• Member Since 12th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago

Flutters Is Shy



Perim is a land fraught with danger, either by flora or fauna of the wide wonderful world the players of Chaotic have access to. That was always a given.

But with the appearance of an eighth battledrome, and access to a world that is definitely not Perim...

Well... Friendship might just prove to be... Chaotic.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 97 )

Sweet Story so far, I can't wait to see what will happen next, also is this based off more of the Cartoon version of the Anime style version of Chaotic?

Those are basically the same series, just different seasons. They changed the art style later on, pumping more money into it once they saw it was popular. And then it got canceled later on...

So... uhh... yes?

7652677 Oh, that's a bummer, I did like the more Anime style myself, after all wasn't Chaotic first made in Japan, heck most of these famous card games are from Japan after all. OH and one more thing, for some reason this story isn't showing up in your profile of other stories, have you kept it Private like that side story of "Applegate" or did you just forget to put it in the public section?

I was given the option to streamline the publish process, but I decided to go the normal route just in case I had a mistag or something that an admin would flag. So the story will be posted in about five hours or so. Depending on whenever an admin decides to read it, and if it passes at all.

7652705 I like it so far can't wait for more uploads to come I'll b waiting

I recall seeing one wpiside of this show before, can remember much of it, but I did find it interesting.

Looking forward to reading more of this.

Can't wait for them to bust out a Princess.

Sarah would be my choice, although giving her the Changling scans might be better

I vote for this one:

Sarah with Gryphon scans after having gotten Gryphonestone Entry District scans from fighting Discord.

While yes, Sarah probably would gravitate towards the changelings due to their insect appearences. She did align herself fairly solidly with the Damian tribe.

The problem with this being that I have no intention of having a majority of the changelings be 'good'. Ponies like Thorax may come and go, proving that the majority is not the exception in the assumption that the race in its entirety is 'evil', but a majority of known changelings follow a blatantly evil queen. This queen of course being Chrysalis. That being said, queen Chrysalis is not the only queen changeling in Equestria, and the hive she runs isn't the only one operating in the country.

Where was I going with this... Oh right. Damians aren't inherently evil. They may do evil stuff, and they may attack players on sight (mostly), but as with the other tribes its maintained that none of them are truly evil. All of the tribes screw the other over, and the reasoning pretty much boils down to 'They attacked us first, so we're retaliating'. Anyone thats taken a history class, ever can tell you just how well that cycle turns out. The underworld tribe has the stigma of having a leader that looks like satan, but even they are kinda nuetral in the grand scheme of things.

Now, the Damians terrified me back when I was a kid, based on what I saw on the show. Out of all the other tribes, they alone did the one thing that I found reprehensible(mostly cause it was never shown that the tribes kill each other, due to kids show logic enemies just run away to fight another day,). They infect other creatures with a parasite, which gradually turns that creature into a damian, subservient to the Damian Queen. In that way, they were the most frightening to me, even more so than the Merillians. While the tentacle monsters might eff about with your mind, that stuff wears off. The bug guys hold you down, then make you one of them.

Oh, went off tangent again. Ehn. Damians against changelings. The damians can't turn humans into damians, but the changelings could very well lock up the various players into a cocoon and drain them of their love. However that process happens. So right off the bat they have an extra feeling of danger to them. The only reason I suggested Klay and Krystella for the changelings in the first place was I assumed I could write up some BS explaining how the changelings found difficulty finding any love in their hearts to drain in the first place, and instead decided to recruit them as spys against the ponies or something like that.

But still. Sarah's gonna get her bugpone scans. Eventually. Just try to keep her from them.

Wow, it's been years since I watched Chaotic. I forgot some of the characters names...easily looked up with google. Haven't read it yet, but I kind of wonder hat happened to Peyton more than Sam Shady.

Nice story, I had a rough draft of a story like this but I scrapped it. I made it the one that is up know.
I will be following your story, good luck.

Hmm while i'm tempted to vote for the Changlings, I think I'll vote for Sarah and the Griffons.

I'm curious to see how future events of MLP will change. Like Sombra return, and the Changling invasion for example. By the way when does this take place in the Chaotic timeline?

Will any MLP character ever visit Perim, or vice versa?

I'll admit I haven't seen Chaotic in years. But one thing has always bugged me about the show. How the players could just treat perim like a game. The danger there is very real, and they could certainly get killed. The same danger lies in Equestria as well.

The last two questions will be answered in the next chapter. Well, I guess the 'danger is real' thing isn't really a question. But it'll still be expounded on in greater detail than the show ever did.

As to when in the timeline of Chaotic this story starts up, I hadn't really given it much thought beyond 'I don't want to have anything to do with the mirrilians'. So some time before them. Maybe right after the warbeasts arc, when Tangath still had pants.

And yeah, certain bad guys are still going to show up, although due to the additional player population there's definitely going to be some significant changes going on.

Jack Barker, a privileged white boy with Canterlot Guard scans. Very self conscious he has an amazing poker face and tries to keep out of the way and in the shadows. He tends to come off as rude to others during first impressions seeing as his self consciousness makes him feel as if he's always being judged and his poker face makes him seem like he doesn't really care about the individual talking to him.

...Uhhh... What else do you need?

Darn it. :twilightangry2: I like this. :pinkiehappy: Now I'll have to follow it and wait impatiently for updates like so many other stories... :ajsleepy:
So... CHAOTICD or DCHAOTIC... No, wait! CHADOTIC! Nothing more chaotic than misspelling CHAOTIC! :trollestia:

Kaz getting Diamond Dog scans? And finding a Diamond Dog that resembles H'earring?
Just seemed fitting since the dogs seem a little like Underworlders.
Of course, that means he might really like to see Tartarus...

I foresee changlings getting mad love from the sneaky players.

Also 30+ likes 0 dislikes. Congrats my dude.

I know, right? The last time I got this far without any dislikes was with my other story, Ready Player One. Once I get one I'll have to hand out hugs.

omg fragged god nostalgia of that show XD

Chaotic, and by proxy Perim are another dimension loosely attached to the Earth of the show. Players of Earth access the world Chaotic, and through that can access Perim. When a player sends their memories to Chaotic,-

I know this is impulse to write up without reading all of it again, but the way I understood it was chaotic players uploaded their memories into holographic doupleganger avatars that existed in either a constructed reality or a reality parallel to earth, and then the hologram shared its memories of chaotic with the original when they synched up later. Being holograms the body could then be reconstructed to look and function like anything easily imagined based on scans.

So, time outs. If a player is seperated from their scanner for over 24 hours, they are automatically logged out and their memories returned to their earth world counterparts. This prevents assholes like Klaybourne from just stealing a players scanner and hidng it on Perim while they're stuck on Chaotic.
That being said, the creatures of Perim eventually learned that taking the humans scanners resulted in them disappearing anyway after a set amount of time. So they got the bright idea of pressing their scanner to the captive humans body every so often. Code was reworked past that point so that if you stayed in Perim for 71 hours and 59 minutes, you and your scanner would be ported back to Chaotic at the end of 72 hours.

Well, it's a good thing someone fixed that loophole after that poor paraplegic child was trapped in mepedian territory for several months. Not to mention all the players that were turned into Danian drones.

Has the Merillian invasion taken place? Is this a reality where Kaz successfully breached the barrier between earth and Chaotic with his science fair project? inquiring minds want to know.

Was Chaotic just a really overblown version of pokemon go?

This seems more like the kind of thing you would put in a blog post attached to the story.
Thanks for sharing though. Some valid and thought out concepts based on a rather vague TV show's setup.

Holy hell.I forgot about this show. Used to watch this a lot as a kid

I honestly hated how the end of the Merrillian arc went. Chaor went missing, then showed up out of nowhere for no seeming reason with a new paintjob (which wore off and doesn't show back up later). Then Maxxor shows up after his fake out death (replaced by a doppleganger creature that literally only had ONE episode) with jesus armor that just arbitrarily can deflect the big bosses attacks. (that armor is ALSO never seen again.) Peace is had and the next episode they all have a big race across all of Perim! And then they fudge it up and are all at each others throats at the end of the episode. Justification to have conflict in the series, I guess but it came across as dumb.

So I guess... Yeah, sure. Post invasion and final battle. Season 3 onward. May go even further than that, depending what I think of the following seasons.

The invasion ended, and instead of botching everything on a race like retards, they decided to just go back to how things were with a slight truce and border crossing.

As to the question about Kaz's reality breaker, that episode was really just a 'Oh, it was all a dream!' type episode. I don't hate these types of episodes, but within the shows own logic it wasn't real. That being said, I highly doubt Discord will abide by the whole, 'keep the worlds seperate' thing...

Man, now you're making me wanna re-watch the series... Anyone know if Chaotic is on Netflix?

No idea, but I've been rewatching the series on Youtube. Usually people mess with the sound quality to avoid copywrite, but just going off of search options I managed to find myself in the third season without running across any weird copies.

Uhhh... there is a problem with the people keeping the memories. Are you saying that monsters have never, you know... Tortured, any human? It would certainly deter anyone from messing with them again except the insane.

It used to be on hulu, but now hulu is no longer free. Could be on youtube with limited commercial interruption if lucky.

I wonder if the ponies will ever be able to visit Chaotic. The thought of the princesses going there and battling as themselves would be pretty interesting... Would the elements be considered battle gear?

Technically. And at that, they would have to be equipped to a creature capable of channeling the given element. ADD TO THAT, the Chaotic player would have to have all six elements, equipped to six different creatures in their match (they don't work if you leave off even one) and as they are currently they'd be a one match shot. If they missed the first time, that's it. No second try.

Also it should be noted that the elements aren't really an ATTACK type... thing. We've seen them return a corrupted essence to its base state (Princess Luna), encase a chaotic force in order (Discord) and once powered up to their true power (Tirek arc) all they did was again, return an essence of imbalance to a state of harmony.


So it would basically be a super expensive cure all, or an expensive debuff?

The majestic, magmatic, magnificent lands of Peytonia shall be victorious!

Eeyup. At present time, anyway. And against some of the worse creatures (like the warbeasts and merillians) the elements would probably encase them in stone. Technical win.

peyton and pinkie isn't the sinker of ships. its the new ship. actually that could be funny. "too bad you're not a human girl or I'd be all over that like swiss on cheese!"

Then finds out about mirror portal.

Honestly, Peyton doesn't strike me as the type of person to base a relationship around nothing but appearance.

17 year old boy (the wiki says all four main characters are 17 while Klaybourne is 21, try to puzzle that out...) though, so yeah if he sees a girl with a nice body you'd have to be stupid to think he wouldn't try to check her out. But really, he hangs out with a girl like like Sarah and has NEVER been seen to show any affection for her beyond pure platonic friendship, so who knows what his physical preferences are?

Note that I am not saying that I'm shipping Peytpie.. Pinkieton... whatever that mashup would be. Also not that I'm not saying that I wouldn't...

Ehn, who knows what the future will hold? Long distance relationships don't seem to work all that well. Wonder how that would go...

"Yeah mom, I'm already married. She's a pink alien quadruped from another dimension, and you'll never be able to meet her, no. Also, I'm just going to start living like a hermit.

Hot, burning, rippling with enigmatic fury and youth!

I foresee a replication of Tom's first use of Bodal.

Technically that already happened with Peyton using Twilight in his drome match.

Toms already seen that Twilight (and really, all the ponies that Peyton used. Even Lyra had the ability to thoroughly creep his Mxxor scan out, and Maxxor is touted as having a ridiculously high courage score. Yes that's a thing.) is a surprisingly effective fighter, and even though she's technically above the norm (Tom doesn't know that yet) all ponies have the species advantage of cutiemarks.

Each and every single pony is literally geared toward a specific talent. If players can figure out which ponies fit their play style, thne they can be even more effective...

7668286 Yeah, but remind me, how big is Spike? That was more like seeing Mipedians for the first time.

Spike is his traditional size in the show. As stated in this chapter, Peyton is about a head taller than Big mac, and Tom is a few inches taller than Peyton. So... just compare against Big Mac for size.

Spike comes up to almost the bottom of Twilights chin, from what I can remember.

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