• Published 11th Oct 2018
  • 1,925 Views, 25 Comments

Wrath - Chemtest

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I feel my form coalesce elsewhere. I look around for a second, seeing the same color scheme as Hell. Then, I look down, and realize I’m falling into a pit of fire. Fuck.

I land in the scalding hot lake, more correctly, I land on the lake. Luckily I’m not burning away, Bahl would be mad about that. Not to say this doesn’t hurt, this hurts a lot. So, I rush my hooves over the lake, jumping up from it to the actual ground.

I sit there for a second, rubbing my hoof. Just because I’ve face greater pain for longer doesn’t mean that didn’t hurt. Not as hot as back in Hell, but still plenty hot. But, apparently someone didn’t like me walking on their lake.

I look up, and see what seems to be a greater Greed demon. A bloated form with many legs and arms. Not that different looking from a lesser Gluttony, but more dangerous. This one in particular, very angry at me, “You dare walk on my lake!? You better have some bits!”

I pick myself up, and meet the Greed eye to eye, “I did not dare walk on your lake, I decided to. Made sure to wipe my hooves on it as I passed. Come on, what are you going to get from me?”

He holds out a bag, “Look, your a new demon, so I’ll give you mercy. I haven’t seen one of your kind before around here. So, about... one hundred bits, or servitude under me.”

I laugh out loud, “You’re serious!”

It holds out the bag more, “Don’t deny me, or my town will come and kill you!”

I rip the bag out of his hand, and throw it into the lake of fire, “That’s what I think of your offer! Fuck you, fuck your money, and get the fuck out of my face!”

It looks at the bag as it melts, “You just destroyed my bits. My money.”

I flick them in the forehead, “Yeah! And what are you going to do!?”

It screams out with rage, and lunges towards me.

I dodge out of the way, the attack sloppy, “Oh, you’re going to fight me!? Don’t make me laugh! Oh wait, I already am! Ha-ha-ha, motherfucker!”

I didn’t expect it to use magic, so imagine my suprise when I’m sent flying by a red beam. My head crushes a rock into bits when I’m sent flying into it, the blow leaving me momentarily stunned.

I recover, and look up, only to see the Greed already there. It starts to punch at me with all it’s might. Surprisingly effective, and painful. It continues to wail on me, and it almost knocks me unconscious. That’s until I realize I’m about to be beaten by a Greed! What the fucks wrong with me! No, no, he’s getting fucked now, not me!

I use my four arms to push it away. I use the time it’s in the air to stand, and grab Bahl’s whips, my whips now. I crack them out to the side, the noise booming around me. I feel some power hidden inside, but not something I can acces yet.

I watch the Greed get up, and rush toward me again. This time he has a knife, and looks ready to use it. Then I raise my arm, and send the nine whips flying out. The whips catch the Greed right in the face, knocking it off it’s feet, and sending it rolling. A scream comes from the demon as it writhes in pain, before standing up again.

I can plainly see the scars and gashes left in its face as it rushes towards me again. Really original thinker, this Greed. I send the whip out again, watching as it dodged to the side. Perfect. I curve the ends to come back, on the other side. They catch the Greed by the back of the neck, and carry him over to me. I reev up my fist, and punch as soon as he’s in range. The momentum of the whip caging him, and the force of my fist sending him onto his back.

I quickly take advantage of the moment, and jump onto his back. I wrap the whips around it’s throat, and pull back. The sharp spines dig into its skin, and my four arms pulling along with pushing his head down makes it start to choke. The force eventually cuts his head off, as I pull my whip up. I pick up the Greed’s head, and throw it into the lake of fire like the bag of money.

I start to loot the body, and find many differnt bags full of gold coins. I also find a sheet of paper on there, and read it out loud, “Mayor Thazzor of Thazzville. What a fucking arrogant prick. Maybe that would be a good place to start.”

I stand up from the corpse, and smile as I remember an old quote, “That’s a whole lot of damage!” Yes, I liked Phil Swift, everybody did back in ‘18. Now, I know that might take away from the whole ‘cool demon’ thing, but c’mon. Who didn’t like Phil Swift?

I hold out my hand toward the corpse, and enjoy the sensation of absorbing a new soul. Quite a powerful one as well, not enough to elevate me to a Greater, but still powerful.

It’s then that I hear some shuffling from behind a rock. I quietly move over, and peak my head over the rock. I see what seems to be this places verson of a Succubus. Still bipedal, but differnt in a way I can’t quite identify. They are cowering from my horned visage, “Please don’t hurt me.”

Perfect time for more, quotes, “To show the power of Wavok, I sawed that asshole in half!”

Turns out it wasn’t a perfect time, as my gruff voice scares the woman more, “Please, I don’t want to die!”

I turn off my inner idiot for a second, “Don’t worry, I won’t harm you. In fact, I believe you could help me.”

She looks up, “Huh?”

I show her the paper, “That prick was a mayor of someplace, but he’s dead now. So, I was wondering if some helpful demon could help me find my new town.”

She looks right back at me, “What makes you think I would show you? So you can just be another tyrant?’

I laugh, “No, not at all! I know that the only functional empire is a happy empire. And I ain’t an asshole, so I think I could help the people out.”

She looks around, “Why should I trust you?”

I smile, “You aren’t dead yet. If I were an asshole tyrant, you would be for refusing an order. But I don’t want to kill you, dear, no. I only want to kill God, Angles, Christ, and all who might stand in between them and justice. To do that, I need demons who are ready to fight and die for a good cause. For that, I need happy demons. For that, I need a demon to sho me the way.”

She hesitates for a moment, before standing up. A bit modest looking for a Succubus, actually having more that one garment. She nods, and lightly smiles, “Well, come on Wavok. I really hope you rename the town.”

I nod as we start to run across the landscape, “I’ll make sure to.”