• Member Since 30th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen May 31st



Long ago, Suri Polomare was a promising designer, a rising star in the Manehattan fashion industry. She was pleasant to be around and stood on her own four hooves. But she wore down, and eventually, she broke.

Now she's a pariah with barely enough money to eat and not quite enough to pay the rent. Before she is evicted, though, her former friend and student offers her a job. There's just one condition: she has to change. Suri knows that's not how things work. She also knows she has no other choice but to try.

Image created by NicoleTheBluePony

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 15 )

I'm am interested in how this will turn out. Keep up to good work.

" "I'm sure the housing bureau would be very interested in the black mold in my bathroom that you promised to clean out.""

Is she implying the place is a health hazard?

"I'll can do better!"
"I can do better!"

What happened to Suri's hoof that it messed up her sewing?

"It's been a year and a half," Suri told her. "That's more than a while."

Wouldn't the pizza of rotted by then?

6504109 Thanks for catching my grammar. Yes, the place is a bit of a health hazard. I get the feeling from your comment that I've overplayed it, though. Suri bought the pizza that night, I'm sorry if that was another grammatical error. And regarding why Suri can't sew anymore... well, you'll just have to wait and see.


"That's alright," Suri said. "I am your guest, after all. I should be helping you around the house."


Most be odd for Suri to see Coco have a spine.

Suri flung the hoop away and rolled to face the window.


"I'm not cracking the whip over you for that," Coco said. "I do that all the time."


6666696 Feelings of inadequacy.

Yes, I seem to have forgotten something I shouldn't have. That's supposed to be said in a sort of surly tone.


I don't understand. What's the problem?

Not literally.

Interesting flashback to Suri's childhood. Since she was a childhood friend of Rarity, presumably Suri grew up in Ponyville, and her parents probably still live there too. I wonder if she still keeps in contact with them, and if Rarity does as well.

6762382 Thank you! I'm planning to answer your questions and suspicions in due course.

You know, looking at Suri's coloration, her parentage makes a lot of sense here. Does Spoiled Rich have early-onset Alzheimer's?

Also good to see Coco snapping, and then coming back to herself.

6863321 Thanks for commenting! I can't really answer your question right now, but it isn't Alzheimer's.

6863321 On second thought, hold that thought.

What an interesting idea for why Suri was so harsh to Coco, but Coco still took the job anyway. For a pony with a buttons cutie mark, never being able to sew again must be terrible. I hope Suri sees a doctor to get a second opinion on physical therapy to regain the use of her forelegs for sewing.

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