• Published 28th May 2016
  • 7,772 Views, 619 Comments

Hùndùn - LoZLttP13

A powerful young Sorceress, her faithful apprentice, and her five new friends are tasked with preventing the return of the all-powerful God of Chaos.

  • ...

I-X. Gilda

Rainbow woke with her cheek against Gilda's breast. The two of them were lying naked together in Rainbow's bed, which was damp with sweat. The Sun was beaming into the bedroom from the window, casting a long rectangle of light across the marble floor.

Rainbow smirked, climbed up, and placed her hands at the sides of her bedmate so that she was propped directly over Gilda. "Good morning," she said.

Gilda opened her eyes. She seemed surprised for a moment to be looking at Rainbow, but she soon smirked as well as she ran her eyes down Rainbow's body, drinking it in. She took her time, and Rainbow let her; Rainbow liked attention, and loved having her body admired.

"Mornin', hot stuff," Gilda said when her gaze returned to Rainbow's. She brought her hands up to hold Rainbow's waist. "You're pretty energetic for such a little girl."

"You're pretty easy on the eyes for such a big girl," Rainbow replied with a snicker. She leaned down and met Gilda's lips with a playful, passionate kiss.

Gilda kissed Rainbow back, and cried out in surprise when Rainbow bit her lower lip. "Forgot how feisty you are," Gilda said in a low growl.

Rainbow pushed away, chuckling. Though she would have liked nothing more than to keep going, she groaned apologetically, "I have to go to work."

Gilda scoffed. "Take a day off."

"Can't. Used up all my vacation time."

"Use a sick day, then."

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon," Rainbow replied. She kissed Gilda's neck, then pulled off the blankets and climbed out of her bed.

"I'm gonna go take a shower," Rainbow said, standing up. "Feel free to have anything you want from the kitchen."

As Rainbow walked to her bathroom, she felt Gilda's eyes following her out. Smirking, she exaggerated the sway of her hips as she walked.

Rainbow stepped into her tub and turned on a cold shower. As she washed the dried sweat from her body, she gently smiled at her memories of the previous day and night; she had raced, soared through the skies, and spent the night with Gilda. It was just like the old days.

Well, not exactly like the old days. She and Fluttershy weren't as close as they once were anymore. This fact made Rainbow a little sad, though she soon remembered a bright side to no longer living in Asgard: people weren't being such assholes to her anymore, either.

At any rate, Rainbow was glad Gilda was there. It'd been too long since she'd seen her best friend from flight camp. She wanted to make the most out of Gilda's short visit.

Maybe, on Gilda's last night there, Rainbow would invite one or two other girls to join them in bed. Rainbow immediately loved the idea, and knew that Gilda would be down with it, so she began wondering how she was going to decide who to ask. She thought of perhaps hitting the clubs in Olympus; there'd be plenty of hot girls there. Rainbow didn't feel like going anywhere, though, so she started wondering if she could find any willing participants in Avalon.

I could go to Salt on the Rim, Rainbow thought. The pickings are a bit slim there, though....

Leaning against a wall, Rainbow began considering asking one of her acquaintances. Sure, it was a bit unlikely any would accept, but she wasn't actually doing anything yet, so she could fantasize about it all she liked.

Maybe Lyra and Bon-Bon, Rainbow thought. She smirked. They're a really cute couple. I've always wanted to get in on some of that....

Deciding to venture into more ridiculous territory, she thought, Maybe I'll ask Rarity. I'd love to get a taste of that fine body of hers... or maybe Applejack. Hey, there's no way in the Seven Hells it'd happen, but it's always fun to tease her....

While I'm at it, maybe I'll ask Pinkie- here she stopped and opened her eyes. She was doing an exercise in far-flung fantasies, but was this idea really so far-fetched? Rainbow knew that Pinkie was into girls, so maybe asking her to have a threesome with Gilda wasn't such a ridiculous idea after all....

Flushing with excitement at the thought, Rainbow added Twilight to her fantasy for good measure. Twilight was a somewhat plausible candidate, as well; whenever Rainbow flirted with her, Twilight would blush and shyly look away, in contrast to the simple flattery Rarity usually responded with, and the outright disgust Applejack always responded with. Rainbow entertained the fantasy of a foursome with her three friends for some time, but soon enough she abandoned the idea; when she was thinking realistically, she realized that Twilight and Pinkie would probably both give her a hard slap in the face for asking them to do it. Deciding to just stick with her original plan to look for participants in Olympus, Rainbow sighed with disappointment; sleeping with two strangers, no matter how attractive they were, just didn't have the same appeal for Rainbow as sleeping with her friends that she'd spent so many hours thinking about.

Rainbow turned off the water, stepped out of the tub, dried off, then got dressed. She then walked to her kitchen, where she found Gilda, wearing her torn white t-shirt and jeans and eating some cold fried fish from the ice box.

"Hey, Dash," Gilda said.

"Yo, G," Rainbow replied. She retrieved a carton of milk from her icebox, took a few swallows directly from it, then set it back in. As she closed her icebox's door again, she said, "My work's done when I deliver all of my packages. I can usually do it in just a couple hours; that's why I took the job."

Gilda nodded. "I'll shoot some hoops until you're done, then."

"Alright," Rainbow said. She waved as she walked to her home's front door, calling, "See you later, G!"

Once Rainbow exited her house, she leapt from the foundation cloud's edge and glided to the post office.

The post office was a rather small and dull-looking building without a garden or any decorations. Its only distinguishing feature was the envelope painted on the sign that hung over its door.

When Rainbow entered, she was met with the sight of her boss, the old Ms. Color Stamp; and her coworker, Ditzy Do.

Ms. Stamp was a stern Elvish woman with a postage stamp Mark and salt-and-pepper hair kept back in a tight bun. She wore chained spectacles as she worked recording the parcels and letters they sent and received at a granite desk every day. Ditzy was a gray-winged, blonde Angel in her late teens with bubbles for a Mark. When Rainbow entered the office, Ditzy was carrying a stack of parcels, which she promptly dropped as she tripped and fell over.

After Ditzy had fallen, crying out and scattering the packages across the ground, Ms. Stamp looked up from a parchment she was writing on and barked, "Pick them up, Ditzy, you clumsy, foolish girl!"

"I'm sorry, Ms. Stamp," Ditzy said quietly, sniffing as tears welled in her eyes.

Ms. Stamp huffed annoyedly as she returned to writing on her parchment. Rainbow sighed, knelt beside Ditzy, and helped her gather up the packages. "Hey, Ditzy," Rainbow said with a weary frown.

"Hi, Rainbow," Ditzy replied, sniffing as she held back her tears.

This was Ditzy's Special Talent: being adorably clumsy. Rainbow was extremely glad that she wasn't in Ditzy's position; not only did she have what was probably the most useless Talent ever, but she was also a single mother raising a daughter named Dinky who was born when Ditzy was a preteen. Angelic society, being the hypocritical culture of double standards that it was, had labeled Ditzy a slut and had driven her and her young child out to find a place where they wouldn't face so much vitriol. Naturally, she had come to Avalon, the town of lost souls. Ditzy was one of the very few things that made Rainbow glad that she wasn't straight; if all the girls Rainbow had gotten in bed with had been guys, who knew how many kids she would have had by now?

Though Ditzy and her tremendous clumsiness greatly annoyed Rainbow, Rainbow was still nice to her; after all, she knew what it was like to take bullshit from idiots all the time. If anything, Ditzy had it worse than Rainbow did; Ditzy was doing the same low-paying job to support herself and her daughter, who she simultaneously also had to try to be a good mother to, all while dealing with the judgmental derision she sometimes still continued to face. Rainbow thought Ditzy's whole situation was grotesquely unfair, especially that she had been labeled a "slut;" First of all, Rainbow often thought to herself, where's the disgust for Dinky's father? Yeah, he was probably just given a fist-bump by his friends for nailing Ditzy. Second of all, I don't think Ditzy's a slut at all; I'm a slut, but Ditzy was probably just taken advantage of for her naiveté by her baby daddy one time. Rainbow's sympathy towards Ditzy went far enough that every day, once she was done with her own deliveries, she would help Ditzy finish hers so that she could have more time for herself and her daughter. Needless to say, Ditzy was extremely grateful to Rainbow for this, and would occasionally give Rainbow small gifts in thanks.

Once Rainbow had helped Ditzy pick up the packages, she carried some of them to the sorting-table, saying, "Just be a little more careful, alright, Ditzy?"

Ditzy nodded. "I will. Thank you."

Once all the packages were on the table, Rainbow and Ditzy began sorting them into burning-boxes based on their mailing addresses. There was a box for each foreign country, as well as one for each of the other Equestrian settlements. Most of the packages went to other cities or towns in Equestria, and these were placed in the boxes bearing the names of the cities they were bound for. However, a few were destined for cities in foreign countries such as Athens or Tokyo, and these were placed in the boxes labeled with the countries they were bound for. Once Ditzy and Rainbow had sorted all the parcels, Rainbow called back at the front desk, "The parcels are sorted, Ms. Stamp!"

Ms. Stamp set her quill down, went into the back room, then reemerged from it with a stack of envelopes. Rainbow took these, as well, then she and Ditzy sorted the letters into the burning boxes to be sent with the packages, as well. Upon completing it, Rainbow shouted, "Letters sorted, Ms. Stamp!" upon which Ms. Stamp stood from her desk and went to the boxes. She snapped and burned the insides of each of them, sending their contents to the corresponding boxes in the post offices of other cities.

Rainbow and Ditzy then went outside, where they wove up and down each of Avalon's streets (Ditzy going east to west while Rainbow went north to south), where they took incoming mail from any mailboxes they found with their flags raised. As soon as they were done, they returned to the post office and gave the letters to Ms. Stamp, who took them to the back room and returned with a stack of outgoing parcels. "There are two more stacks," she said as she returned to the back room.

Once all three outgoing stacks of parcels were on the desk, Rainbow and Ditzy carried them to the table in the sorting-room. They then took the parcels, one at a time, out of the office to fly over Avalon and leave them on the recipients' doorsteps. Rainbow went nearly three times as quickly as Ditzy, so she ended up delivering a little more than two-thirds of the packages. After they had delivered the outgoing letters, as well (there were fewer of these, as many Elves had personal letterboxes they used to burn letters to their friends and close relatives themselves), Rainbow and Ditzy returned to the post office to clock out, their work completed for the day.

As they were exiting the office, Ditzy said, "Thank you so much, Rainbow."

"Eh, it's nothing," Rainbow replied. "I'll see you later."

"Wait-" Ditzy said, before Rainbow could take off. Ditzy reached into her side-bag and retrieved two poppy seed muffins, then offered one to Rainbow. "Here," Ditzy said, softly smiling.

Rainbow smiled back as she took it. "Thanks, Ditzy," she said. "I'll see you later."

"Bye, Rainbow," Ditzy replied, waving as Rainbow took to the air.

Rainbow flew over town until she saw the basketball courts in the park, where Gilda was dribbling and shooting a basketball through a hoop. Rainbow descended so that she came to a stand beside Gilda, who turned to look at her. Grinning, Gilda held the basketball under her arm as she said, "Wow, that was fast."

Rainbow shrugged in mock modesty as she smirked. "What can I say?"

Gilda passed the basketball to Rainbow, then said, "So, Dash-"

"Hi, Rainbow! Hi, Gilda!" a voice said from behind them. When Rainbow and Gilda turned to see who had interrupted them, they saw Pinkie cheerfully walking towards them. "It's later, so I'm back!" Pinkie cried.

"Hey, Pinkie!" Rainbow said, grinning back at her.

Gilda nudged Rainbow with her shoulder. "Yo, Dash, I'll race you to that cloud up there," she said, pointing at one directly above them.

"You're on!" Rainbow replied, her eyes narrowed determinedly.

"GO!" Gilda shouted, then she and Rainbow shot towards the cloud.

"H-hey-!" Pinkie distressedly cried after them, but her voice didn't reach Rainbow's ears, as it was drowned out by the rushing wind.

Rainbow and Gilda both collided into the cloud and shouted simultaneously, "I WIN!"

"No, I won!" Rainbow shouted.

"Yeah, right, it was totally me, dude!" Gilda retorted.

As they argued over who had reached the cloud first, Pinkie, tied by her waist to dozens of balloons, rose into the air until she was floating beside them. "Wow, guys, that was really close! But I think that Rainbow won by just a teeny, weeny, itty bitty hair, or a teeny weeny itty bitty feather!" she giggled.

Rainbow laughed, "Ha! See? Good thing Pinkie's here to keep you honest, G!"

After shooting a dirty look at Pinkie, Gilda turned to Rainbow and said, "Hey, Dash, last one to that cloud over there is a gnarly dragon egg! GO!"

As Rainbow shot up into the air, however, Gilda remained where she was, glaring at Pinkie. She then drew a switchblade from her pocket, causing Pinkie to flinch. "I think the high altitude is making you dizzy!" Gilda growled, swiping at Pinkie's balloon strings. Several balloons were cut from Pinkie and floated away, causing Pinkie to slowly sink back down as she cried, "Wait, guys!"

Gilda folded her knife and put it back in her pocket as she flew to the cloud Rainbow was sitting on to rejoin her. As she landed, however, Gilda's eyes widened when she heard Pinkie say from directly behind her, "You girls almost got away from me that time!"

Gilda turned to see Pinkie, holding onto the frame of an enormous, colorful kite that was tethered to a tree on the ground and hovering against the wind beside them.

Rainbow laughed, "Pinkie Pie, you're so random!" as Gilda gaped at Pinkie, fearfully wondering how she'd gotten, tethered, and flown the kite so quickly.

Gilda's wits soon returned, however, and she said to Rainbow, "So, Dash, you got any new moves in your trick-tionary, or are you one hundred percent old-school?"

Rainbow scoffed. "New moves? Sit back, G, this is gonna take a while!"

Once Rainbow had flown away, Gilda returned her attention to Pinkie. She reached forward and grabbed Pinkie's shirt collar, pulling Pinkie towards herself until their noses were only centimeters apart. Glaring threateningly, Gilda growled at a fearful Pinkie, "Don't you know how to take 'get lost' for an answer?! Dash doesn't need dweebs like you while I'm around! So make like a dick and piss off!"

Gilda swiftly drew her knife back out of her pocket, opened it, and swiped it at Pinkie's kite string, setting the kite loose. Pinkie shouted, "Who-o-oa-!" as she spiraled towards the ground. Her voice gradually faded away as Gilda smirked down at her.

A few seconds later, Rainbow returned to Gilda's side. Looking around, Rainbow asked, "Hey, where'd Pinkie go?"

Gilda shrugged. "I think she said something about needing the restroom."

Down below, Pinkie had landed safely, but dazedly, back upon the ground. Her kite, however, hadn't fared nearly so well; the frame was broken and the fabric was torn, rendering it utterly destroyed. Pinkie looked up at Gilda, who was flying away with Rainbow. Pinkie glared after Gilda with a contemptuous "Hmph!"

Pinkie pounded on Twilight's door, then folded her arms. After a few moments, the door was answered by Spike. "Oh, hey, Pinkie!" he said, grinning cheerfully.

"Hey, Spike. Is Twilight home?" Pinkie said.

Spike nodded. "Yeah. She's doing research right now," he said, stepping aside. Pinkie entered and turned to see Twilight reading at her desk as Spike closed the door.

"Twilight!" Pinkie said, causing Twilight to look up at her.

"Oh, hey, Pinkie," Twilight said, removing her spectacles. "Did you need something?"

"Yeah!" Pinkie said. "I have to tell you about Rainbow Dash's friend!"

Twilight raised a brow. "You mean Gilda?"

"Yeah!" Pinkie replied. She began pacing across the library floor as she continued, "She's such a mean, grumpy mean meany pants! She's keeping Rainbow all to herself, and when I tried to talk to them, Gilda told me to piss off!"

Twilight blinked. "Well, that is pretty rude...." she commented.

"Right?!" Pinkie cried.

"But, Pinkie," Twilight said gently, "have you ever considered that maybe Rainbow's friend wants a little time alone with her?"

Pinkie gaped disbelievingly at Twilight. "But Gilda has had time alone with Rainbow! She was with Rainbow all day yesterday!"

"Pinkie, you get to see Rainbow all the time, and Gilda's only going to be here for a few days. Maybe you should stop being so jealous and let Gilda enjoy the time she has with Rainbow."

Pinkie gave an affronted look to Twilight. "Jealous?!" she exclaimed.

"Green with envy," Spike interjected, reading a book in one of the armchairs. "Or, in your case, pink with envy," he added, chuckling.

"Yes, jealous," Twilight said calmly. "You're jealous that Gilda is spending time with Rainbow while you aren't."

Pinkie was so angry she sputtered incoherently, "Wha-?! Bu-! I-! Jea-?!" before shouting, "Ugh!" and briskly walking back out of the library.

Pinkie fumed as she walked down the road to the park. Twilight thinks Gilda should get Rainbow all to herself?! she thought. Some friend she is! Gilda shouldn't get to have Rainbow all to herself! She's the meanest Angel I've ever met!

As Pinkie entered the park, however, her rage began to simmer down. After a few minutes of continuing to walk, she quietly said to herself, "Maybe Twilight's right.... Maybe Gilda's not a big, grumpy, mean, meany pants, and I'm just a big, mean, judgmental, jealous, jealousy pants...." She sighed, then turned towards the shopping district; walking through there could always cheer her up at times like these.

As Pinkie was walking past the produce shops, she saw Gilda walking towards her. Panicking, Pinkie hid behind a group of boys that were talking together, hoping that Gilda hadn't seen her. Pinkie kept an eye on Gilda as they walked past each other, though Gilda didn't seem to notice her. However, Pinkie then saw Gilda catch sight of an apple cart and smirk. Gilda waited until the shopkeeper attending it began talking to a customer, then swiftly snatched an apple away from the cart.

Pinkie's eyes widened. "She's not just a grumpy, mean, meany pants!" she muttered under her breath. "She's also a thief!"

Pinkie glared at Gilda as she took a bite from her stolen apple. Pinkie made sure that she remained unseen as she continued to follow Gilda through the crowded market.

"I'm back, G!" Pinkie heard Rainbow call from above her, so she ducked and kept her head down as she watched Rainbow land on the ground beside Gilda.

"Sorry about that," Rainbow said, wiping sweat from her forehead. "I have to make emergency deliveries occasionally...."

"It's cool, Dash," Gilda replied. Her eyes narrowed, however, as she continued, "But I have a question: why do you keep that stupid job delivering packages? Why don't you come back to Asgard and become a Wonderbolt? Isn't that what you've always wanted to do?"

Pinkie was astonished to see Rainbow seem nervous as she put her hands in her pockets. "Yeah, but... I, you know, have friends here," Rainbow said. Pinkie could tell that this was the partial truth, but that Rainbow was still hiding something.

"Sure," Gilda replied, "but why did you leave Asgard in the first place?"

"Uh, it just didn't fly with me," Rainbow replied. "I wanted to go out and explore, you know? It was boring just staying in one place for very long."

Pinkie gazed surprisedly at Rainbow. Pinkie knew that Rainbow wasn't telling the truth this time; Rainbow loved Asgard, and would frequently speak fondly of her memories living there with her dad. Growing ever more suspicious, Pinkie listened very carefully while she continued to avoid the Angels' gazes.

Gilda seemed suspicious, as well, but after a few moments she shrugged. "Yeah, same here," she said. "Griffonstone was crampin' up my style, too. Having nothing but mountains and snow everywhere gets old real fast."

Rainbow nodded, but then a hum sounded from her pocket. Rainbow reached into it, pulled out her plastic card, then sighed. "I gotta go make another emergency delivery," she muttered. "Damn it, why couldn't this be another day?"

"It's cool," Gilda replied. "I'll just be here."

Rainbow grinned. "Thanks, G," she said, then she took off again.

Gilda finished her apple, then threw the core aside. Still glaring at her, Pinkie continued to follow her through the market.

After passing a few more shops, someone collided into Gilda. Gilda and Pinkie both turned to see who it was. It was Fluttershy, holding a cage of ducklings at her side.

"Watch where you're goin', Doofus!" Gilda shouted.

Fluttershy shrunk under Gilda's fierce gaze, whispering, "Oh, I'm... I'm sorry...."

Gilda blinked, then glared even more fiercely at Fluttershy. "You...!" she growled.

Fluttershy slowly backed away, saying, "I'm really, really sorry, Gilda... I didn't mean-"

"Come with me," Gilda said, grabbing her wrist. "You and I are going to have a little chat."

"B-but- I-" Fluttershy stuttered, but Gilda only tightened her grip, causing Fluttershy to wince and let out a small cry of pain.

Her fury building steadily, Pinkie followed behind Gilda as she pulled Fluttershy out of the market and into an alley. Pinkie hid behind the corner of one of the buildings and peeked into the alley, promising herself that she'd attack Gilda if she hurt Fluttershy.

Gilda released Fluttershy's wrist, which was now red and bruised. Gilda then shoved Fluttershy against the wall and placed her hands at either side of Fluttershy's head. Fluttershy was gazing up at her in terror.

"I know Rainbow followed you here, you little chicken shit," Gilda muttered softly. "You pussied out and ran away from Asgard, then Rainbow followed you here so she could keep fuckin' you. I can't blame her for that; as much of a baby as you are, you're a hot little baby."

Fluttershy was trembling, but was otherwise motionless as she continued to gaze with horror at Gilda.

"But Rainbow is mine," Gilda growled. "So you stay the fuck away from her. Got that, you weepy little bitch?"

Tears welling in her eyes, Fluttershy whimpered as she nodded.

"Good," Gilda growled, standing back. She shoved her hands in her pockets and walked away, leaving a terrified Fluttershy to tremblingly gaze after her.

Once Gilda was out of sight, Fluttershy set her cage of ducklings on the ground, crouched so her knees were up to her face, and hugged her legs as she weepingly sobbed into them.

Though Pinkie was still furious, her anger was overridden by her worry for Fluttershy. She stepped forward and said, "Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy gasped as she looked up at Pinkie. "Oh, hello, Pinkie...." she said, sniffling.

Pinkie gently took Fluttershy's bruised wrist and held it up to examine it. "Are you alright?" Pinkie asked.

Fluttershy wiped some tears from her cheeks as she replied, "Yeah, I'm alright...."

"What's going on?" Pinkie asked concernedly. "What was Gilda talking about?"

Fluttershy gazed worriedly at Pinkie. "Did you hear-?"

"Yes," Pinkie answered before Fluttershy could finish. "What's wrong, Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy gazed worriedly at Pinkie for a few moments, then said, "Will you promise you won't tell anyone?"

Grinning, Pinkie replied while crossing her index finger over her heart, "Cross my heart, hope to fly," then lifted up a cupcake and smashed it against her face as she concluded, "stick a cupcake in my eye."

Fluttershy giggled softly as Pinkie sat on the ground beside her. Fluttershy then gazed frowningly at the wall across from them for a few moments.

Fluttershy sighed, then said, "Well, here goes...."

Looking away from Pinkie, Fluttershy said, "First of all... well, um... I'm gay."

Pinkie's eyes widened astonishedly. "You- you are?!" she exclaimed.

Fluttershy nodded. "Yes. And... and when I lived in Asgard, the other kids treated me terribly. They were awful to Rainbow and Gilda, too, because they're also gay. Rainbow and I were both really lonely, so we were... um... 'friends with benefits' while we were living in Asgard."

Pinkie's mouth opened slightly. She was filled with mixed emotions at the moment; though she was greatly saddened and angered by the way Fluttershy was treated by the other Angels, she was also envious of Fluttershy for sharing Rainbow's bed. She shook her head, however, and said, "Go on."

Fluttershy nodded. "Well, Rainbow also slept with Gilda. It was hard, because I wanted to have her all to myself, and I knew that Gilda hated me because she did, too. Rainbow would also sleep with lots of other girls, but I was so lonely I let her do it so that I could also have some of her, even if it was just a little."

Fluttershy sniffed. "But Rainbow and I stopped sleeping together soon after we moved to Avalon; we have friends now and we aren't so lonely anymore."

Pinkie was silent for a moment, then embraced Fluttershy. "I understand...." she whispered. Though part of her was still resentful of Fluttershy for getting some of Rainbow while she didn't, Pinkie remembered that Fluttershy was still her friend and that she should still be there for her. Fluttershy wept into Pinkie's shoulder as Pinkie comfortingly stroked her back. "It's alright, Fluttershy," Pinkie said.

As Pinkie was holding Fluttershy, her anger towards Gilda gradually returned. That Gilda had been so terrible to her most timid, sensitive friend filled Pinkie with quiet fury. She decided as she sat on the ground with Fluttershy that she would respond to Gilda's bullying behavior in a drastic fashion.

Pinkie and Rainbow were arranging refreshments on the glass counter in the Sugar Shack. Streamers were stretched between the beams on the ceiling, and there were dozens of balloons everywhere. Pinkie had convinced Rainbow to help her throw this party for Gilda, in the hopes that it would teach Gilda a lesson.

Pinkie and Rainbow had invited all of their best friends to come, as well. Ten minutes before six, when the party was scheduled to begin, Twilight entered with Spike. When Pinkie saw them, she smilingly cried, "Hey, Twilight! Hey, Spike! You two are here early!"

Twilight nodded as she looked around. "The party looks great, Pinkie," she said.

"Thanks!" Pinkie replied.

Twilight helped Pinkie and Rainbow finish preparing as the rest of their friends arrived. Fluttershy was the last to come; when she entered the shop, Pinkie said, "Fluttershy! You came?"

Fluttershy nodded with a small smile. "Yes."

"But..." Pinkie replied, frowning, "what about Gilda? Are you sure you want to be around her?"

Fluttershy nodded. "Yes. I'm sure that being kind and forgiving to her is the best way for her to learn the error of her ways."

Grinning, Pinkie embraced Fluttershy. "You're so amazing!" she cried. "Don't you worry your pretty little head; auntie Pinkie Pie has everything all taken care of!"

As Pinkie dashed away, Fluttershy frowned after her and muttered flatly, "I'm a year older than you...."

Soon thereafter, Gilda arrived. She looked annoyed and bored, but upon seeing Pinkie she leered suspiciously at her.

"Hey, G!" Rainbow cried, and Gilda plastered a smile over her face as Rainbow approached.

"This is a farewell party Pinkie and I set up for you!" Rainbow continued as she threw her arm around Gilda's shoulders. "Let's have some fun before you go back to Asgard!"

Gilda nodded, but continued to stare suspiciously at Pinkie, whose eyes were widely innocent.

Pinkie stepped forward, offering her hand to Gilda. "I hope you enjoy this party, Gilda!" she said, grinning.

Raising a brow confusedly, Gilda took Pinkie's hand. However, an electrical shock surged through her, then Pinkie fell to the ground as she and Rainbow howled with laughter. Gilda now saw that Pinkie was wearing an electric hand-buzzer.

Seeing that Gilda was glaring at Pinkie, Rainbow quickly said, "Hey, don't worry, G- Pinkie does that to everyone."

"Alright," Gilda muttered softly.

"Anyway, come have some cake balls!" Rainbow said cheerfully, leading Gilda to the refreshments on the glass counter. After selecting and eating a dark chocolate cake ball, Gilda grinned and began consuming them rapidly.

Rainbow talked with Gilda as her friends ate and talked to each other. After Gilda had grown tired of the cake and ice cream balls, she reached into a bowl of hard candies. After she pulled one out, she unwrapped it and popped it into her mouth. However, in a few seconds, Gilda winced as the inside of her mouth began to burn. She spat the candy out, crying, "Hot... HOT!!" as pained tears welled in her eyes.

Snickering, Rainbow ran to the punch bowl, where she ladled some into a plastic cup. "Here, drink this!" she shouted at Gilda, who immediately rushed to her and took it. Gilda lifted the cup to her lips and began drinking, but she spluttered and coughed as she felt her chest getting wet.

Pinkie and Rainbow laughed as Gilda inspected the side of her cup. She found that there was a hole in the center, which had caused it to spill onto her.

Gilda began to quietly growl, then Rainbow approached her and said, "Hey, you're not gonna let a little prank get to you, right?"

Forcing herself to smile again, Gilda said, "Yeah, like I said, I'm down with a good prank."

However, after Rainbow had left her side to talk to Applejack, Gilda rounded on Pinkie and said, "I know what you're doing."

Pinkie giggled. "Well, of course you do!"

Gilda blinked. "I mean, I know what you're hiding!"

Pinkie snorted. "I'm not hiding anything! I mean, this wasn't supposed to be a surprise party!"

"I mean, I've got my eye on you!" Gilda growled.

"And I've got my eye on you!" Pinkie replied cheerfully. She then cried out, "Time for games, everyone!"

After her friends had gathered around, Pinkie tied a blindfold over Gilda's eyes. Gilda protested, "Hey, what're you-"

"We're playing Pin the Tail on the Donkey, silly!" Pinkie giggled. She placed a cardboard tail in Gilda's hand, then said, "You get to go first, since you're the guest of honor!"

Pinkie then spun Gilda around, to which Gilda cried, "H-hey!"

Pinkie then turned Gilda towards the donkey poster on a wall, saying, "Now just walk forward and pin the tail!"

Gilda shoved Pinkie away. "No, I'm not going this way!" she yelled. "This is another prank, isn't it? I'm goin' this way!" she said, turning backwards.

"W-wait, Gilda-!" Pinkie cried, but Gilda tripped over the step leading into the kitchen, then she fell past the wooden swinging doors, landing flat on her face with an "Oof!"

As Gilda stood back up, the other girls and Spike silently watched her. As she tore the blindfold away from her eyes, she growled as her face twisted in red-hot rage. She roared, then shouted, "I've never met a more pathetic group of lame-os in my ENTIRE LIFE!! You and your retarded pranks can go and fuck yourselves!"

She then marched to the door, shouting, "C'mon, Dash! Let's ditch this lame scene!"

However, Rainbow wasn't following her. At the door, Gilda turned around and shouted, "C'mon, Dash! Let's go!"

Rainbow glaringly stepped forward. "You know, Gilda, I'm the one who set up those 'retarded' pranks!"

Gilda's eyes widened. "W-what...?! But, Pinkie set them up to fuck with me!"

Pinkie shook her head. "I was just trying to be your friend, Gilda! I thought that maybe if you felt more welcome, you wouldn't be so mean!"

"I'm sorry about the pranks," Rainbow said. "If you're going to get angry, get angry at me; I set them up. But you have to apologize to my friends, because the pranks weren't their fault."

Gilda glared back at Rainbow. "You want me to apologize to them?! No way!"

"Why not?!" Rainbow shouted. "I've apologized to you, so you say sorry to my friends!"


Rainbow's eyes widened, then she glared even more intensely as she muttered, "Then go."

Gilda glared back at Rainbow for a moment, then she shouted, "You're such a flip-flop! Cool one moment, then lame the next! Whenever you're done hanging with these retards, give me a call!"

Gilda then slammed the front door open and flew out.

Rainbow glared at the open door for a few moments. Pinkie looked at her and saw that she seemed to be about to cry. "Dashie...." Pinkie said.

Rainbow turned away from her. "I'm sorry, everyone," she said, her voice quivering. "I didn't know that Gilda-"

Rainbow stopped talking as her voice cracked. She then leaned against the wall, hiding her face from her friends, as she whispered, "Please go...."

Gilda's rage subsided as she flew out of Avalon. She slowly realized that she had just obliterated her friendship with Rainbow.

Her eyes threatening to tear up, Gilda descended to the ground beside the edge of the Everfree Forest and sniffed, fighting to keep herself from weeping.

"Rainbow Dash, you bitch," she whispered, wiping at her eyes.

"Oh, dear...." a soft voice said from beside her. Stunned, Gilda turned to see a pair of flame-golden eyes staring back at her.

The eyes belonged to a tall, hooded man. Gilda couldn't see the rest of his face, as it was covered by a ski mask and shadowed by his hood. Beside him were several other figures, each also wearing a black hoodie, jeans, gloves, and a ski mask.

"Dear, oh dear," the man repeated. He stepped out from the trees, then the other figures did, as well. Gilda fearfully backed away from them as the man continued, "Poor girl. Your heart has been broken, has it not?"

Gilda glared at him. "What the fuck are you talking about?! I'm not-"

"We have been watching you, Gilda," the man said softly. "We know how much you desire Rainbow Dash."

Shocked, Gilda took another step away from them. "Who... who are you...?!" she cried.

"We are Beings who can give you what you want," the man replied. "We are also willing to, if you will join us. We are powerful, but we also have powerful enemies, and we always need more men to help us fight against them."

Gilda's eyes narrowed. "W-what do you want?"

"We want what we want," the man replied simply. "We are simply those who are willing to do whatever it takes to get what we want."

Gilda sneered. "Oh yeah?"

The man chuckled. "You doubt us, Angel? We also have the means to get what we want."

Gilda scoffed. "Sure."

"What if I were to tell you," the man said, "that we are the ones responsible for Nightmare Moon's release?"

Gilda flinched, her eyes widening to the size of dinner plates. The man laughed, then reached his hand forward. "Yes, there is nothing, and no one, that can stand in our way. Join us, Gilda, and you too shall have whatever- and whoever- your heart desires."