• Published 3rd Jul 2018
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The Humble Prince - Lighting Ace

A man wakes up to find he's inhabiting the body of a cartoon horse who wasn't exactly Mister Popular, judging from how shocked the locals are when he says things like 'please' and 'thank you'.

  • ...

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Celestia Great Solo (Edited By BS) (With Special Guest!)

Once the royals finished setting up the computer and connected it to the portal outside the school, Blueblood called Pinkie and Twilight to see how things were going on their end. At the same time, Nefertiti checked the systems to make sure the controls were working correctly.

"And are you sure you are okay? No dizziness, no surges of magic...no strange thoughts of doing something evil?" Twilight asked worriedly as they talked, making the prince laugh.

"I'm fine, Twinkle Star? Besides having a propensity for giving cute nicknames and more confidence that borders on arrogance, I'm in total control. Don't forget who you are talking to. I'm the Prince of Darkness; I wrote the book on how to party with the dark side." The Prince kept boosting, which did not help his case and only succeeded in worrying Twilight even more.

"Just be careful and don't go abusing that Form, Blueblood. Celestia knows what could happen if you maintain that Form for long periods of time."

"Duly noted it, cous. I will see how Sonny is fairing with the principals. Think you got this here, Nefi?"

"Everything is pretty much set; we are only missing the power source." the Princess replied, looking at the screen on the computer.

"Then we better go secure it," Blueblood responded calmly before leaving in search of Sonata.

Soon after, the Prince located the group in the music room just in time to catch the end of their discussion. "...so when you are done with the portal, you can redirect the energy to the dome to protect you from the storm while we repair everything," Sonata finished.

"I'm apprehensive of the idea of sending children into danger again," Celestia quickly pointed out, dreading the whole idea. "Are you sure that neither Luna nor I can go with you?"

"We appreciate the thought." Blueblood chose that moment to appear, leaning against the room door frame. "But honestly, you would be doing much more good here than there."

"Blue...ah, Prince Blueblood?" Luna questioned as both principals looked at his new appearance with worry and surprise. "Is that you?"

"Oh! Neverminded my makeover; I was preparing for the trip."

"So that is what you were referring to as your Dusk Form? Just getting taller and dyeing your hair?" Sonata asked, confused as he approached the group.

"Sea angel, this is just the tip of the iceberg. You haven't seen anything yet." He proclaimed with confidence before addressing the adults in the room.

"Thank you very much for volunteering, by the way. I sincerely appreciate it and am glad to see you with more energy, but you have nothing to fear. This isn't my first rodeo, and Sonny here knows how to defend herself. We got this."

Sonata continued to look at him, confused, and tilted her head. "Why are you acting like that?"

"It's a small side effect: my personality changes slightly when I'm like this. Don't worry, I'm still the same guy you met...only a bit more confident," He explained calmly as he sat in a nearby chair. "So, is there anything I can do to help convince them, or are you all done?"

"We understand the bulk of the plan, which seems simple enough." Luna decided to set the conversation back on track. "We just aren't thrilled with the idea of having to trust the safety of everyone to children. And yes, I know that Twilight and her friends usually do these things, but I feel that her misadventures and this event are completely different."

"If it makes things easier, we are not in danger." Blueblood tried to appeal to them before sighing, "The one responsible for all this is someone you may know...or knew a version of her. It's Crossfire Tempo, and she is not doing this out of malice." He picked up Sunset's phone and handed it to them so they could read Pinkie's text.

"She just doesn't know what she is doing or the danger she is putting all of us in by her actions."

"Tempo...is doing this?" Celestia questioned with a sorrowful voice as the Prince nodded briefly.

"Oh, Tempo, even in another world..." Both principals sighed and closed their eyes as they nodded. "Thanks for telling us this, Blueblood. It somewhat makes things easier."

"Really?! Great! Then we can start, Blue? Can you enchant some musical instruments like last time? We would need to connect a lot of mics and put all the speakers we can on the rooftop if we are planning..."

"I just want to change one thing," Celestia interrupted Sonata's ranting sternly. "I would like to be the one to perform Sonata. You focus on going with the rest."

Luna looked at her sister in surprise. "Tia, are you planning what I think you're planning?"

"I would be honored if you could join me, dear sister, but I recall your decision not to touch your slayer again. Not yet, at least."

"...yeah" Luna admitted, looking down in shame. "It's still too soon for me." She takes a glance at Blueblood before shaking her head when she saw her old self grinning at her ā€œI still have issues to attendā€

"Ah, no offense, principals, but back when I was with the dazzlers, we creamed the competition. Do you even know how to sing or play any instrument?"

"Is that, by chance, a challenge?" Celestia questioned with a smirk, which Luna soon copied.

"Young lady, you really shouldn't poke the bear like that."

"Oh ho, you both have that look, too." Blueblood observed as a shiver ran down his spine.

"That look?"

"My aunties had this particular look that she rarely used. It is the look she gets when ponies don't believe they can do something and are often left speechless afterward." Blueblood explained before Celestia took his hand.

"Come with me, dear. I know exactly what instrument I need you to enchant. Lulu? Could you prepare everything else?"

"Sure, I will look for any students that can help as backup." Luna confirmed confidently as she took Sonata with her. "And we can place everything properly during or after that. We better hurry. We don't have much time."

"Ah... okay?" The siren and Prince pensively agreed, unsure of what was happening or what the principals had in store for them.

"Also, there is something you should know," The Prince began, but Celestia already knew what he would say and sighed.

"Bludegard is going too, isn't he?" She asked with sorrow while looking at him. The Prince was only able to nod.

"I figured as much when the Tempo on this world passed on to a better life. He was on a camping trip and didn't know it happened until days afterward. Since then, he never forgave me for robbing him of the chance to say goodbye. I don't like it either, but I'll believe you if you think he will be safe."

"... Thank you." The Prince nodded, grateful for not having to convince her further as they got to work.

After rounding up as many students as possible, finishing up with the necessary equipment and connecting them to the power source. Nefy spent some time testing a satellite dish while aiming it straight at the fast-approaching storm.

"All systems ready," She informed Luna, who nodded and tested the sound equipment before talking to Celestia through a headset microphone. "We are all connected, and we are in the green sister. You are the only thing missing now.ā€

"Copy that, and we are already here and waiting for the signal." Celestia responded through her own earpiece before looking at Blueblood and Sonata, enchanting the last of the instruments as the students took their places around a grand piano where all the jumper cables converged, and five microphones were angled to catch the best sound. "Whenever you are ready, Blueblood."

"Are you sure you know what you are doing? I'm serious here. We need the most powerful song imaginable for this to work." Sonata reminded Celestia as she sat before the piano.

"Oh, sweetie, I know, I'm sure. Please allow us to help you at least this much. We will buy you as much time as possible."

Thoroughly convinced, the Prince gave a small smile and nod. "Okay, I trust you, Principal Celestia."

He then turns to Sonata, "Don't worry, Sea Angel, if she is only half as good as my actual aunt, we couldn't ask for a better person to keep everyone safe. If she says she has everything under control, I believe her."

"Ah, thanks?" Celestia replied, unsure if that was a compliment or an insult. As Blueblood drew forth Clarent, the principal was startled until she saw him aiming the point at the instrument.

"What are you doing?"

"Giving it a little tuning up, you will need the magic spark here." As the same prismatic light left the weapon and enveloped the piano, the principal could feel her whole body tingle as she was filled with renewed vigor during the entire process. "There, that should do it."

Blueblood then pulled out a timer and set it up before placing it on a desk next to the piano. "Give us five minutes, and then start playing. Once the portal is stable, we will send the signal so you can redirect the power to the dome so it can protect you while the storm hits. Good luck here."

"Likewise and Blueblood," Celestia called to him before he and Sonata departed, her face showing worry. "Please be careful out there,"

"I always am," He replied confidently as they left and the timing began.

"I still think I should be the one singing," Sonata complained with a pout as the Prince patted her back.

"Come on, Sonny, don't hog the stage. Let others have their chance. Just think of them as your opening act. Besides, the team stays together this way, and I want to hear another of your performances."

The praise did the trick as Sonata smiled and blushed slightly at the comment. "Aww, okay, I suppose I can let them try first." She said with a giggle as they continued advancing until they spotted Bludegard exiting Luna's office, trying to make as little noise as possible and holding a rectangular box in one of his arms.

"Blueblood?" Sonata questioned, tilting her head and startling the poor teenager who almost fell and dropped the object before catching and composing himself. "What were you doing there? What is that?"

He shushed her to keep quiet in alarm. "Not so loud!" He whispered urgently before looking everywhere to ensure that the coast was clear. "I was looking for Yamato for the mission."

"Mission? Wait, you are coming too?" Sonata asked in surprise.

"Right. Because we were so busy, I didn't have the chance to fill you in. Yeah, he is coming with us." Looking at his counterpart, the Prince nodded and tried to find the right words. "It's safer there with us, and in exchange for keeping him safe, he is willing to help with Tempo since he knows her so well."

"She was my aunt here, and unlike you, I lived with her more, so of course I know my aunty. I can take her off your hands so you can focus on the dangerous stuff," The teenager confidently says.

"O...k, fine, I suppose, but what's in the box, and why do you need it?" Sonata insisted.

"It's just in case there are more of those sand monsters." He explained, opening the box and revealing a katana with a dark blue saya and an elegant golden belt to carry her.

"Wait, isn't that the katana that got Principal Luna in trouble with the law? What did you call it?...Yamu...Yatu something," Sonata questioned as Blueblood put the belt on and adjusted the sword to rest comfortably on his left hip before hiding the box in a nearby locker.

"Yamato, and yes, it is, and she would flip if she found out I'm taking it on this mission, so let go!" Bludegard reminded the group before walking as fast as he could toward the entrance.

"I told you already, junior, you don't need to be afraid of what you saw. That is only part of Aunt Luna. To use the power, you need to see her as a whole. All things considered, yours is way better than mine. "The Prince reminded him of their experience on the roof when the teenager took his hand.

"Oh, I already saw that side of my own aunt Luna, and trust me, it is not! So if you'll excuse me, I will look for another way to defend myself." He said, tapping the katana's hilt on his side, making the Prince sigh.

"You are blocking your mind, dude, but okay, we can go one step at a time. Just relax and let the magic flow naturally." The Prince advised with a shrug of his shoulders and looking at Sonata. "Speaking of which, I never told you of a little trick I learned about earlier."

He extended his palm and showed her some red mist emanating from it. "Turns out I can share my magic more easily here while in my dusk form. Meaning I can protect you from Dream's nasty sand. Nefi and my copy already have had a taste, and I wouldn't want you to miss out on this, so would you like a taste, too?"

He offered his hand as she looked at him worriedly. "Would you be okay sharing so much magic? You already gave me and Nefi a bust of power with my voice and her gauntlets, and now you are saying that you gave her even more, helped the other Blueblood, AND enchanted a whole music classroom. Aren't you getting tired?"

"I appreciate the concern, but Sonata, I'm okay. I still have plenty of magic to spare, and I'd rather keep all my friends safe than hoard all the power."

She was not entirely convinced but nodded and took his hand. "Okay, but ONLY to protect me, keep as much magic as you can with you. We are going to need it."

"Duly noted." He briefly nodded as their eyes flashed red as he transferred even more of his magic into Sonata to protect her from Dream and boost her power for the upcoming fight. "Also, just as a precaution, could you keep an eye on my copy while he deals with Aunt Tempo?"

"You think she may harm him?"

"More like she could be stubborn, so step in only if things get out of control, you think..."

"Yeah, okay," She nodded several times, "I will step in and do what I can."

"Thanks, and great. We could even tag teams to keep those two off balance."

"I say mostly Tempo. Dream would probably be groaning and moving his claws around like a kid not wanting to leave his bed," Sonata joked with a roll of her eyes, making the two chuckle. As she walked forward to discuss their plan with the teen Blueblood, the Prince took advantage of them not paying attention to him to lean on the wall and take in a deep breath of air. His energy was reaching his limit, and he needed a moment to collect himself.

Only after I saved Equestria, my friends, my family, and my herd. That last thought brought the image of Fluttershy and the rest of the mares he made promises to flash by in his mind. Enjoying the memory momentarily, the Prince finally shook his head free of his thoughts with an intense blush.

Focus! This is no time for daydreaming. Girls, I promise I will fix thisā€¦

Finding his second wind, he stood tall and rushed to meet up with the rest of his group before they noticed he was lagging.
With the timer reaching its end, Celestia sat down in front of her piano, took a deep breath with her eyes closed, and prepared herself mentally. The music club members similarly prepared their instruments and tried to calm their own nerves.

"I know this is nerve-wracking for many of you," Celestia spoke up while caressing the keys on the piano with her eyes closed. "Over the last couple of weeks, things have been tense, scary, and difficult for all of us, and probably would just keep getting worse unless we stop it here and now."

Opening her eyes, she looked at the group surrounding her with a calm, serene smile. "I believe in all of you. I have seen the blossoming talent all of you possess, and I couldn't ask for a better team to play with here."

Her words calmed them all as they nodded, and the principal returned her gaze to her piano keys. "I don't know what may happen once we begin, but regardless, I ask you, please lend me your talent. Help me perform this song as our hearts beat and shine brightly. Let us save everyone with a performance like no other before."

Now even more determined, they all got into position as Celestia began playing the second the timer rang out its ending countdown.

"I'm ready, sister," Luna said as she controlled everything from her end.

As the music started playing, Sonata could only stare back at the school, dumbfounded at what she was hearing while the group waited for their opening.

"Did...did the principal just own me?" She asked no one in particular as she gestured back at the school

"Well, duh, you all but challenged an internationally renowned piano player to see who was the better musician. What do you expect would happen?" Bluddergard snarked with a raised eyebrow.

As the music continued, the magic started forming and spinning around the principal, engulfing her with a golden twister and almost overcharging all the machines set up to gauge and moderate the magical output as the portal came to life and the statue outside the school turned to gold.

"This is it, that's our signal!" Nefi called as they all gathered around. "Everyone knows what to do?"

The group all nodded, minus the Prince, who finished with a final call before looking at Nefi and nodding. "Great! Remember, we have this one chance. This is all or nothing. We need to end this here, and now, there is no room for mistakes. We go hard and fast and do not let her breathe. Let's do this!" They all jumped inside the portal with a battle cry as the performance continued.

Redirecting the energy, Luna reinforced the dome as it took on a golden hue and shot a beam into the storm, freezing its place before the machines burned or fried themselves. Once everything was stable, she looked at Celestia worriedly.

"Hang in there, sister, you can do it," she called to her through the mic, yet she could only hear static.

Celestia's eyes turned white inside the twister, and her hair started to flow, scaring her. Each movement she made felt like an electric shock. All she could see was gold and sand, along with the sound of fire looming closer to cook her inside and out.

It's...too much, too much magic! What was I thinking?! I'm not the Celestia Twilight or Blueblood think I am. I'm not a goddess. I'm just a principal. I can't handle all this power!

She was on the verge of tears and nearly stopped playing when she suddenly heard her voice speaking to her, and she found herself in a white void, her tail and glowing hair still present.

"Yes, you can," Another Celestia affirmed as another version of herself appeared before her. The principal didn't know how to explain it at that moment, yet she was sure that time wasn't moving and felt she was experiencing an extracorporeal event.

"Are you...from the other Twilight and Blueblood world?"

The other Celestia stepped forward. To the principal's astonishment, this version of her looks more human than what she would expect. However, she has large white wings splayed out behind her, and while her body has human features, her head resembles a pony. She wore what looked like battle armor and held a flaming sword. "I'm not from the world you're talking about," the new Celestia said, "but I can still help. My world is as dangerous as yours so we can help each other."

"Indeed," Yet another Celestia's voice called from the right, and they were surprised when a white horse stepped from the void wearing golden armor. "It appears that fate has brought us together at this moment. We all hear your song. And we hear your cries for help." The pony Celestia says with a reassuring and calm smile. "Don't fear the power you now experience as it is part of you, no different than your own beating heart. I know it is scary at first, but all you need to do is surrender to it."

"So my nephew was right about there being more horselike versions of me." the humanoid Celestia observed in awe before regaining focus and raising her flaming sword. "We are all here to help. I won't let this destroy my world! I just got my sister back, and I won't let these beasts take her from me or my beloved nephew!"

The principal could not help but laugh. "So this is what they were talking about, Twilight and Blueblood. I can't believe I get to see my other self as actual goddesses, in control of their world, while I barely have control over my school."

"I'm no goddess," the anthropomorphic Celestia denied immediately.

"Nor I," the pony Celestia says, "and you shouldn't sell yourself short either. Even without magic, you are as extraordinary as we are.".

"But what else can I do? I wanted to help because I thought that my ability with music could do something, make a laser beam or a power wave or something like that, and that would be it, but thisā€¦this is just too much. I don't know what is happening or how to control it."

"You are helping more than you realize," the anthro Celestia said, smiling as she raised her sword again.

"And there is no shame in being afraid either." Another voice joined in the conversation, a masculine one, spoke up as a male pony stepped in. This one wore a more orange ensemble but carried himself as every inch a warrior king, making everyone blink. "Tapping into the unknown is something we are all more than familiar with, as well as the fear that comes with it. Having the courage to march forward despite the fear makes us who we are."

"Heh, I'm guessing you're named Solaris," the anthro Celestia remarked with some amusement.

"And you must be Celestia. It is a pleasure even if there is no time for pleasantries." Solaris greeted in turn.

"Yeah, like he said?" came another voice from on high. The principal almost choked when a white dragoness with rainbow scales descended and circled everyone. "There is no shame in fear; we all have obstacles to overcome, and none of us could have faced it without fears and danger."

The anthro Celestia nodded. "Even when I faced down the Order of the Sun for what they did to my brother's family, I was afraid that I would lose myself in my anger and hatred." Her flowing mane briefly flashes to pure flame before returning to normal, "but when I found my long lost nephew in an orphanage, I found hope again. I was afraid even when my nephew and the zebra princess were lost for a time. However, I refused to give up, and neither should you. We will be here for you."

"But I don't even know what to do now, how can I use magic? I have never wielded it before. I don't know the first thing on how to use it?" The principal looked scared now.

The pony Celestia could only chuckle. "Magic does not come with an instructional manual or is a globe or a machine you can use and dispose of."

"Magic is what you make of it," the anthro Celestia says. "Do what you can. Nobody can ask for more or think less of you."

"As Celestia and Solaris, that is what we are." Solaris continued. "We are and will always be that beacon of light for our subjects, family, and friends."

"The emotion you felt when you started playing? What were your thoughts?" The dragoness asked.

"Toā€¦to keep everyone safe, to end this nightmare. I only wanted to help." The principal admitted, starting to smile and hold her chest.

"Hold onto that feeling," the anthro Celestia says, "because that gives you strength. It's what gives us strength. Keep your focus on those feelings and thoughts. It is our greatest source of power. Not power for power's sake, but the power to protect those we love!" With that, she brought her sword down and stabbed the ground. A circle of flame surrounded her.

"Magic can also be expressed in various forms, and it looks like you found yours, and you don't necessarily need a horn to cast it." The pony version mentions that they lit their horn and made another magic circle appear, and they started to surround the principal.

"My nephew certainly doesn't," the anthro Celestia chuckles.

"Or your breath, your magic comes as you want it to come, so play Celestia, play with your heart, do not worry about the burden as we will help. I heard your thoughts about wishing to save everyone. Let's share that thought. Let's save our little dragons." The dragoness lay down and created yet another arcane circle using her voice in a strange language nobody understood, the magic helped ease the pains of the principal body.

The anthro Celestia raises her arms to her side, reaching towards the two other versions of herself standing on either side of her. "Join hands, hooves, or claws," she says, "and we'll share the burden. All of us."

Nodding, the principal cleared her eyes of tears before resuming playing her piano. Her magic emanated and expanded until they all formed a pillar of light that pierced the heavens and split into five.

"My nephew would love to hear you play this," the anthro Celestia says softly, "he plays the piano too, and you play magnificently."

"Thank you." the principal smiled as the power cleared the storm, again placing her and multiple other worlds in a temporary state of peace. In the throne rooms in various Canterlots, a giant mirror hung in mid-air where all Celestia's could see the one responsible for this peace, who stared back, just as confused by them.
In the school, Celestia collapsed once she finished her final note, and the students quickly gathered around her. "Principal!" Amber called out, lifting her head slightly. "Are you alright?"

"Better than ever, Amber," Celestia replied between deep breaths. "I found my magic," She proclaimed with pride.

Author's Note:

Thanks to morbiusgreen for letting me borrow his character

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