• Published 21st Dec 2015
  • 34,538 Views, 2,421 Comments

Normal Life - Hiver

What's a normal life might be relative. Especially when dating a Princess and being followed around by changelings.

  • ...

Chapter 50

Rolling over, I punched my pillow before I sighed, trying to get comfortable. As it turned out, the next train back to Equestria didn't leave until tomorrow so it was back to the castle.

Skitter had volunteered her room. At first I refused, at least until she revealed that she didn't actually use her bed. No, she was currently sleeping beneath the bed. Same place she had been sleeping since we first arrived in the Crystal Empire.

Sometimes I just don't get changelings.


Damn it. I rolled over again, closing my eyes tight. I felt horrible.

I was still angry at her, but... I mostly missed her. Missed her warmth next to me. Damn it, it had not even been a full day yet.

No! I'm angry with her. What she did was wrong, she should have told me.

I rolled over again and curled up. But the look on her face when I told her that I was going to go back...

There was a soft scraping sound before the bed moved beneath me as another weight settled onto it, scooting closer until her hard side was against mine.


I sighed, “Yes, Skitter?”

“You taste horrible.”

I couldn't help but chuckle at that as I opened my eyes to look at her in the dim light, “Thank you. Yes, I figure I am.”

She turned her head and looked towards the door, “Princess Luna tastes even worse.”

Sighing, I nodded, “...I figure she would.”

“It's a kind of spicy burned taste.”

“Skitter, do you have a point you are getting to any time soon?” I asked, turning a bit more to look at her.

She shifted slightly, her wings doing a small buzz, “You should go to her. You love her and she loves you. All this is doing is making you both miserable.”

“I'm still angry about what she did.”

“And she feels horrible over it. That doesn't mean you shouldn't go to her. Leaving is the wrong thing to do right now.”

Trust a changeling to know what to do with emotions.

“...Damn it, Skitter.”

She remained silent, just looking at me with those big green eyes. She seemed... worried.

“You are right.” I sighed after a moment, “I'm going to go talk to her. Thank you.”

“Thank me by not doing something stupid like going into that mirror again..” Skitter said, her wings buzzing slightly.

I grimaced slightly at that, “...Sorry.”

“If you don't, I might take a cue from Princess Luna on how to keep you in line and my teeth are sharper than hers.”

I quickly flattened my ears against my head, “I'll be good.”


I hesitated by the door across the hall before I carefully pushed it open. The room was dead silent and dark, only the moon outside was lighting it up.

Carefully I crossed the room before jumping onto the bed, “Luna?”

She shifted beneath the covers, raising her head to look at me, “Page?”

Lighting my horn up, I slid in next to her until my side was against hers, “...I'm sorry.” I whispered softly, “I shouldn't have left like that.”

“You have nothing to be sorry for.” Luna whispered softly, her wing settling over my back, “I was the one at fault. I should never had hidden something like that from you in the first place. I swear I will never hide anything from you ever again.”

Leaning softly against her warmth, I shook my head, “Don't do that. Luna, you are a Princess. There are going to be things I'm not cleared to know. Or even should know. I was just so hurt when I found out.”

Luna shifted and gave my ear a small nuzzle, “I'm sorry.” she whispered softly, “First it was too early, then I was afraid to lose you. In the end, I didn't know how to tell you about the mirror. It was wrong.”

Nodding, I shifted to give her a small nuzzle back, “I'll forgive you on one condition.”

“Anything, My Page.”

“Once the portal open again, you come through with me.” I said, “I want to show you... well, it is not my world. But I want to show you Earth and it's likely as close we can get.”

“I will. I promise.”

Settling down, I rested my head against the bed as Luna shifted, resting her head against my neck.

“I'll cancel my ticket for tomorrow.” I finally said, “I'll stick to the original plans.”

“...There are some things I want to teach you before you leave.” Luna murmured against my neck, “Dream magic, make it easier for us to talk while you are away.”


Author's Note:

I would like to thank everyone for reading this. Sadly, this is the last part of this story for now, but I plan to write a sequel at some point in the future.

I have plenty of ideas still for future adventures, but that have to wait until later.

If anyone happen to care, I have patreon that you can find here: https://www.patreon.com/Hiver

And if anyone want something else to read that I have written, I have another series here: https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/not-quite-shodan-st-si.4550/ Star Trek, not ponies, but still.

Comments ( 229 )

What? It's... it's over? :fluttershysad:
Well, eagerly awaiting the next part.

I quickly flattened my ears against my head, “I'll be good.”

That's it! Turn in your man card, now. :facehoof:

Changelings would make awesome psychiatrists or marriage councilors (with proper training/schooling in those fields of course). Not having to fumble around with talking it out for hours just to find out what the patient is really feeling or how truthful they are. That's a huge advantage over non-psychics. Same for dream-walking, but that could be used for nefarious purposes with no effort at all and I've never seen mention of any sort of protection against such mental invasion. Luna needs to be real careful who she teaches this stuff to, impressing the trust she's giving Page with this knowledge.

JBL #3 · Feb 5th, 2016 · · ·

Well, that ended abruptly. :rainbowderp:

In any case, I've enjoyed this second part quite well. Looking forward to more of the daily shenanigans of Page.

*whistles innocently with knowledge he's not supposed to have.*

You have something to say to us?

Ahhh. Well, a little abrupt ending, but a sweet one none the less.

Another grand adventure, Hiver my friend.

Until our next meeting, not to far away.

And so we wait, while Hiver goes back to a different story...

Oh well, I enjoy all his work.

Well I can definitely say that this has been a fun story. Characters were interesting and quite a few memorable.

The next installment is definitely going to be worth the wait.

Let me just say that I really enjoyed this story. It's nice and fluffy, just how I like it XD Funny as well, good characters... well rounded I guess ^^
But this seems like a weird place to stop. I really don't get why some authors make sequel after sequel, is it because he won't have a 'normal life' in the sequel anymore so the tittle doesnt fit? what, what is it?

You better say it quickly, the suspense is killing me.

aww a bit abrupt of a ending but thane not really I can see this story arc is over.
exultant righting.
I will be eagerly awaiting the next part.

6907016 What?! What!?


you're hasbro with the seasons!

oh i forgot...

Flips a table out in rage

6907009 I have to disagree with the marriage counselers. Do changelings have marriage? how does the 'hive' work? I'm going to be messing with this later, but I think it would take a lot of training and cultural immersion for a changeling to be good at that :pinkiecrazy:

He seriously needs to grill the Princesses about possible or likely dangerous magical artifacts of all fields they likely have holed away in either the basement, attic or simply forgot to move with to the new castle. If spike or one of the others mentions the imagination manifestation tome, he'll likely use that as one more shot in his arsenal of arguing the point home. It would be funny if he also asked if they kept their dungeons or prisons at such dismal levels of security as well, because if anyone mentions Cerberus in Ponyville he must demand a prison inspection cell by cell.

Learing dream magic something not even Celestia can use. Nice

Cop goes to punch it after they escaped.....

Can wait for the sequel I have a couple years of patience. :pinkiehappy:

Man...I've burned through the first one and now the second is over....sad days.

Wait what?
It's over? :raritydespair:

Well, we didn't had to wait too much beetween New Beginnings and this, so I guess I can wait again.

Plus the next part is about travelling and exploring, should be fun! :pinkiehappy:

Its truly been a pleasure, and im lookng forward to more


Awesome story. My only complaint is that I enjoyed it so much, now that it is complete, I feel like a man in the desert whose supply of water just dried up.

God Darn it! so close to have a make him do a stupid move and have an adventure where he realised that stupid move and now race back to Luna, damn you skitters for pointing him the truth, so damn close, for him to maybe meet Daring do and staring in one of her books or something. Oh well at least Skitters is acting better, although I'm not fan of 'I be good' bit,

Well, this was nice. Can't wait for the next part.

What?! Nooooooooooooooooooo...... well back to waiting again, like after New Beginnings. Oh well, it was only like three months last time. Whatever you decide to write next I will be waiting to read it.

I so disliked the 'I'll be good' part. Still this was a great read.

Oh no! A hiatus! D:

I have looked forward to reading this when I wake up for the last fifty chapters, and I hope you'll return soon with more amazing adventures in pony!

That's what I like about Page:pinkiehappy:...Gets pissed, brains his princess with an electrified chair, and makes up wit--oh, wait, that's the other guy :facehoof:

So, will Page get to taste the potion Zecora mixes for Twilight and see how Nightmare Moon got started?:twilightoops:


The "infiltrator" type changelings would know stuff like pony culture and marriage/herds, I mean, if they didn't they'd be rather lousy at their job of impersonation, right? But there's more than one popular lore about them; some say changelings are simpletons and require the Queen to think for them, others say they have/had quite the deep culture to them which isn't too alien in comparison to basic pony culture (family, child rearing, socializing). I tend to go with a fairly autonomous society that defers to the Queen of the hive as the ultimate authority (Canterlot and the Celestia is a good example).

Each author puts their own spin on changeling lore and that's what makes it so enjoyable to read.

kind of an abrupt ending but sure

End the story on a cliffhanger why don't ya.

So it take fifty slices of life to make a full cake of life good to know

6908101 Because my mind hates me, I now have this mental image of a mortified Celestia walking away from a scorch mark on a wall at butt height, while Luna walks away from a toilet clogged with moon rocks.

Sadly, this is the last part of this story for now, but I plan to write a sequel at some point in the future.

You have given me a sad. You will be alerting us when a sequel is to come, yes?

I have few words that can sun up the entire experience this far.

So I shall say. ..

Can't wait for the next

I would like to thank everyone for reading this. Sadly, this is the last part of this story for now, but I plan to write a sequel at some point in the future.

Whaaaaattttt!? Damn it I need more man!

Ah well so long as a sequel comes at some point.

Very nice story, absolutely loved it! :pinkiehappy:
Looking forward to the sequel! :rainbowdetermined2:
Although the extremely fast pace regarding the Canterlothigh arc indicates the sequel will not involve the human world... :raritywink:

6909272 Luna isn't pregnant is she?

My headcannon sort of agrees with that statement. I like to think the sight of meat makes them angry like a strict vegan. They think it's pointless and if an organism is an omnivore they question their choice to eat meat. However it doesn't make them feel sick at all.

Why are you asking me? I don't own it. It's just really really funny and works well in all sorts of situations.

Huh. Don't pay attention for a few days and suddenly the story is over.

6918554 finally! somepony gets it...

That's a lotta slices of life... and I can't believe I read it all.

Disappointingly short. Compared to the previous story, little of note happens.

I Mistook the Chakram for a..... certain type of other ring.:twilightblush:


-----Meanwhile, at Hasbro Studios, in Canada-----


*flips table in rage

6949386 He's just this guy, you know?

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