• Published 31st Aug 2013
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Odrsjot - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and her companions fly east.

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Worst Kind of Grace

“Oomf!” Basso was thrown down onto his haunches alongside Zetta, Rainbow Dash, and Nightshade. The ponies who had been on board the Lightning-Bearer before the attack were forced into a straight line, held in place by patrolling Xonans with swords, crossbows, and--most intimidating of all--trained serpents at the ready.

Rainbow Dash reeled from the proximity of Nightshade and her book. Nevertheless, she sat straight, staring with a wincing expression at Straker-turned-Dalen and his superior, Zytharros.

Before everypony’s eyes, Fortis was being dragged towards Zytharros’ hooves. The Prime Enforcer was flung to the ground before him in a groaning slump. The air rang with mumbling chants as every watching Xonan in attendance stomped their hooves in rhythmic succession to the chorus of snake hisses.

At last, Zytharros raised his hoof, and every fellow soldier turned silent. He stepped into a brighter beam of light, and Rainbow could see that his tattoos were far more elaborate and detailed than several of the other Xonans in his company. With menacing grace, he turned from glaring at Fortis and spoke to Dalen. “Melen siul thremma hadren lesuttem. Rassar kreeliulen Ledomul vetta thrien?”

Dalen nodded, bowing slightly. When he spoke, the words came out stiff and awkward, as if he was putting extra practice into the diction. “Frej mehn luk radhk ehm sarkh Ledomul brien, Fortis niul vreen.”

“Niul vreenen hassala venuut?”

“Dreit, Zytharros Xon-Nagu’n.”

Zytharros took a deep breath. He turned and trotted icily towards Fortis, his hooves dragging along the ground.

The Prime Enforcer looked up, spitting up blood and sneering beyond his injuries. “You will not get away with this. We are the strongest army on the continent! You’ll suffer for channeling so much resources into one exercise! Once Seclorum finds out, he will tear a hole through your kingdom and fill it with fire--”

Zytharros flung his hoof forward. The metal strip hanging from his neck pulsed, and immediately a series of tattoos bled mana from his fetlock, materializing as a ribbon of serpents that launched out and coiled tightly around the Prime Enforcer’s neck.

“Hckkkkt--snkkkkt!” The elder stallion winced, dangling from Zytharros’ reptilian lasso.

Nightshade clenched her teeth and shivered from where she watched the confrontation.

Zytharros leaned over, his armored plates scraping against one another as a cold voice dripped from his muzzle. “It will keep the sniveling to most minimum,” he managed in a thick accent. “So that less time it spends with bastard tongue.” His eyes glowed, narrowing into blue slits. “It is the General Fortis, scourge of eastern skies, dreit?”

Fortis could only sputter and spasm.

The tattooed hairs rose on the back of Zytharros’ neck. “For months it has held back from the meeting of it, for the royal avatar, Princess Lasairfion, blessed by Negu’n, wants glory beyond its blood and thunder. Its ship belongs to the wrath of Negu’n now. Its flesh belongs to the wrath of Negu’n now. But it… the General Fortis… as it has made orphans out of many families, now it will bring orphans tears of joy as its skin is brought back to be blanket for foals.”

With that said, Zytharros leaned back, then lunged forward. The serpents redoubled, and this time they all flew straight into Fortis’ mouth, Fortis’ nostrils, Fortis’ eye sockets…

“Hmmph-snsklkls--slsspppspsppp!” Fortis’ body writhed and thrashed as the mana worms eviscerated him from the inside out. In less than a minute, his body slumped in two places: the coat in one direction and the bowels in the other.

Nightshade looked away, wincing heavily. A sob buckled at the back of her throat, laced with bile. Zetta held both hooves over her tear-stained muzzle while Basso held in a hissing breath.

Rainbow watched wearily as Zytharros whistled to his fellow soldiers. As prophesied, he gave them a fresh new strip of leather, dripping all over with blood. He then trotted over what was left of Fortis’ insides and mounted a stack of crates. With a deep breath, he soaked his forehead with the blood, channeled mana into every seam of his armor, and shouted high into the air.

”Hanranna byuul sendronnom! Rekuul thriem Ledomul dienna dren, Xon-Negu’n!”

In response, every Xonan soldier pumped their hoof into the air and chanted victoriously.




The chants bled into loud cheering as the Xonans stomped their hooves all across the hull of the Lightning Bearer. Zetta and Basso exchanged nervous glances along with the scores of other captured Ledomaritans.

At last, Zytharros dropped down onto his heavy horseshoes and shuffled across the top deck. He summoned Dalen with a sharp breath and spoke aside to him in a mumbling voice. “Vrediulen brennadren thrien Ledomul rasta krennen drass. Meliulen jastrak halaveen nudsta dressim.”

“Rahk brem grype clak thiul briss Nagu’n?”

“Dreit. Thalien Ledomulien. Arakatrenna valusithiul Nagu’n rahktar grypen thriul. Memcast mien, yusuluthrest.”

“Drei sat kohk, Zytharros Xon-Nagu’n.”

Zytharros nodded, then glanced Nightshade’s way. His nostrils flared, and he swung his forelimb in a final gesture. “Melekkehn diennen dren.”

Several Xonans nodded. They hoisted Nightshade up, tossed her against Rainbow and other nearby equines, and unsheathed their scimitars. They all raised their blades and prepared to lop off everypony’s skulls.

Rainbow flinched. Basso gasped and Zetta could be heard shrieking--

”Nahkk!” Dalen’s voice shouted. He was suddenly sliding in between the group and blocking the soldiers’ strike. “Poorj! Nahkk dren dien, poorj habb bleen!”

Zytharros frowned savagely. With a snarl, he shoved his way through a line of soldiers and practically chewed Dalen’s head off. “Raksanna graatu venna melu spelennen?!”

Dalen gulped, but stood his ground. “Jark krahk vren closs kien brak tuuth, Zytharros Xon-Nagu’n!” He pulled a sound stone out of what was left of his former Ledomaritan uniform and waved it for emphasis. “Benn trus frak jehn! Lasairfion Xon-Nagu’n rekt brent hahk trent!”

Zytharros’ eyes narrowed. “Halasu luiemmu tressen thriul? Rektrenna vem trent Lasairfion Xon-Nagu’n vrossa lamessiun?”

“Dreit.” Dalen nodded, then suddenly rushed over to Rainbow’s side. The pegasus grunted in protest as the stallion hoisted her body up, then stretched her wings out for everypony to see. Immediately, many Xonans gasped and murmured amongst one another. “Drek majj hrupp bleek.” He then yanked Rainbow’s head forward and displayed her multi-colored mane. “Yass? Yass bleek frem brast? Lasairfion Xon-Nagu’n rekt thiul trent!” He then lifted Rainbow up again and pointed directly at her pendant. “Yass. Jeehn frenn brak.” He let go of Rainbow, took a deep breath, and uttered, “Oss tray oh.”

The Xonans fell silent.

Zytharros’ eyes dimmed slightly. He pursed his lips, glancing with disbelief between Rainbow Dash and Dalen. “Austraeoh…?”

Dalen slowly, slowly nodded.

Zytharros fidgeted, an awkward thing to do in his noble armor. At last, he approached the pegasus, staring her down.

Rainbow Dash squinted tiredly up at him.

He gulped dryly before murmuring, “Austraeoh…?”

She wheezed back, “Every country makes the same mistake… and always with the same vowel.”

He instantly frowned. After a few seconds, he raised his hoof and simply tapped Rainbow on the forehead.

“Unnngh…” Rainbow fell back like a domino. Thud.

Zytharros sneered. He turned to Dalen, swiped the sound stone from his hoof, and smashed it against the deck. “Rekku lien jaat! Hrakka rektunu trenta Austraeoh?!

“Dreit! Dreit, Zytharros Xon-Nagu’n!” Dalen insisted. “Rekt trent Oss tray oh glahk ventt niul Lasairfion Xon-Nagu’n!”

“Grnnngh…” Zytharros turned about, glaring. At last, his eyes fell on Nightshade.

The Madame trembled.

With a growl, the warrior leaned down and ripped Nightshade’s robes to shreds. The mare gasped, losing grip of the book--which Zytharros instantly levitated before his sight, glowing runes and all.

Even more Xonans gasped.

For once, Zytharros’ muzzle hung in shock. “Nagu’n…” He gulped, his eyes reflecting the lavender shapes of the characters emblazoned upon the tome’s surfaces. “Vasulien fremma castarro lessen thriul…”

Dalen cleared his throat and said, “Nightshade sen Fortis rekht blass rehd thriul Seclorum sedh Ledomuul braak jaat.”

“Hrmmm…” Zytharros clenched his jaw. “Lassiulem hrejjaak Negu’n rattakless menna staysem. Vrassa mesuul thriulem Lasairfion Xon-Nagu’n raktta cleen?”

“Dreit, Zytharros Xon-Nagu’n.” Dalen bowed. “Lasiarfion Xon-Nagu’n rakt trent Oss tray oh sen vaas dren braak tohm.”

Zytharros glanced aside, staring fixedly at Rainbow Dash. He levitated the book further away.

Rainbow Dash breathed a little easier.

He levitated the book over her head.

She winced, shivering.

The warrior floated the book away once more.

Rainbow Dash relaxed slightly.

Zytharros’ brow furrowed. With a sharp breath, he tossed the book into Dalen’s grip.

The stallion caught it awkwardly, shuddering.

Zytharros pointed below the deck. “Rekhtuuna Austraeoh sen Ledomulien trenta drannaterriul thriul drakka.”

“Dreit, Zytharros Xon-Nagu’n,” Dalen said with a bow. He levitated the book while hissing at several other Xonans. Swiftly, Rainbow Dash and the closest ponies around her were dragged off their haunches and shoved towards the nearest stairwell.

“Hey! Come on!” Rainbow Dash grunted. “What gives?! Will somepony stop talking with lasagna in their mouth and just explain what the heck is going on?!”

“I do believe we are being imprisoned,” Nightshade managed.

“Nopony asked you!”

“We’re…” Basso stammered, wincing from his fresh bruises. “We’re turning around…”

“Looks like we’re heading east…” Zetta tilted her head, ears twitching to the sounds of mana-amplified voices channeling from one Xonan battleship to another. “I think they’re going to escort the Lightning Bearer into Xonan territory!”

“What for?!”

“Duh! Who wouldn’t want a ship like this on their side?!”

“But why keep us all alive, then?” Basso asked.

Zetta glanced over her shoulder at the limp figure of Rainbow Dash being dragged in close proximity to Dalen and the book. She stammered, “I don’t think it’s us that they’re concerned about…”

As the group was hoisted below deck, a lone figure in metal peered out from behind a battered coil of steam pipes. With masterful silence, Roarke took a survey of the battleship’s new bearings… then slinked away into darkness.

“Ooof!” Rainbow Dash was thrown into the brig, followed by several more Ledomaritan bodies. Nightshade, Basso, and Zetta rolled into the gasping figure of Zaid.

“Whoah! You got it all wrong, girl!” Zaid stammered. “We’re supposed to be busting out of this joint! Not in!”

“For once…” Rainbow hissed as she tried in vain to stand up. “Will you please… just… c-can it…?”

“Heh, sorry, filly. I tried that once, and lemme tell you, botulism is a bitch.”


“Rainbow!” Kera dashed over to the pegasus’ side, trying to pull her up by her hooves. “What happened?! We heard explosions and shouts and screams and crap!”

“Yeah, well…” Rainbow shuddered. “Looks like our cruise ship just got new management, kid.”

Kera turned and frowned at the sight of Nightshade. “What’s she doing here?”

Rainbow gulped. “I never said it was good management…”

In the meantime, Dalen was posting Xonan guards at the stations that the enforcers were occupying just minutes ago. “Hraak thremh less drakh thriul.” He pointed at the cell, then slapped the glowing tome into place atop a table, within close proximity of the pegasus. “Jekt drenn trent Oss tray oh thrien. Orr ken?”

“Dreit, Dalen.”


“Hey…” Kera leaned in. “Did that guy just say ‘Austraeoh?’”

“Shhhh!” Rainbow suddenly hissed. “Quiet, kid!”

But it was too late. Dalen was glancing over, squinting. His lips pursed, and he whispered, “Nagu’n…” He trotted closer to the cell’s force field. “Trent viel hem Xon…?”

Kera blinked. Her eyes widened as she shuffled backwards on trembling hooves. “Uhhh… uhhh…”

Rainbow gritted her teeth, her eyes darting helplessly back and forth. “Darn it. Get down, kid.”

“R-Rainbow D-Dash…?” Kera gulped. “What is this…?”

“I said get down!”

Dalen was fuming. He motioned towards the new guards, and the force field was lowered. He stomped into the cell and yanked Kera out with a strong, telekinetic grip.

“Gaah! Hey! Let go!” Kera’s voice cracked. “Let go of me, ya creep! Nnnngh!”

“No!” Nightshade stammered. “Not her!”

“Darn it!” Rainbow Dash winced as she tried crawling towards the scuffle. “She’s… not one of you…”

“I s-said let go!” Kera’s horn pulsed with mana, only to be snuffed out by Dalen’s stronger telekinesis. “Nnngh! Rainbow Dash!”

Rainbow was about to shout something when a body blurred over her.

“Stop it!” Nightshade charged Dalen and slammed her hooves against his shoulder. “Get your filthy magic off of her!”

“Nnnngh--” Dalen spun about and blasted Nightshade to the floor with telekinesis.

“Ooof!” No sooner had Nightshade landed when she received a vicious blow to the chest.

Dalen furiously grunted as he kicked and kicked and bucked Nightshade’s writhing body like a bag of meat. When at last she was a bloody, sputtering mess, he leaned over and spat on her muzzle. “Shrak! Shrak menh srak teen, Ledomulien trent!” With a heated breath, he spun around and carried Kera--kicking and screaming--out of the brig altogether.

Rainbow Dash shivered. She crawled in vain towards the force field, but all she could see was lavender light, accompanied by the muffled sound of Nightshade’s gargling sobs.

And finally, she fainted.

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