• Published 13th Nov 2018
  • 5,483 Views, 287 Comments

Flash Sentry, Defender of the Peace S4 - Banshee531

One year has passed since our heroes first met and saved all of Equestria. Now, Flash must protect the newly crowned Princess Twilight as she carries out her duties. But when a strange new power awakens, he must learn to grasp his own destiny.

  • ...

Pinkie Pride

The desert of Equestria, a usually peaceful place during the night. While there may be the occasional coyote howl, the dark evening was mostly soundless. But not this night. On the end of this day, the desert wind carried the sounds of music and explosions, the usually black star lit sky now filled with a multitude of multicolored fireworks.

The source of this commotion was the town of Appaloosa, where the ponies and buffalo were busy partying into the night. But the story does not begin in the town, but a mile away. There, a light brown earth pony wearing a poncho and cowboy hat was standing alone, watching the party take place as a rubber chicken flopped over on his back.

"Well Boneless, looks like our work here is done." The rubber chicken didn't reply, but the pony nodded all the same. "Yep," he placed a party favor in his mouth and started walking through the sand, "Those ponies never partied so hard, all thanks to me: Cheese, Cheese Sandwich."

In that moment, he came to a stop, his whole body vibrating and his skin wobbling. It eventually ended as he hopped into the sky, his poncho parachuting him back to the ground. "Woo-hoo-hoo!" He exclaimed out of excitement, "That was a doozy!" As soon as he landed, his face turned to one of pure seriousness as he picked up his hat that had fallen off, "Well Boneless, looks like our next party is gonna be in...Ponyville."

Several days later, on the outskirts of Ponyville...

The sun was shining and the birds were chirping as Wild and Lightning travelled down a dusty, gravel-filled road. They would soon be arriving at the canyon where the defenders usually trained, which would lead them back into town by noon at the latest.

As for why they were walking this route, their friend Gorgenia had been doing an art show in Manehatten. Having moved to the Crystal Empire to study crystal sculpting, she had caught the eyes of an art museum director who wanted to spread the Crystal Empire's beauty to all of Equestria. As such, the two had gone to show their support along with Solid Script. The show had gone off without a hitch, but problems started to appear on the way home. They had missed their first train home, meaning they had sleep on the uncomfortable platform benches of the train station until the next morning. Then when they were one town away from Ponyville, all trains were stopped due to damage to the tracks.

Now, they had to walk to Ponyville.

"Almost there," Wild gasped as the canyon came into view, his puppets repeating his lines.

"Great...just great." Lightning mumbled. "Core's gonna be having a field day with me being back a day later than expected." The unicorn then gulped down a bottle of water as he thought about the situation in Ponyville. Now that Iron had been 'knighted', he had been declared leader of Defenders of the Piece. This fact alone made the unicorn irritated, as Iron was nowhere near as casual as Flash when it came to rules. "Ugh...I just wish he wasn't so damn stiff when it comes to stuff like this."

Wild shrugged as he took a drink out of his own water bottle. "Hey, its not like its our fault. Besides, at least we'll have a fun party to arrive back to."

"I guess..." Lightning then smirked as a thought came into his head. "Though you're gonna use it as an excuse to ask Pie out."

Wild's face went beet red as his puppets laughed. "Hey! Would you guys knock it off?! Besides, I can't ask her out during somepony's birthday. That's like, the cardinal rule of all entertainment ponies. Don't let anything distract you from the party, period."

Lightning nodded in understanding. "I guess that's true. But there's nothing stopping you from asking her out afterwards. What, is there gonna be another party you can't ruin the next day?!"

"If Pinkie had her way, there would be a party everyday," Wild replied before they both started laughing. It was here that they started to enter the canyon, Wild letting out a sigh, "You know...I'm not sure if I should try and pursue a relationship with her. I mean, look at how we met. If we do end up going all the way, twenty years from now I might have to tell our kids how the first time I met their mother. Do you honestly think our kids would accept me attacking her and trying to help their psychopathic uncle take over Equestria?! Err...no offense."

"None taken." Lightning slightly grumbled, only to tap Wild's shoulder, "But you know, you can't let the fear of what might happen stop you from doing something you really want. Who cares how you two met. I'll tell you who doesn't, Pinkie Pie."

"But what if she doesn't want to be in a relationship?! I could totally end up ruining our friendship...." Wild looked away as he mumbled his next words. "I don't...I don't want to lose that."

"Maybe, but if you do nothing, you'll end up bursting from keeping it in. Eventually, you won't be able to stay in the same room as her." Lightning took another swig of water, "Besides, if you leave it too long, she might find somepony else."

"What?!" Wild yelped as he came to a sudden stop, his puppets flying into the back of his head one by one. "Who else?! Is there somepony I don't know?!"

Lightning came to a stop as well, shrugging at the sight of the now panicking Wild, "I don't know. She's an attractive mare, both physically and in her attitude. I'm sure somepony will eventually want to ask her out. And if she doesn't know about how you feel, she'll have no reason not to say yes."

"But...but..." Wild stuttered as his brain went into overdrive, his mind now imagining a scenario involving Pinkie and an all black figure. They were holding hooves, drinking milkshakes out of the same cup, watching the sunset together. He then envisioned the two staring at one another, their faces drawing oh so close to each other, and- "NO WAY!" Wild swung his hooves around to break up the imaginary cloud above his head. "That can't happen!"

Lightning just laughed at the sight. "Well, it will happen unless you stallion up and ask her first."

A huge frown showed itself on Wild's face, pure fear in one twitching eye while a deep blush covered his snout. With this expression, he looked away, "I...I don't know."

Lightning rolled his eyes at this, only to sling a hoof around his friend's shoulders. "You know, being in an actual relationship ain't a bad thing. Look at Core and his marefriend. Everypony accepted that with ease." Hearing this, Wild rubbed his chin in thought. He remembered when he found out that those two became official after Iron's knighting. The very fact it happened had become as natural as anything else in Ponyville. Lightning then used this moment to use his other hoof to poke Wild in the chest, "Look, you've got two options buddy. Either tell Pinkie Pie how you feel, or move on entirely and let her be happy with whoever she decides to be with."

"But I...um...." Wild muttered out as his frown got bigger, his mind now going over both situations. The first caused him to feel both fear and excitement, while the other made his stomach roll. "I...uh...."

"Excuse me?" The two unicorns' ears spiked up, making them turn around to see a poncho wearing earth pony walking up to them, a serious look on his face. "Did I hear right when you said the name...Pinkie Pie?"

"Yes..." Wild replied very slowly, "but what does that have to do with you? And who are you?"

"Cheese, Cheese Sandwich. Party pony extraordinaire," the pony replied as he walked past them, tipping his hat. to and then passed the two. "I'm heading to Ponyville, for there is a party that needs my help being planned."

"How do you know about that?" Lightning asked next, knowing that they only knew about it because it was the only thing Rainbow and Pinkie had been talking about for the last few weeks.

"What, did somepony put out an article in poncho monthly?" Wild added, making his puppets laugh.

"No, my Cheesy Sense was tingling."

Both Lightning and Wild raised an eyebrow at this. "Cheesy Sense?" Lightning asked.

"That's not a thing," Wild told him.

Lightning turned to him with a deadpan frown. "Hey, if there can be a Pinkie Sense, than a Cheesy Sense doesn't sound too far-fetched. Especially after you showed me what it does." Wild pouted at that, but nodded anyway before turning back to Cheese.

The party pony tilted his head at the two. "Anyways, you said something about Pinkie Pie. Is she the one planning this party?"

Wild almost growled at his next words, "Yeah, she is. So I'm pretty sure she's got this covered."

"Covered, covered, she's got this covered."

However, Cheese didn't seem to listen, instead turning back towards Ponyville. "Well Boneless, looks like fate has brought us and the pink one back together."

Lightning and Wild glanced at each other over this, the defender then asking, "Wait...you and Pinkie know each other?"

Cheese glanced back to him and nodded. "I know her, though I doubt she knows me." He then started walking away, leaving the two unicorns to just stare in confusion.

Seeing this, Wild leaned over and whispered, "What the heck is he talking about?"

Lightning shrugged again. "No idea." It was at this moment they arrived where the defenders trained, meaning they were in range for Lightning to teleport them back to their house. "Finally. Wanna lift?"

Wild shook his head, his eyes now staring daggers at Cheese. "No thanks. I'm gonna see what else I can learn from this guy." Lightning nodded before disappearing, allowing Wild to take a deep breath. There, he quickly trotted up to Cheese. "What did you mean before? Do you know Pinkie or not?"

It was here that the two arrived at the exit of the canyon, Ponyville now in sight. Cheese stared down at the town, still not looking at the puppeteer. Despite this, he recounted his tale. "When I was a colt, I was very shy. So shy, that nopony even knew my name. But then I left home and found myself in Ponyville, stumbling into a party thrown by the mare in question. When I saw how much fun everypony was having, I made the decision to spread the same joy I felt that day. And ever since then, I've been honing my craft."

"Wait..." Wild went wide-eyed at this, pure shock now on his face. "So...Pinkie inspired you to become a party pony?!"

Cheese nodded before pointing to the chicken on his back, "She even gave me Boneless here. And now it seems the cosmos has decided that the two of us must work together to throw the ultimate party." With that, he started walking away, not even looking back at the unicorn.

At the same time, Wild just stood there, simply staring at the earth pony. "That guy...and Pinkie...working together on a party?! And if Pinkie learns about the backstory they had....oh no." the knot in his stomach returned as he remembered what Lightning had said. The imagination cloud started to form, now showing Pinkie and the blacked out figure on a date, only for the figure to slowly morph into Cheese Sandwich. They were holding hooves, drinking milkshakes out of the same cup, watching the sunset together. Then, they stared at each other, both slowly leaning, their faces drawing oh so closer and-"NOOOO!" Wild destroyed the cloud with a blast of his horn, heavily panting with sweat now dripping down his face. "I can't let that happen! I can't!"

"Can't, can't, can't let that happen!"

"But how do I stop it? If this party's as epic as that guy says, Pinkie's sure to fall for him!" He fell to his stomach and covered his head with his hooves. "What do I do?! What do I do?!" He started to bite his hooves, "Maybe I could sabotage the-NO! Not gonna do that Wild!" As appealing as the mental image of Pinkie glaring at Cheese because the party was ruined was, his entertainer side of his mind refused to be part of destroying a party.

And as more conflicting thoughts filled his mind, he smacked the side of his head. "Augh! I can't just sit here!" He stood up next, glancing back at his puppets, "Let's go buddies!"

"Let's go, let's go!"

One transition back to Ponyville...

"Come on boys, we're almost there!" Wild exclaimed as he reached the town's borders. There, he galloped at full speed to Sugarcube Corner. And as he got closer, his ears picked up on the sound of music. Looks like somepony was having a song, which when he arrived on the bakery's street, he caught the last line of it.

"As our super party pony Pinkie!" sang a crowd outside of the sweet shop. There, Rarity and Twilight were putting up a banner showing a picture of Rainbow Dash.

Seeing this, Wild pushed his way through the crowd and found Pinkie shaking Rarity with a huge grin. "Ooooh! I am so, so, SO excited, because today I'm planning the birthday bash of...RAINBOW DASH!" They all looked up to see Rainbow hovering in front of her image.

"Yeah!" The pegasus cheered.

The others all laughed at the happy pegasi while Flash caught sight of Wild. Smiling at the sight, he trotted up to the puppeteer, "Hey Wild! Finally made it back, huh? Is Lightning with ya?"

"Back at our place. He should be on evening patrol."

Flash released a long sigh of relief, "Thank Celestia! Now Iron can finally have somepony else to yell at."

"That bad?" Wild asked back with a raised eyebrow, "I mean, I know Lightning told me it was bad, but-"

"Yes, its that bad." Flash interrupted, a low growl following this.

It was here that Pinkie bounced over to Wild, hopping onto his back before hugging him around the neck, causing him to blush. "Hey you! Ready to part-tay?!"

"I...I guess." Wild sputtered out, his blush increasing as the hug's strength did the same.

"Great! With you here, this'll be the best party EVER!" Rainbow took this moment to fly down and high hoof the party pony. "Aw yeah!"

Wild felt the release of the hug and took a deep breath, trying to tell himself to raise his voice. "Yeah...listen Pinkie, on the way here-"

"Rainbow Dash!" Pinkie interrupted as she hopped off of Wild.

"Yes, Pinkie?" Rainbow replied, only to backpedal slightly as a look of pure seriousness graced the party pony's face.

"You realize that by enlisting me as your party planner, I guarantee that this is going to be the funnest, most fantabulous, superbial parties ever in Ponyville?!" As she had been saying this, she was putting her face closer and closer to Rainbow, making the Pegasus soon fall onto her back.

"Uh...yeah? I guess?"

"No guesses!" Pinkie shoved her hoof into Rainbow's mouth, "Parties are no picnic!"

"Oh! I like a nice picnic party." Fluttershy piped in, only to whimper as Pinkie shot her a glowing glare. "Um...sorry."

"Hold on there. Maybe you should relax a little Pinkie," Flash suggested as he grabbed Pinkie's shoulder. "You don't wanna be stressing yourself into a nervous breakdown."

"He's right," Twilight added in agreement. "Remember what happened at Flash's birthday party?"

"Of course I do!" Pinkie barked back as she puffed out her chest in confidence, "But that won't happen this time, as I'm not leaving anything to chance!"

Springer then stepped up. "Aren't you going a little overboard? I mean, its just a party-" This statement was met by Pinkie getting right up into his face, a really uncomfortable glare following this. "Errr-"


"Okay..." the jakhowl whispered back.

Pinkie hopped back from the defender, only to zip back to Rainbow before performing her trademarked Pinkie Promise maneuver. "And you have my certified Pinkie Party Promise-" she pulled out a cupcake and shoved it into her eye, "That you will have the best birthday party ever!"

Rainbow, still a little freaked out by the mare's intensity, just nodded. "Okay Pinkie."

"Great!" Pinkie's mane shot out a blast confetti, the pink pony now bouncing around with her friends. "Now, who's ready to join this super duper party pony to plan this super duper part-tay?!"

"I am."

Wild flinched at the voice, the rest of the group now turning to the source. It was here that they saw Cheese leaning against a building, his hat covering most of his face. He then blew his party horn. One long gulp went down Wild's throat as he stared at the stallion, only for sweat to start pouring down his face as he saw Pinkie rush up to him, "Who are you, stranger?"

"Name's Cheese Sandwich," he replied as he stood upright. "I plan parties."

"Really?! What an amazing coincidence!" She pointed to herself, "I'm Pinkie Pie, and I'm planning a party!"

Cheese just chuckled at this, "Oh, its no coincidence my little pony. My cheesy sense was a-tingling, telling me a party was in the works."

"Cheesy sense?" Flash asked, tilting his head.

"That's not a thing," Springer added as he pointed at Cheese.

But before the party pony could reply, Wild interrupted, "I said that too, but apparently...it exists."

The group all turned to Wild, Rainbow asking, "You know this guy?"

"Met him outside of town."

"Neat!" Pinkie exclaimed before looking back at Cheese, "This is double amazing! I have a Pinkie Sense!"

Cheese nodded at this, "Yes, I sensed you did."

"Or you just heard me and Lightning talking about it," Wild whispered under his breath.

"And I happen to be the premiere party planner in all of Equestria." He looked up at the Rainbow Dash party banner. "If there's a party in need, there I'll be. Be it wingding, hoedown, hootenanny, or shindig, I'm your pony."

Pinkie started bouncing up and down at this, a grin now shining on her face, "A pair of party pony planners in Ponyville?! What can be more perfect?!"

Wild's eyes shrunk at this. This was exactly what he was trying to avoid, the images of losing Pinkie now returning. And as a small imaginary cloud began to form over his head, he could feel sweat now touching his chin. "Uh...Pinkie-"

"I'll tell you what's perfect!" Rainbow interrupted, his day-nightmare imaginary cloud suddenly breaking as the athlete flew into the middle of the group, "Making this party epic! 'Cause this isn't just any birthday. It's also the anniversary of when I moved to Ponyville!"

This caught everypony's attention, making them go wide eyed as Rarity gasped, "Good heavens Rainbow Dash, it's your 'birth-iversary!'"

"Exactly!" Rainbow floated down between Cheese and Pinkie, "So what do you say, party planners?"

Pinkie bounced up and down again. "Oh, I think we can do it!"

However, Cheese shook his head. "Oh, I don't think so." This statement caused both Rainbow and Pinkie to frown, only for the stallion to suddenly toss off his hat and poncho to reveal a yellow shirt beneath. "I know so! After all..." The inner music maker that all ponies possessed began to play as Cheese started singing-

The super-duper party pony–that pony is me
I always knew that was the kind of pony I would be

"Me too!" Pinkie cheered.

"Come on, ponies! Who here likes to party?" He moved over to an older pony and threw his hooves around his neck, "Ha-ha! You do! I can tell!"

When I was but a little colt, I just wanted to play

Like me!

(Cheese Sandwich)
But everypony told me, 'Cheese, that fun just wastes the day'

As if!

(Cheese Sandwich)
But when I threw a party and I busted out some moves


(Cheese Sandwich)
The ponies finally saw the light and got into the groove

You know it!

Wild raised an eyebrow at this, now confused at what Cheese was talking about. "What is...going on?" Wild whispered to himself, now wondering why Cheese wasn't telling Pinkie about how she inspired him.

(Cheese Sandwich)
The super-duper party pony–that pony is me

(Pinkie Pie)
And me!

(Cheese Sandwich)
You'll never meet another party pony quite like Cheese!

(Pinkie Pie)
Uh, Pinkie?

Cheese began explain how he did things, the ponies listening now showing shining eyes as they imagined what he spoke about.

(Cheese Sandwich)
My parties are all off the hook
I never plan them by the book
I start out fun, then whoopsie-daisy
Everybody just gets crazy!

Bored of snacks made by your mom?
How about a giant party bomb?
Huge pinatas filled with cake
Or dive into my fruit punch lake!

A townpony named Goldengrape imagined himself jumping off a diving board, causing him to yell out. "Geronimo!"

(Cheese Sandwich)
The super-duper party pony–that pony is me.
You'll never meet another party pony quite like Cheese.

He then pulled out an accordion and started playing. It was here that he started telling more stories, including the time he got a colt the chance to ride a hippo.

(Cheese Sandwich)
Oh, when I throw a Cheese party, its sure to not be lame
And miss my pie fights, wacky kites, and streamers in your mane
Fizzy drinks, Hawaiian shirts, and brie fondue delight
You know that with Cheese Sandwich, you'll be partying all night!

To say the rest of Ponyville was soaking up the joy of Cheese would be an understatement. They loved it, Rainbow now speaking up, "C'mon, everypony! Let's party down with Cheese!" The next thing Pinkie knew, she was almost trampled by the rest of the town as they gathered around him.

"You're really a certified party pony?" Fluttershy asked next.

"That's right! That's my guarantee!" Cheese replied as he continued playing, the crowd now lifting him into the air before parading him down the street.

The super-duper party pony–that pony is me-e-e-e-e

As the group disappeared, it left only Pinkie and Wild. The unicorn and his friends turned to her, Wild now seeing a look of betrayal on her face. He then leaned down to help her up, "You okay?"

"Okay, okay, you okay?" his puppets repeated.

Pinkie just ignored his question, her eyes now staring at where the crowd had been as their inner music makers played one final tune. "But what about the super party pony named Pinkie?" she whimpered, her mane starting to deflate. Seeing this, Wild opened his mouth, only for nothing to come out.

Thanks to this hesitation, Pinkie started following after the crowd, the puppeteer soon trying to keep up with her. And as he caught up to her, he then heard Rainbow speak up, "Yeah! Now that's what I'm talking about! I'm so stoked you're here, Cheese Sandwich!"

"Yeah," Applejack nodded in agreement, "You sure did come on the right day."

Rarity released a happy sigh, "Your party sounds simply divine."

Flash then flew above him, "Yeah! Now Pinkie won't have to do all the work."

"I agree. We're so lucky to have you here," Twilight added.

Cheese smiled as he placed a straw hat atop his head. "Just doing my job, little fillies."

But Rainbow chose this moment to continue. "I mean, Pinkie Pie's parties are fun and sweet and all, but now this party's gonna be-"

"Epic?" Cheese guessed, making the pegasus smile.

"You said it!" The two high hoofed before Rainbow looked back, seeing the party pony they were talking about at the back of the crowd. "Uh...heh. No offense, Pinkie."

If they had been as close to Pinkie as Wild was, they would have spotted the tears she was currently wiping away with her tongue. "Um....n-none taken." She quickly forced a smile that would fool almost anypony. But as soon as everypony looked away, it vanished as her mane deflated like a balloon.

The sight made Wild do a small gulp, surprised at how quickly she got depressed. He then raised his hoof to pat her shoulder, "Pinkie...are you-"

"I'm okay Wild," the earth pony interrupted, batting his hoof away. "You should go have fun at whatever party Cheese is throwing. They obviously don't need me there."

With that, she turned and walked away, leaving Wild and his puppets to stare at her with dumbfounded surprise. And once she was out of sight, Wild couldn't help himself from unleashing a small grin. He then glanced at his puppets, "Okay buddies, Pinkie might not be happy right now, but that doesn't mean we can't cheer her up. Not only that..." He looked back up to where the crowd had disappeared to in the distance, "Looks like Pinkie won't be getting with him."

"Won't be, won't be!"

The puppeteer then crossed his hooves, his mind now racing over what had happened earlier that day, "Thought...why didn't he tell Pinkie about how he met her?" He looked back up and saw his puppets gesture to the town's park, a nod following. "You're right buddies! Let's go find out ourselves!"

One transition to the park later...

As soon as Wild arrived at the park, he was greeted by the sight of a half constructed stage covered with streamers and flags with Rainbow's cutie mark printed on them. After ducking under a low hanging flag cord, Derpy calling out her apology as she grabbed it, he spotted Cheese on the stage directing Twilight and Rarity on positioning a new banner. This new banner showed the image of a more realistic Rainbow compared to Pinkie's hoof drawn but still impressive design, surrounded by stars, balloons and other stuff.

Once the banner was placed, Rainbow cheered at the sight. "My birth-iversary's already looking way cooler! You are my kind of party pony, Cheese Sandwich!" She and Cheese turned to one another and butted heads, Wild amazed the hardhat Cheese was wearing didn't cause a headache.

"You got that right, Rainbow Dash!" Cheese looked back to the rest of the group. "All right party ponies, I've got some planning to do!"

With that, he hopped off while looking over a clipboard. As he disappeared into a crowd, Wild stared at the stage with wide eyes. And as he did this, Twilight walked up to him, "Hey Wild, have you come to help?"

"Err..." the unicorn glanced up at the decorations, rubbing his chin in thought, "Where'd all this stuff come from?" He asked as he pointed at the banner.

A strumming of a guitar rang out next, making him glance at the stage. There, Flash was sitting in a chair, tuning his electric guitar. The pegasus then smiled at him. "We've all decided to use the same rule as when Pinkie does something strange." He did another strum as the ponies around him spoke in unison.

"It's Cheese Sandwich, so don't question it."

"Right..." Wild said slowly as looked back at Flash. "So what are you doing?"

"Wotcha doin, wotcha doin?"

"Cheese asked me to play some of Rainbow's favorite guitar songs, so I'm getting ready."

"Huh." Wild almost stuttered, only to feel a purple hoof tap his shoulder. "Hmm?"

It was Twilight, who was tilting her head as a pair of flags magically levitated over her. "Hey Wild, where's Pinkie? Doesn't she wanna help? She was so serious about it before."

Wild shrugged at this. "I'm not sure. Maybe back at Sugarcube?"

Twilight frowned at his response, only for her horn to start glowing, "I'm gonna go look for her." With that, she disappeared in a flash of light, slightly blinding the puppeteer.

"Ugh...to many things happening right now." Wild muttered as he rubbed his eyes.

"Okay, I'm done!" Flash piped up next, the defender now grabbing one of the sheet os music Cheese had given him. When he saw what it was, his smirk doubled in size. "Oh yes, this one's a classic."

He then started strumming, playing a song everypony knew and loved. As the music played, Wild turned to where Cheese had gone off, soon heading into the crowd. It wasn't long till he found the planner, as he kept making plenty of noise. The party planner was now writing on pieces of paper, which he was now pinning to trees. "Okay....and once Flash has finished playing, I'll bring in the party howitzer. Then I'll-"

"What is all this stuff?" Wild asked as he ripped a piece of paper off the tree, now seeing that it had a bunch of scribbles on it. It was letters and numbers, all with no meaning on them. "Super weird."

"Weird, weird, super weird."

Cheese turned to him with a giant smile, one that made Wild almost backpedal. "Well howdy once again! I'm so glad you're here! You do puppet shows, right?"

Wild gave him a look that said: 'Are you seriously asking that?' before pointing a hoof up at his puppets. The red and pink dolls were dancing while blue and green mimicked a karate fight. At the same time, yellow was doing some meditation. A low almost growl happened next as he replied, "What do you think?"

"Great! I've got a small open spot, and a puppet show would fit into it perfectly!" He leaned over with hopping eyebrows, "Don't suppose you can have a Rainbow themed show ready by tonight?"

"I have a closet filled with puppets of every pony in Ponyville." Wild deadpanned, only to blink at his own words, "Its uh...not as creepy as it sounds."

"Perfect! Thanks, you're a big help."

Cheese then grabbed Wild's hoof, rapidly shaking it. "No...problem." Wild replied before pulling his hoof back, "Say uh...I need to ask you something."

"Yeah? What's up?"

"Why'd you lie to Pinkie?" Wild asked, now seeing Cheese slightly freeze up as he continued, "Why didn't you tell her how you really became a party pony, instead of that dribble you were spouting before?"

"Oh...you heard that." Cheese did a small gulp, her hooves starting to twiddle, "Say uh...thanks for not blabbing before. It's just that...when I saw Pinkie and heard how serious she took planning parties, well..." he started to shiver, "I um...got nervous."

Wild raised an eyebrow at this, almost slack-jawed at the words entering his ears. "You...got nervous?"

"Yeah. I thought that if I told her the truth, she might see me as some crazed stalker who does party planning to get closer to her." Wild held back a smirk, knowing that if Pinkie found out the truth, it would likely make his and Pinkie's day. That is, till he continued to talk, "So...I decided I'd hold off on the truth until I showed her just how dedicated I am to parties. So after the party's over, I'll tell her the truth."

Wild did everything he could to now frown. His eyes shrunk as a new imagination cloud started to form in his brain, this one showing Pinkie see Cheese's amazing the party, only to hear his tale as well. And as the story finished, the two looked into each other's eyes and-

"So thanks again for not blabbing!" Cheese interrupted, the cloud now fading as the party planner unpinned his papers from the trees, placing them back onto his clipboard. "If you don't mind, could you do me a solid and keep this to yourself? We wouldn't wanna ruin Pinkie's surprise."

"Sure..." Wild monotoned as Cheese yelled a 'thanks' before disappearing into the party making crowd. And as he watched him vanish, the unicorn started to make yet another imagination cloud. This showed Pinkie and Cheese on a date, slow-dancing before the image of church appeared behind them. There, Pinkie was in beautiful wedding dress, Cheese in a tux as hearts shined inside Pinkie's eyes. Then, their union was sealed as the sight of foal carriages appeared and- "NOOOOO!" He screamed as the thought cloud was destroyed by his puppets.

His red and blue dolls floated down next, both poking him back into reality. Patting the two, he moaned, "I know, I know. I've gotta stop this party...without stopping it." He then rubbed his face down, "Oh, what do I do?! I can't ruin a party! Even if Cheese stole her party, she'll hate me if I did that!" The puppets all sighed at him before stroking their chins. It was here that yellow whispered into Wild's ear. "Get Pinkie back as the main party planner?" His eyes went wide at that. "Of course! If Pinkie's in charge again, then Cheese won't be able to show her how dedicated he is, and she'll never learn the truth! That's genius little buddy!" He flexed his hooves, pumping them. "And besides, Pinkie's probably gonna do a way better party planning than this Cheese."

With that, the unicorn and his five puppet buddies raced to Sugarcube corner. Along the way, he spotted Iron and Lightning walking down the street. The two were covered in streamers, popped balloons and other party products. "Hey!" he walked up to them, "You two alright? And more importantly, you seen Pinkie?"

The two glared at him as Iron pulled a popped balloon out of his mane. "Oh, we saw her alright."

Lightning nodded in agreement. "Your little marefriend has been causing trouble all over town."


"Yeah..." Iron grumbled as he tore a streamer in half, "She stuffed a bunch of mailboxes with streamers and confetti."

"Then she replaced the support of a building being built with a tower of balloons. And they weren't even the good balloons I've seen her use, but some cheap garbage. If she's gonna play a prank, can she at least put some effort into it?!"

Wild blinked at the sight, knowing Pinkie seemed far to bummed out for that. He then put his hoof on his old friend, "Don't worry, I'll look into this."

"Be sure that you do," Iron huffed as he ripped the last steamer up. "Come on Lightning, let's go patrol this party."

"See ya later Wild."

"Later." Wild replied as he started his walk back to Sugarcube Corner. There, he saw the upper half of the door leading to the kitchen was open. "Knock knock..." He muttered out as he looked inside, soon finding Mr. and Mrs. Cake working on a blue cake with seven different colored icings, their twin foals on the other side of the room playing.

"Oh, hello Wild." Mrs. Cake replied as she finished a layer of icing.

"Hey Mrs. Cake," the unicorn then moved over to the foals, gesturing to his puppets to entertain them as he asked, "You two know where your foalsitter is?" Pound let out a garble as his sister chewed on a piece of her play pen, the two both pointing at the ceiling.

"She came home a few minutes ago," Mr. Cake answered with a frown. "Though she seemed a little out of sorts."

"Really? How so?"

Mrs. Cake slight bit her lip, "Well...she walked in. Walked, not bounced, and said her hello with less enthusiasm than she usually does."

"And she seemed to ignore the twins when they wanted play with her. It's very odd."

"If we didn't need to get this cake done, we'd go check up on her." Mrs. Cake gestured to the ceiling, "Could you-"

"Say no more," Wild replied as he pointed to his dolls. "Buddies, keep watching them please." They all nodded as he left, soon hitting the third floor. There, he found the door to Pinkie's room, noticing the massive sign saying 'come in' with around a hundred 'pleases' between it and her name. Taking a small breath, he knocked on the door, "Pinkie, I'm coming in."

No response came, making Wild slowly open the door. There, he put the door ajar as he silently stared inside. He had never been in Pinkie's room before and had often imagined what it would look like. Most of the time, he came up with the image of balloons and streamers everywhere, pictures of parties she had hosted on every wall.

But that wasn't what he found. In fact, the room was slightly barren, the pink pony now deflating several balloons. Seeing this, he stepped inside completely. "What are you doing?"

Pinkie glanced behind herself, showing surprise on her face before frowning as she replied, "I'm getting rid of all my party equipment."


Pinkie deflated another balloon, "I'm not going to need them anymore since Cheese'll be taking my place as Ponyville's super super pony party planner."

"But...but...since when is that happening?!" Wild babbled out as he rubbed the side of his head.

"Isn't it obvious? Everypony else likes his parties better than mine, so why bother even trying?" She let out a long sigh before laying back on her bed, "All I can do now is try and find something else I can be good at."

A click went off in Wild's brain, "Wait...is that what the stuff I heard about earlier was about? Like the confetti in mailboxes?"

Pinkie did a slow nod. "I tried being a surgeon, a mail pony and a construction worker, but none of them fit me."

"Wait....what?! You did all that since I last saw you?" His question was met by a half-hearted nod. "That was only an hour ago!"

Pinkie sat up with a deadpan stare. "That's ten years in montage song time." She then hopped off her bed, staring at the door, "But anyways, thanks for stopping by. I'm glad at least you remembered me."

Wild opened his mouth to reply, but his mind told him to stop. His brain said that if he told Pinkie the truth behind Cheese, she'd likely perk up. But if he did that, then she might still think Cheese is better anyways, even making her think she has no place no matter what. Wild started to rub his head, sparks almost flying off he tried to think. "Oohh...what do I do?!" he whispered to himself, "I gotta think of something."

He then started to blink as he saw Pinkie go up to the door, her hoof now grabbing the door. Seeing this, Wild went up and spun her around, "Pinkie! Don't do this!"

Pinkie just swat his hoof away, ready to turn back around, "Give it up Wild, I'm-"

"No you're not!" Wild interrupted, "Party planning is what you were meant to do! Heck, what other profession could you do?!"

"I don't know," Pinkie shrugged. "Maybe a butcher, a baker, a candlestick maker."

"Pinkie!" Wild gripped both of her shoulders. "You...were born to be a party planner. Remember when you told me about how you got your cutie mark?" Pinkie did a tiny nod, her eyes slightly drifting away as Wild continued, "Pinkie, you're the best party pony out there! You can't just give like that! Don't you remember all the parties you've thrown here?!"

Wild then gestured to the room, Pinkie looking up to see the pictures all hanging on her wall. One was her first party, showing the joy on her parents and sister's faces. Next was one with Flash and Twilight's welcome to Ponyville party, followed by the party she'd thrown for Gummy. And of course, one of her most well known parties, Cadance and Shining Armor's wedding was there.

Wild saw her smile slowly returning, music now beginning to play again.

Oh, look at those happy faces
All the parties that I had thrown

She then put on a pair of comical glasses.

I made them laugh, had such a blast
A smile that's all their own
They loved seeing me, the real Pinkie

She left the room and pushed open a door at the top of the stairs, revealing a balcony which she jumped onto before looking out at Ponyville.

Show them the time of their life like they've never known
Like they've never kno-o-own!

"So, what are you gonna do?" Wild asked with a smirk, only for Pinkie to hug him before racing into her room. She then hopped into a chest, all sorts of party gear flying out of it.

I've got to get back out there, have to show them that I've tried
For there's only one great party pony -- that is Pinkie Pie!

She was soon dressed in the same outfit she had worn when facing off against the dragon before racing downstairs. There, she went into the now deserted kitchen where she made and crushed a snack with the same name as her foe.

Won't let Cheese Sandwich beat me, won't let him get me down
For I am Pinkie, the best-est party pony around!

"That's my girl!" Wild told her as he pointed to outside, "Now go out there and show Cheese Sandwich who's boss!"

"Who's boss, who's boss, you da boss!" Wild's puppets chanted as they came back to their puppeteer.

"Thanks Wild!" Pinkie gave him a small hug, only to zip out of the store. Wild quickly raced behind her, the two soon reaching the center of the town. There, they found the citizens of Ponyville already enjoying themselves. "Talk about professional," she gasped as she saw their happiness, her confidence already waning. "It's clear Cheese has a much bigger budget than I do."

"Maybe..." Wild told her as he tapped her shoulder, "But it doesn't make him the better party planner. Everypony knows it's not just the party itself that shows the planner's skill, but also the limitations they overcome to make them. Cheese may be able to do bigger, more extravagant, but where's the soul?"

Pinkie tilted her head at this, only to nod in agreement. "Although, that's still gonna make it tricky to get my title back." It was in that moment that she noticed Cheese walk by, wearing a large cowboy hat while being followed by Rarity and Applejack.

"I must say, I marvel at your superior party planning expertise, Cheese Sandwich."

Applejack nodded at this, "Ah agree. They don't call him the super duper party planner for nothin'."

Pinkie groaned at hearing that, rubbing her face in frustration. "That's it! This pony has gotta get her title back!" She then slowly off her glasses, "And I know just what to do!"

"Oh? Do tell." Wild asked as a sinister smirk appeared on both their lips.

A few minutes later...

Cheese and the rest of the Mane Six and Defenders were now looking over the nearly finished main party stage. The cutie mark balloons were all pumped up and several washing lines with bolt shaped reflectors hung around the trees. Cheese was busy working on an ice sculpture while Applejack finished setting up a bunch of spotlights.

"Totally awesome!" Rainbow cheered as Applejack switched on the lights, the machines now showing a rainbow projection of her cutie mark.

"Huh. Best I've ever seen."

Twilight and Flash both gawked at the sight, "Wow...I can't believe it."

"I'll say," Flash nodded in agreement before turning to Rainbow. "Hey, when's Soarin getting here?"

"His practice runs late, so It'll be nighttime when he gets here."

"Oh...well, at least he told you." Flash hummed as he glanced at Twilight, "Remember all the times he wouldn't tell us when he's coming to Canterlot?"

"Oh yeah."

Cheese chuckled as he tapped away at the ice. "Well, there'll still be plenty of party left of him to enjoy, I assure you." He then hit the ice one last time, this one making a crack that surrounded the ice before breaking away to reveal Rainbow's cutie mark.

Everypony, including Lightning and Iron, were in awe at this sight. That is, till a voice right behind them called out, "Freeze, Cheese!" Iron, Fluttershy, Lightning, Rarity and Spike leapt away, revealing a glaring Pinkamena Diane Pie. "I challenge you...TO A GOOF OFF!"

Hearing this, caused the ponies to all gasp, Fluttershy slightly fainting, "Oh, no! Not a goof off!"

As Iron helped up her, Applejack leaned down and whispered, "What's a goof off?"

Fluttershy shook her head. "I have no idea," she chuckled nervously as Applejack rolled her eyes.

"I'm guessing its a contest," Flash suggested next.

"Probably a dumb one," Iron mumbled.

Lightning then turned his head, now seeing Wild staring at Pinkie while rubbing his hooves together and smirking. "Oh no....what are you up to, Wild Smile?" He asked in a whisper.

Cheese Sandwich climbed down the ladder he had been on, turning to Pinkie while placing a fez on his head. "This Cheese has stood alone a long time, Pinkie Pie. You think you can out-goof me?"

"Oh, I don't think so..." Pinkie said in the same tone as Cheese, slamming her hooves as she glared at him, "I know so!" The two brought their heads together. "And the stakes are high, Cheese Sandwich! Whoever wins will be dubbed the ultimate super duper party pony AND HEADLINE THE RAINBOW DASH BIRTH-IVERSARY BASH!"

"And the loser?"

Pinkie's eyes went narrower, "Doesn't!" This caused everypony except Iron and Lightning to gasp, Springer going so far as to actually fainting, which Flash shook his head at. Pinkie then started poking her nemesis in the chest, "So...are you in Cheese? Or are you...boneless?"

Cheese cricked his neck, "Nopony calls me boneless." He then turned to the chicken still on his back, "Right, Boneless?"

The chicken didn't respond while Pinkie raised her hoof up high, "Then the goof off is on for high noon!"

"Um...Pinkie?" She turned to Twilight and saw her pointing at the town clock tower, "Its already three o'clock."

"Oh! Well then, make it three ten-" she shot Cheese a death glare, "to goof off!" With that, she spun around and trotted off.

"What...just happened?" Flash asked next.

Rainbow then floated down, a look of disappointment on her face. "I'm about to lose one of my party planners, that's what!"

As the rest of the group began to make their way over after Pinkie, Wild was about to follow suit, only for something to pin his tail down, making him fall. He grunted as he hit the floor, then looked up to see Lightning glaring at him, "Wild, can I have a word with you?"

"How about pepperoni? Its a funny word." Lightning simply raised an eyebrow at this, making Wild chuckle for several seconds. "So anyways..." he started pulling his tail free from Lightning's grip. "We'd better go. Don't want to...miss the goof-off." He only had a few strands left before freedom, only to yelp as he saw Lightning's horn spark. "Wait!"

A flash of light found them and the puppets now back in their apartment, Wild being thrown headfirst into the couch. "Blaugh!" he muffled out before freeing himself from the cushions. He then glared back at Lightning. "Not cool bro."

"Not cool, not cool."

Lightning simply sat down on an armchair and crossed his hooves, "What's going on Wild?"

Wild's eyes darted back and forth as he sat down on the couch. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, why were you just standing there letting Pinkie interrupt Rainbow's party? Don't you realize that this whole goof-off thing is complete nonsense?! Even you've gotta see it's only going to lead to trouble."

Wild just rolled his eyes, "There's nothing wrong with trying to show you're the best. Pinkie's just trying to take back what's rightfully hers. She started planning the party way before this guy showed up and its not fair that he can just walk in and take over."

Lightning raised an eyebrow at this. "From what Sentry told me, they were supposed to be working together to plan it. The only reason Cheese took the reins was because she just disappeared."

"She doesn't need his help. She's-"

"Wild!" The unicorn flinched back from his friends yell, seeing a bit of the firmness he hadn't seen since the Battle of Canterlot. "What is this really about?! I've known you for a long time and I know for a fact that you would never condone this kind of behavior. Granted, I know that I was the worse of us, but out of us four, you were always a pony that didn't try to go out of the way to ruin things." A spark of electricity slightly started to appear on the tip of Lightning's horn, "So I'm asking you...what's really going on?!"

Wild was silent at this, a small gulp going down his throat. It was here that music and fireworks began to sound out from across town. "Looks like they started early," Lightning commented as he got up, "You can go if you want to." He then headed for the door, "I just thought friends told each other everything." The handle glowed as he was about to turn it-

"Pinkie was the one who inspired Cheese."

Lightning blinked at this, his horn sputtering as he looked back at Wild. "What?"

Wild let out a long sigh, Lightning going to sit back down. There, Wild started to explain everything he had learned about Cheese, about how he had first been inspired by Pinkie before going out and planning parties all over Equestria.

"And then I went back to Sugarcube Corner to try to cheer up Pinkie. There-"

"Why didn't you tell Pinkie all this?" Lightning interrupted while tapping his hoof. "If she learned about Cheese, she would have-"

"I know," Wild muttered out, his eyes looking away.

"He knows, he knows."

"Then why didn't you tell her?!"

Wild looked away, a look of pure guilt on his face, "You heard what I said. Cheese is trying to impress Pinkie, and if that happens, then they might..."

Lightning just sighed, facehoofing next, "Oh Celestia. I can't...augh!" Lightning's horn started to spark, "Wild, you're trying to ruin Rainbow's party because your jealous, aren't you?!"

"I'm not trying to ruin it!" Wild barked back, "I'm just trying to get Pinkie back as head party planner so Cheese can't show her his skill and tell her the truth about their past. How is that ruining the party?!"

"You persuaded Pinkie to challenge Cheese and have it so only one pony can work on her party, which Rainbow doesn't want, you moron! What happened to the party being the most important thing to focus on?!"

Wild was about to reply, only to stop as his puppets floated to his shoulders, "Oh...yeah. I didn't think of..." He leaned back, moaning, "Sorry Lightning. I messed up, didn't I?"

"Its not me you should be sorry to, it's Rainbow and Pinkie. Go stop this stupid contest and tell Pinkie the truth about Cheese...and about how you feel." Wild looked back up with wide eyes. "Yes, you're gonna tell her, because this is getting ridiculous!" Wild opened his mouth, but Lightning flashed his hoof, "Don't. You're gonna tell her Wild, and there's no argument against it, alright?"

He then crossed his hooves with a low growl, "What, you gonna try and stop anypony whoever shows affection to her while hiding your own feelings?! You realize how insane and selfish that is, right?!"

Wild blinked at this, slowly nodding, "Yeah...you're right," he got up and moved to the door. "I know Pinkie will probably hate me for it, but I have to tell her the truth."

"That's my boy. Now go on, before that goof-off gets out of hoof." Wild nodded and rushed out the door, his ears easily hearing the music and fireworks. Following this, he arrived at the back of a crowd as he saw a giant birthday cake being dropped down from a crane. He pushed through the ponies and arrived at the front, where he saw Rainbow pulling herself out from under the giant sweet. He then looked back at Pinkie, the party pony frowning as she stared at the athlete. The puppeteer put his hoof out, ready to go to her until-

"STOP!" Pinkie screamed, making Wild come to a stop. "The goof off is off!"

This statement was meet with murmurs of confusion, along with questions as Rainbow pulled herself free, turning to Pinkie in annoyance. "But I haven't named a winner."

"You don't have to," Pinkie put her hoof on her chest. "I forfeit. Which means..." she pointed at her opponent, "Cheese Sandwich wins."

Cheese started to laugh, only to come to a stop as he stared at her in confusion, "I do?"

"Yes," she performed her certified Pinkie Promise, "you get to headline Rainbow Dash's party."

"But..." they turned to Twilight as she tilted her head at the pink pony, "What about you, Pinkie?"

Tears began to fill the earth pony's eyes, now sniffing as she replied, "I...I don't."

With that, she ran off crying, Wild hopping out of the crowd and yelling, "Pinkie, wait!"

"What is up with her?" Flash asked next as he watched her disappear, "She's been acting weird all day."

Springer then poked Flash, the jakhowl pointing at Wild. The others saw this and turned to Wild, Springer speaking up, "Wild...why am I picking up guilt and shame in your aura?" Wild slightly backpedaled at this, Springer continuing, "What did you do?"

Wild did a small gulp, a huge frown on his face as he began to explain.

One hour later...

Pinkie was now at the edge of the town, pulling a cart filled with her belongings, her party cannon tied to the back. A long sigh followed as she made her way. "Goodbye Ponyville….goodbye-"

"Pinkie wait!" She looked back, only to see Rainbow fly up to her before the others arrived behind her. "I'm sorry I got all swept away by Cheese Sandwich."

"We all are," Twilight said with the others mumbling in their general agreement. "We're sorry Pinkie."

Pinkie shook her head. "No, I'm sorry I let my pride get in the way of you having the best birth-iversary ever. Cheese Sandwich really is a super duper party planner, and he'll be a terrific headliner." She turned around with a long sigh, "I should've been a big enough pony to admit that and let you have your day."

"Pinkie! Don't you get it?!" Rainbow asked as she flew in front of her, getting nose to nose as she poked Pinkie's chest. "You're both super duper party ponies! Sure, Cheese Sandwich is a great guest party pony, but you're Ponyville's permanent party pony!" She pulled her friend into a tight hug. "Nopony could ever take your place, and we could never have a party without you."

The rest of the gang came up to hug her as well, tears going down Pinkie's face as they did this. And as this continued, a voice spoke up, "Rainbow Dash is right," they turned to see Cheese, the pony removing his travel hat with a sheepish smile, "I never meant to take your place in Ponyville. I just wanted to show you what a great party pony I am, Pinkie."

"You did? But...why me?" Pinkie asked with a tilted head.

Cheese rolled his eyes in embarrassment. "Well..." The music began as Cheese retold his story, this time giving her all the details. He told her about the party that showed him how to express himself, earning his cutie mark and got him Boneless. Then when it was time to name the pony responsible for that party, Pinkie got a look of shock on her face.



Like how Wild had expected, Pinkie's eyes lit up in amazement. "Really?!"


Pinkie began to bounce around Cheese. "So I was the pony that threw the awesomely spectacular party that inspired you to become an awesome spectacular party thrower?"

"Swear on Camembert!"

Pinkie opened her mouth as wide as possible, ready to sing. That is, till Rainbow flew up to them, "Enough with the warm fuzzy stuff you two! It's my birth-iversary, and you gotta throw me a bash!"

"Yeah!" Pinkie cheered.

"Let's go!" Cheese added.

They were just about to start singing again, but this time it was Pinkie who stopped it. "Wait....if Wild knew about all this, why didn't he tell me when he saw how upset I was?"

Cheese hummed as he tapped his chin. "That's a good question."

Wild was back in the park, slumping down on one of the trees. His puppets were all sitting beside him, all moaning with him. There was no doubt in his mind that Pinkie now knew the truth, her heart now gone. "I lost. Serves me right, eh buddies?"

"Serves you right, serves you right."

"What serves you right?" He almost hopped in place at the voice, making him look up to see Pinkie. The pony had a look of confusion and worry on her face. "Are you alright? You definitely don't look happy, and this is a party!"

"I'm fine..." Wild lied as he looked back down at the grass.

Pinkie just shook her head, sitting down by him next as she asked, "Wild, why didn't you tell me the truth about Cheese? You knew about him and me, and saw how upset I was, so why didn't you tell me?"

Wild let out a long sigh, ready to gulp at this. "Because...because I uh...um..." he started to twiddle his hooves as he squeaked out, "I like you." Pinkie's eyes went wide, a slight blush appearing over her nose as he continued, "I really really like you. More than I've liked anypony ever."

"R-really?" Pinkie stuttered out, Wild nodding in response without looking at her. The gesture made Pinkie blink, tilting her head next as she asked, "But...what does that have to do with this?"

Wild slumped down even more. "I was scared. Scared that you finding out the truth about Cheese would make you like him. I mean, you and him have way more in common, so of course you'd pick him over me."


"You don't have to say anything else. I know you probably hate me now, so go be with Cheese." Wild curled up and hid his face in his legs, "I get it. I'm sorry Pinkie. I'm so sorry I-"

"Hahahahahaha!" Wild looked up and saw Pinkie on her back, holding her stomach as she laughed her head off. "Oh Wild, hehehe, you're so silly!"


Pinkie stopped laughing instantly, her body tilting back to Wild while waving her hoof, "Just because Cheese and I are alike, doesn't mean I'll fall for him. I hardly know him."

Wild just looked away, "Maybe now, but in time-"

Pinkie shook her head again. "Nah, I don't think so." Wild glanced at her again, only to see a huge smile on her face, "Cheese and I might be similar, so much so that if somepony was watching us, they'd think he was just created to be a male me, but that doesn't mean he's my soul mate. I don't think I want to be with somepony whose exactly like me."


Pinkie's smile went sheepish before slowly shuffling over to him. "You know, Mrs. Cake once asked me what I'd want in a stallion."

"She did? When?"

"Hearts and Hooves day, right after we put the twins to bed. She wondered what I'd need to see in a stallion for them to be my very special somepony. I thought about it and said I'd want them to be a little like me, but not a lot." Wild raised an eyebrow at this. "I don't want to date a carbon copy of myself. I want somepony who shares my interests, like making ponies happy, but has their own way of doing it." She started to blush again, her hooves slightly twiddling, "Somepony...like you."

The world around Wild and Pinkie seemed to disappear, the two squarely focused on the other. Wild's breath had hitched when he heard her say this. "You...you mean it?" Pinkie nodded, making Wild squeak out, "Why didn't you tell me before?"

Pinkie smirked with hopping eyebrows, "Maybe I wanted to see if you'd find the guts to ask me out yourself." This made Wild blush, cursing his own cowardice. "But that doesn't matter anymore." Pinkie stood up and gestured him to follow, "You coming? We got a birth-iversary to get ready for. Then tomorrow, you can take me out to do something really fun."

Wild smiled as he got up, "You got it." Pinkie giggled back before getting on the tips of her hooves, only to kiss him on the nose. The gesture made Wild go full tomato on his face, his puppets going 'oh la la' at the sight.

Night soon fell as the main party finally began.

It had everything. Punch pools, hippo rides, getting blasted out of a party howitzer into a cake shaped bouncy castle. In a small corner, Wild's puppet show featuring the Rainbow styled puppet was currently being a smash hit with the younger audience. And of course, there was the roller coaster, which Soarin had shot out of at the second he arrived.

Now everypony turned their attention to the stage, where Cheese stepped out in a top hat and bow tie as he spoke into a microphone. "All right everypony, we're here to celebrate the birthday..."

"And anniversary of-" Pinkie butted in with the same costume before they both spoke in unison. "RAINBOW DASH!"

A large present was catapulted into the sky before ripping open, revealing the birthday mare hovering above the crowd. "Hey everypony! Who's ready to get their party on?! Hit it!" Flash nodded at this, he and Iron both started playing their instruments alongside the prerecorded music. Pinkie then started singing, everypony else joining in.

It was here everypony started to truly party, one being more like a carnival than anything. Lightning and Iron were enjoying doing strength games while Springer played in a fun house with chute slides and ball pits. Flash and Scootaloo teamed up together, demolishing all opponents at bumper carts...until Twilight got into the competition. There was pizza, piñatas, dancing and even being skydiving with parachutes somehow. No doubt it was a night none of them would forget.

Halfway through the party, Rainbow spotted one of her party planners leaning against a tree, eating a muffin. "Cheese Sandwich! Oh, I gotta tell ya, you and Pinkie have totally made this the best birthday anniversary super combo ever! It's totally-"

"Epic?" Cheese asked.

Rainbow nodded, "Yeah, it is!"

Cheese chuckled as he put his travel hat back on. "That's all I needed to hear, little filly." He stepped behind the stage, where Pinkie and Wild were sitting side by side as she wrote in a journal. As she finished, a wooden box was slid in front of her. "Just a little memento of my visit." The box opened to reveal Boneless inside.

Pinkie gasped at the sight, watching as a rainbow seemed to reflect off of it. "You're giving me your special rubber chicken friend?!"

Cheese nodded before pulling out an identical copy of it, though this one had a red two painted on the stomach. "Oh, he's not the only one." He turned to Wild, giving him a nod as well. "Look after her for me, will ya?"

Wild shined a huge smile, "You got it."

"You got it, you got it."

With that, Cheese turned towards the sunset...which had actually set several hours ago, but I'm sure Celestia and Luna know what they're doing, as he spoke to Boneless Two. Pinkie and Wild followed him to the edge of town, waving goodbye as he faded into the horizon. They both smiled as the rest of the Mane Seven and Defenders gathered around them as Pinkie quoted, "I never did get that pony's name."

The others all glared at her before yelling, "CHEESE SANDWICH!"

Pinkie giggled as Wild put his hoof around her. "Oh yeah!"

Another day, another great party. Along with the blossoming of another new relationship, our heroes would remember this day for a long time.

Author's Note:

Okay, I swear I didn't realise I had two ships sailing back to back until I started writing this. All in all, this was a tricky one to write. Mainly because I had no idea what to change. Luckily, my commenters helped me out. Thanks.

Another thing. I ended up writing this right after the Pokemon chapter involving these two, weird.