• Member Since 8th Jan, 2015
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Fic writer/reader. Humor, romance, drama. You can read stories by me about other fandoms at my ff.net account :) And please support me on patreon! https://www.patreon.com/user?u=319852&u=319852&ty=h


"What About Discord?"

What indeed about Discord? How strange for the master of chaos to suddenly descend upon Ponyville, bond with his favorite friends besides Twilight Sparkle, and then use that bonding (coupled with sarcastic jabs and sly glances) to snarkily teach Twilight Sparkle a friendship lesson of his own in an almost season 4-ish manner. Certainly a genuine desire for deeper friendships with the other girls played a role in his actions, but what other thoughts and plans might have influenced his behavior?

Luckily, a few days after the end of this latest chaotic adventure, Discord shows up at Twilight's castle to explain his goals of the previous weekend and to hint at some of his friendship plans for the future (for Ponyville and beyond). And he begins by asking the friendship princess a simple question about his teasing this time around: was it too much?

The conversation that follows illuminates many things.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 17 )

I usually like your Discord stories, but one thing has consistently bothered me, in The Most Chaotic Night Ever and here. The process he went through between Keep Calm and Flutter On and Twilight's Kingdom is "reformation," not "reform." Keep at it, though. You're improving.

very nice!

6628948 Thank you! :twilightsmile:

6628781 Thank you, I'm glad you've liked my stories. :twilightsmile: 'Reformation' could be used, but 'reform' can also be used as a noun, and I just think that word sounds more natural coming out of most of the characters mouths (except perhaps Princess Luna). I also prefer the sound of 'reform' myself (it's less of a mouthful than 'reformation' lol). But I appreciate your opinion.

I think my problem with that episode is that it ended as a "teaching moment" that really had no initial cause, making it look like Discord was just being a dick to Twilight. :rainbowlaugh:

Also, technically I think Twilight was envious, not jealous. :twilightsmile:

6631121 Exactly--there was no character progress for Discord, it was more like 'yes, I'm an ass for absolutely no reason at all, and I know it--now let's all hug! :D ". It was really hard to sympathize with him in any way because it didn't seem like his actions had any positive motivation or purpose at all. And why pick now of all times to bother Twilight like this? Like you said, there didn't seem to be any initial cause. He just felt like bugging her I guess lol.

I'll give you envious--definitely a slightly more accurate word choice. The whole episode was confusing and full of odd choices though. But I'm predicting we'll see a bit of Discord in the finale, and I'm hoping it's some good stuff :twilightsmile:

6631139 Well, since I forgot to say it in my first comment, your story here makes the episode ever so much better. Thank you for writing it! :twilightsmile:

I really enjoyed this! I picked up on Discord's 'friendship' tactic last season, and it is great to see somepony else notice it as well. Very good characterization with the chaos master, BTW. You have him down perfectly! Great work.

6631280 Aw, thanks, I'm so glad you think so :) And thank you so much for reading and reviewing :twilightsmile:

6631397 Thank you, I'm happy you liked it and Discord here too :) I know, right--if anything, Twilight should have been uneasy if he hadn't been trying to 'innocently' tease and taunt her lol.

Aw, I liked it~

6632126 Happy to hear it :twilightsmile: And thank you so much for the favorite and for the watch!

6645814 I think a 'Discord tries to bond with Cadance/Shining' story would be hysterical lol. There's so much drama there between the stuff in "Three's a Crowd" and "Twilight's Kingdom" that it couldn't help but be the most awkward meeting ever.:rainbowlaugh:

And thanks for the favorite! :twilightsmile:

In the episode "What About Discord?", it should be noted that Twilight totally got what she deserved 100%.

Actually, if it's a few months after the foal's born, it might go like this:

Discord: Who's ready for friendship? ...Shining, why did you just stick your napping foal in my hands? And...now you and Cadence are unconscious and snoring. ...I just became a babysitter, didn't I? heartfelt sigh So what am I going to do with you, huh?

Foal boops his nose.

And part of the problem is that my expectations for Discord eps (or Discord anything) are obscenely high.

To be fair, considering that in his very first appearance in Return of Harmony, he was almost like a reality warping Joker, both terrifying and somewhat amusing, and how absurdly popular he is, it's not that surprising.

That's something I always keep thinking about. Luna is back - we don't get to see much about her daily life. Discord is back - same here. What are they doing all day? How are they treating each other? Tia and Luna imprisoned Discord for a thousand years. Luna was gone almost as long - is she still holding a grudge against him? Is he trying to make it up to them, to prove himself?
I'm not sure the show will ever touch that and if it ever will, I'd be mighty curious about it.

Your take on it is... sweet, actually. Your characterization is spot-on, for everpony... and every-non-pony, too. And you're painting a much brighter picture than I'd be able to. (... something something pessimist something something to much worrying something something...)

Anyway - great story, no nitpicks whatsoever.

Thank you!

6910521 I agree, I'd love to see more about what Discord, Luna (and even Celestia) are up to on a daily basis. I'm hoping to start a story soon focusing on how Discord and Luna could relate as friends. I think they could find a lot in common, and I'd like to explore both of them adjusting to their lives now. I'm really surprised the show hasn't given the princesses and Discord a chance to interact at all ever since his first appearance.

Anyway, thanks very much, I'm glad you enjoyed the story :twilightsmile: And thanks for the favorite!

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