• Member Since 26th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

Lunar Eclipsed

One should never fear the night for one need simply look up to see the light


Nightmare Moon has returned once again, her goal?

She wishes to be forgiven but forgiveness is not easily given when you tried to bring about eternal night. Now she finds herself in a clearing on a beautiful night crying and lonely.

Id like to thank PonyDragon for editing this little story of mine.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 25 )

I cannot believe that this story has twelve up votes and no one has pointed these out.

thats everything i need for tonight ( that's) ( I )
im certainly glad i cast a dimensional spell on these otherwise i wouldnt be able to fit everything in them"
[ I'm] [ I ] [ I ] [wouldn't ]

doing celestia only knows [Celestia ]
sorry im not yet used [ I'm ]
be forgiven for what shed done 1000 years ago [she'd ]

"um Twilight Hello are you okay you kind of spaced out on me"Spike said [ me"? Spike] said

this type of thing repeats for the whole story. The story is ok as far as content but readers are short changing you by seeing things like this and not letting you know about them.

if I may suggest going to the help section and finding a pre reader and editor.

5752943 You assume im not already aware of all the punctuation and capitalization errors trust me im fully aware i wrote this while tired and will fix it later

I was more worried about getting it finished before i fell asleep than i was at getting it perfect and no story is ever perfect anyways

So why didn't you just post the story after fixing the errors? It makes it harder to read and you lose potential readers who are turned off by it.

5753560 when its 3 am and your tired you dont think about the little things

True and judging by the likes people are enjoying it anyway. Still, next time it would be a good idea to wait until you're rested to post a story that someone else hasn't edited.

5753591 im editing it right now lol as far as i can tell it's mostly just punctuation and capitalization errors

Well good luck with that and have a nice day.

This is an odd shipping but I liked it nonetheless.Great work!:twilightsmile:

You did an AMAZING job, keep on writing AWESOME stories like this, I would love to read more:twilightsmile:

5872755 I may make a story based on the flashbacks i put into this story but im not much of a writer so dont be surprised if this is the only thing i ever write on this site

5889192 Yea, but you can't ignore talent, and you've got talent, the best advice that I can offer is to at least try and never give up. But yet by the looks of the story, you must love writing stories cause this is just so AWESOME!:rainbowdetermined2::twilightsmile:
I hope that I am not nagging you though, I just want to shine some light here and there.:pinkiehappy:

5889652 to be honest this is the very first story I've ever written outside of boring old essays that i had to do for school

and no its not nagging just trying to be motivating is what i see but at least its letting me think on the story that could be

5891577 YES! I love to read that idea of yours some day, I bet its going to be AWESOME:twilightsmile:
I know that you you said maybe but its still worth it to cry out though.:yay:

very interesting, very awesome, very likable and favorable, keep up the good work, your doing an awesome job :twilightsmile:

Interesting story.

Nightmare Moon asking for forgiveness. A mostly rare koncept.
Also a uncommon Twilight/Nightmare Moon relatioship (at least as I know).

5958774 i can point you in the direction of an entire group devoted to Moonlight shipping

5961862 If you gather them all in one place, the number my look big.
But if you compare this number to the full mass of other pairings, it will be much lesser.

You did a very good job Lunar Eclipsed I like it

Wow simply wow I was like ok it seems ok then I was speechless good job

A few grammatical errors here and there, but it's minor enough to overlook for people who aren't sticklers. I noticed that there were incorrect words in a couple places, and I noticed that the word "I" wasn't capitalized in at least one place. Nothing too major though.

The story itself is quite good and I enjoyed it. i am in no way a critic, I just have a sharp eye for grammatical errors, so there's not much I can say besides that I liked the short story very much and there are a couple grammatical errors to fix.

7277488 the thing about grammatical errors is you cant escape them even when just speaking. very few people speak with no grammatical errors. writing is like speaking you write how you think is correct to you and then you fix it as best you can

I understand, so the only thing I ever read and NOT expect grammatical errors are actual books because they are professionally published, and even those don't escape them. The ones you had were pretty minor and in few places. Really the only one that stood out to me was where you forgot to capitalize an "I".

Once again though, your story was a fantastic read. This is a ship that's hard to track down.

Can you please write a sequel for this story please :fluttercry: it was vary interesting to read keep up a good work update more soon :twilightsmile:

7505507 i was planning a story that made this story pretty much a preview but im not the best writer though others seem to think i am. anyways i just dont know HOW to write it ive still got the idea i can see how certain parts will look but i cant put it to digital paper so to speak

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