• Member Since 17th Jul, 2012
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Something strange is going on in Ponyville. The other elements of harmony have all fallen into a deep slumber, trapped in Nightmares without end. Private and Twilight seek Luna to aid them, but find that she too is trapped in a Nightmare. Locked in a dark slumber. It's up to Private and Twilight to seek out the Bat Pony king Tenebros, an old flame of Luna, who is the only other pony with the knowledge to enter the dream realm. But just what dark secrets lie in the dreams and nightmares of their friends, just waiting for more victims to come to play?

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 101 )


I AM SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW!!:pinkiehappy:

Damn, what an opening. This looks like it shàll be good.

Oh boy...things will get rather dark real fast...

The last thing she thinks of...a storm cloud…how odd…

...Raiden? :rainbowhuh:

:twilightoops: Eyup, Nightmare Moon has officially turned into Him from Powerpuff Girls.

Oh boy. That doesn't sound good. Not good at all. Private be careful.

It would appear the elements are in for rough times...

So Nightmare Moon was never destroyed.....just into hibernation

Wating for the moment of weakness by Princess Luna to strike....exactly how Rarity succumbed to the Nightmare until the rest of the mane 6 and most specifically Spike, to wring her away from that. Problem is that unlike Rarity, Luna doesn't have a Spike of her own

the shit has hit the fan.......and it's gonna go all over the place. Even if this can be cleaned, the scent and odor is gonna remain.....

......can't help it, but I'm gonna say it again: Will....someone....please....fuck....Luna?! Obviously Private (even though he's a descendent of Prometheus) can't even come close to Luna because he's taken (married to Princess Twilight which is a descendent of Igznani). And you know what they say---those that don't know their history are doomed to repeat it. I will remedy that: those that don't know history or failed to understand the signs are doomed to repeat it.

.......We need to find a descendant of Noctune.....FAST!!!

Luna gotta get herself a stallion

I was wondering where "Tenebros" came into after seeing his name. You have a great method of foreshadowing that many people tend to glance over, writer.

Meeting Tenebros will certainly be interesting, looking forward to some more about the figure behind the name.

Well, I pray that Luna and Tenebros get together in the end...because all this brooding gotta stop. :ajbemused:

You know what I just realized. If Tenebros and Luna get together, then poor Ember. Jeez, I just feel sad for him. Any way Jacoby, great chapter. I liked how you included swarm to help explain why Pinkie was acting differently than the others. This case seems to be very intriguing. Best of luck with the next chapter. Thanks for the quick update.

Cursed dreams are some of the most difficult things to get through in any setting... this should be quite interesting. On a slightly ironic note of curiosity, I'll be LARPing (Live Action Role Playing) this weekend, and 90% of it will be taking place in a nightmare realm that the players will have to rescue some of their companions from :pinkiecrazy::ajsmug::rainbowderp::twilightsheepish::scootangel:

Pretty good look into the world of the Bat Ponies, although I have to ask: Why German accents?

4563077 It's, based on something from a friend of mine's universe, The Sour Grape Chronicles, check it out.

4563084 I am a big fan of Sour Grapes Chronicles, but there is little mention of them having German accents. Just curious to "why" instead of "where from"?

4563096 You'd have to ask the author of that story.

"we stallions are simple creatures":rainbowlaugh:


That was priceless. I agree with Twilight.

I don’t know whether to hug you or smack you.

but it's true.
I am interested to see how Tenebros will help them enter the dreamscape. Also how will Luna react when she finds out she has to date Tenebros. I am guessing a facehoof.

Great job with this chapter and with Twilight gushing over Glitzen.

".....Luna as Queen....." = BIG RED FLAG!!!

Much of this chapter felt like deju vu blended with German accents.

Tenebros and Luna certain have an interesting relationship and issues....

The German version of Eqestria. Good thing I've got two years of high shcool German.

Thought things would be more tense but Pinkie derails tension. Still Nightmare Moon is lurking about, that's not good. Also the "Sword of Harmony" now I'n curious if the sword actually exists.

Fear of failure. Truly a terrible one to have. I feel bad for Applejack and Pinkie Pie, now....

Brillant. Having Private sing the laugh soung. Perfect. Just perfect. I can't wait for the next one. Wait if Twi and Pri are going into different ponies nightmares. That means that Private will have to face Nightmare alone. Unless they team up on Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, or Rarity.

4582532 Wait... if this failure fear is this bad with these two... dear god I'd hate to imagine what it's gonna be like when they get to Rainbow since we all know how badly she takes failure.

omg mass effect AND dragon age 2 crossovers........:facehoof:

4587296 If you think this is crazy, wait till you see what other ancestry and descendents Private has...

4588509 At the end of this series, can you post a small chapter on that. I would like to know. Also thanks for confirming those crossovers. It was wracking my brain.

4563110 I didn't want to give this away, yet, though I THINK it's been mentioned: Stygian Cove is located in the Clopathian Mountains in Germaney.

I am just going to call it, and no, I am not gonna pester you about...you know what...but I think Raiden might be a thing in Rainbow's nightmare. Just a feeling that I am getting.

4614230 Nothing wrong, per se, but Jake's really tired about hearing about Raiden. To quote Mister Incredible, "We'll get there when we get there."

Comment posted by SageBrony07 deleted Jun 29th, 2014

4614270 I wasn't trying to annoy Jake. It was just me predicting. I swear.

4614337 S'cool. And yes, Raiden was in Rainbow's thoughts, but that's about it. That's the extent of his involvement.

4614598 I figured as much. But still, it's nice to keep tabs on Raiden, especially how bad off he was in the Black Widow case.

4614608 He did it to himself, hon. He needs to grow the flip up, before he can settle into a real relationship.

Wow. Private has to confront Luna sooner that I thought. I can only see this ending one of three ways for Private. One is marriage, two is death by Firery Wife, and third death by Tenebros. I think I know though how this thing is going to be resolved. I just hope Private and can handle it. As for a terrible idea, to make things worse for Private and Twilight. I say that Private finds himself in Noctures uniform and his mind starts to conform to be Nocture and only Twilight's kiss can snap him out of it. YOU ALL KNOW I"M KIDDING. Right? Great chapter as always. I can't wait for the next three chapter.

Well this looks bad, Luna's dreamscape; this can't end well for Private.

Also, "Blaming Nocturn will", missing an "E" at the end.

By Starswirl's beard! This can't be good.

HOLY SHI- Wait this you just reference The Witcher Games?

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