• Member Since 12th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen 12 hours ago

Flutters Is Shy



Late nights aren't good for your health. Neither is being turned into a ponified superhero by a bored god of chaos, and hurled into a town of curious, friendly ponies. Well, that last part may not be so bad. If the place I was sent wasn't Ponyville. This freaking town has a monster attack every other day, and everyone here is CRAZY!

HIE Displaced

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 108 )

I see great potential here, good sir. I implore that you continue this further.

I'll be watching...

hm, this is looking good.

a small nitpick though.

Model A makes Megaman Model A, not Model X, and even then, it never got Data for Model X Alone... (but i'm leaving this at Discord doing it, although it would make more sense if he had grabbed Model X instead of A.)


It was intentional, Discord is rather inconsistant, isn't he?

Turns into megaman by megamerging with Model A. Gets Model X instead. Absorbs powers like the original Megaman instead of the fashion in the ZX games.

I wonder what else I can screw with, to make it so Discord is trolling the shit out of him? Maybe have him find an upgrade pod, and have it just give him an A Transe.

"Yes." I explained to the hovering chunk of metal encapsulating the consciousness known as Model A. Originally made by Doctor Wily, she lost her memory and became good, eventually working with Ashe(or Grey, depending on which character you chose at the beginning of the game,) to stop an evil maniac using another type of biometal, biometal model W.

Model A was made by Master Albert, and while he's a reference to Doctor Wily who's first name is Albert, they are completely unrelated.

Megaman ZX Advent takes place hundreds of centuries after Dr Wily's finally died and has been forgotten.

are you going to write more of this? it's very fun.

I was chalking it up to Discord not fully doing the research. Like he Googled Megaman and got images for Model A and what the game character looks like as Megaman Model X and got the two confused.

Need I remind you, we're talking about the guy who transcended his own death.
after he died making Zero, he somehow managed to bring himself back to life, as we can appreciate in both the giant W in the background during the shadow Devil fight in MMX5, and Sigma's pre-battle line in the same game

I have delightful news. I've recently acquired a new partner. He has been very supportive. He seems to have created quite a few robots. And he gave me the toughest body that you will ever see. You got here sooner than I expected, so it is not yet complete... But...it is enough to defeat you... He is an excellent partner... I believe you two know each other... In fact, he used to be a comrade of yours. He was very persistent about you... and that makes him very helpful to me. You see X, there is someone other than me...who hates you... Now feel our combined rage and die! ...But not before suffering horribly!

I wouldn't be surprised if he proceeded to become Dr. Weil, and then Master Albert.

........well sh** bro!

Wall-kick up the tower.

Honestly, he should have checked if he had that ability first of all... alright, the dash first of all, but wall-kicking is a close second.

good but... I would prefer that nobody knows already about him.:applejackunsure:

Technically...none of them actually do, except Discord.

All the rest of them know is a fictional persona that doesnt actually exist.

I think this is an interesting story, at least it hast potential in my eye's. I like the fact that the main character is a human crippled turn into a pony crippled, who can turn into a pony robot, that is new spin on the them for me. It skips a thew standard stages for his introduction into Ponyville and the stander shock of coming, but I can easily ignore that, and has the convenience of going into the action fairly quickly. I find it interesting that the main character is a mailpony, it encourages him to interact more with the ponyvilliens in a legitimate fashion. The only real problem that I have of this story is that this is one of Discord's games, and I find that the prospects of the antagonist that main character will face do not gave, in my opinion, great enough feeling of danger for him, as least the fact that we all now now that Discord is the source of the problem, there for the depths of the mystery is shallow and I feel like it is only a hamster stuck in a maze. If the action/adventure tag is to be warranted, I think that the situations would need to grow to a point beyond the control of a crazy god, that the Rock truly feels compeld to act and to put him in harms way for others. last thin that and the Ponyville setting is too small for a Mega-man set-in.
I am looking forward to the next chapter

Go Mega Man-er Mane!:pinkiehappy:

Well this is an interesting read and I hope that it continues to update regularly. Always depressing when a good story dies due to inactivity.


I have no plans on cancelling any of my stories, but I will admit to a bit of sheepishness when you mentioned 'regular updates'.

I'm really bad at that.

And Cheating leads to a forest fire. Well done


Cheating is never 100% free of consequences...

For me the worst part of ZX was me getting lost after the first mission and the map not helping at all.


The map (and world there of) of the original ZX was awfully put together. It was a wonder I was able to finish it, the second game did a much better job in that department.

5637758 My first mission that I chose was the factory, I made it as far as the boss then died on my last life as of editing this comment, I'm not that good at games.


Try again? You'll never get any 'better' if you just leave something as is. The main thing you have to remember is ,each and every single boss has a distinct, and exploitable pattern. It might be something as simple as they have a wait period of 3 seconds after they do a certain move, it might be the way they move about the arena. But always remember that it is something, and to keep an eye out for it.

David would like you to know that he hates your face.

After attempting a 'wall-kick', Subject David (AKA Rock Light) found that he was unable to propel himself back towards the surface of the wall after 'kicking' off.

He would like you to know that the physics in your world are stupid.

Subject David has expressed a desire to retry a 'wall-kiick' after a way to propell himself back towards the given surface has been discovered.(Rocket boosters? Magnet graspers? Gravitational differentiators? We shall have to investigate this line of R&D more thouroughly.)

5660385 As of this comment I am at the second part of the H biometal.

I want someone to scream megamane at some point in this story. I also want the megaman final smash to make an appearence. In short: I want tangible megamane hype in this story.

Sorry, i'm just riding on the megaman hype.


Megamane saves Ponyville from vine ridden EVIL-
(cont on 5-c)

In reality, they are all going to start calling him Megamane, even when he specifically tells them to call him megaMAN.

Was that a Naruto reference?


I... no. There was no intentional Naruto reference. To compound on that, your comment is so vague that I have no idea what you are reffering to. Would you care to elaborate?

5829498 well, discord has the vortex eye from that one guy in the show.

What website did you use for rolling your characters powers?

happy to see you back, I was looking forward to see more of your stories

Go read some of my others, I pretty much just updated everything with a new chapter, except PonyNorman. My bad, it just isn't ready yet.

Nice chapter.
So that's what David did. Not to spoil anything, but you did mention it in the Dungeon Master of Equestria, which I shall shamelessly promote here, here, and here.

Anyways, it's a good chapter.

Oh yeah! Now I have to first person that chapter, so I can post it.

Good luck with that! Lel. That was a long as hell chapter. Plus, if you gotta remove the extra fluff I added for my story. XD
Want some help with that?

So... Robot Masters are those W-Types, right?


The 'Robot Masters' can be of any theme, but they will be 'inflicted' through chunks of Model W, yes.

5904957 So I can basically tell monsters based off a species living on Pseudo-Planet?

Robot Master:
-Name : Jack
-Species : Griffon
-Gender : Male
-Model W-ability : Electrical Charge
-His claws are charged with electricity, causing physical contact with them to
make his enemy randomly twitch for the next ten minutes
-He also gets small lightning coming from his claws, when they are too close to
any metal surfaces
-Appearance : His head and neck is white with a small trace of red, and his frontclaws are yellow
with the rest of his body being lightorange
-Appearance-influence : The chunk of Model W has caused his eyes to go from lightorange to pure
white, you cannot look at his claws because they are charged with too many currents, additionally
his wings were burnt up from when he accidentally touched them with his claws.

So this would be valid, or am I wrong?


Indeed it would!~ You gave appearance, powers, and some environmental traits.

5905066 ...is it very bad I can't see anyone else having written down a robot-master?

That just means everyone else is too afraid to participate.

5905402 Screw that! We are allowed to give 2 Robot-masters into the fray, ja?
If so, then I would think of another...

Not so much expected Robot Master. They can be side-characters that only appeared once too, right? They don't have to be new?

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