• Published 28th May 2016
  • 7,788 Views, 619 Comments

Hùndùn - LoZLttP13

A powerful young Sorceress, her faithful apprentice, and her five new friends are tasked with preventing the return of the all-powerful God of Chaos.

  • ...

I-IX. Pinkie Pie

Pinkie grinned as she brushed her teeth before her bathroom mirror. Considering the amount of candy she regularly ate, she knew that she had to work diligently on scrubbing her teeth after every meal to ensure that they remained as pretty and white as pearls.

After a good three minutes of scrubbing, Pinkie took a swig of water before spitting into the sink. She then flossed and grinned once more at her reflection before stepping back into her bedroom, humming and holding her hands together behind her.

Pinkie's room was cluttered, but organized; her many stuffed animals were arranged neatly over the plush pillows and pastel-pink quilt spread over her bed, piles of craft supplies were arranged on a wooden desk against one of her custard-yellow walls, against another was a bookshelf filled near to bursting with young adult romance and fantasy novels and manga, and hanging on the rest were framed, color photographs of all of her friends.

Pinkie skipped to a tank on a small table at her bedside. Its bottom was lined with fine sand and smooth rocks and pebbles, it had a small pool of water, and just beside the pool was a wide, flat heated rock. Sitting on the rock was a small, green juvenile alligator.

"Good morning, Gummy!" Pinkie greeted him cheerfully. Gummy licked one of his eyes.

"You want some breakfast, buddy?" Pinkie said.

As Gummy blinked, Pinkie giggled, held up a jar of earthworms, twisted the lid off, then pulled out a few and placed them just before him.

Pinkie gently stroked Gummy's rough, scaled back as he slowly stepped forward and began feasting on the worms. Pinkie then went to her dresser, pulled out a t-shirt, some short shorts, and a pair of mismatched socks. As soon as she had changed out of her pajamas into them and tied her sneakers on, she said, "See you later, Gummy!" then she skipped out of her room, shut the door, and went downstairs.

Bon-Bon and Mr. Cake were at the glass counter; Mr. Cake was frosting some custom-ordered words onto a cake as Bon-Bon was coating balls of fillings in white chocolate over wax paper squares. As Pinkie came down, both looked up at her and smiled. "Good morning, Pinkie," Mr. Cake said.

"Good morning, Mr. Cake," Pinkie replied. She added as she turned to her coworker, "Hi, Bon-Bon."

"Hi, Pinkie," Bon-Bon cheerfully answered back.

After Pinkie had lifted her apron from its hook and tied it around her torso, Mr. Cake said, "Can you work the register for a few minutes, Pinkie? I have to run a quick errand...."

"Sure thing, Mr. Cake," Pinkie replied with a wide grin.

Gratefully returning Pinkie's smile, Mr. Cake said, "Thanks," then stepped out from behind the counter and exited the shop.

Pinkie went behind the counter and stood at the cash register. She turned to Bon-Bon and said, "How are you doing?"

"Pretty great," Bon-Bon replied as she rolled some nuts into a marshmallow between her hands. "Lyra was able to get a job playing at the pub, so now I won't have to pay all of our rent anymore."

Pinkie nodded. Aside from Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Twilight, Spike, and Rainbow, Bon-Bon was her best friend. They kept each other entertained at work by conversing about recent events and discussing the daily troubles in their lives. Pinkie was absolutely delighted when she had first met Bon-Bon; when she first moved to Avalon and took a job from the Cakes, Pinkie's coworker warmly welcomed her and patiently coaxed her out of her initial shyness and nervousness. Pinkie soon learned that Bon-Bon lived with an Elvish girl named Lyra, who was her girlfriend. Pinkie, who had been sternly commanded her entire life to never date anyone of the same gender or a different race (in fact, she had been commanded to never romance anyone but the Human husband her priest would choose for her), was filled with nothing but awe and admiration for Lyra and Bon-Bon. Not only were they a lesbian couple, but also an interracial one, which raised some eyebrows even here in Avalon, a small town widely famed for its progressiveness and tolerance. Pinkie, who had run from home to come to Avalon for those very qualities, soon began conversing with Bon-Bon about their love lives. They traded advice; Pinkie gave suggestions of date ideas to Bon-Bon, who in return gave Pinkie advise on how to choose someone for a courtship and how to initially go about it.

At first, Pinkie dated only Human males recommended to her by her friends; having only just left the conditioning of the Sonatian culture of her family, she was still rather uncomfortable with the idea of defying their traditions of heteronormativity, racial purity, and arranged courtships. However, as time passed Pinkie gradually became less reluctant and reserved; she soon abandoned the long skirts and sleeves she'd been forced to wear before and began wearing the t-shirts, shorts, and miniskirts other Human girls wore. At the same time she also began dating other girls as well as Angels and Elves. It was tremendously relieving to at last be comfortable and open with her sexuality and to be allowed to court whoever she wanted.

For a while, Pinkie dated only very casually; she had fun outings with several different guys and girls. All of these dates were friendly and enjoyable but didn't lead to anything very serious. For some time now, however, Pinkie had had her eye on one of her best friends. Pinkie had a huge crush on this friend, but was so nervous at the prospect of approaching her that she hadn't yet mustered up the courage to ask her out.

Bon-Bon was the only one Pinkie trusted with the secret of who held her affections; Bon-Bon had her own circle of friends, and was unlikely to accidentally reveal it to Pinkie's friends. Pinkie had asked Bon-Bon what she should do, and Bon-Bon had suggested that Pinkie start by asking her crush on a friendly, casual date. Pinkie had agonized and deliberated over the decision until at last she decided to do it. However, she then asked Bon-Bon what activity would be suitable for the date request, and Bon-Bon had simply replied that Pinkie should do whatever she wanted.

After many, many hours of anxious inner debate, Pinkie had at last thought up a suitable idea. "Hey, Bon-Bon," Pinkie said after she had given change to a customer, "I had an idea about what to ask Rainbow to do."

Bon-Bon smiled at her. "That's great, Pinkie! What is it?"

"Um..." Pinkie said, looking down at a copper piece as she idly played with it, "it might sound a little weird...."

"That's fine, Pinkie," Bon-Bon replied. "Go on, what is it?"

"Well," Pinkie said, her lips forming a soft smile, "I thought I'd ask Rainbow to pull some pranks with me. I know that sounds stupid...."

Bon-Bon laughed. "That sounds like fun, Pinkie! What's stupid about it?"

"Well, it is kind of weird for a date...."

"That's okay, Pinkie! As long as you're both having fun together, it'll make a good date!"

"Really?" Pinkie asked, gazing at her.

"Yeah," Bon-Bon replied. "I'm sure Rainbow Dash will have a great time."

Pinkie nodded. "But... what if she doesn't want to?"

"Then maybe suggest something else, unless she doesn't want to go out with you at all. But if she doesn't that'll still be okay; you two will still be friends, right?"

Pinkie nodded. "I think so...."

"Don't worry, I don't think Rainbow will say no. You're pretty great, Pinkie."

Pinkie grinned. "Thanks, Bon-Bon."

The two girls continued talking until Mr. Cake returned. Upon reentering the shop, Mr. Cake said, "Thanks, Pinkie. Can you go into the kitchen and bake with my wife now, please?"

"Sure thing, Mr. Cake!" Pinkie replied with a salute. As Mr. Cake chuckled, Pinkie skipped into the kitchen and found Mrs. Cake removing a freshly-baked pink cake from the oven. "Good morning, Mrs. Cake!" she sang.

Mrs. Cake turned to Pinkie with a smile. "Ah, hello, Pinkie!" she said. "Do you think you could start mixing batter for a three-layer medium mint dark chocolate cake?"

"Of course!" Pinkie replied, reaching into one of their cupboards for a steel mixing-bowl.

Mrs. Cake flipped the newly-baked cake onto a wire cooling rack and lifted the pan off as Pinkie began measuring flower and cocoa into the mixing-bowl; when she was first employed at the Sugar Shack, Pinkie had to frequently consult a cookbook for the cakes' recipes, but soon she had memorized all of them and was now able to mix any batter her employers requested without any aid. As she cracked some eggs over the bowl, Pinkie said to Mrs. Cake, "How's the baby doing?"

Mrs. Cake rubbed her belly as she said, "The doctor says that it's doing splendidly."

"Do you have an estimated time yet?"

"Yes," Mrs. Cake replied. "We expect it sometime in mid spring."

"Ooh, I'm so excited!" Pinkie squealed. "I love babies! They're so cute and funny and sweet...."

"I'm sure the baby will love you, Pinkie," Mrs. Cake replied.

Once Pinkie had mixed and poured the batter into three greased, floured cake pans of differing sizes, she placed them in the oven, took note of the time displayed by the kitchen's clock, then went to the cakes on the cooling rack to begin frosting and stacking them.

The Cakes' business was extremely successful and busy because, aside from the constant high demand for their delicious candies, Avalon was a rather popular resort town, especially for couples seeking a wedding in a beautiful, quiet rustic location. Couples having a wedding in the town always commissioned a cake from the Sugar Shack, which along with the ever-present birthday parties, anniversaries, and other celebrations gave Pinkie, Bon-Bon, and the Cakes a constant stream of work. Pinkie was happily kept very busy baking cakes from nine to five every day, after which she would go out and do whatever she pleased.

How Pinkie spent her free time after her work day was utterly unpredictable; she would often plan and host birthday parties and wedding receptions, but other times she would people-watch, go on jogs, visit one of her friends, play in one of the lakes, pick and eat wild fruits from the edge of the Everfree Forest, or do any number of other strange and adventurous things. Today, however, she knew exactly what she was going to do.

After Pinkie had finished frosting a birthday message onto one of her cakes, she looked up at the clock and saw that it was two after five. With an excited squeal, she cleaned off her workspace, pulled off her apron, and hung it on her hook.

The Cakes and Bon-Bon were closing up the shop, as well, so as Pinkie walked through to the door she waved at them and said, "Bye, everyone! See you later!"

"Bye, Pinkie!" they all called back, then Pinkie opened the front door and walked out.

Pinkie hummed and skipped around the town, searching the skies for Rainbow's house. Soon she found it, so she stood beneath it and called up, "Hey, Rainbow Dash!"

No answer. Pinkie shouted again, "Dashie! Are you home?!"

After receiving only a few moments of silence in response, Pinkie hummed thoughtfully and said to herself, "Maybe Twilight knows where she is."

Pinkie turned eastward and began skipping to the library. When she reached it, she knocked on the door and called, "Twilight! Are you home?"

After a few moments, the door was answered by Spike. "Hey, Pinkie!" he said, smiling.

"Is Twilight home?" Pinkie asked.

Spike shook his head. "No. She went to the park to relax. I'm finishing up my spellcasting review in here while she's out."

"Okay. Thanks, Spike!"

"You're welcome, Pinkie."

Pinkie waved at Spike, then skipped away as Spike closed the door behind her.

Pinkie went to the park, where she found a bespectacled Twilight laying on her belly on a park bench, reading a book on it. "Hey, Twilight!" Pinkie said.

Twilight looked up. "Oh. Hello, Pinkie," she said.

"Have you seen Rainbow Dash?" Pinkie asked.

Twilight shook her head. "No. I imagine she's doing flight training right now, though."

Pinkie grinned. "Oh, why didn't I think of that? Of course Dashie would be training!" Beaming elatedly, Pinkie gushed, "She's so amazing when she's in the air! I watch her train sometimes, and she always stuns me with the stunts she can pull off! I love when she spirals to the ground, then pulls up at the last second!"

Twilight, who had returned her attention to her book, nodded with an absentminded, "Uh-huh."

"Or when she rebounds against a wall, then shoots off the other way, like, whoosh!" Pinkie continued, miming the motion with her hands.

"Uh-huh," said Twilight.

"Or when she darts through the air, like, shoom, shoom, shoom!" Pinkie said, snapping her head in time with her vocalized sound effects before allowing herself to fall against the ground, grinning.

However, after closing her eyes for a few moments, Pinkie opened them again to see Rainbow flying high overhead. Pinkie immediately jumped up and ran after her, eliciting a relieved sigh from Twilight, who then turned a page.

As Rainbow soared over the town, Pinkie ran through the streets beneath her and called up, "Rainbow Dash!"

Rainbow looked down, then groaned. "Not now, Pinkie!" she shouted back as she continued gliding.

"Wait- Rainbow!" Pinkie shouted up at her.

"I said, not now, Pinkie!"

"Please, Rainbow, I just want to ask you something!" Pinkie cried.

With an irritated groan, Rainbow hovered to the ground before Pinkie, crossing her arms. "What?" she said sharply.

Pinkie cheerfully replied, "Do you think you can do something with me later today?"

Rainbow sighed. "Look, Pinkie, I have to train. I don't think I can. Maybe some other time, okay?"

Pinkie's smile faded. "Oh... um, okay," she said morosely.

"Sorry," Rainbow said, then she took to the air again.

With a sad sigh, Pinkie walked back to the Sugar Shack, then went up to her apartment. She pulled one of her urban fantasy romance novels down from her bookshelf and spent the rest of the day reading it on her bed to distract herself from thinking about Rainbow.

Rainbow was enjoying a comfortable midday nap on a low-hanging cloud floating over the market district. She always loved the feeling of a cool, damp cloud cushioning her cheek while the sun's pleasant rays beamed down on her arms and face. Sleeping on clouds was by far Rainbow Dash's favorite hobby; when she wasn't training, playing a sport, delivering packages, or trying to pick someone up in a bar, she was always to be found lounging across a small piece of dense cloud that she'd pulled down until she could hear the comforting, familiar sound of the town bustling below her. Rainbow would always be a city girl at heart, but city housing wasn't cheap, and couriers didn't make much money. Nonetheless, she quite liked Avalon; it wasn't far from Olympus, so it was easy enough to scrounge together a few silver pieces to go to a stadium there to watch a basketball or football match. She also didn't have to go to Olympus to pick up girls as often as she might have elsewhere; due to Avalon's close proximity to Olympus, the town had a high concentration of LGBT Beings, and so Rainbow was able to peruse a local lesbian nightclub called "The Salt on the Rim" for potential conquests. Yes, all in all, Rainbow found life to be quite nice here.

Rarity and Twilight were out and shopping together in the market below Rainbow. As they purchased some carrots from one of the shops, Pinkie singingly skipped up to them and said, "Hi, Rarity! Hi, Twilight! Have either of you seen Rainbow?"

Hearing Pinkie's voice caused Rainbow's eyes to immediately shoot open. She looked around anxiously for another cloud to hide behind, but the sky around her was clear.

Desperately, Rainbow buried her upper body in the cloud as Rarity shook her head and said, "I'm afraid I haven't, Darling."

"Uh, isn't she up there?" Twilight said, pointing up at the cloud.

"Rainbow Daaaaaaash!" Pinkie sang, casing Rainbow to anxiously bolt up and speed away through the air. Pinkie simply hummed a cheery tune as she skipped after her.

After a few seconds of rapid flight, Rainbow dived down and hid in one of the alleys. Once on the ground, Rainbow peeked behind a corner of one of the buildings, saw that Pinkie wasn't following her, and sighed relievedly.

"Hi, Dashie!" Rainbow heard from behind her. Stunned, Rainbow flinched for a moment before sprinting away from Pinkie, who was crouched in the trashcan behind her, looking over the edge as the lid sat on her head.

Rainbow dashed to the library, where she flapped up into its leaves. She gazed out of the branches at the road, saw that Pinkie wasn't following her, and made another relieved sigh. She allowed herself to descend until she stood upon what she thought was a branch.

What Rainbow was standing upon, in fact, was Pinkie's head. "Hi, again!" Pinkie said.

With a fearful scream, Rainbow darted out of the tree and flew high into the air and into a cloud, causing the opposite end to burst open. Pinkie hummed and skipped over the road in the direction that Rainbow had flown.

Rainbow, however, was still in the cloud; she had abruptly stopped in it to make it appear as though she had continued flying. Once Pinkie had gone a good distance away, Rainbow quietly glided until she was out of town and beside a lake. As she landed again, she panted exhaustedly.

Pinkie emerged rom the lake, wearing goggles, a snorkel, and floaties. After spitting the snorkel out, she said, "I have a favor to ask, Rainbow."

Rainbow yelped and flapped a meter into the air, but then sighed. "Oh, forget it," she said, allowing herself to fall to a kneel back upon the ground.

"Can you do something with me, Rainbow?" Pinkie said, her eyes wide and imploring.

As Rainbow gazed at Pinkie, she considered for a moment. Part of her wanted to say no; after all, Pinkie was really clingy to her. Whenever they were together, Pinkie would talk and move around incessantly until Rainbow was well beyond tremendously exhausted. Rainbow might have had more patience with Pinkie recently, except that Pinkie had thrown a huge celebratory party when Twilight told them all that they were all going to the Gala two days ago. The party was undoubtedly very fun, but Rainbow had had her fill of Pinkie for a while; she needed a break from her.

Nonetheless, Rainbow's affection for her friend won out. With a sigh, she said, "Alright. What is it?"

Pinkie grinned, then said, "Come with me!"

Pinkie grabbed Rainbow's hand and helped her up, then led her to a brick shop near the market district. This shop sold office supplies, as signified by the parchment scroll and feather quill on the sign hanging over its doorway. Once they reached it, Rainbow said, "Well, now what?"

"Now we wait," Pinkie replied. She stepped up to the building and leaned against it.

Her brow furrowed in puzzlement, Rainbow stepped forward and stood beside Pinkie. "So, uh... can we talk?"

Pinkie nodded. "Yep."

Nodding uncertainly back at her, Rainbow said, "So, uh... how's it going at the bakery?"

"It's going great!" Pinkie replied. "Martini and his boyfriend- his name is Wood Chip, I think- told us they were getting married and that they wanted us to bake them a HUGE wedding cake! So that took up most of my day today...."

Rainbow nodded, placing her hand against the wall and leaning against it as she listened. She wondered where Pinkie was going with this, but she didn't have to wait long; after a few minutes, she heard Spike say, "Oh, hey, Rainbow! Hey, Pinkie!" and turned to see him standing in the street, waving at them.

"Hi, Spike!" Pinkie cheerfully replied, waving back.

Spike stepped towards them, saying, "What are you girls doing here?"

"Oh, we're just talking," Pinkie replied. She turned back to Rainbow and continued, "So anyway, we've been looking for a special recipe to make a peanut butter frosting...."

Spike shrugged and walked past them into the shop as Pinkie continued speaking. However, the moment the door had closed behind him, Pinkie abruptly fell silent and grinned mischievously. "Alright, Rainbow," she said. She pointed across the door and said, "Go stand on the other side."

Raising a brow in curiosity, Rainbow obeyed. Once both of them were standing at opposite sides of the door, Pinkie flattened herself against the wall and nodded at Rainbow, saying, "You too."

Confusedly, Rainbow followed Pinkie's example in standing with her back to the wall.

"Alright," Pinkie whispered. "When Spike comes back out, we're going to sneak up behind him and grab him!"

Suddenly understanding, Rainbow returned Pinkie's wicked smile and nodded.

Both stood against the wall, completely silent as they awaited Spike's return. After a few minutes, Spike reemerged from the shop, humming as he carried a stack of rolls of blank parchment out the door.

Rainbow turned to Pinkie, who nodded at her. They then slowly crept up behind Spike, and at the same moment they both reached forward and grabbed him by the shoulders, screaming, "RAAAAAH!"

Spike jumped, dropped his stack of parchment, and screamed, "WAAAH!" in fright. After Pinkie and Rainbow had laughed hysterically for a few moments, Spike hiccuped, then laughed as well. "You really got *hic* me, guys," he said, bending over to pick his parchment up again.

Seeing Spike hiccuping sent Rainbow and Pinkie into another round of hearty laughter, then Pinkie sighed as she closed her eyes and said, "What could possibly be funnier than that?"

With another mischievous smile, Rainbow crept up behind Pinkie, grabbed her shoulders, and shouted, "RAAAAAH!" at her, as well.

Pinkie shrieked, then after a few moments began hiccuping as well. Both she and Rainbow began laughing again, which grew more intense each time Pinkie was interrupted by another hiccup.

Once their laughter died down, Rainbow said, "That could. Hey, I didn't take you for a prankster, Pinkie!"

"Oh, I love *hic* pranks!" Pinkie replied. "It's all in good *hic* fun, and there's nothing I *hic* love more than having *hic* fun! *hic*"

"Hey, you're not as annoying as I thought, Pinkie," Rainbow said, grinning at her. "Wanna hang out?"

Pinkie gasped elatedly. "R- *hic*really, Dashie?"


"That would be *hic* AMAZING!!" Pinkie cried.

Pinkie and Rainbow then went to a florist's shop, bought a bouquet of roses, shook some sneezing power into it, went to the Carousel Boutique, and left it on Rarity's doormat. After Pinkie rang Rarity's doorbell, they both hid in one of the alleys and snickered quietly as Rarity opened the door, looked around, looked down, saw the roses, and smiled delightedly as she picked them up. She inhaled deeply from the bouquet, then said, "Ah, aah, AAH- CHOO!" and began violently sneezing as Rainbow and Pinkie rolled on the ground laughing. Smiling and rolling her eyes, Rarity pulled a handkerchief from one of her jean pockets and blew her nose into it as she closed the door.

Pinkie and Rainbow then snuck into the Golden Oak Library while Twilight was in her room and switched out all of her ink wells for bottles of disappearing ink. After they snuck back out, Twilight came downstairs, put on her glasses, opened an ink bottle, picked up a quill, and dipped it in the ink while she opened a reference book on Sonatians. As she read the book she took notes on the parchment, but unbeknownst to her the notes disappeared seconds after she had written them. When she looked back at her parchment, she saw that nearly all of her marks had completely vanished. "Huh?" she said, lifting her hand away.

As the last of the ink disappeared, Twilight heard Pinkie and Rainbow laughing outside her window. She turned to them, saw them, then groaned irritatedly.

Twilight stepped out of the library, walked around to Rainbow and Pinkie, then held her empty palm out. "Give me my ink back, please," she said.

"Sure thing," Rainbow said, placing the bottles back in Twilight's hand. "Hey, no harm, no foul, right?"

Twilight rolled her eyes, sighed, then went back inside. As Pinkie and Rainbow walked away, Twilight reentered the library to find Spike standing at the top of the stairs, gazing at her. "They got you too, huh?" he said, grinning.

Rainbow and Pinkie then went to the lake, where they placed a small plastic turtle attached to a long, thin hose on the bank. They then went behind some bushes, where they held a rubber bulb at the hose's other end. Pinkie then gave Rainbow a pair of binoculars to watch the turtle through, then they watched and waited for someone to approach.

After a few minutes, Rainbow saw Fluttershy approach the lake with a loaf of bread. Several ducks that had been swimming over the surface gathered around her, and Fluttershy began tearing away small chunks from the loaf and throwing them into the lake, which the ducks eagerly devoured.

"There's someone there," Rainbow said, smirking.

"Great!" Pinkie whispered. "Who are we gonna squirt? Who are we gonna squirt?"

Rainbow snickered. "Fluttershy."

"What?" Pinkie said, her smile gone in an instant. "No, no, no, no, no, no, we can't prank Fluttershy! She's so sensitive! Even our most harmless prank will really hurt her feelings!"

Rainbow groaned. "Yeah, I guess you're right." She blew a raspberry, then turned to Pinkie and said, "Who else can we prank?"

Pinkie giggled. "Oh, I think I know someone."

"Great! Who is it?" Rainbow said excitedly.

Pinkie pointed at the water. "You're very close to her," she said.

Rainbow gazed into the pool, where she saw her reflection. She saw that there was a black ring around each of her eyes.

As Pinkie laughed and rolled on the ground beside her, Rainbow ran her finger over the edge of one of the binoculars' eyepieces and found that there was some kind of black substance on it. Rainbow laughed, "Good one, Pinkie."

The next day was Saturday, so Pinkie had the day off. After Pinkie fed Gummy and got dressed, she put on a pair of mustached joke glasses, an arrow headband, and placed a party horn in her mouth before going out to look for Rainbow's house. She found it hovering over a field on the northern outskirts of town, and once she stood beneath it she called up, "Hey, Rainbow, I got this great idea for a prank!"

To Pinkie's surprise, a girl looked over the edge of the foundation cloud down at her. This girl wasn't Rainbow; her face was more chiseled and had the complexion of copper, with yellow eyes as piercing as an eagle's and short, boyish white hair with the bangs dyed pink.

"Huh?" Pinkie said confusedly.

Rainbow's head peeked over the edge of the cloud beside the white-haired girl's. "Oh, hey, Pinkie!" she called down. Pinkie was even more confused, as Rainbow's shoulders were bare, as though she wasn't wearing a top.

"We'll be down in a sec!" Rainbow shouted, then she and the other girl disappeared behind the cloud again.

After a few minutes, Rainbow jumped from the cloud and hovered down until she stood before Pinkie. Pinkie's eyes widened, as Rainbow was wearing only a pair of hot pink panties and her electric-blue basketball jersey. Another Angel landed beside Rainbow.

The white-haired Angel girl was rather large; she was half a head taller than Pinkie, and almost a whole head taller than Rainbow. She was as muscular as Applejack, there were fine scars all over her body, and the Mark on her shoulders was a diving hawk. Like Rainbow, she was underdressed; she wore only a white t-shirt with torn away sleeves and a pair of green boxers.

"Pinkie, this is my old friend Gilda," Rainbow said. She then turned and said to the other Angel, "Gilda, this is my gal pal, Pinkie."

"What's up?" Gilda said lazily.

"We met in Junior Flight Camp at Asgard!" Rainbow said excitedly.

"Wow," Pinkie said admiringly. She turned to Gilda. "Are you from Griffonstone?"

"That's right," Gilda replied, her voice gruff.

"Hey, you remember our Junior Speedsters Chant?" Rainbow said, nudging Gilda in the side.

"Yeah," Gilda muttered. "They made us recite that thing every day. I remember every fucking word of that stupid chant...."

"Come on, Gilda!" Rainbow said. "Just once, for old times' sake!"

After a moment, Gilda sighed. "Only for you, Dash...."

Both flew up into the air. Rainbow excitedly chanted as Gilda unenthusiastically mumbled,

"Junior Speedsters are our lives
Sky bombs, soars, and daring dives
Junior Speedsters, it's our quest
To someday be the very best!"

As they descended back to the ground, Pinkie laughed. Blushing, Gilda brushed some of her unruly hair down with her hand.

"That was awesome, you guys!" Pinkie said. "Hey, that reminds me of a prank! Wanna help me pull it?"

"Sure thing!" Rainbow said.

Gilda smirked. "I like a good prank as much as the next girl, but Dash, you promised me we'd get a flying session in this morning."

Rainbow sighed. "Yeah, alright," she said. "I'll catch up with you in a sec."

Smirking, Gilda flew up into the air. Rainbow turned with an apologetic smile to Pinkie. "Hey, Pinkie," she said, "Gilda's gonna be staying with me for a few days, and I'd like to spend some time with her. You don't mind, do you?"

Pinkie's smile faded slightly. "Oh! No, it's okay, Dashie. I understand."

"Thanks, Pinkie," Rainbow said, giving her a hug. She then flapped into the air, waving at Pinkie. "I'll catch you later!" she said, then she flew after Gilda.

Pinkie sighed dejectedly. "Yeah. I... guess I'll catch you later, Dashie...."