• Published 21st Dec 2015
  • 34,538 Views, 2,421 Comments

Normal Life - Hiver

What's a normal life might be relative. Especially when dating a Princess and being followed around by changelings.

  • ...

Chapter 11

“I understand you had a part in stopping this so called 'Changeling Invasion?” Karal Ironbeak, the Griffon Ambassador to Equestria said as he peered at me over his beak.

He was a older Griffon with brown feathers that grayed towards the edges of his wings. He was of the Eagle/Lion combo. Apparently Griffons have more subspecies than ponies. Tons of them actually. Okay, it seemed to be less subspecies and more physical characteristics, about the equivalent of hair color, but still.

Griffons are fairly mysterious to Ponies. The Griffon Empire is small and located to the east across a narrow sea. Despite the proximity, they don't actually have a lot of contact with Equestria. Something about sea serpents. Most of the trade went the long way around up to the north, almost to the pole, moving around the sea via rail.

I was initially nervous being in a room with what counted as large predators, but I got over it quickly as they were quite friendly.

I shifted slightly and tilted my head, “Only the smallest part. I simply provided a small distraction, Ambassador.” I replied with a nod at Celestia, “Princess Celestia is the one that won the battle.”

“Ah, but your distraction was instrumental, was it not?”

The dinner was a rather informal affair. Luna, me, Princess Celestia, the Ambassador, his wife and their daughter. It wasn't even held in the large dining hall in the Embassy.

“I am certain Princess Celestia would have prevailed without my interference.” I answered, “But perhaps I made it a bit easier.”

Luna eyed me and looked like she was about to say something when she was interrupted by the Ambassador.

“Ah! Finally!” he said as a pair of Griffons entered the dining hall, carrying trays, “Our guests are starving!”

We had already finished the Appetizers and had been waiting for the main course. I admit I was somewhat curious about what we might be served.

The plate was put before me and the silver dome that covered it was removed at the same time as everyone else to reveal...

A pair of fish fillet's that looked like they had been fried over open fire. They were laying on a bed of fried greens and rice, some kind of red sauce had been drizzled over it.

My eyes widened in surprise and I couldn't suppress a happy smile. It smelled heavenly! Two years! Two years since I last had any kind of meat!

It was even something I could eat! Yes, yes, yes! I happily picked my fork up and tried a piece of the fish. At least that was something Luna taught me about Griffons. They didn't have anything silly about table manners like waiting until the highest rank started eating. Something about showing that you trusted the host not to poison you.


Heaven on a fork. Absolutely fucking fantastic. Where do they get their fish and can the castle chefs be bribed to make some? If not, I'm defecting! Wait, I'm not military. I'm moving to the Griffon Empire. Surely Luna can be convinced to move? They have a moon there too, right?

“What is this!?” Ambassador Ironbeak thundered, “Get the chef up here! Our guests were meant to be served Equestrian meals!”

I blinked and looked up to see Celestia and Luna looking at their plates. Celestia looked as composed as ever, but I knew Luna better and could see that she was somewhat disturbed by the fish.

Oh yeah...

That's why there were so hard finding fish to buy. Ponies in general were strictly vegetarian even if we could eat small amounts of meat with no problem. I wouldn't be able to have something like this every meal, but once a week would be okay.

Using my fork, I had another small piece of the delicious, delicious murder. Luna might ban kisses for a while, but this would be so, so, worth it.

And she better not ever find out I thought that.

“Oh. I'm sure it's not that big of a problem, Father.” his daughter said as she looked at me across the table. I am awful at judging ages accurately in ponies, yet alone griffons, but she seemed to be in her late teens, “Lord Page seems to enjoy it.”

That caused everyone to look at me.

...Oh great.

They all seemed surprised, even Luna, before she rolled her eyes slightly.

I finished chewing before I smiled, “I for one, enjoy fish, whenever I am able to find it. It is a rare thing for me. It's been years since I last had some. It is not the easiest commodity to find in a city such as Canterlot. The meal is expertly made, my compliments to the chef.”

I had honestly thought about going fishing myself to get my hooves on some fish before.

Luna looked somewhat... uncomfortable about the idea, but the Ambassador spread his head feathers, looking quite pleased.

“I am sure he will be pleased to hear that, Lord Page.” He said with a nod, “Even so, it is rare for a pony to enjoy some of the finer things in life. Such a mistake like this should not have happened.”

Couldn't really argue with that.

There was some commotion as Luna and Princess Celestia's meals were taken away and replaced with much more Equestrian meals. Well, basically the same but with the fish replaced with filled bell peppers.

Honestly, that looked pretty tasty as well. When the servants returned my meal was replaced as well with fresh hot plate of the same kind of fish I had just been eating.

Bloody glorious! I love griffons!


I relaxed against the pillow of the couch in the carriage, bringing us back towards the castle, Luna was on the couch across from mine. Celestia had her own ride.

She raised a eyebrow at me and I tilted my head.


“Did you have to eat the fish?”

I smiled and happily nodded, “Yes. It was delicious.”

She sighed and stuck her tongue out at the idea before she shrugged, “In any case, you nicely disarmed his ploy.”


“It is a trick almost as old as I am. Serve a dish from your culture that your opponents would find repulsive and then 'protect them' from it by sending it back, having a more suitable one served in it's place. A tiny bit of psychological warfare, however it works better with a larger audience.” Luna explained, “Likely it was a show for his daughter more than anything else, he should know by now that such things do not work on my sister and me.”

She then grinned, “And I think you might have gotten an admirer from it too.” she teased playfully.

...Huh. I just wanted some fish.