• Published 3rd Jul 2018
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The Humble Prince - Lighting Ace

A man wakes up to find he's inhabiting the body of a cartoon horse who wasn't exactly Mister Popular, judging from how shocked the locals are when he says things like 'please' and 'thank you'.

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Noble Proposal (Edited By BS)

Gazing through his balcony, the prince kept looking at the starry night sky in silent contemplation as his maids finished preparing a table in the dining room. Set out with an assortment of pastries, a teapot filled with jade tea, and five sets of cups, napkins, and spoons, as well as chairs for the guest, the Prince was patiently waiting. "It always the waiting, isn't it?" The prince called out, gaining the attention of his maids.

"Excuse me, your highness?" Mist asked while looking up at him.

"The hardest part of any presentation, meeting, or evaluation. Basically, anything that has a waiting period. The time before the event is always the tensest of all." Blueblood turned around and entered the room to address both of his maids. "I know I was exaggerating a little here, and this is more like a proposal for a harmless experiment, but the idea of going back to meeting the noble class outside of a party or a duel… it's somehow nerve-racking." He confessed with a sigh as he looked down until he felt a hoof fall on his right shoulder, making him look up at Mist, who smiled at him.

"You will be fine, your highness. As you said, this is hardly anything major to worry about in the first place. This is just a couple of rich ponies having a tea party at night and doing some brainstorming. What is the worst that can happen? They say no and counteroffer with another idea, so you see? Everything will be fine."

"Thanks, Misty."

At that moment, there was a knock on the door, followed by Garra stepping inside with a bow. "Your highness, your guests have arrived."

"Thank you, Garra. Please send them in." Blueblood instructed. With a nod, she departed, followed quickly by the maids, leaving him briefly alone.

It's just a chat, nothing more.

Calming himself down enough to receive his guests, the prince put on the practiced, calm smile Luna had taught him. Entering the room and followed by the bat twins were Fancy Pants, his wife Fleur De Lis, Scarlet Lips, and a chubby, tall unicorn stallion with bright yellow fur and a long brown mane, beard, and tail combed in a sophisticated and slightly poofy manner. He had a monocle in his left eye, a formal green vest, and a red overcoat on top of it, hiding his cutie mark.

"Greetings everypony, I'm so glad that all of you could join me for the evening." The prince addressed the group as his guards and maids moved into position, the latter waiting to serve the tea while the twins stood guard in the corners of the room.

"For you, Blueblood? Anytime…anywhere," Scarlet replied in a slightly flirty tone.

"It was our pleasure, your highness," Fleur replied for her and her husband, who seemed slightly on edge for some reason. "Although it was a bit surprising that you called for us in particular, especially since we could have done this during the party on Friday."

"Indeed, something tells me this isn't exactly just a social outgoing, so out with it, what exactly are you plotting Blueblood?" The final stallion asked tersely with a raised eyebrow.

"I will answer all your questions in a moment, Mayor Grinds. For now, why don't you join me at the table." The prince replied politely as he went and sat on a chair with the rest of the group. Soon after, the rest followed his example, and the maids served them each a cup of tea. Everyone helped themselves to the various pastries.

"Before we begin, Ms. De Lis, I must say your name is ringing a bell in my head. I swear I had heard it before somewhere. Have we met before?"

The mare in question only chuckled and shook her head. "I'm afraid not, though you may have seen me before due to my very successful modeling career and spokesmare of various clothing lines or beauty products."

"No, I'm sure that it's not from those. I think I have heard that name somewhere else."

"Blueblood" Grinds caught the prince's attention-getting impatient "Enough with the stalling."

"Right, right, better not get off track but don't worry, it will come to me. Anyway, as all of you may have guessed, I called you tonight because there is this small project of sorts that I wanted to discuss with you all."

"Is this another weird new party?" Grinds asked, still not convinced.

"No, no, this is a different thing…although it would have some similarities to one."

"Oh! Now I'm intrigued. What did you think of Blue?" Scarlet asked before taking a quick sip of her tea as he continued. "We all have heard or, in my case, told enough stories to last a lifetime, so I will not bore you with the details and get straight to the point. Two days ago, I decided to indulge myself with a small campaign to mediate the emotional, financial, and indirect physical damage I caused ponies all over Canterlot on an almost daily basis. Something I'm sure you are more than aware of from the mountains of complaints I fear you have received involving myself, Mayor."

"Mountain would be an understatement." He huffed and crossed his frontal hooves.

"Well, seeing how much damage I caused and the situations I forced so many ponies to endure made me realize that this couldn't be solved by just writing checks and trying to give back what I took. At best, that would only be a temporary fix. So I wanted to talk to you about doing more for the community in atonement, an experiment, so to speak. One that, at its core, I hope will be a more practical and hopefully, permanent solution…one that, if it works, could prevent this kind of misery from repeating itself."

"So now you want to go and fix everyone's life, so everyone forgets how rotten you are? Oh, this is going to be rich." Grind remarked with a smirk, now more interested in his proposal.

"So, what do you have in mind, lad?" Fancy Pants asked, genuinely intrigued by his idea.

"Something you are familiar with and most likely know how to organize. A charity auction event, one specifically targeted to generate an extra fund for the town hall. To be used for the wellbeing of the community."

The ponies in the room looked at the prince with surprise at the opportunity. "Ladies and gentle stallions. Recent events have revealed that I am currently sitting on a mountain of assorted fine valuables that are doing nothing but collecting dust—some of the finest pieces of art in every conceivable form that you could imagine. So I'm sure if it was presented and organized, high society ponies would be willing to pay a hefty amount of bits to get their hooves on such beautiful treasures. Bits that can and will be sent straight to an external fund dedicated to aiding the citizens of Canterlot with you in charge of the flow and control of them Mayor Grinds" Blueblood pointed at the stallion in question.

"Of course, at this moment, this is yet another pipe dream of mine that I wanted to share. I would love to hear your input on the matter. So what would you say? Do you think this idea has potential? And more importantly, will you join me in this experiment?"

"An additional fund for the citizens, to make up for all the money you have embezzled over the years, this is certainly an interesting turn of events" Scarlet was the first to talk, playing with her cup before looking at the Mayor. "And now I get it why you invited the mayor, an idea this daring and altruistic needed to be heard in pony to be believed, or am I´m wrong dear mayor?"

For his part, Mayor Grind looked away in discontent. "This will change nothing. I bet this is some scheme or just another one of your weird noble games to pass the time. Sure the charity might work once or twice if you are willing to get rid of all the junk you have in containers, but then what? The moment you give away all your trash, the income stops?"

"That is why I mention this as a charity as well, sure I will be the first, but I'm also inviting other nobles to do the same." That caught Fancy and Fleur's attention as the prince turned to look at them. "In all the auctions you have participated in, have you never experienced a moment where a competitor got something you wanted for yourself or vice versa? Wouldn't you like the chance to compete once more for said item or, better yet, see how much that noble is willing to pay for something you no longer use? Either outcome will certainly get you bragging rights."

"Oh! A dash of friendly competition, a pinch of sportsmanship, and a cup of drama, all in one! I love it!" Scarlet clapped her hooves in excitement.

"Well, I'm certainly not that familiar with those experiences actually," Fancy responded, thinking about it. "But I am aware of where you are coming from, lad, and I'm sure a lot of ponies will jump at the opportunity of getting their hooves on one of your old assemblages. isn't that right, dear?" Fancy inquired, looking at Fleur, who nodded in agreement, "Indeed, and I will welcome the extra space in our wardrobe."

"See? You can do justice to all those valuable things and liberate space in your homes. While also helping the community in the process."

"With you getting a percentage, right?" Grind asked with a quirked eyebrow.

"Only on my items and a small one at that. To encourage more participants in the event, do you see Mayor Grinds? This isn't just an idea on how to get rid of things in my name that are doing nothing but collecting dust. It's an endeavor that, if done right, could help us all for a very long time, maybe even forever if we work together."

He grumbled and stared at his cup. "I suppose we could give it a try."

"So can I count on your help? I could use your help spreading the world and gaining more interest from the noble community."

"Well, it certainly sounds like a promising idea, and it's not all that different from an auction event. So organizing one wouldn't be an issue." Fleur spoke, still deliberating.

"I say we should give it a try," Fancy Pants confirmed. "We should work the details and plan it carefully, of course, but I like the general idea, lad. I will gladly lend my aid." He finished before looking down in shame, much to the Prince's confusion. "It's the last I could do after what I did to you at your last party."

The last party? What does he…Oh, Oh! I see. Yeah, I remember now, he was the one that announced Jet Set as the winner of our duel. But he only was another one fooled by their scheme. Why is he blaming himself? The prince thought until Scarlet grabbed his attention once more.

"Let's not dwell too much on the past Fancy dear." She spoke with a smile to the stallion, putting Fleur on edge as she eyed the mare. "We were all fooled by them, but I assure you the ponies responsible learned their lesson…in fact, I say as a show of good faith, why don't we invite them in on this little project as well?"

Everyone looked at her in shock before their attention was drawn toward the prince, who remained calm but had quirked his head to the side in curiosity. "I assure you, as the mare that has overseen their reformation program, I can guarantee that Jet Set and Upper Crust are now completely different ponies. Their debt to society is paid, and they are ready to come back. In fact, I intended to reintroduce them at this coming soiree that Princess Luna has organized for this Friday, so you all can see what I'm talking about."

So that is what you intended all along, auntie? Test my resolve against past enemies. I understand. A ruler isn't naive but doesn't hold a grudge either.

"What better way to show the ponies of Canterlot that you are a new and kinder prince than by showing compassion and forgiveness to past enemies. Like when Princess Celestia forgave Discord, it will certainly help put you in a more positive light, don't you agree, dear?"

"Indeed, IF they can truly prove a change of heart and have no issues working with me," Blueblood replied.

"But of course! I would not expect anything else. So what do you say? Will you give them a chance?"

"I better than anyone, understand the value of second chances. If you don't have a problem with them, I will not have one in inviting them. their contacts with the nobility and powers in their fields will certainly aid our project."

The rest of the ponies looked at each other, unsure. However, they ultimately decided to follow the prince's lead and nodded in agreement, willing to give them a chance.

"Excellent! You will see, those two have formed such a cute herd of their own!"

That caught the assembled group's attention again.

"A herd?" Everyone in the room asked her in surprise and confusion, yet she playfully shook her right hoof in front of them. "Ah, ah, spoilers, you will have to wait to see~."

Slightly annoyed, the group nonetheless respected her wish and decided to drop the subject and wait for the time to see the mysterious herd. When the day arrived, neither of them noticed how under the table the shadow of Scarlet had extended, and its hoof touched the prince's own shadow leaving a dim luminescent pink heart shape t briefly before disappearing.

That Friday evening, the Jet and Crust news was the talk of the night as everyone, even the princesses, were surprised to see the infamous couple walking into the palace once more with a group of females composed of a griffin, a diamond dog, an abyssinian, and a dragon. All lovely-dovey. With an apparent change in perspective and a more humble attitude from the pony couple as the first thing they did when they walked in was to seek out and apologize to the prince and hope to regain his trust and that of society by following his example. Through hard work and effort and no longer with any cheap tricks or easy ways out.

Surprise seemed to be a theme for the evening, and although it took some time, everyone present viewed how the love of the new herd was genuine, and everyone in attendance hadn't seen them happier.

"Told you they looked adorable," Scarlet commented to the prince with a smirk as she snuck her way to his left as he kept watching the display of how Jet Set and the dragon Uru seem to be feeding each other in the distance.

"It must be seen to believe. Scarlet did…did you use their reformation program as an excuse to play matchmaker?"

"Who says love ISN'T the best treatment to reform a bad seed?" She replied with a wink gaining the attention of the prince, "Those two were already considering expanding their love nest anyway, and poor Jet was fawning over me like a sick love puppy. Part of what he did was only an attempt to get my attention. Adorable, but unfortunately, my heart was already taken." She said, inching closer to the prince. "I merely pushed them slightly into viewing other's mares that would reciprocate their feelings if they had only tried. Everything else was merely their own doing. So tell me, your highness? Did I do anything wrong?" She asked, feigning innocence as her shadow subtlety inched closer to his again

The prince chuckled as he backed away a bit from her proximity. "I can't argue with the results. Cadence once told me that love could spring from the most unexpected of places. So I'm sure she would have approved…although with some changes and not using that route straight away."

The moment the prince uttered that name, he could see Scarlet froze, and although she kept her smile, she was an open book to the prince. He could see barely contained rage eating her alive, ignoring how her shadow had also flinched away in an almost disgusted manner before returning to normal.

"Oh yeah…Mi Amore Cadenza, the Princess of love…or a pretender of it at least." She tells mumbling the last part and breaking eye contact to look to the side

"Miss Lips?" Blueblood looked at her with a raised eyebrow, making her come back to reality

"Oh nothing, just lost in thought, and yeah, I'm sure even she wouldn't be able to argue with the results of such an innocent and pure expression of love."

She is practically fighting not to spit venom at Candy's name. Does she hate her so much? Why?

Keeping his smile, the prince pushed the issue a little farther, putting into practice Luna's teachings, "I'm sure you two could get along. Would you like me to arrange a meeting? I bet she might even offer you the position of her apprentice."

That sentence made her physically cringe and back away before faking a small laugh. "Oh no, your highness, I couldn't even fathom the idea of taking up the time of such a busy princess. Oh my, will you excuse me? I need to…eh…dust my tailbonebye!" She begged off before turning around and trotted away in a slight panic.

"Identify and manipulate the subject of one's fear or hate in order to obtain control in the conversation. Good job, nephew." Luna complimented as she and Celestia, dressed in one-piece midnight blue and pastel pink long silk dresses, with some silver and golden regalia atop their heads made their way to him. "And finish with a proposal to force a retreat and upset their footing for good measure. I taught you well."

"It was almost unnatural how much rage I saw in her." Blueblood kept looking in the direction where Scarlet left before turning his attention back to his aunts. "Did they have a falling out? Or are they old rivals, maybe?"

They shook their heads at the idea. "Those two have never talked with one another in the past. I think they haven't seen each other before," Luna commented. "You are right nephew, by all intents and purposes, their lines of work would make it seem like they would get along just fine. Maybe jealousy could be the source of her hate. After all, Miss Lips has on more than one occasion claimed to be THE mare of romance, so the existence of a princess of love might give ponies the impression that she might be her underling or perhaps even her student of some sort."

"Yeah, that could explain, for a novelist being considered the subordinate of someone else could create that kind of sting in their pride."

"Precisely, yet another of the many forms of drama among high society. A shame, really, with both sharing humble beginnings, I'm sure the two could have gotten along just fine if they had just talked." Celestia looked at the distance in disappointment. "But anyway, let's not dwell too much on the drama of society. How are you feeling, dear? Are you comfortable?" she asked, turning to Blueblood and grabbing the blue bow-tie he was currently wearing alongside a silver vest. She started to adjust his ensemble slightly, using her magic as some of her more maternal instincts began to show.

"Auntie, I'm fine!" Blueblood chuckled and dismissed her magic with his hoof before looking at them more seriously. "If anything I should be asking you that, tell me. Now, do you see that I'm more than prepared for the real deal?"

"You certainly seem to be ready to manage on your own." Luna remarked after thinking about it and looking around. "Not only keeping your composure in a potentially stressful situation." Her attention was brought to Jet Set and Upper Crust. "But formulating a plan to work with old rivals and traveling down a potential road to avoid any lingering grudges? Along with proactive thinking on a future solution? I would say that I have seen more than enough. You are ready, nephew."

Blueblood then looked at Celestia, who still seemed slightly worried. "What about you, aunty?"

"Well, I think Luna covered all that it was to say, and you have grown." She quickly glanced at Luna in annoyance. "A heads up, though, and inclusion on this project you are working on would have been nice, though."

"I said I was sorry. It simply happened, ok?" Luna argued back, making Celestia sigh and look back at him

"What I'm trying to say is…with the condition that you invite your cousin to this event, you have my blessing as well."

"Oh, come on, auntie."

"Just a small precaution, just that, is all I ask."

"Well, ok, for you. Cadence can come too."

"Thank you, dear, that puts my heart at ease."

"Blueblood!" Fancy's voice caught the royals' attention, and they turned to their right. They saw him and his wife fast approaching. "Greetings, your highness's, I must say this humble get-together of yours has simply been a delight." He said respectfully with a slight bow towards them.

"Greeting Mr. Fancy Pants, Ms. Fleur De Lis," The princesses replied with a smile. " We are pleased to hear you are enjoying yourself."

"Care if I steal your nephew for a moment? Blue, you need to come with me. I got the perfect targets for our little project in the making. I'm telling you, lad. These ponies are the best frenemies you have ever seen. They will do anything to spite the other."

"Really? Ok, this I have to see, aunties, do you mind if I...?"

"Go, have fun, dear" Luna sent the three off with a smile as Blue thanked them and followed the pair, who went on to enjoy the rest of the party.

"Our nephew is growing, isn't he?" Luna glowed in pride while looking at Celestia.

"Oh, shush you, and let me savor this moment. You have no idea how many moons I have waited for this day?"

"What? Blueblood returning to rub elbows with the nobility?" Luna looked at her with a raised eyebrow

"He is working so hard on finding ways to improve the nation. THAT is such a great and big step in the life of any prince." She choked and cleaned one of her eyes. "My little knight is growing up."

For her part, Luna only rolled her eyes. "Tia, I swear there are days where you could easily compete with the element of generosity when it comes to dramatics."

"Said the mare who choked up after their first sword practice session." Celestia replied without skipping a beat.

"That was completely different!" Luna fired back in anger and embarrassment with a hint of pink in her cheeks “...it was before we started” She corrected her while refusing to make contact as Celestia chuckled, and they kept chatting.

Meanwhile, in the chaos realm.

Whistling a happy tune, the Lord of chaos was hard at work torching the lilies in the front yard of his house as they kept blooming backward as the sound of sand moving behind him startled him briefly before smirking at the arrival of an unexpected guest.

"Discord," A deep, soft voice spoke in what was barely a whisper made the draconess chuckle briefly. "We need to talk."

"Indeed we do," He replied excitedly before turning around to face a griffin made entirely out of golden sand with four eyes and a constantly shifting crown of silver resembling a sandcastle which dripped motes of dust to the ground in front of him, partially melting and reforming as he breathed as if he was half-awake. The griffin regarded Discord with white eyes absent of any pupils. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the Sand hawk himself. Dream! So glad to see you finally moving your granite flank for once!" Discord welcomed his guest with open arms and brought him into a hug, only for Dream to disperse like sand in the wind and reform away from him. "Does this mean that you will stop letting moon butt do YOUR job?" He asked with a raised eyebrow causing the spirit to chuckle and shake his head.

"You are only envious because I found a way to delegate my job and am able to have an easy existence for as long as I please."

"Please, I could find an intern just like that if I wanted to." He replied, snapping his fingers before moving his right eye to the left unnaturally as he smirks. "There sure are plenty of applicants too." Returning his gaze to normal, he addressed Dream once more, "So what do you want, brother? It must be imperative if it makes someone as lazy as you to move."

"I am merely here to deliver a message. Desire knows what you and the others have been doing...and wants a turn."

The moment Dream said the other name, all the color in Discord's body turned ghostly white as he slowly turned to face the griffin. "No, no, it's impossible. She can't have one. She can't even enter the mortal realm for pony's sake, not without a…."

"…willing host, to move through realms? And who's to say she didn't found one already?" Dream cryptically informed before starting to disperse onto the ground.


"Don't know, don't care, I only deliver the message," Dream said as his voice got more and more distant. "And tell that prince to stay away from my realm! He and that inner child of his were almost impossible to ignore the last time he invaded my domain!" He yelled out in frustration before the wind carried the remaining sand away, leaving the Lord of chaos alone.

"Oh boy, this miiiight be a problem" Discord said, putting his hands together and looking away with worry.

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