• Member Since 30th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen May 31st




Zephyr Breeze has never been a brave pony or a particularly able pony. He knows this. He lives this. And yet he's always tried to take the quick and easy way, hoping that the answer to his insecurities and loneliness could be found just over the next rainbow (or with it). Every time he just found more empty space, but it beat the alternative of accepting that he was a failure.

Eventually, though, he had to stop. After the worst day of his life, he finally started to settle himself, move forwards, and take responsibility. His life wasn't going to be a dream, but neither would it be a nightmare. And while he'd never own Rainbow Dash's heart, that didn't mean she wouldn't have a place for him in hers.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 20 )
Comment posted by superfun deleted Dec 21st, 2017
Comment posted by Macgyver644200 deleted Dec 21st, 2017
Comment posted by superfun deleted Dec 21st, 2017
Comment posted by Macgyver644200 deleted Dec 21st, 2017

I like this.

And I think what I like about this chapter is we are seeing this from Zephyr's perspective, and he seems genuinely terrified of Fluttershy. Of her judgement. Of being thrown out and having a constant feeling of uselessness. Hell, he has a panic attack after the groceries are destroyed, and that's not his fault.

He complains about Fluttershy judging him, and it's interesting to see... we know what he is thinking. He actually is constantly terrified of Fluttershy's judgement, not just complaining that she's riding him.

But all Rainbow Dash sees is that he bad mouthed Fluttershy.

Also if QuibbleDash is part of this later I'd be fine. Actually I'd be happy.

Comment posted by superfun deleted Dec 21st, 2017

Thanks for the feedback! It's good to know I gave off the right sentiment here.

Off to a good start. Be interesting to see where this goes. Zephyr Breeze's dynamic with Fluttershy and RD here is pretty much how I imagined it after watching the episode.

Also, it was the Quibble Pants tag that drew my attention, so don't let those who dislike the ship get you down. :twilightsmile:

Thanks! Glad to see you liked it. And I'm not too worried about Quibbledash dislikers; nothing I can do about it.

You make some very good points.

It's really toxic how much Zephyr internalised his being the "bad kid". The more he puts Fluttershy on a pedestal, the worse it gets when she scolds him. Because if even his own sister thinks he's a worthless loser (I doubt she does, to be honest), what does everyone else think? Fluttershy, as the one family member willing to tell him off, becomes the conduit for all his self-loathing.

They really are siblings. But where Fluttershy has learned to cope and improved remarkably with the help of her friends, Zephyr feels he is a total failure compared to his wonderful, amazing big sister. He should talk to Sweetie about this. Or Luna, for that matter.

Despite his cheerful demeanour, Zephyr is not a happy pony.

Glad to see this is still going. Keep up the good work!

I'm afraid I'm not 100% clear on what happened here at the end. Did Zephyr hear his sister talking about him and snap? Was it Discord? When they say "like this" do they mean volatile or did they notice his self worth... stuff?

Both got to him. And they're talking about both.

Thanks! I'm working on a commission at the moment, but this will be continuing!

Will this be continued soon?

Honestly, I'm not thinking so. Sorry, I've got a lot of other things to take care of at the moment. Thank you for the interest, though, and thanks for commenting.

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