the arrows, his sword cutting them like butter until one grazed his shoulder. "Ahh!" The pain made him drop both Lightbringer and the ring, which rolled along the floor to Ahuizotl.

The beast laughed as he grabbed the ring, lifting it up. "HA! Its mine! Now, I achieve my destiny!"

And as Flash saw this, his eyes went wide as a click went off in his brain. A mighty roar soon followed, his body suddenly exploding into a tornado of light. As this happened, glowing armor surrounded his form, though this time everyone could see it unlike the blinding light from before.

Ahuizotl shocking;y blinked at the sight, only to point at the defender, "Don't just stand there! SHOOT HIM!" The earth ponies nodded and once again started firing, every arrow aimed at Flash.

Flash stared at the barrage of approaching arrows, but almost hopped in place at the next sight. The arrows seemed like they were going in slow motion for the pegasi, causing him to easily hop away, dodging each with ease. Everypony watching was amazed, but that amazement was quickly outdone by what happened next. As he dodged another arrow, he jumped to another spot, only for a second Flash to appear where he had just leapt from. The two Flashs then hopped to different places, creating two more Flashs as they continued to hop around. It happened again and again until the entire room was filled with the light encased Flashs.

"What happening?" Applejack asked.

"Is he...copying himself?" Rarity added.

Twilight shook her head. "I don't think so. This must be something else."

However, despite her confusion, there was one that could tell what was happening. It was Rainbow, as the athlete could keep up with the defender, now seeing he was moving so fast that it looked like he was in multiple places at once. "Awesome..."

Daring was also amazed, but she quickly shook that shook off as she whispered to Rainbow, "Come on! While he's got him distracted, let's get rid of these rings!"

Meanwhile, the many Flash's easily dodged the arrows, some of the fake defenders just standing while arrows flew through their light bodies. This was just what Flash needed, and in a split second, the multiple versions of him leapt at the minions, punching each one out with ease. As they did this, they disappeared and left only the original Flash as he landed in front of Ahuizotl, the tornado once again forming as the two stared each other down.

"I don't know what this is, but I don't care! I will beat you and Daring Do!" The beast growled before charging at the glowing pegasus, a punch soon following. But as he did this, Flash disappeared in a flash of light, only to reappear under the beast. Ahuizotl let out a whimper as he saw what came next, his jaw now feeling one super-powered uppercut. "BLAUGH!" he cried as he sent flying, his form soon crashing into a stone wall.

Seeing the beaten monster, the tornado exploded off of Flash, his glowing form now disappearing. His legs gave out as he landed, causing him to stagger before Twilight ran up to him, managing to catch him at the last second. The two smiled at each other with slight red starting to appear on their faces. That is, till Rainbow yelled out, "Ponies, run! This place is going down!"

She and Daring were now on their final ring, both raising it up as the obelisk kept glowing. At the same time, the temple was starting to shake, its own ceiling now starting to collapse. "I think that's our cue to leave," Flash commented before the six raced to the nearest exit. Rainbow and Daring at the same time took the last ring, only to look up and see a brand new sunroof from the temple's collapse.

"Oh no you don't!" yelled a voice behind them, both turning to see that Ahuizotl had already regained consciousness. "I won't lose this time!"

"So long Ahuizotl. Its been fun." Daring remarked back as both blew raspberries at the monster. The pegasi then flew up into the sunroof, the beast unable to catch them.


Outside of the collapsing temple, the ponies were now slumped over, all panting heavily. "Ohhh...don't wanna do that again." Twilight moaned as she let out another groan. "Daring Do has quite the crazy lifestyle."

"I agree darling." Rarity added as she wiped her brow, "That was a lot of exercise for one adventure...but uh, where is Daring and Rainbow? Are they okay?"

It was here that their ears flickered, now hearing the sound of two approaching flying ponies. They all looked up, now seeing the duo with the giant ring in hoof. And as they got closer, the two dropped the ring, shattering it as it hit the ground.

With that done, Daring turned to Rainbow. "Thank you. I could have never done this without you Rainbow Dash." She held out her hoof, but Rainbow took it a step further and threw her hooves around Daring, hugging her. The explorer pony was shocked at first, but quickly recovered and hugged her back. Once they pulled away, Daring began to fly off. "Now...I've got a book to finish!"

Rainbow waved her off until the explorer pony was out of sight, then landed next to her friends. Flash shined a cheeky grin at her, "So...finally managed to get over the fangirling?"

Rainbow looked away and waved her hoof, "Oh please, like I would ever do that. I only acted that way because it was all part of Daring Do and mine's awesome plan. I let her to get captured so she could get into the temple and destroy it from within."

The others all laughed at this as Twilight spoke up. "I admit that's a Daring Do move, but I doubt she told you that."

"She didn't need to," Rainbow replied as she puffed out her chest. "We're so awesomely similar that we don't need to tell each other the plan, because we've already come up with the same one."

"Right...sure you two are." Twilight giggled as she moved over to Flash, "Now, let's get that cut of yours cleaned." She then stopped as she looked at the spot the arrow had hit, only to see that the wound was now gone. "Amazing..."

Several weeks later...

Rainbow was in her house, writing in the friendship journal when she suddenly heard a knocking at the door. Putting her pencil down, she opened the door to see a mail pony who handed out a parcel, "Package from A.K. Yearling."

A huge grin graced Rainbow's face as she took the parcel, "Sweet! Thanks pal!" She then closed the door and ripped the parcel open, "Its the new book, and its a week before anypony else gets it!" Once she finished unwrapping the book, she gasped as she saw the book's cover, "Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!"

She clutched the book to her chest, squealing with glee. And as she opened it to start reading, it was here that the cover showed itself, showing the usual picture of Daring Do. But as the hero was front and center, flying on either side of her were ponies that looked suspiciously like Flash and Rainbow.

Author's Note:

Pretty cool chapter, huh?

Alright, let me answer the question I know you're all asking. The reason I wrote this chapter now, when I've already written about events that take place after this chapter, is because I really wanted to do this episode but other chapters needed to be written first. As such, I pushed the events back a little. Okay? Okay.