• Published 29th Apr 2014
  • 17,506 Views, 695 Comments

Kingdom Hearts: Equestria Girls - Golden Flare

Sora and Donald arrive at Canterlot High to search for a magical disturbance by the order of King Mickey, But when they get there, they get more than they bargained for.

  • ...

Chapter 5: Working Together With Pinkie Pie

After a long teaching lesson from Miss Cheerilee, Sora was glad to be on his way to the cafeteria for lunch until something stopped him, he came across what looked like a gymnasium, in the middle his saw a girl with pink, fluffed up hair, blue eyes, wearing a white shirt with a heart a the middle, a blue jacket, a blue bracelet on each wrist, and a pink skirt with 3 balloons on it, 2 blue ones on the bottom and a yellow one on the top. She looked like she was pondering something.

"Um... hello?" Sora said.

The girl whipped around to see him and smiled, "Hi! My name's Pinkie Pie!"

"I'm Sora." Sora said. "I'm new around here."

Pinkie put her hand to her chin and squinted her eyes towards Sora, "Hmm, I thought you didn't look familiar."

"So, what's up?" Sora asked.

"I'm trying to decorate the gym for the Fall Formal, but I can't figure out how I wanna do it. I must have a really bad case of Party Planner's Block."

Sora noticed his stomach growling, he wanted to go to lunch and get some food, but he couldn't leave Pinkie Pie like this.

"Maybe I can help." Sora offered.

Pinkie gasped loudly, "You'd do that for me?!"

"Anything for a friend." Sora answered.

"ALLLLLLLLL RIGHT!" Pinkie declared, "In fact, how bout we make a competition out of it?"

"A competition?" Sora asked.

"Yeah! To get my creative juices flowing!" Pinkie answered. "Wait, what do creative juices look like? Oh, I'll worry that later, so whataya say Sora?"

Pinkie had a mischievous grin on her face, "Unless you're scared."

"Scared? Me? Oh, it's on!" Sora said.

"Ok, ready... set... GO!!" Pinkie said.

Both Sora and Pinkie rushed to decorate the gym as fast as possible. Pinkie Pie started blowing up balloons at a ridiculous speed, like she was made of nothing but air. Sora grabbed a bunch of rolls of streamers and threw them towards the scaffoldings above them while running like his life depended on it. Soon, Pinkie ran out of balloons and grabbed an entire box of streamers and started throwing them like crazy.

"Fluttershy said she'd probably be in here."

A girl with dark purple hair with two streaks, one a lighter purple and the other pink, purple eyes, wearing a light blue button up shirt with a red bowtie, and a purple skirt with a picture of a starburst on the side. Right behind her was a purple dog with green eyes, dark green spiked up hair, light green ears, and a dark blue collar with spikes and a dog tag.

"INCOMING!!" Pinkie shouted.

An oncoming storm of streamers attacked the girl and her dog, completely covering them. They came out of their streamer cocoons and saw Pinkie rushing around the gym with more rolls of streamers in her arms.

"Hi, my name's Twilight Sparkle, and-"

"CAN'T TALK!! IN A COMPETITION!!" Pinkie said, frantically.

"Pinkie Pie?" Twilight asked.

Pinkie stopped dead in her tracks at the mention of her name from somebody she didn't know. She rushed over to the girl and asked with bulging eyes, "Are you psychic?!"

"Uh, no, I don't think so, unless, of course, that's something you can do here." Twilight replied, nervously.

Pinkie dropped Twilight on the floor, "Not usually." and went back to her competition.

"So, who are you in a competition with?" Twilight asked.

Pinkie pointed to Sora, "Him!"

Sora was bouncing off the walls (literally), using his skills as a Keyblade Wielder to hang the streamers, instead of throwing them.

"I gotta hurry! Wait, where's my box of-"

Pinkie saw a white duck, running with her box of streamers in its wings towards Sora.

"Hey! that's CHEATING!!!" Pinkie screeched.

Donald began grabbing rolls of streamers out of the box and threw them to Sora. Sora thought quickly and grabbed one of the foldable chairs, folded it up, and used to smack the rolls of streamers in the air towards the scaffoldings. Pinkie tried to hurry and hang the balloons.


"Don't look at me! Donald's the one who grabbed the box!" Sora tried to explain while smacking the streamers.

The competition continued on for 5 minutes until the two tired themselves out.

They laid down on the floor of the gym, panting heavily, completely exhausted from their competition.

"How... did you... do that?" Pinkie asked in between breaths.

"Do... what?" Sora asked back in between breaths as well.

"Nobody... is that fast... or nimble..." Pinkie answered, trying to catch her breath.

"Oh... that." Sora said.

"Well, um," Twilight began, "Fluttershy said this is where I could find the head of the Fall Formal Planning Committee."

Pinkie perked up at the mention of that name, "Fluttershy, huh?" Pinkie began picking herself up off the floor, "Don't let the whole shy thing fool you, she can be a real meanie."

Twilight looked surprised, "You two aren't friends?"

"We need to get your name on the ballot if you're going to run for Fall Formal Princess." Pinkie said, walking backwards towards Twilight.

"Hey, Pinkie, I meant to ask you, what's the Fall Formal?" Sora asked.

"Oh, yeah! I forgot you're new here." Pinkie said, "The Fall Formal is a dance that we have every fall here at CHS. Why do they call 'fall'? Why don't they just call it 'autumn'? That way it would be called, 'The Autumn Formal'! But then there'd be no play on words. OHHHHH! Now I get it!"

Sora looked completely confused at Pinkie's rambling, but got the message. Pinkie pulled out a clipboard out of her hair and held it out in front of Twilight, "Anywho, you just need to fill this out and you are officially up for the coveted Princess of the Fall Formal crown!" Pinkie also pulled a pen out of her hair, much to Sora and Donald's confusion.

"How did she put those in there?" Sora thought to himself. Just looking at Donald's expression meant he was thinking the same thing.

Pinkie was waiting for Twilight to take the pen, strangely, Twilight took it in her mouth with Pinkie still staring patiently, like she wasn't weirded out by that, but Sora and Donald were. Then Twilight took the pen out of her mouth and began writing.

"That was... odd." Sora thought to himself. Like before, Donald looked to be thinking the same.

"Wow! You have really bad handwriting," Pinkie said, pulling Sora and Donald from their thoughts, "It's like you never held a pen before."

Twilight laughed nervously, "Is it?"

Sora and Donald crossed their arms (and wings) and raised and eyebrow, "Hmmm..."

Twilight suddenly grew tense, knowing that the new student and his duck were becoming suspicious of her.

Wait, his duck?

"Somebody order a dozen cases of fizzy apple cider?"

a voice spoke out of nowhere, turning everyone's attention to the door.

"Ooh! Ooh! Me, me, me! Me! Yeah! Uh-huh! Me!" Pinkie said while flailing her arms about.

Bringing a case of cider was a girl with blonde hair tied up in a ponytail, green eyes, wearing a stetson hat, white and green jacket, denim skirt with a belt with an apple-shaped buckle, and brown boots with 2 apple logos on each foot. She was wiping the sweat from her brow when Twilight saw her and looked surprised.

"Can you bring in the rest?" the blonde girl asked.

"Eeyup." another voice spoke, carrying in 4 more crates.

Pinkie bounced towards the guy carrying the crates and the blonde girl lifted the top crate from the guy's load, revealing what he looked like, he had green eyes and orange hair. He looked like he was her brother. The blonde girl walked with the crate until she saw Twilight and Sora.

"Hey, I know you two." the blonde girl said.

"You do?" Twilight and Sora asked simultaneously.

"Sure, you're the new students who gave Sunset Shimmer the what-for today!" the blonde answered while using her mouth to pop the top off of the bottle of cider she picked up and began to drink.

"Twilight Sparkle here is gonna run against Sunset Shimmer for Princess of the Fall Formal." Pinkie explained and began blowing one of the leftover balloons from the competition.

The blonde girl spit out her cider in surprise while Pinkie began float by the balloon she was inflating, "Ah'd think twice about that. Oh sure, she'll probably approach ya, all friendly like," the blonde girl grabbed Pinkie and pulled her down, took the balloon from and started drawing on it while Pinkie started to blow up another one, "I sure am lookin' forward to some friendly competition!" the blonde mimicked the balloon, drawn to look like Sunset Shimmer, even a simple drawing of her put a scowl on Sora's face, "That's so good to hear!" the blonde girl mimicked a different balloon, drawn to look like Twilight Sparkle.

"But then, here's comes the backstabbing." the blonde girl said with her normal voice, popping the Twilight balloon with a tack taped to the back of the Sunset balloon. "About the only girl at this school you can trust less than Sunset Shimmer is Rainbow Dash."

"Rainbow Dash?" Twilight asked.

Sora grew more suspicious of Twilight, it's as though she knew who this "Rainbow Dash" was.

"What weird names this world has." Sora thought to himself.

"She's the captain of like, every team at Canterlot High." Pinkie explained while bouncing on a balloon that looked the size of an oversized exercise ball.

"Seriously, how does she do that?" Sora continued to think to himself.

"She's also the captain of the of saying she's gonna do somethin' for ya, but turnin' around and not even botherin' ta show up." the blonde girl remarked.

"Thanks for the advice, Applejack, but this is something I really need to do." Twilight said.

"Eh, suit yourself." Applejack replied.

Sora realized something, he was right to be suspicious of her.

"Wait! How did she-!"

"Hey, how'd you know my name was Applejack?" she asked.

"Uhh, I, uh, heh-heh, didn't you say?" Twilight asked nervously.

"Eenope." the orange-haired guy answered for Applejack while Pinkie was drinking a bottle of cider.

"Well, uh, it was sure nice meeting you both, I'm sure I'll be seeing you around!" Twilight said, rushing out the side door with her dog in tow.

"I, uh, gotta go too, I hope to see you guys again!" Sora said with a smile as he and Donald followed Twilight through the same door. "She knows something! And I'm gonna find out what!" Sora thought to himself.

"That one's trying to hide a secret, but I am totally on to her!" Pinkie said, and then she began to whisper, "she's psychic!"

Applejack looked confused, "Uh-huh, if you say so. Say, whataya know bout that Sora guy?"

Pinkie began, "Welllll-"


The sudden opening of the gym's main entrance interrupted Pinkie. Standing in the doorway, was 2 weird-looking teenage boys, one short, plump, and green skinned, the other tall, skinny, with orange skin, and standing in front of them was the girl that bullied Fluttershy earlier today, Sunset Shimmer.

"This. Looks. Terrible!" Sunset Shimmer commented as she stormed in. "There should be more streamers by the stage and fewer balloons!" she popped two balloons at once and walked away, much to Pinkie's dismay.

"Yeah! Streamers!" the plump teen said, ripping a streamer in half.

"And fewer balloons!" the skinny teen said, trying to pop a balloon with his arms, but failing miserably.

"Fizzy apple cider?! UGH! This is my coronation, not a hoedown!" Sunset said, disgusted.

"Well now," Applejack began, "It ain't necessarily gonna be YOUR coronation this time around!"

Sunset got in Applejack's face while Pinkie backed away, "Oh? Is that so?" Sunset began to flip Applejack's hat on her face, "You country folk really AREN'T that bright, must be why the other students say such awful things about you."

Applejack burned through the top of her hat with her anger alone, growling and her face turning red.

"Obviously it's gonna be my coronation. I'm running unopposed." Sunset said with confidence.

"Not this time! The new girl just signed up!" Pinkie said cheerfully.

"What?!" Sunset said, taking the clipboard from Pinkie.

"I know, her handwriting is really bad." Pinkie commented. "It's too bad you don't like the decorations, me and Sora worked really hard on them."

"Who?" the two teens asked.

"The new guy, you mean you don't know him?" Pinkie said.

Sunset lowered the clipboard from her face that revealed an angry scowl, "Where is this 'Twilight and Sora'?"

Sunset looked behind her and saw Applejack and Pinkie staring at her, she chuckled nervously and said, "I'm looking forward to meeting the competition."

Pinkie and Applejack just stared at each other.

"And I'm also looking forward to giving the new guy what's coming to him. I bet he forgot about what he did this morning, but I sure didn't." Sunset angrily thought to herself.

To Be Continued...

Author's Note:

"Back", "Stabbing", bizarrely accurate, isn't it?