• Published 13th Mar 2013
  • 9,051 Views, 211 Comments

Harmony Redux - errant

After settling in Ponyville, Vinyl and Octavia try to arrange their wedding. What could be simpler?

  • ...

Chapter 4

“Alright, Lyra. Listen. When you’re making a cake, you have to mix the batter properly,” Bon Bon said as she took the spoon away from the confectionarily-challenged Lyra. “You’ve got to make wide, scooping motions, not stab at it. You’re being too rough.”

“That’s not what you said earlier,” Lyra said, flicking Bon Bon’s flank smartly with her tail.

“Eep!” Bon Bon exclaimed, blushing hotly at the sudden intimacy. “Stop that!”

“Oh c’mon, sweetie drops; you know you like it,” Lyra cooed, nuzzling the side of Bon Bon’s heated face.

Bon Bon coughed delicately. “Be that as it may, we need to focus on making this cake. If we play around too much, the batter won’t be suitably thick and creamy.”

“Can’t have that,” Lyra snickered. “I’m sure Vinyl and Octavia both want it thick and creamy.”

“Lyra Heartstrings!” Bon Bon yelped, scandalized by her partner’s perversion even though she should be well accustomed to it and never mind that she’d thought the same thing. “What in Equestria is wrong with you? Don’t you have any respect for our friends?”

“Uh . . . sorry,” Lyra managed to choke out around her laughter.

“Good,” Bon Bon said firmly as she turned her attention to stirring the batter properly. “Besides,” she mused aloud, “if they liked it thick and creamy I doubt they’d be marrying each other. Stallions tend to be better at providing that than mares.”

Plucking strings filled the house with a soft melody as Lyra focused on her composition for Vinyl and Octavia’s wedding. It was supposed to be the tune that played while the bride and/or brides walked in and it obviously needed to incorporate something of both mares. The problem was that their personalities were so far apart that it was difficult to musically represent them both. What she had so far seemed to reflect Octavia well; it was quiet and dignified with just a hint of playfulness to it. But, it was missing something. It lacked any of Vinyl’s energy or forthrightness, and without it the piece seemed—

“That is boring as hay,” Bon Bon remarked as she peeked her head into Lyra’s musical workroom, wrinkling her mouth in partly-feigned disapproval of the lacking notes flowing from within. “Are you trying to put everypony at the wedding to sleep?”

“Haha, candyflank,” Lyra said. “You’re a real Frédéric Clopin, aren’tcha?”

“No, but I do deal with a dull and uninteresting pony every day.”

“Aw, Bonnie, don’t talk about yourself like that,” Lyra retorted with a grin, plucking a few errant notes.

Bon Bon snorted, unimpressed by Lyra’s wit. “Whatever helps you sleep at night, you oversized mint.”

“You wish I tasked like a mint,” Lyra said. “And there’s normally other reasons that I sleep well, anyway,” she continued, wiggling her eyebrows in what was probably supposed to be a suggestive manner but looked more like a muscle spasm.

“And if you value those reasons, I suggest you get that music sorted out. The wedding is the day after tomorrow and I’m going to need more of your help, what little there is, with the cake later.”

Lyra’s ears flattened in dismay; she liked Bon Bon making sure that she was able to sleep well, after all.

“Oh, come on! I’m trying my best here! Holding that hostage is below the saddle-line and you know it!” Lyra exclaimed.

“There won’t be anything below your saddle-line if you don’t stop foaling around and get that song done so that you can help me later,” Bon Bon threatened. Even she knew it was an empty ultimatum, though. She liked being able to sleep well just as much as Lyra did.

“I bet Octavia doesn’t hold Vinyl hostage like this,” Lyra pouted.

“And I’ll bet she doesn’t do that thing with chocolate sauce and her tongue that you like, either,” Bon Bon pointed out.

Lyra facehoofed. “Ok, ok,” she acquiesced. “You’ve got me by the tail, mare. I’ll get it done.”

“I’m sure you will,” Bon Bon said, gently nuzzling against Lyra’s face. “If anyone can manage it, it’ll be my favorite magical musician.”

“I’m your favorite magical musician? Really? I kinda thought you’d dig Vinyl more than me,” Lyra asked facetiously.

“You’ve got a bigger horn.”

“Lyra, that isn’t going to fit in there,” Bon Bon said sagely, confident in her expertise.

“Shows what”—Lyra panted with exertion, dutifully trying to prove Bon Bon wrong—“you know.”

“This isn’t my first time with this, you know. In fact, one could almost say that I am an expert at this particular task,” Bon Bon said, bemused by her partner’s stubbornness.

“Buck your expertise,” Lyra grunted, straining herself to the uppermost. “This should bucking fit.”

“Hmph!” Bon Bon snorted. “You aren’t very good at this, I’m sad to say. I thought you said you had done this before?

“I have! I swear!” Lyra said, desperately trying to hide a blush of embarrassment from shining through her minty coat. “I’m just . . . out of practice,” she finished lamely.

“Would you like some help, dear? There’s no shame in admitting that you need a helping hoof.”

“No! I can get it!”

Bon Bon facehoofed, exasperated by her stubborn-as-hardened-frosting partner. “Lyra, you’re taking too long. Just let me help; it will be better for both of us.”

“Oh . . . alright,” Lyra finally agreed. She slumped her shoulders in defeat and made room for Bon Bon to join her.

“Well, first things first. You’re trying to cram all three tiers of the cake into our oven. Do you perhaps see a problem with that?”

“You normally put it in all at one time,” Lyra said. She had watched Bon Bon bake plenty of cakes at work and she had always put them in the oven whole.

Bon Bon applied hoof to face, finally understanding Lyra’s logic. “Did it occur to you that the ovens I use at work are much larger than the one here at home?” she asked. “They are built to bake an entire three-tiered cake at one time. The one we are using now is not.”

“Oh. I guess that makes sense,” Lyra admitted, levitating the deceptively heavy cake pans back onto the counter. Now that she thought about it, it had probably been a bit silly to try and fit the whole thing into the moderately-sized oven in their house. “Uh, I guess we should do it in pieces, then.”

“That would probably be the best course of action,” Bon Bon agreed. “Put the bottom tier in first. It will take the longest.”

“Sure thing,” Lyra agreed. Her light green aura briskly levitated the thickest and heaviest part of the cake into the oven, setting the pan full of batter down onto the oven grate and bumping the door closed with her side. “There. That should take about 40 minutes.”

Bon Bon’s hoof paused in its fiddling with the oven controls as she turned to regard Lyra levelly. “I think we’ve already established your level of baking knowledge, dear.”

“Hey! I know a lot about baking. I’m a well-rounded mare,” Lyra said defensively. Really, she had just spent so much time hanging around the shop where Bon Bon worked that the owner had said he may as well take her as an apprentice.

Bon Bon’s hoof poked Lyra in the side, sinking into her warm skin with ease and making Bon Bon giggle like a schoolfilly with a crush. “Yes, you certainly are ‘well-rounded.’ I’ll give you that.”

“H—hey!” Lyra yelped, leaping backward from Bon Bon’s prodding. “Cut that out!”

“I can’t help it,” Bon Bon said, still giggling helplessly. “You’re so soft, like dough that I just wanna knead.”

“Hmph,” Lyra snorted with an agitated flick of her tail. “Well, this doughy filly’s gonna go work on the music she’s supposed to be composing while that bakes.”

Bon Bon lightly placed a hoof on Lyra’s back, halting her from leaving in a huff. She leaned in closer, inhaling Lyra’s scent, which, to Bon Bon’s eternal amusement, actually was vaguely minty. She nuzzled the side of Lyra’s white-striped green mane by way of silent apology, sensing that her teasing had gone a bit farther than intended. “Well, why don’t you let me help you find some inspiration?” she asked.

Lyra’s skin felt like it heated up ten degrees under her coat and when Bon Bon lightly bit at her ear, she yelped again, but this time not in dismay. Her head turned to the side, leaving her neck vulnerable to Bon Bon’s nibbling. “Mm,” Lyra moaned gratefully. “I think I need all the inspiration I can get.”

Author's Note:

Have some fluffy comedy as Bon Bon works on Octavia and Vinyl's wedding cake and Lyra composes music for their big day.