• Published 31st Aug 2013
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Odrsjot - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and her companions fly east.

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Snakes in the Grass

Zetta’s eyes narrowed. Her lips pursed as her ears twitched on either side of her.

“By the Spark…”

She adjusted a few dials of the audio console, focusing tighter on the undulating siren song.

With a dry gulp, the Ledomaritan enforcerette said, “There’s… there’s a gradual change to the sound. I thought I noticed it weeks ago when I first picked this thing up, but now it’s more than obvious. With each passing wave of vocal emanation, the pitch lowers. It’s so subtle a change that the decrease is almost unnoticeable, but it’s there. I’ve witnessed the same sound produced from the throats of hydras and manticores. It’s something that non-equine species can pick up on, but for us? It requires a great deal of finesse and technology to even pick up a hint of it. At this rate, this pitch is going to lower and lower until there is no sound produced for any living auditory nerves whatsoever. And when that happens. Its--”

The mare froze. She glanced to her side.

The two Xonan guards simply stared at her, brows furrowed. Their faces were as blank as the walls around them.

Zetta blinked, then sighed. She leaned back towards the glowing sound stones.

“Well, okay, I guess I’ll just have to write my findings down.”

Nevertheless, she kept staring at the sound console with a worried expression.

”I don’t know what’s in store for the non-Xonan ponies on board the Lightning Bearer,” Roarke’s voice said from beyond the wall of the prison cell. ”But it’s a safe bet that they’re going to fill each station with Xonan soldiers.”

”Presumably, they would want to take the battleship into Ledomaritan territory,” Pilate’s voice drifted along with Roarke’s. ”A chance like this would be too much to pass up. They could strike a devastating blow against Ledo’s forces.”

“Yeah, okay,” Rainbow Dash voiced with a nod. “What’s that to us?”

”Well, it has the potential for destabilizing the entire region,” Pilate’s voice replied. ”Or, if nothing else, give the Xonans such a substantial victory that they could invade the heartland of Ledomare unimpeded.”

“And again, I ask, what’s that to us?” Rainbow Dash grumbled.

“Hey, watch what you say about the Queen’s Confederacy!” Basso grunted. “I know some ponies who live there!”

“And I know a bunch of ponies who like to enslave one another and murder indiscriminately there!” Rainbow Dash grunted. “Maybe what Ledomare deserves is a swift buck to the flank!”

“Even you can’t possibly pretend to be that apathetic,” Nightshade said with glaring eyes. “If you’re any friend of Doctor Bellesmith’s, then I think we both know you wouldn’t sit idly by and watch this continent drown in flames.”

“Look, don’t get me started, lady!” Rainbow Dash frowned. “The fate of this continent is none of my dang business! If I can get my friends and a hooffull of other ponies out of here, then fine! That’s totally doable! But I’m not about to pick sides in what’s only gonna be a stupid massacre anyways!”

“You’re a living phenomenon with whom the Xonan Princess has evidently taken interest,” Nightshade said. “If anypony’s equipped to do something about inevitable bloodshed, it’s you.”

“Look, I don’t have any solution to this anymore than you do!”

“But you did,” Nightshade. “For a while there. Your friend stole it, after all.”

Rainbow blinked, then squinted dizzily beyond the nearby force field. “What, the book?”

Nightshade nodded. “Yes, the book.”

Bellesmith’s voice sighed through Roarke’s soundstone on the other side of the wall panel. ”Ungh… Spark alive! Is she still going on about her ‘altruistic crusade?’”

“That book across the room from us has the power to bring peace to this entire region,” Nightshade said, pointing towards the lavender glow. “The Xonans only have it here because they want to keep this pegasus tied down. They don’t know what an impact the tome can have on this continent… on the future of everypony from sea to sea who will ever live in this region.”

“Look, girl…” Rainbow Dash stared at her with bored eyes. “This war started with a stupid idea, but it sure as heck isn’t gonna end with one!”

“I’ve worked on this plan for far too long for somepony like you to mess it up!” Nightshade growled. “The book must be returned to the machine world so that it can restore balance in this region!”

“You know, she ain’t all that far from the truth!” Zaid said with a nod. “At least, that’s what Khao taught us on Sunday mornings.”

Rainbow Dash squinted at her. “You went to Sunday school? You? An adult stallion?”

Zaid squirmed slightly. “They served pretzels and apple juice…”

”Rainbow Dash, we’re in this place up to our earballs,” Roarke grunted. ”I’ve gone to brand new lows to make sure that we’ve survived this far. I don’t think working with Nightshade is asking too much.”

Rainbow Dash leaned against the wall, frowning. “Whatchatalkingabout, Roarke?”

”The mare has ties with Prime Enforcer Seclorum, the closest general that the forces of Ledo have to this region. If word of the Lightning Bearer’s capture got out to him--including Nightshade’s imprisonment--then it’s safe to say that he might intervene.”

She’s right, y’know,” Josho’s voice said. ”He and I go way back. The guy’s nutty enough to perform a full-scale invasion. I wouldn’t put it past him to even attack this ‘Sacred Hold’ place that the Xonans have… especially as of late. The guy’s gone into super hardcore mode.”

“Since when were we trying to help the friggin’ Ledomaritans?!” Rainbow Dash growled, then nodded her head towards the enforcers. “No offense…”

”In a perfect world, Rainbow, Floydien would fly the Noble Jury through that airspace and snatch you and the others up,” Pilate said. ”But we don’t have the same speed that we once did. Miss Props’ steam rigging can only get us so far. And even still, we would be naked and exposed before the chaotically-reinforced firepower that the Xonans evidently have.”

”Don’t you get it, Rainbow?” Bellesmith joined in. ”Getting word out to Seclorum could help us out! If they mount a full-scale attack on the Xonans who have you captured--”

”--the Noble Jury would have the sort of crazy distraction necessary to perform a rescue operation,” Roarke finished. ”You, Kera, and I get to make our exit, and the Ledomaritans and Xonans get to duke it out like they’ve always friggin’ wanted to.”

Basso turned and nodded. “You can bet your bottom bit that if a badflank stallion like Seclorum got info on these Xonans and their whearabouts, he’d send them back to the Eastern Estuaries.”

Several other Ledomaritans nodded and muttered in agreement. Their combined voices raised the volume of the muffled conversation, causing Xonan guards to glance over from their stations.

Rainbow Dash cleared her throat. She leaned closer to the metal panel. “Okay, so, let’s pretend that we even consider a crazy plan like this.” Her muzzle tightened. “How in Celestia’s name do we even plan to get word outside of this place, guys? I’m deader than a doornail and Roarke barely has enough juice to fly loops around a pup tent!”

”I do believe that’s where the Jury comes in,” Roarke said.


”She has a good point, Rainbow,” said Eagle Eye. ”After all, we’re on the outside, and we have transportation.”

”Not the fastest gallop to Nancy Jane, but Floydien’s beloved is most versatile. Besides, spreading spit to the stabby stabby is better than poking head into their stabspace, yes yes?”

“I dunno…” Rainbow Dash took a deep, shuddering breath. “Sounds really… really dangerous.”

”For you, for Roarke, for Kera…” Belle said, ”It is worth it. Everypony here is already nodding their heads.”

“But if you even get to Seclorum, what are you going to tell him that’ll convince him that we aren’t a bunch of rogue idiots pulling his tail--?!”

Nightshade suddenly shoved her way towards the wall and spoke hoarsely into the panel. “Ultimo Douglas Barbarian Forty Two.” She took a deep breath and said, “Relay those words in that order. He will comply. Understood?”


”Did… did you get all that, Jury?” Roarke asked.

”Committed to O.A.S.I.S. Consider it memorized, though barely understood.”

“Best to keep it that way,” Nightshade said, leaning back.

Just then, the door to the brig opened, filling the room with an echoing clatter.

Rainbow Dash hissed as she crouched tighter behind Basso’s large body. “Roarke, scram! We’ll talk more about plans later! We’ve got company!”

”Out like a light…” Then, after a brief scuffle of limbs, the crawlspace behind the wall panel was dead quiet.

Rainbow Dash and Basso shuffled about in time to see two guards escorting a weary-looking Zetta into the prison cell. They lowered the forcefield just long enough for the mare to trot inside and take a seat.

“Zetta!” Basso bounded over towards her, giving her a pat on the shoulder. “You’re back!”

“How’d it go with the whole Uhayra skit?” Zaid asked.

Zetta took a long, shuddering breath. “I’ve written my findings down, but I’ve haven’t spoken out loud about it to Dalen or his superior.” She gulped. “I’m not sure I even want to…”

“Why not?” Nigthshade asked.

“Nnngh…” Rainbow Dash dizzily rubbed her head. “Yeah, what’s the big deal?”

“The big deal… is Nagu’n…” Zetta looked up at the others “She’s dying.”

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