• Published 27th Jan 2015
  • 3,260 Views, 25 Comments

Discord, Day and Night - Azure129

With Equestria saved from imminent destruction and Tirek soundly defeated , Princess Celestia and Princess Luna finally find a moment's peace...only to be interrupted by Discord. What does he want? And how does Twilight possibly fit into this?

  • ...

A Twilight Visit

These past couple of weeks had been rather full for the newest Princess of Equestria—settling into her castle, intently studying exactly how the magic of friendship’s latest manifestation into this new ‘rainbow power’ had worked to defeat Tirek in the end, holding a welcome gathering for the citizens of Ponyville at her new home, trying to celebrate and spend time with her friends now that the danger was past… Yet, now that the excitement over her latest adventure was dying down, Twilight Sparkle’s thoughts had gone to the other three Princesses of Equestria, all of whom had endured just as much as she had if not more: the loss of their magic, the loss of their cutie marks, the loss of their purpose…. Twilight had already made a quick flight over to the Crystal Empire a few days ago and taken some time to visit her sister-in-law Cadence to make sure she was recovering well (and, thankfully, the Princess of Love already seemed almost entirely like her old self, though a tenderly concerned if slightly over-protective Shining Armor stuck close to her for now to assist just in case she needed to cast any really strong spells).

Now Twilight was back from the Crystal Empire though, and her first order of business was making a visit to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna in Canterlot to check on their health this time. They were the two strongest ponies Twilight knew, yet after casting their spell to transfer all of their magic to herself, Twilight had never seen Celestia and Luna look so weak…. It had been upsetting. And now she not only wanted to visit them as a kindness but maybe also to put her mind at ease once again with the sight of Equestria’s oldest rulers back to their normal, powerful, smiling selves.

Indeed, Twilight assumed at this point Celestia and Luna would have to be back to their normal selves…though a touch of doubt did still linger with her about the states she might find them in even at this point considering, well…the whole ‘We’re letting Discord run a day and a night because we’re rather tired, Twilight, and we just wanted you to know’ letter she had received just after Tirek’s defeat a couple of weeks ago. Not that Discord had done a bad job with the day and night—on the contrary, Twilight had been pleasantly surprised by his trustworthiness and care in the whole matter. But she still wanted to check on Equestria’s rulers nonetheless since she knew that for Celestia to even consider giving up control of a day or for Luna to even consider giving up control of a night to anyone, let alone Discord, both must have been drained completely.

Twilight had arrived at the Canterlot Castle at, well, twilight, because she knew it was the only time (besides dawn) when Celestia and Luna could usually be seen together. The guards at the Canterlot castle doors had told her that the princesses were within in the west wing, though, as the two sisters kept to themselves during these special times together, the guards weren’t sure of the exact room. Twilight had nodded in thanks and then gone to the west wing herself to begin looking for the princesses. She proceeded down the dim main hallway now, searching for a corridor or room with light and listening for the sounds of voices.

“I really hope Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are doing all right,” she said quietly to herself, glancing around. “And I hope Princess Celestia can talk with me a little bit sometime soon.” A touch of nervousness came to her features. “Having my own castle isn’t exactly what I expected to get out of opening that Harmony Chest. And I know I’m supposed to take on more responsibilities now that I know my place in Equestria as the Princess of Friendship. But I’m still not really sure how I’m supposed to start going about spreading the magic of friendship all over Equestria exactly, or how much my friends are supposed to help me. And I’m really not sure how to control our new ‘rainbow power.’ ” She sighed. “But I think I’ll wait to ask Celestia’s advice. She’s probably been very busy trying to clean up the mess Tirek left behind, and I don’t want to bother her right now. Maybe I’ll send her a letter asking if we can have tea together or something in a couple more weeks if she’s free.” Twilight smiled to herself at the idea.

Then Twilight heard some voices and faint laughter coming from up the hall…and from a room with a light on and a slightly ajar door letting some of that light flood into this shadowy corridor of the castle.

She smiled more and approached, though slowly. “Just in case it isn’t the princesses or if they’re entertaining a guest, I don’t want to barge in.” She crept up to the door, considered knocking, but then decided she didn’t want to interrupt if she really didn’t have to and instead peeked into the room to check on things herself.

Inside, torches along the walls did indeed give off plenty of warm, glowing light, and Celestia and Luna were indeed present, each resting upon a gilded sofa. And Discord was there too, reclined on a colorfully mismatched floating futon of his own making.

There was a large chocolate cake on a floating platter between the three of them, from which Discord was magically serving them all slices.

The three immortals were smiling and laughing together.

Discord grinned, clearly in the process of finishing a story as he went on speaking. “…So then Chrysalis knocks on my door but with her whole changeling army behind her this time, which wasn’t that big over a thousand years ago but was still a cute little platoon nonetheless, and she says, ‘Since you’ve turned down an alliance with me, Discord, my changelings and I have no choice but to feed off of your love and friendship!’ And I just look at her, and she sends out the first changeling, it flies at me with its teeth bared, crashes into me…and then falls to the ground like a brick. She blinks and sends another and another, and they all just keep falling and falling, and I’m just laughing and laughing and laughing. ‘Feed off of my love and friendship’ I said—‘Why don’t you just pump a dry well for chocolate milk?!’ I mean, really, she was trying to suck love and friendship from ME back then in revenge for not agreeing to work with her. Priceless! Ha!” He rolled on his back in laughter.

Celestia and Luna both had to laugh at the image of a whole little changeling army just falling at Discord’s feet.

Luna magically took and swallowed a bite of cake. “Well, Discord, just do not let Chrysalis know you’ve changed if she ever comes around again. Her changelings would certainly be able to feed off of you now. And I hear her they’re quite relentless—didn’t you say so, sister?” She glanced at Celestia.

Celestia nodded. “Yes, she was soundly defeated when she attacked during Princess Cadence’s wedding, but if she ever does come back, I’m afraid she’s quite powerful, Discord. And if she does have a grudge against you and finds out you’ve joined the side of friendship, she might indeed come after you.” She magically took a bite of her own slice of cake.

Discord waved Celestia off with a grin, using magic to wipe his mouth with a napkin. “I can take care of myself…and the other ponies of Equestria as well. Trust me, ladies, with me on your side, she doesn’t stand a chance.” He winked and chuckled. “Though, really, talk about a ‘one trick pony’ group of villains—oooh, look, I can change form at whim!” He mocked, snapping his fingers to turn himself into a replica of a changeling for a moment before snapping his fingers and turning himself back to normal. “How utterly terrifying.” He rolled his eyes. Then he considered for a moment and asked curiously, a paw on his chin. “Do you think it just hasn’t occurred to Chrysalis yet that if she really needs love and friendship to survive, it would be easier for her and her people to just become friends with others and share love with them instead of trying to steal love and friendship?”

Celestia blinked. Then she looked at Discord, an eyebrow raised. “You see that fact clearly? This soon?”

Discord blinked and shrugged. “Of course. It’s just…obvious, if you think about it.” He looked from one sister to the other. “What?” he finally had to ask, raising an eyebrow of his own.

Luna cleared her throat, looking to him in interest. “It’s nothing, Discord. I think my sister is just surprised that you’ve progressed so far in your understanding of friendship that you don’t require her guidance to realize how easily the magic of friendship and love could solve a situation like Chrysalis’s.” She glanced at Celestia with a smile.

Celestia nodded to Discord. “Yes. I’m sorry, Discord, I didn’t mean to seem so surprised.” She smiled. “I’m just glad you’re really understanding now how there’s no need for everyone to struggle against everyone else in our world. And if Chrysalis and her changelings really ever did want to be welcome into Equestrian society, we would all do our best to help and support them.”

Discord grinned in a touch of pride. “Oh, well, I’m glad I have the approval of the wise and great and brilliant teacher Princess Celestia.” He gazed at her with just a touch of affection. “Don’t tell Twilight, but I’m gunning for her position as your most faithful student, so, you know, any little bit of extra credit helps.” He winked.

Celestia blushed just slightly. “I’m glad to hear you’re taking your studies so seriously, Discord,” she merely replied, trying not to smile too much.

Discord looked at Luna and added politely though sincerely, “And I’m sure you could teach me much about friendship too, Luna.”

Luna smiled but looked down with a small shrug. “I would be happy to try, Discord. But I’m still learning much about friendship myself. I lost a great deal of time unfortunately.”

“Nothing that can’t be made up for by good company and good food.” Following this warm reply, Discord snapped his fingers and made a fresh piece of cake magically appear on Luna’s plate. She glanced up at him, and he smiled at her. “You deserve a great deal of admiration, Luna. Or at least you have a great deal from me. My magic may be chaos, but your magic is darkness—a much greater evil to overcome when not used properly. And now you’re the productive, powerful, enchanting Princess of the Moon again that you were always meant to be.”

It was Luna’s turn to blush slightly this time. She looked down more while her smile tried not to burst from pride. “I…well…thank you, Discord. Thou are very kind,” she mumbled back to him, magically taking a little bite of her cake.

Discord grinned to himself in a touch of satisfaction. ‘Ha, got to them both. And I even made Luna go back to her old time speaking. Oh, what fun to tease the pony sisters like this! Who knew friendship could be such an amusing tool?’ He chuckled to himself.

Celestia just sighed and shook her head, trying not to laugh. “Discord, I’m sure you’re enjoying yourself trying to fluster us so much, but do you think you could take a small break for a moment and whip up another cake for the three of us instead?” She gave him a bit of a look softened by a smile. And indeed, the cake plate magically suspended between the three of them was empty now.

“Yes, the Princess of the Night would prefer more cake to such small flirtations,” Luna added, just a touch smugly.

Discord merely scoffed (though he did blush a touch himself at being called out on his actions). “Flirtations? I haven’t the faintest idea what you’re talking about!” Then he gazed at the two sisters with a defiant grin and half lidded eyes. “And on a completely unrelated note, have I mentioned that you two have actually grown even more inexplicably stunning with age? What an attractive and convenient feature of alicorn magic, hmm? Just an opinion from one friend to another.” He chuckled warmly.

“Discord…” Celestia chided, though she grinned just a little herself. Then she just sighed and straightened up a touch self-consciously. “Thank you,” she added politely.

“You’re really quite persistent in expressing the affection of your friendship to us, Discord.” Luna smiled, crossing her front legs and gazing at Discord with interest.

Discord sighed, feigning a casual demeanor. “Oh don’t flatter yourselves, Celestia, Luna. I really have no idea what you’re talking about. I have better things to do than to purposely watch you two blush mercilessly around me from a few well chosen kind words.” He smirked. “Why must you read so much into any of my joking? You alicorn princesses always take things far too seriously.” He shook his head, grinning playfully. “Never any fun at all.” Then he snapped his fingers and a new chocolate cake appeared on the platter floating between the three of them. “Oh, and before I forget, Celestia, yes, of course, more cake it is for my friendly hostesses.”

Luna and Celestia both laughed softly. “Oh, Discord,” Celestia smiled, magically serving herself a fresh slice, “we wouldn’t dream of reading too much into anything you say or do. We’re just the strange, stuffy, cute girls next door entertaining our draconequus friend. Right, sister Luna?”

Luna nodded, smiling more. “Indeed, sister Celestia. We’re far too busy being impressed by his magic and charming manner to take anything he says too seriously.”

Discord just sighed, a bit of a wry look coming to his features (though a small smile remained and a slight blush returned). “Oh, shut up.” ‘And now they’ll get back at me for my friendly advances by never letting me forget that I called them cute, let alone that I said I like impressing them.’ He rolled his eyes to the side. “Royal pony pains in the neck…”

Luna and Celestia couldn’t help sharing a laugh.

Discord smiled more, then blinked in sudden realization and looked at the sisters with interest. “You two think I’m charming?”

Luna and Celestia blinked but then couldn’t help smiling a little more. They looked to each other and then looked back at Discord. Celestia spoke. “We think we are…pleasantly surprised by how your personality has turned out to be now that we have gotten to know you as a true friend, Discord.”

Luna nodded in agreement. “And we find your powers to be much more amusing and agreeable than we ever did in the past. And your sense of humor as well. We’ve been enjoying our time together lately, Discord. It’s been quite fun.”

“Yes, well…” Discord glanced away in what Celestia and Luna could only deduce was just a touch of shyness, “You two need all the fun you can get…” He served himself a fresh slice of cake now. “Ugh, that forest castle of yours was so boring a thousand years ago—at least you two are starting to loosen up these days and getting better at recognizing fantastic magical talent when you see it. Not to mention keeping better company.” He grinned, brushing a curled talon against his chest and admiring his claws a little, some of his usual pride seeming to return on the joke.

Celestia swallowed another bite of cake. “I think you’re right, Discord. My sister and I did stand on too much ceremony in the past and take certain things too seriously. But we’ve both learned a lot by becoming closer to the other ponies, and we have even more fun these days than you may realize.” She glanced at her sister. “Luna, why don’t you tell Discord all about your last Nightmare Night? The first one since you came home? There’s still a bit of time before you have to raise the moon, and you said you learned a lot about having fun that night, and Twilight’s letter agreed with you.” Celestia smiled. “I’m sure that’ll prove to Discord that alicorn princesses know how to have fun.”

Discord nodded, leaning on his elbows on the arm of his futon and grinning eagerly. “Oh yes, do share, Luna dear. I loved hearing the story of your reformation through Twilight’s use of the Elements of Harmony. I’d find it very interesting to hear about how she might have helped you reclaim Nightmare Night too. And especially if there were lessons in fun involved—and from Twilight, no less.” He rolled his eyes. “What did Celestia’s most perfect student teach you—how listen to her lectures on pony friendship without passing out asleep from boredom?” He chuckled and grinned

Luna’s smile picked up on one side and she nodded to Discord, taking a bite of cake. “Oh, she just taught me the usual things like how to bob for apples and launch pumpkins and play toss the spider…. And she also taught me how to embrace the legend of fear and mystery that surrounds me by going out among the ponyfolk disguised as Nightmare Moon and threatening to gobble up the children until they ran screaming from me in terror. All in fun, of course.” She winked.

Discord just sat there silently, his eyes wide. Then he blinked, scratching his head as he turned it to the side slightly. “Huh…Twilight actually can be fun—who knew? The few times we’ve spent together, she always just seemed like another prim and proper stick in the mud to me. A friendly stick in the mud, but a stick in the mud nonetheless.” He shrugged.

Celestia chuckled softly. “Get to know her better, Discord, and Cadence too, just like you know Luna and I so well. She’ll surprise you. She always surprises me.”

Luna nodded. “Yes, Twilight is a very, very dear friend. I think we would all be quite lost without her.”

Celestia nodded, and Discord considered and nodded too.

The three of them were quite for a moment. Then Discord smiled at his two alicorn hostesses. “All right, all right, enough mush and sentiment, you two. Let’s get to the story about Luna’s Nightmare Night already. I want details about this interesting evening.” He snapped is fingers and made a bowl of popcorn appear in front of each of them to go along with the cake. “And I’m already looking forward to attending next year’s festivities if it means a glimpse of the dreaded Nightmare Moon.” His grin picked up on one side as he took a mouthful of popcorn to munch on.

Luna and Celestia laughed, and then Luna cleared her throat and began. “All right, well…last Nightmare Night, I thought I should make the annual trip I always used to make to an Equestrian town to give our subjects a glimpse of the Princess of the Night, and I chose Ponyville since Twilight Sparkle and her friends had helped me so much. But, of course, after a thousand years things had changed greatly, about the ponies and about Nightmare Night. I had quite a rough start unfortunately…”

Luna went on from there and Celestia and Discord listened with interest, all three friends smiling and happy as their evening visit together continued.

Twilight knew eavesdropping was wrong, but she hadn’t been able to help lingering in the doorway so long—she just found this interaction between Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Discord absolutely fascinating. She had never properly conceived of the three of them as friends, the three of them as close, until this moment. Then again… “Discord’s the only one around who’s lived as long as Celestia and Luna,” she whispered to herself. “He’s as immortal as they are. And now that he’s finally learned the true meaning of friendship, no wonder they can get along so well.”

She smiled softly and stepped away from the door to leave the three friends to the remainder of their evening together as Luna started telling the story of the last Nightmare Night and how Twilight had helped her.

Twilight headed down the dim hall now, a pensive look upon her features. She spoke quietly to herself. “Maybe I’m trying to make being the Princess of Friendship too hard. If I’ve been meant to spread friendship throughout Equestria all this time, then maybe I’ve been preparing for that duty without realizing it. I really was able to help Luna make new friends that Nightmare Night…and I did help bring my friends together to stop her from being Nightmare Moon in the first place.” She smiled. “I’ve been spreading friendship in little ways to a lot of different ponies and creatures all this time on my own and with the help of my friends, and maybe now I can use those experiences to learn how to spread friendship throughout all of Equestria.” She turned a corner, nodding to herself. “If I go over old copies of my letters to Celestia and the entries in the journal my friends and I have been keeping, maybe I’ll see a pattern that I can study to help me understand better how to be the best Princess of Friendship I can be.” Her smile picked up on one side as she reached a large window and balcony granting her a lovely view of Canterlot below and Ponyville in the distance and of course the large sky overhead filled with the purples and pinks of twilight. “And maybe instead of inviting Celestia for tea, I’ll invite Discord first. I think we have a lot to talk about. And Fluttershy would like it anyway.” She nodded to herself and made a mental note to extend the invitation as soon as possible.

Twilight took a calming breath and then extended her wings and took flight away from the Canterlot castle to make her way back to her friendship castle in Ponyville for more consideration and study of her new role as the Princess of Friendship until bedtime came and she fell fast asleep.

And meanwhile, Celestia, Luna and Discord continued to enjoy their evening visit together as thoroughly as three old friends (with cake!) ever could.

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading :) Please review if you can!

Comments ( 20 )

This is incredible! Being able to see Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Discord sitting down and having a civil conversation (and getting along so well) is a delight to read. I can hardly wait until the next chapter.

5560990 Thank you, I'm so happy you liked it! :twilightsmile: I am seriously in love with writing these three interacting--I just think they would have the best relationship together as friends. There's so much there to work with and for them to talk about. Actually though this was just sort of a two part one shot, so there won't be anymore chapters unfortunately. But in my other story, there's definitely a lot of interaction and conversations between the three of them that's coming up :)

5561750 Wonderful! I look forward to reading more of Discord's antics and adventures. ;3

I loved this fanfic! I RolePlay as Discord with some brony/pegasister friends on occasion and its nice to see a different side of him written so well! I am very pleased with this fanfic and as for the whole 3 Imortal friends bit, I liked it.

My final say:

Cute.Funny.Well Written.Good Story.Good Lessons.5 Stars!! (Do you realize how good of an episode this would be for MLP?)

5590292 Thank you so very much, it makes me so happy that you enjoyed my story. :pinkiehappy: I just feel like these three could have such an interesting relationship since Discord's the only other good guy now who's been around as long as they have. I personally really hope we get to see some more of him next season just for the sake of exploring how he'll interact with the girls and the princesses now that he's fully reformed. There's so much there to work with, you know? :twilightsmile:

I don't mean to promote any of my other fics, but since you did like this one, if you ever want to look into it, my story "Keep Calm and Chaos On" is similar (it focuses on the three of them, and is also a two parter), though leaning a little more in the Celestiacord direction.

Thank you again! :twilightsmile:

I couldn't agree more!
Though he felt a little bit too.. let's say immature.
Compared to his other role as great manipulator I found this to be an excellent example for Celly and Luna loosen up a bit and even having fun with Discord. I said it in the comments to your other fics and I say it again.

On this field, the complex field of Discord-Celly-Luna interactions you, dear Azure, are without equal. (at least I know of no other).

What I like especially though, is your pacing. Writing the character-interactions this well is one astounding thing, doing it while also never letting things happen too fast or too slow, always 'just' right in the moment and for the current character, is really something.

I know I am praising many stories for many things and my lack of criticism could possibly lessen my praise, but there is a reason for it's absence.
I said it in the comments to LiterarySerenitys story TOH's Guardian and I repeat it here.
As much as anyone could or could not complain about how things are handled or a character is acting, such points loose their relevance when the story is immersive, has great pacing and is generally told as expertly as hers and yours.
Short: If it's just a wonderful enjoyable experience to read.

What I'm trying to say is, that I am of the opinion, that it is more important to point out the things, that were, objectively, well done rather than those points which are mostly dependent on personal preference.
As such I can admit that I had mixed feelings about Discord multiple times during this story but at the same time I enjoyed the story just like it was and it wouldn't have worked the way it did if things had not been handled the way they were.

However, beneath all that reasoning: I have enjoyed your story as much as I have your others and want to thank you for writing it.
Thank you :twilightsmile:

5598887 Thanks so much for another thorough comment! :twilightsmile: And thank you very much for what you said about the pacing—that’s one of the most important things to me. I never want character interactions to feel forced or like they’re being dragged along just to get to some point the writer has in mind. Developing them as naturally as possible is a big goal for me, so I’m glad that’s coming through. And even if the Discord here was a little different than your usual preference for his character, I’m still so happy that the other aspects of the story that you liked made reading it an enjoyable experience overall. :twilightsmile:

5598887 Bravo, I agree, and thank you again! :twilightsheepish: And, I can hardly wait to read more of this story. ;3

This story really feels like the beginning of some wonderful interactions between the immortals, and also paints Discord in an adorable light. Nothing felt forced and it was a delight to read. Thanks you so much for posting this!

5674875 Thank you so much for reviewing--I'm very glad you liked the story, and especially the character interactions :twilightsmile:

Well, this was the last story from your library that i had yet to read, and now i just finished it. :fluttercry: makes meh saaaaaaad

But you truly have a knack for writing these three! :pinkiehappy: take all my likes

Took me quite some time to come around, didn't it?
There wasn't any big adventure involved. No potent villain to overcome, no dark rituals or any kind of danger. It was a scene, completely devoted to showing the aftershock. And it was beautiful. Calm, almost serene. I wasn't laughing loud enough to wake up everyone else in this house. I actually didn't laugh at all. But I smiled. Throughout the whole story. And that smile is still plastered on my face.
You don't see them interacting like that too often, which is kind of sad, since they have so much in common. Things you didn't forgot to point out. Their little banter, their jokes, flirty comments and trust... it was heart-warming without the usual overly-sweet sugar-coating. And it felt completely believable and natural. I'm impressed how well you handled all three (four, although Twilights part was a little one) of them and how spot-on they felt.
Additional: No fourth-wall-breaking. Thank you very much for that.

While Twilight left as soon as Luna started her story, my imagination tries to convince me that her sister and Discord both at some point throughout her recapitulation started to smile a lot, then grin later on, thinking about how fond Luna seems to be of Twilight. Rather strange - I didn't even put my shipping goggles on this morning. :twilightblush: Anyway.

Thank you.


Mermerus, you’re welcome and thank you for the lovely review—I’m so glad you enjoyed this story so much : ) This is actually the first MLP fic I ever wrote, so it was the one I was most nervous about posting, but I’m so glad you enjoyed the character interactions and development. And I agree—we really don’t see Discord interacting with the princesses enough, and yet clearly the three of them have a lot in common and could have a great deal to talk about if they only sat down and took the time. It doesn’t matter if it’s in a romantic way or a friendly way or a combination of ways—the three of them have a perspective on life that few others can relate to simply because they’ve all seen so much of Equestria’s history and have experienced so much in their personal lives. I really do hope at some point we get an episode that has Discord spending some quality time with the princesses (or at least a Friends Forever comic featuring Discord and Luna or Celestia lol) :twilightsmile: After all, we’ve already seen him interact with Twilight enough, and even with Twilight and Cadance once—I think we’re overdue for him having a random misadventure with Celestia and/or Luna.

You’re welcome for no fourth wall breaking. On a side note, I have to say it’s probably something I’ll never do just because, to me, fourth wall breaks can work great with the subtlety of a visual medium like animation. But when you write out a fourth wall break, it just loses its comedic effect and feels too forced (except maybe under special, super zany circumstances). It’s like trying to write out a sight gag, but about fifty times harder lol.

I never thought of a TwiLuna angle with the ending, but it’s certainly one possibility to explore.

Take care! :twilightsmile: And thanks for favoriting!

5762761 Looking at your stories, I have to consider something. There are, at this point, five. One I can't bring myself to read, at least not now, since it's a pairing I don't really feel comfortable with - like I said: For now. It's an unusual couple, I give you that and this fact alone will probably intrigue me enough to read it at some point.
The second story is unfinished. Since one can never be sure those will get finished at all - nobody really can say what the future (days, weeks, years) brings -, I usually put those on my 'incomplete'-bookshelf for when they're completed.
Aaand finally, we got three stories left, finished and all of them... were enjoyable. Great read. Which leaves me with only one option. It's sad, but true. You forced my hand on this one. So, prepare...
... for another follower. :pinkiecrazy:

Yeah, that was rather anti-climactic, wasn't it? :twilightblush: Anyway, since you're another one of those rare writers which tend to turn everything they touch into gold, I gotta activate the creepy-mode and watch you from afar. :twilightsmile: Oh and if you ever write a TwiLuna-story? That would get me so exited, I could say that I've never been so exited, except for the moment when-...
Yeah, enough Pinkie-references. And enough rambling, too.

You're a great author - keep up the good work!


Perfectly understandable, Mermerus, regarding the unusual pairing—I know that a limitation of what I’m writing at the moment is that it’s all focused around one particular ship, so regardless of the quality of the stories my readership audience might get limited by the fact that it’s not a ship everyone agrees with. Actually, I have one story planned for the future focusing on Discord and Luna just as friends kind of learning to relate of their shared difficult pasts and learning more about friendship from each other. Then I have a much larger story planned that’s still going to have some Celestiacord (sort of…it’s complicated lol) but also the focus of a lot more action and adventure. I’m hoping both of those go over well and let me expand my genre/audience a bit. :twilightsmile:

As for the unfinished story, if eight years of fic writing in other fandoms (on ff.net) has taught me one thing, it is this—do not dive into a major project groping your way through one chapter at a time. Otherwise it’ll take you years to finish things lol. I have about eighty percent of the full fic drafted (including a sequel) and the other twenty percent outlined. Right now I'm doing updates every two weeks, but I'm hoping to increase to once a week soon. Though the story is strong Celestiacord, and I’m not sure how much you’ll enjoy that aspect, a significant amount of the story is also just Discord character exploration. There’s also some Sparity in there, a little AJ/RD, and some Celestia character exploration too. I’ve never tried Twi/Luna writing, but I’m always willing to put new ships on the backburner in my head and wait to see if inspiration strikes. :twilightsmile:

In eight years of fic writing, I’ve also developed a personal policy/guarantee:
I never abandon a story. If I start it, one way or another, it will be finished.

I heard someone say once that a story is like a promise. So if I start a fic, I think that’s a promise from me that it will have a conclusion. There may be small delays at times, but regardless I haven’t failed yet to keep one of those promises, and I never intend to.:raritywink:

Thank you so much for following! :pinkiehappy: Have a wonderful day!

By Celestia's Sweet Beard, all this time I never realized there was a second chapter to this thing!

I r shamed :facehoof:

Good short addition though. Was expecting Twilight to blush madly after hearing all the praise heaped on her. And all the mild flirting heh.

Lol, aw, really? Well, I'm glad you found it and that you enjoyed it :) Thanks for the favorite! :twilightsmile:

Yup, it was my first one, and thank you so much! :twilightsmile:

Very well written and fun to follow as it went. Nice.

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