• Published 2nd Oct 2017
  • 1,804 Views, 83 Comments

Power Rangers Guardians vs Power Rangers Revolution X - Banshee531

When a new enemy from another universe threatens their world, the Guardian Rangers must team up with another set of Rangers to save the day.

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Revolution X

Author's Note:

Hello everyone. This is the next story in my Power Rangers Saga. Unlike my other stories this one will be updated whenever I have time for it.

As for the Ranger suits, think Choushinsei Flashman

AN: Think of the Defender Vest from Operation Overdrive

Our story begins in a airy desert, where nothing grew and no life could be found.

The wind blew the sand into the air, causing a powerful dust cloud which made visibility almost impossible. However it was this dust cloud which hid something from site.

It was a group of vehicles which were travelling through the desert. They were large all terrain transport trucks which sped across the desert at high speed, busting through the sand dunes as they did so.

Eventually the trucks flew out of the dust cloud and arrived at their destination.

Said destination was a giant building that looked like a castle made of black metal and had gears all over the place. It had many large towers lining the perimeter, with a larger tower in the centre of it all.

Inside the lead truck was a middle aged man in a uniform with a metal device strapped to his chest. He pulled out a walkie talkie and turned it on. "Professor Davis," he said, "are you sure this new device will do the job?"

"Yes Commander," a male voice replied from the walkie talkie, "as soon as you get close enough the jammer will disrupt the barrier's signal long enough for the convoy to get through. You'll need to be quick as the shield will adapt quickly.

"Understood," the man said as he cut the walkie talkie.

As the trucks got closer to the castle, several of the towers began to glow before emitting an energy wave which began to solidify into a dome like shield.

"Commander Ryn!" The driver of the truck said, "the particle barrier is up."

"Activate the disrupter ray," Commander Ryn said.

From out of the top of the truck folded out a satellite dish which pointed at the barrier.

"Ready sir," the driver said.

"Hold," Ryn said, "we don't know how long it'll last. We need to hold off until the last moment."

The trucks got closer and closer to the shield and still they did not fire.



Closer and closer they got.



Then seconds before the first truck was about to hit the barrier, Commander Ryn called out.


The dish fired off a red beam which struck the particle barrier, causing it to wave and wobble before an opening large enough for the trucks appeared. The first of the trucks raced through, followed by the rest of the trucks and just as the last one made it through the hole disappeared. If they had fired a second sooner that last one may have been cut in half.

The trucks all came to a stop a few hundred meters from the castle. Once there all except the first truck opened up and from them came a small army of soldiers, decked out it black swat armour and each carrying a futuristic looking assault rifles. The army of men all got into formation, as Commander Ryn got out of the truck. He moved to its back and opened up a slat, before speaking into it.

"You guys remain here until I give the signal. Let us clear the first few defences so you can go in full force."

"Understood commander," a young sounding voice said.

With that the commander closed the slat and turned to the soldiers.

"Alright men!" He called out in an firm military voice, "if this works, this day will go down in history as the day we took back the earth from this mad man. Our goal is simple, infiltrate and take command of Mecha City. Once that is done our secret weapon will go in and hopefully finish the job. Is that understood?"

"YES SIR!" The soldiers called out.

"Then let's do this!"

With that he and the soldiers rushed towards the front gate of the castle.

As they drew closer they saw the gates slowly begin to open and a large group of something march out from behind it. They were humanoid machines that stoop at about six foot, with a brown metal armouring around their bodies. On the end of their left arm they didn't have a hand and instead had a thin tube like instrument.

"Guardroid, inbound!" Ryn said as they continued to rush forwards, "ENGAGE!"

The front row of soldiers raised their rifles and began firing lasers at the horde of robots.

In return the robots aimed their left arms and from them shot their lasers.

The two groups exchanged fire and despite the few numbers, the human soldiers took out all the robots with only a few casualties.

"March!" Commander Ryn said as the group neared the gate.

As they got closer Ryn began fiddling with the metal device on his chest, which then began to beep and display '15%' on its screen. In that second a blue aura began to surround the Commanders body as they stepped through the gate.

Inside the castle was a whole bunch more robots, which began firing at the soldiers who in return fired back.

Commander Ryn just walked calmly through the war zone, any blasts that flew at him just bouncing off the energy shield. In his hands he carried a pair a laser pistols, which he was using to blast the Guardroids down.

After several minutes the robots had all been transformed into scrap metal, allowing the soldiers to continue on.

They arrived inside a deeper section of the fortress.

"Be on guard," Ryn said.

"SIR!" One of the soldiers cried, getting his attention.

Ryn turned and saw a large group of robots approaching. Unlike the last ones, there were much bulkier, like they were wearing football armour, and had a small laser blastedr mounted on their shoulders.

"Megabots," he said, "take cover!"

The soldiers all hid behind things and not a moment later, the Megabots blasters began firing small but powerful blasts at them. the soldiers found themselves completely pinned down.

Commander Ryn pulled out his walkie talkie and opened a channel. "It's time," he said, "Code X!"

Outside the castle, the truck Ryn had left shut opened up and five figures stepped out. They weren't wearing uniforms but did wear different coloured aviator jackets, each with a stylised number on the back.

The five turned towards the castle and pull back the left sleeve of their jackets, reveal an odd device strapped to their arms.

Back in the castle, the soldiers weren't doing so well.

The Megabots had them all cornered. Several soldiers decided to go Leeroy Jenkins and tried to blast their way through the Megabots, but the attacks just bounced off the robot's bulky armour and left the those soldiers defenceless.

As the Megabots aimed at those soldiers, Ryn rushed over to them and fiddled with the dial of his machines. The display changed to show '50%', as the force field around him expanded around the soldiers. The robots fired and their lasers struck the force field and bounced off, but doing so caused the barrier to weaken.

Ryn and the soldiers took cover as the Megabots continued to fire.

"What do we do sir?" One of the soldiers asked.

"Nothing," Ryn said, "it's in their hands now."

In that moment one of the walls of the room exploded, catching the Megabot's attention. Turning towards it they saw five figures stepping into the room, their forms shielded by the dust of the explosion. Eventually the smoke cleared, revealing five figures in brightly coloured body suits.

The suits were a combination of the primary colour, either red, blue, yellow, green and pink, with white sleeves, boots and belts. They also had black trim going down the side. One their heads they wore a helmets that masked the entire head, with black goggle like visors in front of their eyes.

The soldiers all cheered at the sight of the five, happy at their appearance.

"GO RANGERS!" One of them said.

"REVOLUTION X!" Another screamed.

The five Rangers stepped forwards, causing the Megabots to begin charging their weapons at them. One then fired a single shot, which flew towards the Red Ranger at high speed. However, said Ranger reacted by pulling something off the hostler on his belt, before swiping it through the air and deflecting the blast back at the Megabot. The laser struck it and caused the robot to go dead in the water and fall to the ground.

The Red Ranger, rapier like sword in hand, pointed his weapon at the robots. "Attack!"

The rest of the Rangers charged forward, ready to take down their foes.

The Blue Ranger was the first to reach them. He was punching his way through the army, his strikes actually causing major damage to the machines armour. "Prism Punch!" He called out as his arms and hands were encased within blue metallic boxing gloves, which he used to send several Megabots flying backwards at once.

The Yellow Ranger meanwhile, had pulled out her own rapier. "Energy Blade!" She called out as she traced the blade with her finger, doing so caused it to glow bright yellow. "Power Slash!" She swung the blade around, sending energy waves out which cut the robots in two.

The Green Ranger pulled a futuristic looking blaster of his belt and aimed it at the robots. "Energy Blaster!" He called out as he ran around his opponents. "Power Shot!" He fired off his weapon, shooting green energy bolts, and managed to hit each of the robots square between the eyes.

And the Pink Ranger was doing flips and cart wheels through the robots, dealing them powerful kicks whenever she wasn't. "Prism Kick!" She called out as her feet were encased within pink metallic boots, which she used to send several Megabots flying with a single kick.

The Red Ranger still had his sword in hand, but had also pulled out a blaster and was using them in tandem. He would slash one Megabot down before blasting another and so on and so forth.

In a dark area of the castle a figure was sitting in a throne watching the battle on a computer screen.

"Well well well," he said, his voice deep and menacing, "the Revolution Rangers have chosen to grace my hallowed halls. But their to late, my plan cannot be stopped at this point."

He switched the computer screen to show another room, which was completely dark.

Pressing a few buttons the room lit up, revealing what was inside. It was a space ship like creation infront of a large mechanical circle.

"Power up the Transmatt Gate and ready the ship," he said into the computer, "it's time to take a vacation into another universe."

Back with the Rangers, they'd just finished off the Megabots which lay as scrap on the floor.

"Okay," the Red Ranger called out, "you guys can come out."

Commander Ryn and the soldiers stepped out and looked around, impressed by the skill the Rangers possessed.

"Excellent Rangers," Ryn said, "I'll let you take point from here on."

The Rangers nodded as Red turned to his team. "We all know the plan."

The others nodded and were about to begin, when a female voice called out.


They all turned to the entrance and saw a middle aged woman with brown hair step in, followed by another Ranger. This one was dressed in black, with white sleeves and boots along with gold trim and visor. On his chest he wore a gold vest like shield. [AN]

"Mom," Red said as they walked over to them, "Neo. What are you doing here? You were suppose to stay in the transport."

"Sorry," the woman said, "but we detected a powerful surge of X Energy coming from somewhere in the complex. It could be some kind of weapon or trap he's set for us."

"You sure Doctor Catherine?" Ryn asked.

"Positive," Catherine replied, "we need to investigate it just to be sure."

"She's right," Red said as he turned to his team, "change of plans. Me, Mom, Neo and the Commander will check it out. The rest of you, stick to your tasks. Take out the security and power source for the complex, that way he'll be defenceless."

"Right!" They said.

With that, the Rangers and soldiers split up, Blue and Pink going one way and Yellow and Green going the other, leaving Red and Neo with the scientist and commander.

"It's this way," Catherine said as she lead them through the many areas.

On the way, they ran into a group of Megabots blocking the way.

"I got this," Neo said as he pulled out a device. It was a rectangular box with a screen and a handle that curved at the end. "Neo Defender, Blast Mode!" He ran at them and pointed the device at them, before pressing a button on the handle with his thumb. Several black energy bolts flew out a slot in the device, which struck the Megabots and destroyed them. Once he got closer to them, he pressed a button on the side of the device. "Blade Mode!" A black energy blade shot out the end and with it he slashed through the rest of the Megabots.

"Nice work," Red said once he'd finished.

"Thanks," Neo replied putting the Neo Defender back into Blast Mode.

"Let's go," Catherine said, "it's not far now."

They continued through the castle, until they reached a large metal door.

"This is it," Catherine said.

Suddenly they heard footsteps. Turning back around they saw several Guardroids and Megabots marching down the corridor.

"Oh great," Red said, but in that second Neo and Commander Ryn stepped up.

"We'll hold them off," Ryn said as he activated his machine, "you and Catherine see what's in there."

They nodded and stepped through the door.

The two looked around, but the room was completely black and they couldn't see a thing.

"See anything?" Catherine asked.

"No it's to dark," Red said, "let me switch to night vision."

However, before he could the room lit up and revealed the ship and ring.

"What is that?" Red asked.

"No," Catherine said, "it couldn't be."

"Oh but it is!"

The two tensed up hearing that voice, before looking around.

"I welcome you to my farewell party," the voice said, "it warms the cockles of my heart that you would come see me off."

"What's the plan here?" Red asked, "what are you up to?"

"Oh isn't it obvious?" The voice replied, "I'm doing what you wanted me to do. Giving you back your world. I've set my sights on a new one."

"I can't believe he pulled it off," Catherine said, "the Transmatt Gate was just a theory."

"Oh it's so much more then that," the voice replied, "let me show you."

Before they could reply, the circle began to hum as it powered up. The device began shooting blue lightning inside the circle, which became more frequent until they connected and the ring started spinning. faster and faster it went until finally the lightning transformed into a solid blue pool of energy.

The ship began to power up and and levitate, getting in line with the gate.

"No!" Red said as he pulled out his blaster, "he can't get away." With that he started blasting, but the ship had a barrier around which the laser bounced off.

Eventually the ships thrusters kicked into life, sending the ship flying forwards towards the gate.

"NO!" Red said as he began running towards the gate.

"Wait!" Catherine called as she followed.

As the ship finished passing through, Red and Catherine leapt through the gate. Seconds later the devices began to spark and crack before switching off.

A second later the door opened up and Ryn along with the rest of the Rangers came through, before looking around.

"What's going on?" Blue asked.

"Where are they?" Pink asked.

Green looked over the machine and shook his head, "I don't know," he said.

"That's not a good enough answer," Yellow said.

"They came in here," Neo said, "so where'd they go?"

"I don't know," Ryn said, "but lets hope they find a way to contact us soon."