• Published 13th Mar 2013
  • 9,051 Views, 211 Comments

Harmony Redux - errant

After settling in Ponyville, Vinyl and Octavia try to arrange their wedding. What could be simpler?

  • ...

Chapter 1

Octavia shifted uncomfortably on her hooves as she stood in the midst of the creative chaos of Carousel Boutique; innumerable scraps of fabric, half-finished dresses draped over their forms and countless drawn designs littered every available surface. "How about this, darling?" Rarity asked as her telekinetic aura cinched around Octavia's waist, drawing the flowing dress adorning her into shape. "I think it looks splendid."

"Urk!" Octavia wheezed with creaking ribs. "Too . . . tight. Can't . . . breathe!" she managed despite struggling to draw in even a small breath.

"Oh, don't be so dramatic," Rarity admonished around a mouthful of sewing pins gingerly clamped between her teeth. She trotted away, curled purple tail swaying, and began rummaging in a drawer of countless bits of fabric and bric-a-brac. "A-ha! Here it is; the last, perfect jewel to complete this masterwork. With this, you'll be the envy of any Canterlot socialite." She turned away from her search and looked back to take in her work. "Oh, my" she demurred as she took in the purplish tinge beginning to show through Octavia's grey coat. "Perhaps we overdid it just a tad on the waist; I suppose it can stand to be let out some, even though we'll sacrifice some of the proper contour for the trail." Her aura dimmed slightly and the fabric clamping over Octavia's lungs loosened, allowing her to suck in a gratefully generous gulp of air.

"Who in Equestria were you measuring that for, a supermodel?" Octavia asked as she twisted her neck to examine the white dress with electric blue highlights draped over her. "There was no way I could have possibly fit into that without the lack of oxygen causing a stroke."

"Hmph," Rarity snorted. "My apologies; I am accustomed to working with Canterlot fashionistas and models who tend to have fair daintier physiques."

Octavia's eyes narrowed. "Are you . . . calling me fat?" she asked.

"Hardly, darling. It's just that your earth pony heritage gives your muscles far more definition and makes your frame sturdier, especially around your flanks. I tried to compensate by narrowing the waist of your dress to avoid making it look like a tank, but that seems to have been poorly advised."

"Vinyl likes my flanks just fine," Octavia muttered.

Rarity turned up her nose primly. "I'm sure I wouldn't know anything about that," she said. "I think I'm going to have to make some adjustments to this design in order to make it fit well without suffocating you. Would you mind coming back around in a few days so we can have another fitting?"

"Provided you promise not to break any of my ribs again, I'd be glad to," Octavia said as she stepped away from Rarity's work area. "And thank you once again for all your help with the dresses; I can never repay you for all this."

"Never mention it, my dear. Anything for a friend," Rarity said absently. The blue light of her magic played over Octavia's coat, leaving tingling sensations that prickled at her skin as the dress simply lifted itself off of her before floating across the Carousel Boutique to settle delicately and perfectly on an empty dress form. Rarity gave it a slight nudge to pull out a miniscule wrinkle before turning back to Octavia. "When are you bringing in Vinyl for another fitting?" she asked.

Octavia sighed and rubbed her face with a hoof. "Trying to get that mare to sit still is like herding cats with a water hose."

Rarity smirked a little before replying, "Well, if anypony can corral that miscreant it will be you, I suspect. If all else fails, just threaten to withhold certain, erm, 'activities,' if you take my meaning."

Octavia felt warmth bloom in her face as she averted her gaze. "I'll keep that in mind. See you in a few days, then?"

"I shall look forward to it."

"So how's the music coming?" Vinyl asked as she trotted into Lyra's workroom, a sun-filled room strewn with sheet music and bits of paper all over the hardwood floor.

"How nice of you to knock, Vinyl. Do come in," Lyra answered without looking up from the composition that engrossed her attention. Vinyl magically gripped a stack of papers covering the room's only other chair and moved them to the nearby desk before plopping down in the vacated seat. "And please make yourself comfortable," Lyra said, again without raising her golden eyes from scanning the notes laid out in front of her in orderly rows.

Vinyl grinned, reclining easily in her seat. "Thanks. What's Bon-Bon cooking? It smells delicious; I thought I was gonna drool myself to death when I came in the house."

"She's testing out a new recipe for chocolate cake. It tastes as delicious as it smells," Lyra said.

"Lucky you; you always get to taste Bon-Bon's treats."

Lyra's shoulders shook and she finally raised her eyes to meet Vinyl's. "We're still talking about food, right?" she asked.

"Sure thing, harpflank."

"Riiight," Lyra drawled. "Anyway, the music's going pretty well. I've never tried to compose something to go along with your electronic kind of stuff before, but I'm making some progress."

"Hey, Octy does a great job keeping up with my awesome beats on her cello. You telling me you can't do just as well as her?"

Lyra snorted. "Just because you've contaminated one proper musician with your static doesn't mean you're gonna get me as well."

"That's not the only thing I've contaminated Octy with," Vinyl said with a sly smile.

Lyra’s mouth twitched at the corners, not quite hiding her amusement. "Um, I'm not sure that came out quite right, Vinyl," she said. “It’s not usually a good thing if you contaminate your fillyfriend.”

“It’s fine if you’re contaminating her with awesomeness,” Vinyl retorted.

“Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night,” Lyra said, leaning back in her own chair and stretching. She yelped as several joints popped audibly. “Ugh, my back is killing me; I don’t think I’ve moved all day. What d’ya say we go down and bother Bon-Bon?”

“Sounds good to me,” Vinyl said as Lyra stood and arched her back, groaning in a mix of pain and relief as her muscles broke free of their stiffness. She trotted out of the room, following behind Lyra’s swishing tail, green shot through with white. Soft carpet muffled her hooves as she walked and she hardly noticed the familiar photographs adorning the hallway. Unearthly, delicious smells invaded her nose as they drew near the kitchen. When she finally turned the corner into Bon-Bon’s domain she had to swallow a mouthful of saliva her body produced in gleeful expectation of imminent snacks.
Her eyes immediately settled on a bowl full of candy wrapped in yellow and blue. It sat as a lone island of order on the table, surrounded by used measuring cups, bowls thick with congealed icing and whisks dripping batter. “Bon-Bon, can I—“

“Of course you can have one, Vinyl. That’s what they’re there for,” Bon-Bon answered from her seat at the table, a dozen open cookbooks spread around her.

A brief flash of magic unwrapped one of the candies and popped it into Vinyl’s waiting mouth. Her eyes closed as she chewed, savoring the sweet taste laced with chocolate. “Mmm,” she uttered around a mouthful of creamy confectionary before swallowing with a gulp. “That’s freaking amazing, Bonnie.”

A blush spread across Bon-Bon’s face and she smiled gratefully. “Thanks, Vinyl. I’m glad somepony other than Lyra appreciates my talents.”

“Bonnie, Octy and I couldn’t be more grateful for your guys’ help. Without you two we’d be going nuts trying to find a caterer and musician.”

Lyra lightly shoved Vinyl’s shoulder. “Hey, don’t mention it. You guys are our friends.”

“Aw, horsefeathers. Don’t everypony go getting sappy on me,” Vinyl protested. “I was gonna ask Bon-Bon how the cake was coming, but if it tastes half as good as it smells there’ll be wars fought for a slice of it.”

“I’ve just about got the recipe figured out. I had to adapt three different batters and create a new flavor of icing, and it’s going to be a pain to make a full-sized wedding cake out of it, but it will be completely worth it,” Bon-Bon said with an idle wave of her hoof that encompassed the chaos strewn throughout the kitchen.

Vinyl blinked. “Oh. Um, are you sure you’re ok with doing all that?” she asked uncertainly. “I told you Octy and I would be ok with a plain white cake with vanilla icing, right? You don’t actually have to do all that.”

“Hahaha,” Bon-Bon laughed with a dismissive wave of her hoof. “I’m a professional confectioner; I actually enjoy the challenge of creating the perfectly customized wedding cake. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime event that deserves a special touch and I’m happy to provide it.”

“Thanks, Bonnie. I dunno—“

“Now if only somepony would give me the chance to make my own wedding cake,” Bon-Bon continued, swiveling her head to gaze meaningfully at Lyra.

Lyra looked around desperately, head swiveling until it landed on a clock. “Well, gee, look at the time: I’ve gotta get back to work on their wedding music. See you later, Bonnie,” she said as she hurriedly turned and whisked back down the hallway towards her work room.

“Lyra Heartstrings! Don’t you run out on me,” Bon-Bon called after her retreating hoofsteps. “We’re not done talking about this!”

Vinyl laid her hoof over her face and sighed, muttering, “You two . . . I swear, I thought Octy and I were an odd pair.”

“What was that?” Bon-Bon asked, turning her head and cocking her ears.

“Huh? Oh, it was nothing. Listen, I should really be going so I can leave you two alone to ‘work’,” Vinyl said.

“Well, alright. You know you and Octavia are welcome anytime you care to stop over.”

“Yeah, we know. Thanks, again,” Vinyl said as she turned and left the kitchen behind, walking the few paces to the front door and easing it open onto a spring day in Ponyville. She set out for home, her hooves drumming a staccato little rhythm on the dirt road as she trotted. Idyllic scenery passed her by as she waved at ponies she knew going about their business in the market, shaded by overgrown trees and light cloud cover. She inhaled deeply; the air smelled of rain and freshly grown flowers and she started humming a jaunty tune as she walked. Finally, her own two-story wooden home loomed into sight. The front door opened at her touch and she let herself in, calling out, “Hey, Octy! You home?” as she plodded into the living room and fell bodily onto the couch.

“Yes, Vinyl, I’m back from Rarity’s. How are Lyra and Bon-Bon doing?” Octavia answered as she walked in from the kitchen. She sat down on the couch beside Vinyl, pulling her into a short embrace.

“They’re fine, and they’re both almost done with their part of the wedding.”

“Good,” Octavia said as she released Vinyl and leaned back more comfortably. “Of course, you know this only leaves one task left to complete,” she said meaningfully.

“Right,” Vinyl sighed. “I guess we can’t put if off any longer.”

Octavia nodded in agreement. “It’s time . . . to invite our parents.”