• Published 26th Jan 2017
  • 25,714 Views, 1,964 Comments

Secret of Flying - Hiver

Flying is a lot like life. Keep beating your wings and hope not to hit something at terminal velocity. Being an Alicorn don’t make it any easier.

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Chapter 19

Trotting towards the closed door, I carefully pushed it open and slipped through into the throne room. Keeping to the back, I kept out of sight, sticking close to one of the pillars close to the main doors, behind most of the crowd and general hanger-ons.

Celestia was on her throne like normal when she held court, in this case she seemed to be handling an application for a loan from the crown.

I settled down to watch. Normally those were handled lower down and only reached one of the Princesses to sign or if they were large enough to demand personal attention.

I mostly ignored what was being said to observe Celestia. She had the same smile on as I had seen her use a thousand times before. The friendly half professional, half motherly smile she used in public. What she was really thinking behind it was impossible to determine.

Not without having seen her dreams in any case.

She was lonely.

I also happened to know that Thunder Cloud had a thing for her even if there was no way he would ever dare do anything about it.

Not that I could blame him really. I mean, look at her. If the size, snow white coat and northern lights mane didn’t make it clear enough, the fact that she controlled the sun kind of made it abundantly clear to anyone that learned of her...

She was as much of a Goddess as my Luna.

Of course, I didn’t have the kind of feelings for her as I had for Luna. If it wasn’t for Luna… then maybe in time. Celestia was one of my best friends after all.

Sunset was silly, but she wasn’t completely wrong. Just not in the way she thought she was.

I couldn’t spend the next couple of months with Luna. Fine. I just have to find some other way to occupy my time between my dream duties and writing.

I really should introduce Thunder Cloud to Celestia. He already has a thing for her, he just needs to get to know her as a person, not as a Goddess and I think she would enjoy his company.

Yes. That I could do.

The horn sounded and the Court was over. Ponies started to file out as Celestia stood up from the throne, her wings held high and to the side, showing their entire span.

I just waited until the last pack of noble hanger-ons moved past and the doors closed before I moved away from the pillars and onto the soft carpet along the middle of the room to approach the throne, “Celestia.”

“Page,” she said, her smile shifting slightly in a way only somepony that knew her well would be able to tell, turning more real, “Welcome back.”

“Thanks,” I said and smiled up at her, “How’s Canterlot?”

“As well as can be expected.”

I just nodded at that. I knew exactly how busy she must be, especially now with Luna out of the country.

“Twilight arrived with Starlight Glimmer,” Celestia said, “She explained everything in greater detail than Rainbow Dash did.”

I just snorted at that, “I should have written it down?”

“Remind me to teach you and Twilight how to send messages without dragon fire,” she said in amusement, “But we got the general idea on what went on. Well done, Lord Page.”

“Sunset was the one to knock her down.”

“So I heard. I intend to go see her tonight,” Celestia said and flicked her ear, “Want to get something to eat?”

I nodded and moved up next to her, “Please.”

I had rather missed the chefs of the castle while in Ponyville. Spike was good and all, but he wasn’t world class.

By the time we arrived at her private dining room, the food was already on the table and nice and warm.

Celestia smiled at the ponies attending, the chef standing by the door, “Thank you, Silver Bright. It look lovely.”

“My pleasure, Princess.” The unicorn with the grey, almost silvery coat answered with a bow.

“We will be dining alone tonight,” Celestia continued, “Please?”

“Of course, Princess. Just let us know if there is anything you require.”

Moments later, we were alone in the room and Celestia sank down on one of the thick pillows by the table before she visibly relaxed, her forehead thumping against the table.

I let my illusion go and stretched my wings. If she was so sure we were alone that she could do that, then nopony would see them.

“Are you okay?”

Raising her head again, Celestia nodded, “I am. It has just been… a long day.”

“Ah.” I agreed and sank down across from her, “Want to talk about it?”

Celestia shook her head and filled her goblet from one of the bottles of wine, “It’s nothing special. Just… small thing after small thing. I’m glad you all made it back safe.”

“We all have those days,” I agreed and then smiled, “Thanks. It really is good to be back.”

“Sorry you missed Luna.”

“Me too,” I said and then frowned up at the large Alicorn, “Lots of things to do?”

“Running Equestria had gotten so much easier with Luna back,” Celestia admitted with a small smile, “Always so much to do when she isn’t around.”

“Anything I can do to help?”