• Published 26th Jan 2017
  • 25,744 Views, 1,964 Comments

Secret of Flying - Hiver

Flying is a lot like life. Keep beating your wings and hope not to hit something at terminal velocity. Being an Alicorn don’t make it any easier.

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Chapter 33

I looked around the throne room. Since it was closed to the general public today for the meeting with the Minotaur envoy arriving, the normal crowds of nobles and general hanger-ons were missing.

The room was hardly empty with the guards and other castle personnel, but it was emptier than I was used to seeing it during ‘business hours’.

Wishing I could stretch my wings, I instead cracked my neck and moved over to the thrones. Celestia was sitting in the one in the left while Twilight was in the one to the right, taking up Luna’s normal spot.

“Nervous?” I asked Twilight as I got closer.

“Bit?” she said and took a deep breath before letting it out again. “You?”

I shook my head. “Not really. But then again, I’m just going to be here. You have actual work to do.”

“Not so,” Celestia said with a smile. “If you have anything to add, I expect you to speak up, Lord Page.”

I gave her a flat look at the title and she just kept smiling that serene ‘in public perfect princess’ smile at me.

Finally, I rolled my eyes and moved to sit down next to her throne, adjusting my cloak a bit with my magic. At some point, I was going to outsmart her and get her horn stuck somewhere. Literally if possible.

Of course, that was unlikely to be today.

Settling down, I pulled a book from a pocket inside my cloak and flipped it open. This one in particular was a book I got from Luna once on ice magic. Other than the basic spells, I never really got into it.

But a lot of this stuff sounded really neat. I mean, being able to cool fruit and beverages is really fucking useful, but how cool is gales of icy wind or spears of ice?

Pun very much intended! Turning the page, I considered using some ice based puns next time I pulled these out against someone.

There was a sound of horns and I glanced up to see the throne room doors open to allow a big minotaur inside. He was followed by a group, carrying boxes, instruments and other things. All of them minotaurs, if smaller than the leader with the big horns.

His coat was a whitish grey, his horns big, curved and black, greying towards the tips. He also wore what seemed to be his own weight in gold chains and jewellery.

Approaching the thrones, he bowed with a rumble. “Your Highnesses. I am Lorok, of the Sharphorn clan. I bring you greetings and gifts from the Emperor and the Minotaur people.”

Celestia spread her wings. “I greet and welcome you to our lands, Lorok of the Sharphorn clan. May your travels be short and your enemies few.”

“Enemies few,” he answered and stood up, motioning to one of the other minotaurs. “Some small trinkets from the Emperor's own collection. Nothing compared to your legendary beauty or power, Celestia Solarflare, but a small token of our friendship.”

Celestia simply nodded. “The Emperor has my personal thanks for his gifts and I wish him and his people a prosperous year.”

He turned to Twilight and bowed once more. “Princess Twilight Sparkle, Goddess of Magic, the Emperor wishes to gift you this tome,” he continued and motioned for a thick book to be brought forward. “We have heard you seek knowledge and it contains many things lost to the mists of time in this realm, guarded by the Minotaur people.”

The way Twilight's eyes lit up was quite adorable, even if she clearly fought down a blush at the Goddess comment as the Minotaur carrying the pillow it rested on held it out for her.

“Thank you,” Twilight said with a smile, picking it up in her magic. “I am honoured by your gift.”

Lorok bowed to her again, turning to Celestia. “It has been a long time, Princess. I am uncertain if you remember me.”

“It has,” she agreed. “And I do remember you. Last we met you were the apprentice scribe of the last Ambassador. Thirty years ago.”

“I am honoured.”

Yes, yes, everyone is honoured by everything and everyone. Could we get to the fucking point already? This was why I didn’t like diplomacy.

Say what you want and let’s get it over with.

Nobody seemed to be paying attention to me in any case, so I went back to my book, idly turning the page while studying the Minotaur entourage.

They all looked attentive and ready to serve their leader with whatever they were carrying. Each had different jewellery than the next, the ones with more stood closer to their leader.

Rank identifications? Or just status? The one with the fancy hat tended to be the leader… no hat, but the one with the most bling in this case.

As I kept watching the proceedings, I couldn’t help but almost miss dealing with Chrysalis. At least you always knew more or less where you had the sneaky fucking bug and she was never boring.

But since Skitter became a Princess, Chrysalis had more or less shut herself inside the hive and left Skitter to handle everything pony related.

Glancing up from my book, I caught one of the minotaurs watching me closely. He was one of the ones close to the back of the group. The same size as the rest, but with not quite as much bling. He wasn’t carrying anything but some scribing gear, his pen moving across the paper as he wrote down what was being said.

Hmm… why would that be? Why watch me when Celestia and Twilight was just next to me and actively talking to his leader? Something that was literally his job.

Because I was right next to the thrones, wearing a fancy cloak and seeming to not give any fucks about what was going on.

I stood out.

He noticed that I did. I think I found the smart one in the group.

I turned the page in my book.