• Published 21st Feb 2017
  • 8,684 Views, 1,339 Comments

The Skyla Pseudonym - iisaw

Young Flurry Heart has no interest at all in being a prim and proper princess, and would much rather have wild and dangerous adventures like her Aunt Twilight.

  • ...

2 Traditional Pursuits

Chapter Two

Traditional Pursuits

It took a lot of convincing and negotiating. Rather more ponies were involved than logically should have been. There was shouting. Considerably more shouting than was necessary... or comfortable. Unexpectedly, Sunburst was the pony who settled the matter.

One afternoon about a week into the debate over Flurry's martial education, Cadance and I were… let's call it "exploring options" over tea, when a guard interrupted to announce the arrival of Sunburst. As Flurry's crystaller, he absolutely had the right to be part of the discussions, but I was not looking forward to yet another point of view being thrown into the already over-complicated and contentious mix.

It turned out that what he had to contribute was purely practical. "Flurry is affecting the Heart, and not in a good way," he said bluntly as he entered the room.

I looked up from my notes. "She's not going to break it again is she?"

"It might be better if she did," he replied. "As it is, her emotional turmoil is feeding into the Pax Equestria spell. Rather than being given happiness and contentment, ponies are feeling unhappy and dissatisfied. Whenever Flurry Heart throws a tantrum, actual fights break out!"

Cadance set her cup down with an unsteady clatter that slopped tea into the saucer. "There must be something we can do? A spell, or maybe..."

Sunburst shook his head. "Her connection to the Heart is just as strong as yours. There isn't a suitable magical solution to this problem."

I cleared my throat.

Cadance stiffened, then sighed and turned to me. "Yes, Twilight?"

"If you aren't willing to banish her to a distant land, you might want to consider making her happy."

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before replying. "And is teaching her to do violence really the best way to do that?"

"Jousting is an activity your ponies enjoy a great deal. It fosters sporting conduct and camaraderie. It is violent, yes, but many sports are. Sword arts are no different." I glanced down at my notes. "Statistics show that ponies who train in martial arts are actually less prone to use violence to—"

"Stop," Cadance said squeezing her eyes shut. "Please, stop."

"Uh… I'm sorry Cadance," I said, not quite sure what it was I was apologizing for.

She sighed. "It's become a matter of state now... if it ever wasn't. I have to do what is best for my ponies, the Empire, and Equestria. Would it be possible to start her with jousting? That's at least traditional."

= = =

There's something about seeing a beautiful young mare with a black eye that is inherently wrong. The fact that I'd paid a lot of money to the stallion who had done it to her didn't really sit well with me.

The ponies in the stands watching the practice session didn't much care for it either. They booed the stallion who had tumbled their young princess in the dirt, and he made a hasty exit from the lists as I helped Flurry up and led her into the tiring house.[1]
[1] For those not native to the Crystal Empire and unfamiliar with the sport, the "lists" is the ground separated by the central barrier where ponies make their lance passes. It is a single place, despite the word appearing to be plural. A "tiring house" is the enclosed shed at both ends of the lists where opponents put on their armor and equipment.

"It's okay. I know what I did wrong," Flurry told me while I applied palliative and healing spells to her swollen eye. "I was too concerned with getting my hit in. I got over-confident. Defending my chest with my face wasn't such a good idea, either."

I nodded. "You're so tall, a lot of the standard techniques don't work very well for you."

She chuckled. "I've been doing okay up until today!"

I sighed. It was time to tell her. "That's mainly because your opponents have been holding back, if only subconsciously."


"I promised Bon Passuer five thousand bits if he knocked you on your rump. I had to pick him because any crystal pony would have thrown the money back in my face."

She stared at me in surprise for a long while and then her expression hardened.

That was the moment I'd been dreading. It happens to every student of any serious martial art. The moment when they realize that despite all the moons of hard work they've put in, they're still years away from mastery. That realization usually goes one of two ways. I held my breath.

"Alright, then." Flurry Heart floated a new lance over from the rack and snapped it into place on her barding. Then she put her helmet back on. "How about a few more practice passes before supper? If you go easy on me, I swear I'll tell the chef to serve you her infamous Beet Surprise."

I let out my breath and smiled. Crisis averted—at least until Cadance got a good look at her daughter's shiner.

= = =

Life went on, and the other mileposts of disillusionment went by in a regular fashion, Flurry weathering them all with poise and determination. Despite my brother's certainty that she would quickly tire of the rough-and-tumble practice of combat and return to more lady-like pursuits, she only got more enthusiastic as time went by, and added several more weapon styles to her repertoire.

She never competed in a public jousting tournament. It was nearly impossible to find any jousters willing to try to break a lance on their beloved Flurry Heart no matter the circumstances. But the all-princess exhibition matches between her, Luna, and myself were very popular.

Flurry's first taste of real battle came during the Chrysalis Disaster when a swarm of drones discovered that a young alicorn, deprived of her magic, was nowhere near as helpless as they assumed she would be. It also gave her the final test of her determination. Magic can be deadly, but it's usually clean. Nopony can truly be prepared for what a sharp blade or lance does to a living being. And the pony wielding that blade… well, it takes some getting used to.

We all helped her through the aftermath as well as we could, but I knew from hard experience that only distance in time would soften the experience. It was nearly half a year before she picked up a sword again.

One afternoon Flurry unexpectedly showed up at my castle with a matched pair of practice short blades, nearly identical in length and weight to the set I'd carried for almost two decades.

"Last year, you said I was ready to start learning this style," she said, before I'd even properly greeted her. "If we could train here, that would be good. Mother doesn't think I'm ready for... " she trailed off and shrugged.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

She thought for a long moment before replying, which I took as a very good sign. "Yes, I am. I hated what I had to do, and I still shudder every time I walk down Tourmaline Avenue toward the palace. I didn't save a bunch of ponies like you and Starlight did, but I saved myself. And I think that's what I need to remember."

I nodded. "Good. No time like the present. The basic stance is the same as tierce for saber, but your near front hoof goes here," I said as I floated the blades over to her. "The pastern grip is the same as for a cutlass, but the hoof is different; I'll cover that later."

Steel rang on steel as my niece and I danced.

= = =

Everything went along fairly smoothly for a while until Flurry asked to accompany me on one of my clandestine missions abroad. I thought it would be a good experience for her, but Cadance and Shining absolutely forbade her to go.

When I wisely refrained from entering into the debate about the matter,[2] Flurry got even angrier with me than she was with her parents.
[2] Yes, I can learn complicated, non-verbal, and completely unscientific social skills… given enough time and repetition.

She decided (and made it widely known) that Luna was her favorite aunt, and she began wearing a lot of black clothing and moon and night themed jewelry. I was hurt by this, of course, and it was my turn to receive inadequate reassurances that this was "only a phase."

I did my best not to worry too much. Flurry kept up her practice, just not with me. There were several crystal ponies who she could train with—and even teach, which I thought would be very good for her. She also began to pay much more attention to classical magic training, spending a great deal of time with Sunburst and Starlight Glimmer.

I tried to enjoy her progress vicariously through gossip and a couple of occasions where I secretly observed her training sessions, but it just wasn't the same. Starlight told me about the forgotten old spell they'd rediscovered with Sunburst that had the singular and unusual effect of keeping heavy makeup from running into a pony's eyes when they began sweating from hard exercise. Not something that would have gotten much use in most circumstances.

If only I had enquired more closely into what other types of magic she was studying.

= = =

For me, it all began when a Solar Guard barged into the library at Ponyville Castle, gasping for breath. Spike was away on a visit to the Dragonlands, or I would have received a scroll, but as it was, Celestia sent her fastest pegasus with the news.

Somepony had stolen my airship.

I don't know if I can adequately convey how much Nebula meant to me. She'd been badly damaged in many battles and misadventures, and any non-obsessed pony would have sent her to the wrecker's yard years before. I'd certainly spent a great deal more money repairing, reengineering, and refitting her than it would have cost me to build three new craft. My castle in Ponyville had become as comfortable and pleasant a place to live as can be imagined, but Nebula was… even more than a home to me. She was comfort food, a refuge, a familiar and well-loved storybook written in sprung planks and scarred timbers.

Am I being ridiculously sentimental? Perhaps. But that's the reality of my feelings, and so, even though it's understandable, I'm rather ashamed of my initial reaction to the guard's news.

"WHAT?!" The reflexive magical energy that surged into my horn leaked all over the place, throwing sparks and scattering my books and papers across the floor. Arcs of mana snapped and crackled from the ends of my mane and tail, and I'm sure I frightened the poor pegasus half to death.

He barely showed a reaction though; Celestia's Elite aren't chosen for how good they look in their armor. He calmly adjusted his helmet from where the Royal Voice had blown it askew, and went on with his message.

"It happened yesterday evening, Your Highness. A small group of ponies arrived at the Canterlot Yards just before they locked the gates for the night. The thieves told the pony on duty that they were a delivery crew, and that you'd sent them to pick up the ship and fly it here. They even made the payment on the new equipment and rudder repair."

I calmed down a bit as he spoke, but I was still barely in control of myself. "And the Yard just gave her over to these ponies?"

The pegasus pulled a roll of paper out of his saddle and and offered it to me. "They had convincing paperwork and what appeared to be your signature and seal."

Sure enough, the scroll looked perfectly authentic. It was watermarked with my cutie mark, as is all of my official stationery, and the seal and signature looked genuine even to my eyes.

"It was old Mr. Gudgeon who realized what had happened," the guard continued. "When he arrived at the Yards in the morning and heard the news, he told everypony that you'd never do such a thing, that you always made the final inspection yourself and took Nebula out for a shakedown before signing off."

I nodded. "Always."

"Well, the city guards were skeptical, but he kept insisting, so they flew him up to the palace. Her Majesty sorted it out in about a minute and sent me to give you the news. She also sent pegasus patrols out in all directions, looking for your ship."

I had to breathe deeply before replying. "Thank you, sir. Would you mind waiting in the antechamber before you return to Canterlot? I need to cast some complex spells now, that may take a moment. Afterward, I will have a message for Princess Celestia."

He bowed. "Of course, Your Highness."

When he'd gone, I scribbled down a note to Periwinkle, my secretary, and teleported it onto her desk. By the same method, I summoned the saddlebags containing my essential travel gear onto the table and rummaged through them for a particular item. It may or may not come as a surprise to the reader that an adventurer can sometimes become unwillingly separated from her ship, and that a way to locate that ship quickly and accurately can be incredibly useful at certain times.

The little brass compass didn't look any different from the usual magnetic kind, but it had a hidden crystal-powered mechanism beneath the face that would respond to a bit of pressure on the correct part of the housing. A glowing arrow formed above the compass, turning to point toward Nebula and lengthening to show her approximate distance.

West by South and a good hundred leagues at least. Deep into the Forgotten Lands. Fleeing into the lawless Undiscovered West wasn't going to do them any good. In fact, they might regret not having the protection of Equestrian rights when I caught up to them, depending on how they'd treated my beloved Nebula.

I teleported my light suit of aeronaut's armor into the room and went about putting it on. I was settling the saddlebags over it when Periwinkle and the guard entered the room.

"Ah, good! Peri, write out a message for this guardpony to take back to Canterlot. I know where the thieves are and am going to go deal with them now. Cancel court and appointments for the next two days… no, make that three. If they've hurt Nebula, I'll need some time to dig a pit beneath Tartarus to put them into."

Periwinkle took it in stride, but the guard's eyes widened just a bit, because he didn't know if I was kidding or not.

I wasn't.

= = =


Author's Note:

Thanks to Fana Farouche, Jordanis, and Present Perfect for pre-reading and editing!