• Published 11th Oct 2018
  • 1,922 Views, 25 Comments

Wrath - Chemtest

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I stand on the same stage, looking out the crowd of near four hundred demons. I hold up my fist, “Friends! Demons of New Hell! The time has come for us to start our quest reunite Tartarus! Soon, we shall march against the greater demons of other towns, and work our way up to the Lords themselves! Together, we shall move into a new age!” The crowd lets out a deafening cheer, and I continue on, “And after Tartarus, we shall visit the world above as well! My demons, they will either give us our freedom from Tartarus willingly, or they shall be forced to do so!”

The crowd cheers more, until one of the Minolka shout over the crowd, “And how’er we to do this with only only three hundred battle ready demons?!”

I smile, and draw a bronze sword from it’s scabbard as Blue carries it over to me. I look the Minolka in the eye, “Because we will not use these archaic and weak bronze or iron weapons.” I reach deep in myself, and summon up some power from the soul of Gothce. I combine the magic with some magic from my Wrath spirit, and the sword is consumed in purple-ish dark flames. I let the light of the fires surrounding the town hit the sword as the fire fades away. What is in my hands is no longer a dull, bent sword of Bronze. Now, it is a sharp, straight, blood red blade of Mehell. I twirl it around one of my arms, and throw it behind me, and catch it with a lower arm. I slash it forward, making sure the demons can hear the blade slashing through the air. I hold it up in front of my face, and smile, “We will use Mehell! Bronze is like a butterknife compared to the sword of Mehell! It can cut through iron and bronze like nothing’s even there to begin with!” I twist around, and throw the sword like a bullet headed right for the town’s wall. It goes right through the wall, only stopping when the hilt got stuck. I quickly flick out my whips to wrap around the hilt, and pull it back to me over the heads of the audience. It comes flying back, and I catch it in the arm opposite of the one holding my whips.

I allow the audience to look at the smooth hole in the wall, before taking an exaggerated bow of showmanship. I turn around and start to walk back to the town hall. I throw the blade behind me, and hear it slam into the detractor’s shield. I can feel the audience’s silence as the Minolka probably stares at the blade that’s an inch from his eyes, “Prepare yourself instead of trying to make me look foolish.” I walk through the door to the town hall. I see Blue waiting patiently at her desk, “So, Blue, what Lord should we take first?”

She shrugs, “It’s really a choice between Insanity and Betrayal. The other ones are much more powerful than them. Lord Tirek and Destruction is something we will not be able to face for a long time. Ifer and the Cult of Pain are only just under Tirek. The Succubi and Incubi of Lust are likely to accept our rule, if we have enough demons behind us. Corrugat And Corruption are low in number, but high in power. Pos and Greed are weaker, but still plenty powerful. Insanity and Chaogat in general are powerful soldiers, but they prefer to allow their leader to fight rather than them. Stapus is very likely to challenge you in a one on one fight, and after you defeat him the Betrayal demons will follow you, and they have the courtesy of not betraying their leader.”

I smile, “Then Stapus had better watch out. Next week, we march to take the lands of Betrayal.”

She tilts her head, “You think you can just take on a Demon Lord alone?”

I nod, “Don’t worry, I have a plan he’ll never see coming. I’ll outdo him in his own game. Make sure every demon has a bow and arrow when we march.”

Her face shifts from confusion into understanding, “So, your going to just betray his trust in his challenge?”

I nod, “That I will.”