• Published 29th Apr 2014
  • 17,485 Views, 695 Comments

Kingdom Hearts: Equestria Girls - Golden Flare

Sora and Donald arrive at Canterlot High to search for a magical disturbance by the order of King Mickey, But when they get there, they get more than they bargained for.

  • ...

Chapter 6: Confrontations And A Giant Heartless

Twilight began roaming the halls with her dog in her backpack with Sora and Donald following her discreetly, until she came across a pitch-black dead end with the lights flickering slightly.

"Can't believe I didn't recognize you earlier."

Twilight noticed someone was behind her, someone that she stood up to.

"Should've known Princess Celestia would send her prized pupil here after my crown, and her little dog, too." Sunset said.

Sora and Donald were listening in to the conversation to gather some information.

"PRINCESS Celestia?" Sora thought to himself.

"It's MY crown!" Twilight stated.

"The two of them must be from another world, but it doesn't make sense, how did they get here? And why is this crown so important?" Sora continued pondering in his mind.

"Whatever. This is just a minor setback for me. You don't know the first thing about this place, and I already rule it." Sunset explained, calm, cool, and collected.

"Rule? She's pretty full of herself." Sora thought.

"If that's so, why do you even NEED my crown? You went to an awful lot of trouble to switch it with the one that belongs here." Twilight said.

"The crown... Wait! Could that crown be-" Sora looked down at Donald, who gave a confirming nod. There was no doubting it...

That crown is the magical disturbance!

"Pop quiz," Sunset began, "What happens when you bring an Element of Harmony into an alternate world?"

Twilight put a finger to her chin to think.

"Yup. They're DEFINITELY from another world. But, what's an 'Element of Harmony'?" Sora thought.

"You don't know? Seriously?" Sunset said and chuckled, amused, "And you're supposed to be Princess Celestia's star student?"

Twilight became upset, but quickly regained her composure. Sora grit his teeth at Sunset's words, while Donald was trying to get Sora to calm down.

"Then again, what were the chances she'd find somepony as bright as me to take under her wing after I decided to leave Equestria?" Sunset said.

"Equestria? And did she say somePONY?" Donald thought. Sora couldn't think about that, all he could think about was scorching that pretty little hair of hers with his Firaga magic.

"Bit embarrassing that YOU were the best she could do." Sunset commented.

Sora finally snapped.

"ENOUGH!!" Sora shouted, revealing himself and Donald.

Twilight, Spike, and Sunset were taken by surprise at Sora's out-of-nowhere objection.

"It's the new guy! What's he doing here? Was he eavesdropping?" Twilight thought.

"Him! Why must he play The Hero?! All he is, is a nuisance!" Sunset thought.

Sunset quickly regained her cool and walked over to Sora, "Oh, and I'd keep an eye on your spiky-headed friend," Sunset scratched Sora's chin, Sora just continued gritting his teeth, "Hate for him to be... taken away from you."

"Are you threatening me?!" Sora asked, enraged.

"Oh, of course not." Sunset mocked.

Sora whipped his hand back, summoned his Keyblade, and pointed it in Sunset's face.

"What's that?!" Sunset thought, panicked.

Sunset calmed down and pushed the Keyblade away with one finger.

"But I'd put your little toy away if I were you." Sunset said, "Don't want anyone to think you all don't belong here, now would you?"

"Grrrr!" Sora growled, gripping his Keyblade tighter.

"This kid's OBVIOUSLY from another world, but I'm pretty sure I've never seen him in Equestria." Sunset pondered.

Sunset turned to Twilight, "You wanna be a princess here? Pa-lease." Sunset began to walk away from them, "You don't know the first thing about fitting in."

Twilight, Sora, Spike, and Donald stared at each other until the light finally flickered dead. Then Twilight and Sora spoke simultaneously, "We need to talk."


Sunset walked through the hallways until she came across her two teen lackeys, Snips and Snails, completely wrapped up in streamers. She unraveled them and they both spun in a couple tornados, Sunset stopped them and they instantly became dizzy until they snapped out of it.

"I want you to follow her." Sunset ordered, "Bring me something I can use just like you did with that last girl who thought she could challenge me."

"You got it, Sunset Shimmer." Snips said.

"Oh, and keep an eye out for that Sora character, I seriously think he could be a threat." Sunset added.

"Right!" Snips said.

"Duh, what does he look like?" Snails asked.

"That's right, they don't know who he is... yet." Sunset thought.

"Brown spiky hair, black clothes, you can't miss him." Sunset said.

"Got it!" Snails said.

Sunset turned away from Snips and Snails, "When the crown and its power are mine, Twilight Sparkle will be sorry she EVER set hoof into THIS world. Not that she'd have been much safer if she'd stayed in Equestria."

Snips laughed, snapping Sunset back to reality, "Yeah. In Equestria."

"What are you still doing here? Go!" Sunset ordered.

Snips and Snails started to run, but slammed into each other and got dizzy again. They snapped out of it and ran towards the hallway Sunset came from. Sunset was alone, accompanied by her own thoughts.

"Sora... Just who ARE you? And why are you carrying some kind of magical weapon?" Sunset said to herself.

"You sure you wanna know, Kitten?"

Sunset turned around to see a black portal, and emerging from it, a man with black and silver hair tied in a ponytail, wearing an eye patch, and what stood out the most was his black coat.

"Who are you?!" Sunset demanded.

"Why, I'm the answer to your questions, Kitten." the man answered. "Name's Braig."

"My name is Sunset Shimmer, not Kitten!" Sunset snapped.

"Heh. I like Kitten better." Braig joked.

"Just tell me why you're here already!" Sunset ordered, clenching her fists.

Braig feigned his startled motions, "Whoa! Kitty's got some claws!" Sunset just growled. "Okay, here's the deal, I'll give every bit of intel I have on Sora, IF you do something for me."

"Depends, what is it?" Sunset asked.

"I want you to defeat Sora and bring him to me." Braig said with a smile.

"Why do you need HIM?" Sunset asked, curiously.

"Cause Kitten, we need him to open Kingdom Hearts." Braig half-explained.

"Kingdom Hearts?" Sunset asked, even more curious.

"It is the door to all worlds." Braig answered.

"What?" Sunset said, completely surprised.

Braig chuckled, "Alright, it goes a little something like this..."

Braig explained about the Keyblade, how it chooses it's master and it chose Sora and it can only be used by a Keyblade Wielder. He also explained about the dark creatures known as Heartless, and how they have great fear of the Keyblade, so they'll keep coming after Sora and other Keyblade Wielders, no matter what. He finally talked about how Sora is the key component to revealing and opening the door to all worlds, Kingdom Hearts. But, he deliberately left out the part of the 7 of Light and 13 of Darkness to create the X-blade, the only Keyblade that can unlock the door.

"Well, I kept my end of the deal," Braig began to disappear in darkness, "You better keep yours, Kitten."

After Braig disappeared, a sinister smile crept its way on Sunset's face.

"The door to all worlds." Sunset said, turning back to the hallway she came from, "Maybe there's something special about that kid after all. If I can get my hands on that Keyblade of his, I could easily rule the entire universe, especially Equestria."

Sunset began to roam the halls, "I'm quite insulted that the Keyblade didn't choose me to be its master. No matter, once I get the crown, the Keyblade will, 'realize its mistake' and be forced to my command."

Sunset chuckled evilly as she walked through the hallowed halls of Canterlot High.


Twilight and Sora were in an empty hallway, talking about each other's situation.

"Ok, who are you and why are you here?" Twilight demanded to know.

"I'm Sora, I'm a Keyblade Wielder." Sora said, answering Twilight's first question.

"Keyblade? You mean that weapon you conjured?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah, it's a special kind of weapon." Sora answered.

Spike and Donald were looking each other over, checking to see if either was a threat.

"So you're from another world?" Sora nodded. "But, why are you here?"

"We were ordered by the King to come to this world and find a magical disturbance that doesn't belong here, and return it to the world it came from." Sora explained.

"Magical disturbance? You mean my crown?" Twilight asked.

Sora nodded, "Me and Donald have to return your crown to your world before the Heartless get here."

"Heartless?" Spike perked up when he heard Twilight surprised.

Sora explained every detail about the Heartless, how they take people's hearts and turn them into Heartless themselves, and that the Keyblade is the only weapon that can truly destroy them. Twilight and Spike couldn't believe what they just heard. It turns out that they're in more trouble than they thought.

"Do you have your crown, Twilight?" Sora asked.

Twilight shook her head, "I have to become Princess of the Fall Formal in order for me to get my crown back after Sunset Shimmer stole it."

Sora scowled at the mention of that name, "So this is her fault. Surprise, surprise."

"It's ok, Sora. Once I get my crown back, Sunset Shimmer won't be able to use its power." Twilight explained.

Sora tried to calm down and he regained his composure, he was relieved that there was a way to stop Sunset Shimmer.

"Hey, what's that?" Twilight asked as she saw something behind Sora.

It appeared to be a type of machine, and it was chock full of snacks. Twilight wanted to have one or two, but there was a problem. The snacks were protected by a glass window. She pushed and pushed on the machine, but nothing happened. She pressed herself against the machine, she wanted a snack so badly.

"Um, Twilight? I don't think pushing on it is gonna do-" Sora tried to explain.

Twilight wasn't paying any attention to him as she turned her back to the machine, bent down, and readying her legs to smash the window open.

"Twilight?! What're you-!?"

"Excuse me."

Suddenly, a girl with silver hair and blue skin appeared and walked past the group to the machine.

"The Great and Powerful TRRRIXIE!" she declared while flittering her fingers and shifting her eyes back and forth, "Needs some peanut butter crackers." she finished with a coin in her hand.

She inserted it into the machine and retrieved her prize, "Violà!"

Afterwards, she left, smiling triumphantly.

Twilight immediately became depressed, "Sunset Shimmer is right. I don't know the first thing about this place."

Sora furrowed his brow, hardly believing what Twilight said. But he can't say she's wrong, either. Twilight is new to this world, and doesn't understand a lot of things. He quickly calmed down, put his hand on her shoulder, and tried to console her, "It's ok, Twilight. I'm sure you'll learn a lot about this place before you leave."

Twilight smiled at his attempt to cheer her up, "Thanks, Sora."

Sora smiled back, but it was short-lived as he remembered why they all were here, "So, now what?"

"If I'm going to really fit in and win votes, we need to do some research." Twilight said.

"Research?" Spike asked.

Sora and Donald were surprised to see Twilight's pet dog talking, "Oh yeah, they're not from here. Makes sense that she would have a talking dog... I guess." Sora thought.

"This place has a school. I have to believe it's got a..." Twilight paused as they came across an open set of double doors, "Library!" she declared as she rushed in.

"Guess she must be a Bookworm." Sora thought as he followed suit.

Out of nowhere, Snips and Snails appeared from behind the doors of the library.

"Got your phone?" Snips asked.

Snails held his phone in the air confirmation and asked back, "Got yours?" Snips did the same as they both chuckled.

The two snuck in the library, Snips along the walls and Snails crawling like a worm (despite his name), without anybody noticing a thing.

Twilight and Sora approached the nearest table and saw a computer monitor.

"So this place has computers too." Sora thought, which reminded him of his adventure in Space Paranoids.

Twilight just blinked several times, looked at her hands, put one of them to her chin, and put her hand down and stared at it intensely, which confused Sora and Donald.

"What's wrong? You're acting like you don't know what to do with a computer with your ha-"

"Shhhh!" Twilight cut him off by placing her hand over his mouth, "Other world, remember?"

"Oh. Sorry." Sora said, scratching the back of his head.

"So I just push the letters here, and then the words and moving pictures will come up here?" Twilight asked, curiously.

Sora noticed Miss Cheerilee get frustrated and wondered why. She was really nice when he met her. She took a deep breath and faked a smile, "That's right." she answered, taking the monitor out of Twilight's hands and setting it back on the table.

Twilight pressed a key with her finger and the computer chimed, "Maybe this place does have magic." Miss Cheerilee just rolled her eyes and walked with a cart full of books, revealing Snips and Snails. Unfortunately, no one noticed them before they slipped away. She continued walking until she caught eye of Sora.

"Oh! Hello Sora!" Miss Cheerilee said, cheerfully, "How was orientation with Principal Celestia?" Twilight and Spike were confused that Miss Cheerilee knew who Sora was.

Sora smiled, "It was ok, she asked a few questions and I answered them, no big deal."

Miss Cheerilee nodded, "That's good."

Everyone nearly jumped out of their skin when they heard loud hard rock music blaring from another computer, with 3 preteen girls dancing along to the music (if Sora or Donald or anybody else would call that music). The girl on the left had pink and purple striped hair with white skin, the one in the middle had yellow skin and red hair with a pink bow in it, and the girl on the right had orange skin and messy purple hair. Miss Cheerilee face-palmed at the group's childishness and she intervened by turning the speaker off.

"Girls, what are you doing?" Miss Cheerilee asked.

"We're just seeing how many hits our new music video has gotten." the white-skinned girl answered.

The yellow-skinned girl turned the speaker back on, piercing the eardrums of everybody in the room, except the three girls playing it. Miss Cheerilee turned the speaker back off and said, "No. Just... No! The school computers are for research purposes only." she took the speaker and left the three girls on their own.

"It's just as well, y'all." the yellow-skinned girl said in a southern accent, "Some of the comments about our song were really awful. 'Epic fail'. 'Funniest thing I've ever seen'?"

"Funniest thing they've ever seen, huh?" the white-skinned girl said, curiously.

Suddenly, an idea popped into their heads and ran off.

Twilight tried to explain what that really meant, "Uh, I don't know that that's what you should take from-" but she was too late and quickly returned her attention to the computer.

Snips and Snails were hiding behind another table, recording Twilight pounding her fists on the keyboard.

"Uh, Twilight, I don't think that's how you use a-"

Sora's sentence was cut short after he saw a Heartless hiding behind the bookcases, it had dark red, gray, and black armor with a spike poking out of both kneecaps, and had orange twisted-like blades for hands. There was no mistaking it. It was a Stalwart Blade.

"Uh, I'll be right back, Twilight!" Sora said as he rushed towards the Heartless.

"Uh, ok?" Twilight said, confused.

"Duh, hey, where's that Sora guy goin'?" Snails asked.

"I don't know." Snips answered.

Snails followed Sora with his camera phone still recording without Snips noticing he left. Snails found Sora staring down an armored creature. He was astonished at the sight, and Sora didn't show any signs of backing down. Donald hopped out of Sora's backpack and pulled out a stick with a wizard's hat on it. Sora then summoned a key-like weapon. Snails was going to make sure he got every bit of the action.

"Duh, imagine the hits I'll get with this video!" Snails thought, excitedly.

Sora and Donald charged into battle, as did the Heartless. The Stalwart Blade tried a horizontal slash, but Sora jumped in the air over and behind the Heartless and arced his Keyblade upwards at it. It tried to retaliate, but Sora kept slashing not giving the Heartless an opening. The Heartless turned tail and ran, trying to lure Sora deeper into the library. Snails followed the two, needing all the footage he can get.

Twilight continued her research, but failing miserably as she dropped a huge stack of books in her arms and tried picking them up with her mouth until Spike corrected her, leaving Snips snickering as he continued recording her. Meanwhile on the upper levels, Sora, Donald, and the Heartless were still going at it. The Heartless performed a sliding thrust towards Sora, but he rolled out of the way, he slashed horizontally as he turned around, knocking back the Heartless.

"Wind!" Donald shouted as he cast an Aero spell on the Heartless.

The Stalwart Blade was stunned, but Sora and Donald knew that it would recover quickly, so they had to act fast! Sora charged up and performed one of his special abilities, Ars Arcanum. He attacked wildly with his Keyblade, flipping, spinning in midair, and swinging his Keyblade in ways unimaginable as the Heartless became weaker. Donald was throwing any spell he could think of at it, Firaga, Blizzaga, Thundaga, and he quickly used Curaga and on Sora and himself. The Heartless snapped out of its trance and used a spin attack, which knocked Sora and Donald back. The Heartless ran once again, trying to advance much higher as the high levels of the library could allow. Sora and Donald chased after the Heartless, with Snails following them, trying not to be caught.

Twilight opened a door to a huge machine, wondering what it does. She examined it as Snips continued his recording, she rested her hand onto a button that she didn't see and the machine flashed, surprising Twilight and threw her backwards onto a pile of books. Snips readied his hand to high-five Snails, but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Pssst! Snails, where are you?!" Snips whispered, calling for his friend.

Sora and Donald cornered the Stalwart Blade at the highest floor of the library, ready for battle. There's nowhere left to run, that much the Heartless knew, so there was only one thing to do.


The Stalwart Blade started dropping bombs in Sora and Donald's direction, but they quickly dodged the explosions. Sora charged at the Heartless and just slashed and slashed, trying to defeat it before he and Donald were caught red-handed. Donald casted another Aero spell and stunned the Heartless once more, he nodded to Sora, indicating that it was time to finish it off. Sora nodded back and charged up his Keyblade, prepping his Ragnarok attack. The Heartless regained its senses, but it was too late, Sora let loose with his attack blasting the Heartless and anything else around him as a few shots missed the Heartless. It wasn't long until the Heartless dissipated into nothingness and in its place rose a glowing heart, which vanished shortly after. Snails can't believe he recorded every second of it.

"Snails!" Snips whispered, surprising his friend, "There you are! Did you get everything on your phone?"

Snails hesitated, knowing that he hardly got anything from Twilight, but he got something else to make up for it, "Uhhh, yeeeah, sure I got everything." he replied with uncertainty.

"Good! Now let's go!" Snips said, pulling Snails out of the library.

Sora and Donald were glad the battle was over, Sora let his Keyblade disappear and Donald put away his Mage's Staff, despite Donald's new form, he was still able to use magic. Sora and Donald looked at each other with worried looks upon their faces when Sora spoke up,

"I hope nobody saw that."

To Be Continued...

Author's Note:

Sorry it took me so long to get this new chapter out, chores and graduation. By the way, I totally have an explanation on why Donald transformed without his own magic, but it will be explained in the later chapters. More coming soon!