• Published 2nd Oct 2017
  • 1,805 Views, 83 Comments

Power Rangers Guardians vs Power Rangers Revolution X - Banshee531

When a new enemy from another universe threatens their world, the Guardian Rangers must team up with another set of Rangers to save the day.

  • ...

The Final Battle Begins

Meanwhile on the far side of town.

Shining, Sunset and Commander Ryn arrived at the location they had tracked Mechano to, a group of rundown old factories and warehouses. The suited up Rangers and military official drove up to them on the Ranger's Guardian Cycles, before pulling up infront of the first building.

"Is this it?" Shining asked as he turned to Sunset, who pulled out their portable computer.

"The signal's originated from somewhere near here," Sunset replied as she and the men got off their bikes.

"So many buildings," Ryn said as he looked around. "It could take hours to check them all."

"Maybe," Sunset replied with her computer beeping, "but only one of them has been siphoning the city's power supply." She rushed off towards the location her computer gave her, followed by Shining and the commander. Eventually, they arrived infront of one of the larger factories. "This is it."

"Good," Ryn said, "then let's get ready." The Rangers looked around and saw Ryn begin to fiddle with the metal device on his chest, which then began to beep and display '15%' on its screen. In that second a blue aura began to surround the Commanders body.

"What is that?" Shining asked.

"Miniature Particle Barrier Generator," Ryn replied as he readied his pistols. "Powered by the remaining fragment of the X Element. It's got enough power to form an almost impenetrable field around my body, but the bigger the field the more pressure it puts on the fragment and less time it will last."

"So fifteen percent makes that?" Sunset asked as she pointed to the blue aura. "What happens when it goes to a hundred percent?"

The particle barrier will be indestructible," Ryn replied. "But the crystal will likely shatter after a few seconds."

"Then lets hope we don't need anything above fifteen," Shining said as he and Sunset pulled out their weapons. "Be prepared for anything. Mechano said he sent his whole army, but I doubt he'd leave his base completely unguarded."

Ryn and Sunset nodded, before turning to the door.

Just like that, Shining kicked it in and the three of them rushed inside.

Just like Shining had said, several Guardroids and Megabots were actually inside and once they saw them, they opened fire.

"Charge!" Ryn ordered as they rushed forward, blasting their way through the sentries and delving deeper into the building.

Shining and Sunset jumped all over the place, dodging the incoming laser fire and shooting back at whatever targeted them.

Ryn meanwhile simply walked through the factory as the robots fired at him, but the blasts bounced off the energy shield and sometimes struck a nearby enemy.

Eventually the last of Mechano's security was destroyed and the three stepped into the centre of the building.

"Alright Mechano!" Shining called out. "Your defences are gone, now show yourself and release my sister!"

No answer.

"He's here somewhere," Ryn said.

"But where?" Sunset asked. "And if the girls are here, wouldn't they have called out to us?"

"Unless," Shining said before freezing as he realised. "It's a trap!"

As soon as he said that it happened, the doors they had kicked in closing before being covered by a layer of metal.

"NO!" Ryn cried out as they rushed towards the door, but when they were there they couldn't find any way to open it.

"Stand back!" Sunset said as she pulled out her Duel Morphin Blaster and fired it at the door, but her blast didn't even singe it.

"Now what?" Shining asked, but before anyone could answer they heard the sound of deep laughter.

Mechano's voice was being played over a speaker system.

"Mechano," Ryn said, "where are you?"

"Not there," Mechano replied.

He, the Mane Six and the Mecha Rangers were in a robotic room, watching the group on a computer.

"You think I'd send a message to you, knowing you'd try and trace it, from my real base of operations. You're almost ten miles away from my true base. But don't worry, I left a small parting gift for you."

"Shining!" Twilight called out, "get out of there!"

The three were trying to break through the door, but their efforts were interrupted by a new sound filling the room.

It was a loud beeping noise, growing louder each time it happened.

"What is that?" Sunset asked.

"Look!" Shining yelled as he pointed to one of the factory support beams. On that support beam was a round device that had a counter on it, the numbers showing less then thirty seconds. Looking around they say multiple devices on every single support beam.

"Are those what I think they are?" Ryn asked.

"It's like I said," Mechano's voice told them. "It's your parting gift, in that it will part you...into many...MANY...pieces!"

"He's rigged the whole place to blow!" Sunset screamed.

"Can't we stop them?" Shining asked.

"There's too many," Ryn replied, "and not enough time to disarm them all."

"Any last words?" Mechano asked them, as the counter drew closer to zero.

"Twilight," Shining called out, "if you can here me, don't worry. Flash and the others will save you."

"Don't let this freak get the better of you," Sunset told them. "You might not be Power Rangers, but you can still do your part against him."

"How touching," Mechano replied, "truly great last words. Goodbye."

With that, the beeping sound reached its loudest point as the devices count down reached zero.


"NOOO!" Twilight screamed as she and the others watched the screens feed go dead, as the camera was destroyed in the blast.

Mechano burst out laughing, as he spun in his chair and watched the six teenage girls begin to cry. "Two down!"

"You're a monster!" Rarity cried.

"You won't get away with this!" Rainbow told him.

"The others will stop ya!" Applejack yelled.

"Oh really," Mechano replied.

"Yeah," Pinkie said, "they're not gonna lose to a creepy old man like you!"

"We'll see about that," Mechano said as he got up and turned to the Mecha Rangers. "Keep an eye on them. Whatever you do, don't let them do anything funny."

The five robotic Power Rangers all bowed to their creator, as he turned and walked out the door. Once it shut behind him, they turned to stare at the girls.

"Twilight," Fluttershy asked her crying friend, "are you gonna be alright?"

Twilight didn't reply, to heartbroken over the loss of her brother and best friend. "Flash," she whispered under her breath, "please...help."

Not to far away, the twelve Rangers were doing battle against Mechano's forces.

The had pushed their opponents back away from the city and towards the edge of the industrial area they had originated from. Now they were battling them in teams of two.

"Take this!" Flash yelled as he used his Dragon Breaker to smash a Megabot into a Guardroid that Chris was fighting, allowing the Red Revolution Ranger to slash them both to scrap.

"And this!" Chris yelled as he pulled out his blaster and fired several rounds into a Guardroid running up to Flash from behind, slowing it down long enough for the Red Guardian Ranger to spin around and kick it into a ground of Guardroids.

"Head Smash!" Flash called out as he jumped at the cluster and launched his armoured fist forward, destroying all the robots in a single bound.

Chris was now fighting a group of Megabots, using his Energy Blade slash them at different angles until they were joined into one group. "Blast Cutter!" He yelled as his two weapons glowed. He then fired a extra strong laser blast towards the robots, before slashing his blade through the air and striking the blast. The combined force sent the two united attacks flying at the Megabots like a bullet, before it struck them and caused an explosion.

As Flash changed weapons and pulled out his sword and blaster, the two Red Rangers stood back to back and fought in perfect harmony by blasting and slashing at their opponent. At no point did the two get in each other's way, acting as if they shared one mind by moving out of each others way without even looking.

In another part of the industrial estate, an area filled with large metal pipes, Lyra and Kade were working together as well. Lyra leapt into the scene, cartwheeling her way into the centre of the robots while Kade was pushing his way through.

"Serpent Staff!" Lyra yelled as she called upon her weapon and began spinning it around her body, slashing the Guardroids and Megabots down.

"Prism Punch!" Kade yelled as the metallic gloves appeared around his fists, allowing his to smash and uppercut through the robots. "Take this!" He yelled as punched a Megabot so hard, that it went flying and ricocheted off one of the large pipes that was in the air.

Lyra swung the blade of her staff at another Megabot, making a large gash in its armour, before spinning the weapon around and using its mouth to hook into the gash. "Heads up!" She cried before throwing the robot overhead, sending it flying towards her Ranger counterpart.

"Oh yeah!" Kade yelled as he leapt into the air, before smashing the robot with both fists. The force sent the robot flying back towards the ground at such speed, that when it landed the explosion took out several nearby Guardroids.

Kade landed next to Lyra and saw several more robots charging at them. Glance at each other, they nodded before rushing towards them.

Atop the roof of one of the factories, Micro and Dani were battling a bunch of Guardroids. Dani was using her Energy Blade to slash them down, but was quickly finding herself outnumbered and outmatched.

Micro was using his Morphin Blaster to shoot his opponents down, but also had his Spirit Sabre to counter anything that got to close. Looking around, Micro saw Dani getting surrounded and realised she needed some help.

Dani had just sliced another Guardroid down, but suddenly a presences behind her made her look around and see a Guardroid getting to close. Before she could react however, the Guardroid ceased up and then collapsed, allowing the Yellow Revolution Ranger to see the Spirit Sabre in its back.

Looking over to Micro, she saw him give her a node as he fought off his own opponents. Dani realised what he wanted her to do, making her smile beneath her helmet. Seeing some more Guardroids coming at her, Dani only had time to grab her blaster and throwing it wildly in the air, before pulling the Spirit Sabre out of the downed robot and using it to slash at its friends. Seeing her blaster falling back towards her, she spun around the kicked the weapon towards the Yellow Guardian Ranger.

Micro saw the blaster coming and kicked over a nearby Guardroid, before spring boarding off it into the air. He grabbed the blaster and did a back flip, before unleashing a barrage of laser fire on the Guardroids. They struck and the robots were destroyed, as Micro landed and found himself back to back with Dani.

"You ready?" She asked her Ranger counterpart as the Guardroids surrounded them.

"You have to ask," Micro replied as the robots charged.

The two started fighting together, Micro firing his two blasters to thin out the herd while Dani slashed down the ones that got too close.

Meanwhile in a courtyard between a bunch of buildings, Sweetie and Valarie were fighting off a large group of robots. Sweetie had her sword and Sphinx Shield, while Valarie had her blaster and sword.

The two Rangers were charging towards a group of Megabots, who all had their shoulder mounted blasters aimed at them.

"Sphinx Shield!" Sweetie yelled as she jumped infront of Valarie, before the robots unleashed their onslaught. "Block!" She raised her shield and used it to protect herself and her Ranger counterpart, as the laser blasts bounced off her weapon.

Once they stopped firing Sweetie ducked down, allowing Valarie to begin firing her own blasts at the robots. One by one they were shot down, allowing the Pink Rangers to continue forwards.

"Take this!" Sweetie yelled as she slashed at them, once in a while using her shield to block the attacks coming her way.

"Prism Kick!" Valarie cried out as her feet were encased in the metallic boots, which she used to send several Guardroids and Megabots flying as she kicked them.

Once they finished with their opponents on the ground, the two looked up to see several more standing on some metal scaffolding. The robots pointed their weapons at the two and opened fire, causing the two to dodge or block the rain of lasers.

"Give me a boost!" Valarie told Sweetie, as she rushed towards her and then jumped at her.

"You got it," Sweetie yelled as she crouched down and raised her shield above her head. Once she felt the Pink Revolution Ranger land on it, she used all the strength to catapult her into the air.

Valarie soared into the sky, passing the scaffolding and looking down to see the robots stare at her. She then swung her right foot through the air, unleashing a wave of pink energy which flew at them. The energy struck the robots, causing a majority of them to be destroyed while the others where blown back.

Valarie landed on the scaffolding, while Sweetie had rushed up the stairs. The two then began taking out the remainder of the robots.

Across the area on another lot of scaffolding, Sandel and Grant were fighting off several Megabots.

The two were doing alright, but the Megabots surrounding them were growing closer and closer.

In that moment they noticed Micro and Dani fighting on the roof across from them and saw how they had switched weapons, giving them an idea.

"Here," Sandel said as he pulled out his Morphin Blaster and opened his belt, before placing a Magi-Charger in it. "Catch!" he tossed the blaster at his Ranger counterpart, who saw it and threw his Energy Blade in return.

The two weapons crossed each other midair, before flying towards their respective Rangers. They caught them and with their doubled up power, managed to slash and blast their opponents down.

Once they had finished with the ones surrounding them, they leapt off the scaffolding and turned towards a group of Guardroids charging towards them.

"You ready?" Grant asked Sandel.

"Totally," Sandel replied as his Ranger counterpart stepped infront, before kneeling down. Sandel then opened his belt and pulled out another charger, which he activated and placed in his Spirit Sabre. He shut the compartment and began spinning the two swords, as Grant spun the Morphin Blaster's barrel.

"DOUBLE BLAST CUTTER!" They yelled as Grant fired the two guns, followed by Sandel slashing the air with his swords and unleashing a pair of energy slicers. Sandel's attack struck Grants, creating a pair of highly powered energy arrows that flew at the Guardroids. They struck the robots and caused an explosion, which engulfed several of them and sent the rest flying back.

"Come on," Sandel said as he charged forward with his swords.

"Right behind yeah," Grant replied as he followed, firing his blasters as he did.

In another part of the complex, Soarin and Aichi were rushing towards a group of Megabots.

"Blitz Bolts!" Soarin yelled as he fired several rounds of lightning bullets from his Thunder Morpher.

"Neo Defender, Blast Mode!" Aichi to began firing his own blasts at the robots.

The two attacks struck the Megabots, mowing them down like bowling pins. However, behind those ones were Megabots that had their blasters charged and fired.

"Sky high!" Soarin yelled, as the flaps on his back extended and allowed him to take to the sky.

"Neo Defence!" Aichi called out as his shield vest unleashed a wave of energy, which formed into a force field that the laser bounced off of.

"Thunder Sabre!" Soarin summed his sword midair, before he swooped towards the ground and slashed the previously firing robots down.

"Blade Mode!" Aichi switched his weapon to its laser sword form, before charging forward and using it to cut down several Megabots in a single slice. However, a sudden explosion caused Aichi to go flying and smash into the wall of a nearby building. Kneeling up, he saw a bunch of Guardroids marching towards him and he also noticed his Neo Defender had been thrown away from him. "Not good."

A ways off, Soarin landed and cut down several more Megabots. He then turned to see Aichi was in trouble. "Here!" He yelled before throwing his Thunder Sabre, which flew through the air and dug its blade into the ground between Aichi and the robots.

Seeing this, the Neo Ranger nodded to his counterpart before getting up and rushing to the sword. As the Guardroids fired their lasers, Aichi unearthed the sword and used it to deflect the blasts as he rushed forward. Once at the group, he began slashing them down the way he'd seen Soarin do it.

Soarin meanwhile was having a tough time without his sword. But just as he leapt out of the way of a Megabot's shot, he caught sight of Aichi's Neo Defender and leapt forward to grab it and roll back to his feet. Already charged with Aichi's X Energy, Soarin was able to activate it and create the blade to use against them.

The two Rangers soon fought their way to each other, standing side by side as they stood against the robots surrounding them.

"Here!" They said as they swapped weapons again, before standing back to back.

"Let's end this!" Aichi said.

"Couldn't agree more," Soarin said as he took out his Magi-Charger and placed it in his sword.

Their two weapons glowed, powering up, before they spun around and yelled together.

"Thunder Sabre-"

"Neo Defender-"


They unleashed their attacks in a prefect circle, hitting every single robot surrounding them. Once they were done, they stood back to back and watched as the robots began to short and spark, before they all collapsed and exploded. Once the explosion ended, the two Rangers grasped hands in celebration.

"Alright!" Soarin said.

"Great work!" Aichi agreed.

In Mechano's hiding spot, we see him watching the battle on one of his computers.

"Enjoy your victory while you can Rangers," he said as he turned to another computer, which showed his creation's charge. "Ninety nine percent," he said with a smile. With that he got up and moved over to his ship, before climbing inside and activating it.

The ship flew over to the hidden part of the factory, flying through the sheets and into the darkness. It then flew beneath a large object, before flying up into an opening.

The ship flew up and long tunnel, eventually coming to a stop into a large opening. From the darkness came a series of mechanical arms, which plugged themselves into the ship. Second later the opening lit up, illuminating the ship.

Turning to his computer, he saw the system reading one hundred percent. "Go time."

Back with the Mane Six, they were all just silently waiting for something to happen.

Then it happened, the screen they had watched earlier switched on and showed Mechano's hideous face.

"Greetings ladies," he said with a twisted smile. "I know you must be getting bored, so I've decided to give you a little entertainment."

The six all gave him a piercing look, knowing whatever he was about to show them would not entertain them in the slightest.

"It's a little film I like to call...Power Ranger destruction!" With that, the screen switched to show the twelve Rangers all together.

"This can't be good," Twilight said.

Back with the Rangers, they had just finished off the last of the robots and were regrouping.

"That's the last of them," Flash said as he and Chris arrived where the others had gathered.

"Lets hope that was enough time for Shining and the others," Grant said.

Before anyone could say anything else, the ground beneath their feet began to shake. The Rangers all had steady themselves so as not to fall over.

"What's happening?" Sweetie asked.

"Earthquake?" Dani speculated.

"In Canterlot?" Micro replied, "possible, but not likely."

"Then what is causing it?" Kade asked, only to get his answer a second later.

One of the nearby buildings literally exploded, sending pieces of debris flying in all directions as a giant cloud of smoke funnelled out.

"LOOK OUT!" Soarin screamed as they all dodge the projectiles that were flying towards them. After what felt like an hour dodging debris, the Rangers were finally safe and could focus on what caused the building's destruction.

The smoke began to clear, revealing a giant figure to the world.

"What...is that?" Valarie asked.

That, turned out to be a giant mechanical robot with armouring that was gunmetal grey. It looked like a giant robotic version of Doctor Mechano, with large metallic spikes for its hair and a large red lens for its left eye. Its right arm had a mechanical hand with five razor sharp fingers, that when fully extended gave the hand a five pointed star look. On the end of its left arm, instead of a hand it had a giant laser cannon with an opening so large a train could run through it.

The Rangers watched in horror, as the robot stood to its full height before turning to look down at them. Then it did something truly terrifying...talk.

"Hello my friends," Mechano's voice called out from it, "how do you like my latest invention."

"Mechano," Chris growled.

"The one and only," Mechano replied, "and with my newest creation, I will finally be able to destroy you and conquer this world."

"Don't go planning Mechano day just yet," Lyra called out to the mad scientist. "We're not going to go down so easily."

"Yeah," Kade agreed, "what's so special about that robot? Doesn't look any different from the hundreds of robots we've scrapped before."

Mechano just chuckled. "Because unlike my previous creations, this one has the smartest brain in the multiverse at its control...MINE!" In that moment a projection shot out of the lens eye, before showing a holographic screen with Mechano in his ship.

"So you're controlling that robot?" Grant asked.

"Correct," Mechano replied, "I decided to take a page out of your book." The robot raised its arms, showing how fast it could move. "Presenting...the Mecha Megazord!"

"He built his own Megazord?" Flash asked.

"No way that thing can stand up to a real Megazord," Chris replied.

"Oh but it can," Mechano said. "Unlike my previous creations, this one isn't restricted by how much power I can give it." The screen then switched to show Twilight and the rest of their friends, all having the magic within them drained out. "It has its own internal everlasting power supply."

"Twilight," Flash called out.

"Guys!" Twilight replied through the screen, "you've gotta stop him."

"SAVE US!" Pinkie screamed.

"Save you?" Mechano asked before laughing, "they won't even be able to save themselves." With that the Mecha Megazord raised its cannon arm and pointed it at the twelve Rangers, before it began to glow as it charged up.

The Rangers all froze in fear at the sight of the humongous blaster. It would fire any moment, meaning they did not have any time to dodge or call one of their Zords.

"Goodbye Rangers!" Mechano yelled once the cannon was seconds away from firing.

But then.


The Mecha Megazord was struck by a fireball, which had shot through the sky and hit it in the back. Doing so caused its blaster arm to be thrown wildly in the air, before it fired and sent its laser harmlessly into the sky.

"WHAT!" Mechano screamed as the Megazord righted itself.

The twelve Rangers turned to the source of the fireball and all went wide eyed.

The Phoenix Zord was flying through the air towards them, its wings still smoking after unleashing the blazing projectile.

"Somebody call for a hero?" Sunset asked from within her Zord's cockpit.

"Because you've got two," Shining continued from next to her.

"What?" Mechano asked, "but I blew you up! Kaboom! Gone! Atomised!"

"Next time you should check your work," Sunset told him.

"If you did, you would have seen Ryn save us."



Sunset and Shining flinched as the room was filled with explosions, but seconds after the blast and they didn't feel anything.

Looking up, they saw they were inside Commander Ryn's particle barrier. The force field was so strong, that the explosions and debris wasn't even scratching it. Finally the blast subsided and the last of the rubble flew passed them, and not a moment to soon as Ryn's generator sparked and whined before dying.

Ryn fell to his knees, as the Ranger rushed towards him.

"What did you do?" Shining asked him.

"Turned my generator to one hundred percent," Ryn replied.

"But you said that would-" Sunset did not finish, as Ryn opened up the front of his device and a pile of silver dust fell out of it.

"The X Element shard is destroyed," Ryn told them, "but it was worth it." He looked up at the two and placed his hands on their shoulders. "Go! Help your friends. I'm afraid I am of no more use to you."

The two Rangers nodded, before turning to rush out the remains of the factory. Off to help their friends in battle.


"And it looks like we got here just in time," Shining said.

"Alright guys!" Flash cheered hearing their story.

Mechano growled hearing how his plan had failed. "I matters not. I'll just destroy you with my own hands!" With that he raised his cannon and fired at the robotic bird, which began flying through the air to dodge the attacks.

"Guys," Sunset called out as she and Shining were thrown around in the Zord, "we need to go Megazord."

"Right!" Flash and Shining said as they pulled out their Magi-Chargers, before activating and throwing them.

"Summon, Dragon Zord!"

"Summon, Minotaur Zord!"

The two chargers flew off, arriving at their Zord's hiding places and flying inside. They then flew into the Zord's mouths, activating them.



The Zord's eyes opened as they awoke, before bursting out of their hiding places and making their way towards their Rangers.

The Mecha Megazord continued firing at the Phoenix, while Mechano stared down at the Rangers on the ground.

"This should keep them distracted," he said as he pressed a button.

The Rangers were watching the battle, when they saw something shoot out of the Mecha Megazord.

It landed on the ground and revealed itself to be the Mecha Rangers, minus Red, along with a fresh batch of Guardroids and Megabots.

The Rangers all took up a fighting stance seeing them.

"Not good," Kade said.

"Where's Red?" Lyra asked.

"Must still be guarding the girls," Grant theorised.


The Rangers turned to see the Dragon and Minotaur Zords had arrived on the scene.

"Flash," Chris said, "you go help Shining and Sunset. We'll handle these creeps."

"Got it," Flash said as he turned to Phoenix Zord and leapt up, teleporting into its cockpit between the two other Rangers.

"Nice to see you made it," Sunset joked.

"You ready to take this thing down?" Shining asked him.

"You know it," Flash replied before turning to other Zords.

The three then spoke in unison. "Activate Phoenix-Wing Megazord, Mino-Drake Formation!"

The Phoenix Zord squawked, before turning towards the other Zords. The three opened their mouths, before their Magi-Chargers flew out with the Dragon and Minotaur's Chargers went into Phoenix's.


It bit down on the first Charger before it flew out and was replace withe second Charger.


It bit down on the second Charger before it flew out again and the last Charger flew in.



And just like that, the three Zords transformed and linked together to form the humanoid robot that was just as big as the Mecha Megazord.


The new Megazord landed on the ground, facing off against Mechano's dark forgery.

"Let's show this guy how a real Megazord fights!" Flash cried as the Megazord charged forward.

"Phoenix Fist!" Sunset yelled as the bird head fist ignited and punched the robot.

"Mino-Claw!" Shining called as his Zord slashed at it.

The Mecha Megazord was pushed back by the attacks, before it tried to slash at the Rangers but they quickly took to the sky.

Meanwhile back on the ground, the Rangers were doing battle against their robotic counterparts.

However, the Mecha Rangers were still proving to be almost unbeatable foes, as they were able to counter every move the Rangers made together or individually.

Chris, Soarin and Aichi meanwhile, were taking down the foot solider robots.

"Take this!" Chris yelled as he slashed down a Megabot. After it fell, Chris looked up and saw to two giant robots do battle. "Wish I could help."


"Yarr!" The Red Revolution Ranger cried in surprise, as he heard someone call to him over his radio.

"Are you there?"

"Dad?" Chris asked.

"Looks like I'm through," Ryo Davis replied, "I've got the portal up to one hundred percent."

"That's great," Chris said, "I need you to send me something."

"Way ahead of you son. It's already on its way."

In that moment, there was a brilliant flash of light.

Chris turned to the source of the light, as it faded to reveal a giant truck. It was red in colour, with silver crome and black wheels. It was pulling a silver trailer behind it that had a large black X painted on it.

"The Power Hauler!" Chris yelled as he rushed towards it. "Dad, you're the best!" With that he leapt up and teleported into the truck's cockpit, which looked like something you would see in an arcade. As soon as he put his hands on the wheel, the cockpit lit up and Chris put it into gear. "Time to help the others," he said as he steered it towards the battle. Once the two Megazords were in view, he pressed a button on his controls and an opening folded out. From that opening fired out a barrage of missiles, that flew towards the Mecha Megazord and struck it.

"AAAARRRR!" Mechano screamed as his Megazord almost fell over.

The Phoenix-Wing turned to the truck.

"Need a hand," Chris said over the coms.

"Love one," Flash replied.

Chris nodded and came to a stop, before pressing another button which caused the transport to be disconnected. Once the Power Hauler moved away, Chris pressed another button. "Transport, OPEN!"

The trailer flashed, before the top began to fold up leaving the bottom on the ground. Once it had folded ninety degrees, there was another flash and the three remaining sides split apart and folded towards the ground. This formed an X, while also revealing four vehicles which had been hidden within the transport. There was a blue and white police cruiser, a yellow helicopter, a green bulldozer and a pink ambulance.

"Alright guys," he said over the coms, "do your thing."

In the battle, the Revolution Rangers all heard their leader and nodded.

"RIGHT!" They said.

"Rev Cruiser!" Kade yelled out, activating his Zord.

"Rev Copter!" Dani cried, activating her Zord.

"Rev Dozer!" Grant hollered, activation his Zord.

"Rev Medic!" Valarie called out, activating her Zord.

The four Zord vehicles all activated, before driving or flying off the transport. Once they were off, the trailer folded back up into its original form.

"Alright," Chris said as he pressed several buttons on his control panel, "activate Megazord, attachment formation!" With that, the five Zords all burst into gear as they got into position.

The transport flashed once again, before it began to transform. This time, the trailer unfolded and reshaped itself until it took the form of a pair of robotic legs. The Rev Dozer and Rev Medic reversed until their backs linked up with the bottom of one of the legs, as the Power Hauler's front connected to the waist. The Rev Cruiser then reversed until its back linked up to the right side of the Power Hauler.

The Rev Copter lowered a pair of cables, which connected to the Power Hauler's fifth wheel. It then lifted the Zords up, so that the Hauler, Cruiser and transport were soon standing upright as the Dozer and Medic took the wait. The Rev Copter the flew around the the Power Hauler's left side, as its tail rotter split in half and folded around its side, before it connected to the Power Hauler and its rotter disconnected.

The fronts of the Rev Cruiser and Copter opened up, revealing a pair of mechanical fists. They then folded down, becoming a pair of arms.

Finally the fifth wheel folded back, as a robotic head folded out the Power Haulers back.

The Megazord was complete, with the Power Hauler and its transport as the main body and legs. The Rev Cruiser and Copter were its arms and the Rev Dozer and Medic were its feet.

"Revolution Megazord!" Chris called out as the Megazord powered up. "ONLINE!"

The new Megazord stepped towards the two others, who turned to see him.

"Time for me to play," Chris said as he pumped the gas and the Revolution Megazord charged forwards, before throwing a punch.

The Mecha Megazord used its clawed hand to catch the punch, but this gave Phoenix-Wing the chance to strike it with its Mino-Claw.

The Mecha Megazord was once again pushed back, but once it steadied itself, it raised its blaster and pointed it at the Revolution Megazord.

"Wheel Shield!" Chris yelled as the fifth wheel detached from the Megazord's back and flew into its left hand, allowing it to be used as a shield.

The Mecha Megazord's blast fired, but the Revolution Megazord raised its shield and blocked the attack. The laser pushed the Megazord back a few feet, but Chris knew how to stop it. He angled his shield back, causing the beam to be reflected off and fly passed the Megazord's shoulder into the sky.

"Phoenix Fist!" Sunset yelled as the Phoenix-Wing launched another flaming punch at the enemy.

"My turn," Chris said as he pressed another button. "Activate, Revolution Sabre!" The Rev Copters rotters fell towards the Megazord, before the blades all spun around until they were pointing in the same direction. A handle folded out of the other end, which the Megazord grabbed. The rotters were now a large sword like weapon, which the Megazord swung at the Mecha Megazord and slashed it down the front.

"Arr!" Mechano growled as his machine was damaged. "I'm not going down that easily."

"Nice shot Chris!" Flash said.

"Thanks," Chris replied, "but we can't keep doing this forever. We have to end it soon."

"But we can't destroy that thing," Sunset told him. "Not without getting Twilight and the others out of it first."

"She's right," Shining said, "but how do we get them out?"

"We can help with that."

The Rangers all jumped at the sound of Catherine's voice.

"Mom?" Chris asked.

"We've just finished scanning Mechano's robots," Celestia explained. "We've got its schematics and can direct you to where the girls are being held."

"So someone needs to get inside that thing," Sunset asked, "but how?"

"Easy," Flash replied before pointing at the spot Chris's sword had struck.

They all took a closer look and saw the attack had left a hole in the machine's armour, big enough for someone to jump through.

"Perfect," Shining said.

"We just need to get close enough," Sunset said.

"Then let's do this," Chris said. With that he charged forward, the Phoenix-Wing right behind him.

"Stay back!" Mechano yelled as he fired his cannon, but the Megazord's either dodged or deflected the blasts.

Finally the two Megazords got close to Mechano's, before they grabbed its and thrust one of their fists into the hole.

"Go Flash!" Shining told the Red Ranger.

"Me?" Flash asked, "don't you want to save your sister?"

"I do," Shining replied, "but I know you've got a better chance of doing it then me. NOW GO!"

"He's right," Sunset told him, "quick, before it's to late."

Flash nodded, before leaping out the cockpit and landing on the Megazord's arm. He began to run down it towards the hole.

"Mom!" Chris called out, "I'm setting the Megazord to remote control. I've going in with Flash."

"Alright," Catherine replied as she pulled a device out of her jacket and connected it to the bases computer.

"You can control the Megazord remotely?" Luna asked.

"I can," Catherine replied, as the device transformed into a portable version of the Megazord's controls. "I can't use any of its special attacks, but we won't be using them."

Once remote control mode was on, Chris also jumped out of the cockpit and landed on the robots arms.

He then rushed down it, following after Flash as they got closer to the hole.

"Ready?" Flash asked as he pulled out his sword and blaster.

"Let's end this," Chris replied as he did the same.

With that they leapt towards the Mecha Megazord, flying through the whole and into the machine's interior.

"There in!" Shining called out as the two Megazord's pulled away from each other.

"Let's hope they can save the girls," Sunset said.

With that the three Megazords began to do battle once again.

Flash and Chris landed inside a corridor, Guardroids and Megabots all around them.

"Surprise!" Flash yelled as he and his Ranger counterpart unleashed a flurry of laser fire, before rushing down the corridor on their way to save their friends. "Hold on girls, we'll get you out of here."

Author's Note:

Everything comes to ahead next time. How will the Rangers defeat their enemy?