• Published 7th Feb 2013
  • 1,632 Views, 47 Comments

Pony of the Gears - TheFoxern

Copper Feather is a pony who's lived a rough life, and has finally gotten a reprieve and the retirement he deserves. But like the rest of his life, nothing goes according to plan. He may be done with his job, but it's not done with him. (Co

  • ...

2: Questions

He took a deep breath and continued to walk. Which way had it been? Had it been any way at all? He shook his head and tried to remember. He had only walked it the other day, but he was so tired, nothing here looked familiar. A library, how hard was it to find a library. A library in a tree. He didn't even know which way his home was, but around the next corner, he saw it. He sighed with relief, there was the large tree with what looked like a house built into it.

He walked up to the door, knocked several times and then waited. It was almost three minutes when it opened and Spike stood on the other side. “Ah...Spike.”

Spike looked at him. “Copper.” He turned around and walked back in; from the look he had given him and the way he was walking, he was still trying to nap. “Come on in. Twilight should be back in a bit.”

Copper nodded, closing the door behind him. He looked around, it had been a while since he had been in a library and that one had been on fire... He shook his head, moving to one of the shelves and staring at the titles. Not reading them, just looking at them, seeing if anything registered as interesting. That was a skill he was quite proud of. Though he wasn't sure how he perfected it, he could simply look at words and pick out what was interesting, or important, or needed some sort of attention. It let his mind wander when he was supposed to be reading something. It helped him a lot back when he had been in school. He just looked over pages and had the answers when he needed them. The word Fire caught his attention and he stared at it. He shuddered.

“Hey, Copper,” Twilight said, coming in the door.

Copper spun around. “I didn't start it!” He snarled and then froze. So did Twilight, although her gaze was fixed to the stub. He cleared his throat and sat down. “Sorry. I was...” He waved a hoof vaguely. “Somewhere else.”

“It's...alright...” She was still staring at the stub.

He sighed and turned so she could look at it better. “It's old. Very old. Lost it back in flight school in a fight. Can't remember anything about the fight, just woke up in a hospital without my wing.”

Twilight finally moved her gaze away from the stub to his face. “Sorry...” she said after a pause.

“It's fine.” He turned back, looking at the book. Sky Fire was the title and he pulled it off the shelf.

Twilight moved over and sat a bit away from him as he opened the book, skimming over a few pages to see if was interesting. “If you don't mind...I have a few questions.”

Copper closed the book; it wasn't interesting. “Okay.” He put the book back on the shelf and turned to Twilight. “I might not be able to answer them all.”

She smiled at him. “That's alright. Just answer as many of them as you can.” She looked over at Spike. “Spike!” Spike got up and looked at her. “Can you please get the questions that I came up with last night?”

“Yeah yeah...” He walked up the stairs.

Twilight turned back to Copper and smiled a bit more. “Well I don't have to ask about the cloak anymore...or the scars.” Copper nodded. “But...what exactly did you do for the Princess?”

He looked at her and then shrugged. “This and that. Things that she wanted done but couldn't do herself, due to distance, or...that it required a little bit of underhandedness or-” He paused, looking at Twilight's expression. “Things that needed doing. Technically speaking, I'm a negotiator, but on paper I'm a diplomat.”

“Oohhh. So you're somepony who confers with others in order to reach a settlement or agreement.” She was still giving him the look. It wasn't a bad look, but it was one that said you chose your words poorly.

“Yes, you could put it that way...” he said, actually doing a pretty good job at ignoring the look.

“So the Princess would send you places to negotiate. What kind of places have you been?” Spike came back and held out a scroll to Twilight. “Thank you, Spike.” Her horn glowed and the scroll lifted and unfurled. It was quite long.

He cleared his throat, watching as Spike walked back over to his bed. “I think I've been everywhere...even if it was just passing through, if that counts. Some places I stayed longer, like Griflon...spent a long time there.”

Twilight blinked, her attention going back to him. “Griflon? That's over the sea.”

“Yeah and it's a long trip by flight or by sea. Though it's getting faster every couple months from what I heard...the griffons are working on a new type of ship, with engines that'll make the distance in a a few days, rather than a few weeks.”

Her brow wrinkled slightly. “Why would they want ships? Can't they just fly?”

“Oh sure.” He waved his hoof vaguely. “But you have to think of it all in trade.”


“That's one of the things I was there for.” He looked at her, Spike was now under his blankets and no longer interested him. “See, Equestria is the absolute gem capital of the world. There's no other place with even a hundredth of the gems here. And the thing about gems, is everypony wants them.”

Twilight nodded slowly. “We had a run in with some...Diamond Dogs I think they were?” She looked thoughtful.

“Oh I've met a few of them before.” She blinked at him. “They're not all bad, obsessive, yes, but give them a gem or two and they'll be your friend till you give them a gem to go away.” He chuckled softly, but Twilight did not. He coughed. “Anyways, I've worked with a few of them. Celestia had told me there had been an incident with some Diamond Dogs, but didn't go into details. Their ban has been...increased.”

Twilight tilted her head slightly. “Ban? They're banned?”

He nodded and took a deep breath. “Yes. Banned. Because of their obsessive nature with shiny gems, they aren't allowed in Equestria. They'd tear the place apart looking for them. And they wouldn't be afraid to steal them.” He rubbed his hoof against his left leg. “And they're very strong.”

She looked at his leg, he had a far off look. “Been attacked by one?”

Shrugging, he looked at her. “A few. Some were attacked by me. But it doesn't matter. They're banned.”

“So you went there to negotiate for trade?” she asked, looking down her list, at what to ask later.

“Mhm. One of the easier jobs I've had. Only one person was really against it...but...he had a lot of influence.” He stood up, stretching his legs. It was odd to sit still for so long.

“Mhm...” she mumbled, staring at the list. “Why would anyone object to it?”

“I don't know...Lers was an odd pony...” He looked around at the books.

“Was?” she said, looking up at him.



The sound of hooves on cobble beneath him. He had several blocks to go and only a few minutes to get there. A group of ponies up ahead forced him to run through an alley, startling a cat and a griffon who thought the alley was a good place to have his lunch. He decided it wasn't, now that the cat had run off with some of his sandwich and the rest was in the dirt. On the other street it took him a moment to get his bearings, before running off down another alley; he would have to cut through them to make it in time.

He turned in an alley, a wall ahead of him. “Dammit,” he said and leaped onto a garbage can, then up onto the top of the wall. The can had tipped as he jumped and he barely got his front legs over the top of the wall. He scrambled up and flopped over onto the ground on the other side. Less than a moment later he was at the end of the alley, looking at the street ahead and pushed up his hood.

Copper took deep breaths, leaning against the wall, trying to get his breath back. His large copper cloak draped over him. He shifted from his left side, to the right and back, getting a feel. “Good...nothing's loose...” He nodded his head downward quite forcefully and something that was resting on his head slid down over his face. His right hoof went up and adjusted it a bit. He looked down at puddle on the ground, the mask covered most of his face, at least all of the upper half. It was black, with clear lenses in the vague shape of an eagle’s face. Horsh had made it for him when he asked for a mask. Horsh was a good griffon, one of the few, he thought. He had wished it disguised his eyes. Everypony always remembered him for his eyes, but he could deny anything later. A masked pony is a masked pony. And during The Masquerade, every average pony, griffon or other, would have a mask.

He left the alley and followed the wall a ways. There was a guard a ways ahead of him, wearing the Griflon style of armor, all sleek and awkward. He walked slowly up to the earth brown earth pony at the gate. “Excuse me, do you see what's over there behind that gate?” Copper asked, giving the guard a slight smile.

The guard looked back through the gate. “You mean the Library?” Blang.

Copper glanced around as the earth pony slumped against the gate. “Pathetic.” He pushed open the gate, stepping over the pony. “Lers needs better guards.” Another earth pony, this one a shade of blue, came charging at him. He stepped to the side and extended his wing. Blang. Metal glinted off the front of his wing as it retracted back under his cloak. He moved to the doors and lifted his left hoof up, it was covered in what looked like black cloth, with a metal ring around it and several different things attached to it. He turned his hoof slightly and swung it out, two small points extruding from either side. He pushed the door open slowly with his shoulder, staying pressed to the door as it opened. He swirled his left hoof around slowly which created a soft buzzing noise, which grew slightly louder the longer he did it.

Inside it was dark, but he could hear voices in the distance. Somewhere behind some door. His eyes scanned the room as he swirled his hoof around. Then there was a click and he began walking forward, walking in a way that didn't allow the two metal tips to touch the ground. Light came from under a door he headed towards, as well as the sound of voices escaping from underneath. “...on't think it's a good idea.” This was a female voice, Copper recognized it as Lady Evale. A griffon of high standings and the reason Copper was there now, instead of tomorrow.

“What can they possibly do?” This was Lers. Copper had only heard his voice once, but it was one that stuck in the mind. Annoying and nasally.

“You don't understand...the Princess has sent her dog on you.” Copper frowned, he hated that nickname.

“Bah. That belligerent pony? I saw him the other day at the ball. That missing wing is an eyesore... He should just cut the other off and be done with it.” He arched a brow, standing outside the door. That had never occurred to him as an option. It wasn't a very good option, but it was there. And he didn't want it.

“That's a little harsh. I thought him quite charming.” He HAD spent a little too much time with her, he had to admit. But it was all in the gain of knowledge. He found out quite a lot. Including that she has a thing for ponies.

“Bah.” That was his favorite thing to say. It annoyed Copper to no end and he was pretty sure no one else liked it. “He seemed like a buffoon to me. Talking of uniting us with Equestria and opening up trades.” There was a pause. “No. There's enough ponies on this side of the ocean as it is.”

“And yet you have them as guards...” Copper muttered, as he shifted a bit and pulled out a small bag from under his cloak.

“I think we could do with more.” She would say that. “And the trade would benefit everyone. If you could just see it to sign the document and maybe give-”

“I said I will not!” There was a thump and Copper dropped the bag. But that was on purpose. He kicked it in front of the door. It was mushy, but when he pressed slightly, it turned solid and wedged the door shut. “And there is nothing you can say to me that will change my mind!”

Copper moved around to a hallway, just in time to see light spill out of a doorway. “If that is how you feel, then there is nothing else that I can say to you.” She nearly ran into Copper. “Ah.” She paused, looking at him. Of course, he thought as he looked at the pony mask on her face. “I see...so that's how it is?”

He nodded and then stepped around Lady Evale, a rather small griffon when all was said and done, but she held herself high and walked as somepony three feet taller than herself. He shut the door behind him and looked at Lers, who was staring at papers on a desk, which left his back to the door. Copper glanced around the library, so many books. At the back was a large window overlooking the grounds. He walked towards Lers, careful of the two prongs on his left hoof. “Bah! That fool of a Princess...she thinks that I'll just buckle cus she sends her dog.” He flung the papers off the desk and into the fire. Then he turned around.

“I am not fond of that name,” Copper said, only a few steps from Lers, who backed away, knocking over the table. “It's degrading.”

“Wa-wait! Please!” Lers said, moving to his left and running to the doors, which didn't open.

“No,” Copper said, moving between him and the only other door, the one he had come through. “You're out of chances and out of time. I only try so many times.”

Lers turned on him and pointed a shaking hoof at him. “S-stay away from me. I...I have money!”

“I don't want your blood money.” Lers grabbed a lamp and threw it at Copper. It hit him in the side as he tried to get out of the way and bounced off. Lers ran at him and tried to get past. Copper swung his left hoof and the prongs hit Lers in the chest.

The shocker that Copper carried could only charge enough to paralyze the average pony. Unfortunately, Lers was not your average pony and had a weak heart. He went rigid, his eyes wide, before he slumped to the floor. Copper stood up and patted out a bit of fire trying to catch on his cloak. He looked around, saw the shattered lamp and the oil everywhere. This place was going to go up and fast. Then his eyes found Lers, on the floor. He knew instantly that the pony was dead. “Damn it.” He took a deep breath and let it out slowly; the fire had caught on the books and rose very quickly to the ceiling. “Damn it!” he exclaimed and stomped the ground, the prongs retracting.

He took deep breaths, looking around the room. “I...crap.” The fire was well out of control now. “I just wanted him to...damn it now I have to fix this...” He checked Lers quickly, he was not breathing and had no heartbeat. Panic was setting in. He needed that signature, but now he couldn't get it. He didn't care about Lers being dead; the pony was not nice. He made his money off the ponies that came to live this side of the ocean. He tied them up in red tape and debt. Most of the ponies didn’t have a single bit to their name. He had any pony who he thought was going to get under his hoof killed. Copper shook his head and looked around, most of the room was ablaze. He ran and jumped through the window, using his cloak and wing to shield himself from the glass.


Copper sighed. “He died.” Twilight gave him a critical look. “It was an accident. One that actually turned out favorable in the end.” He shook his head. “I don't like it when part of my negotiation dies. It's never good...”

Twilight nodded slightly, deciding to not pursue the subject. “So.” He looked up at her. “What's your favorite food?”

Copper couldn't help it, he tried to hold back, but with a crack of a smile, he laughed. He laughed long and hard. It was the best feeling he had ever had. The best part was it was contagious. When somepony is that happy it's hard not to laugh along with them and feel good. After what felt about an hour Copper finally managed to calm down enough to give an answer. “I, heh, don't really have one. Heheh.”

Twilight was still smiling. “Oh? Well, what do you eat?”

“Mostly just, heh, grass and the occasional, heh, flower.” He cleared his throat in an attempt to get rid of the chuckles. It was so difficult to come down from that. What an absolutely normal question.

“No carrots? Apples?” Twilight prompted, looking at him.

He shook his head. “No. Heheh. I had an apple this morning for, heh, the first time in... Well...a very, very long time.” She tilted her head. “Ah. I...uh...heh...ran into Applejack.”

“Ooohhh. AJ.” She nodded knowingly. “Yeah, Sweet Apple Acres has some of the best apple and apple based products I've ever had.”

Copper took a deep breath and nodded. The giggles were gone now. “It was delicious. Pinkie Pie couldn't stop eating them...”

“Oh! You met Pinkie, too?” she said, looking down at her list and then back up at him, smiling.

He nodded, his mouth hurt from smiling so much. “Oh yes. She was...a ball of fun.” The most fun he'd had ever, as far as he was concerned. And that felt really pathetic to him. But he had never been after fun. It was always the job. The job and only the job. Had he even had any friends? “Hm?”

He looked up at Twilight, she had said something. “I said, do you have any friends?”

“Not really.” He looked at the books on the shelves again. “Never had too much time and moved around too much.”

She nodded slowly and smiled a bit. “But you've already made friends here.”

He chuckled softly, which actually hurt. “Yeah. I believe I have.” He smiled, even though it hurt to do so. “Though I think I may have freaked Rarity out a bit...”

“Huh?” She blinked at him. “How so?”

He opened his mouth to speak, but rather than explain, spread out his wing a bit and wiggled the nub. “Not being all there I suppose.”

She frowned slightly. “I'm sure it was just a bit of a shock... I know I've never seen an injury that bad...”

“Well, outside of Equestria, ponies like me aren't too terribly uncommon.” He sighed, shaking his head. “With griffons, dragons, diamond dogs and...well...not nice things... It's fairly common to see a pony who's injured.” He saw the expression change on her face and quickly added, “Though my extent is more rare. Usually scars and such...”

“Well...I'm sure she'll get used to it. Everypony will eventually.” She smiled at him. “After all, you're our newest resident.” She walked over to a table in the center of the room and put the scroll down on it. “I think that that's enough questions for now.” She walked over to Spike and nudged him gently.

There was a grunt and Spike’s head poked out from under the blanket. “Yes?” He looked up at her blearily.

“We're heading out. I'll send Fluttershy by if I see her.” He retreated back under the blankets. She walked over to Copper. “He's not been feeling well lately...but, I think it's time that I show you around town, alright?”

He nodded. “Sounds good to me... Do you...think we could get something to eat? I've not got any bits at the moment, but I can pay you back when my things arrive.”

Twilight shakes her head. “Now now. As your official guide to Ponyville, it'll be my treat.” With that, she walked to the door, which opened ahead of her when her horn glowed.

Copper smiled and took a deep breath, heading after her. “All right. If you insist.”


The first stop on Twilight's Ponyville Tour, as she started calling it, was after they went back to the library so she could make a list of places they were going to visit. But the first stop was, much to Copper's relief, a restaurant. Finest in Ponyville, Twilight had said. They sat at a table outside and Copper scanned over the menu, using his usual reading technique. “What would you recommend?” He said, not taking his eyes off the menu.

“Mmm...well I'm quite fond of the daffodil and daisy sandwich,” she said, looking at her own menu.

“That sounds good.” His stomach growled in response and he chuckled. “Very good indeed.”

Twilight smiled a bit as the waiter walked up to their table. He was a cream colored pony, with navy blue hair slicked back and two little pins of a mustache. A covered silver serving dish was his cutie mark. “Do you know what you'd like?”

She nodded and glanced at the menu once more. “Two daffodil and daisy sandwiches please.”

“Right away.” The waiter turned and walked off, Copper watched him go, quite interested in the pony wearing a bowtie. It had been a while since he had seen a bowtie on a pony. Not since the ball.


He frowned at his reflection and once again adjusted his bowtie. “I don't like it, Horsh. It doesn't feel right...” The tux was a perfect fit, he knew, but at the same time, didn't feel like it fit properly at all.

“Oh come on Copper... I spent all day fitting it for you.” Copper looked at the reflection of the rather elderly griffon standing behind him. He had a tape measure draped over his neck. “And you have to dress for the occasion.”

He scrunched up his face. “Doesn't mean I have to like it.” He sighed and shook his head. “But, rules are rules...”

Horsh patted him on the back. “Quite right. Now, we have a carriage outside, all ready to take The Grand Copper Feather, Equestrian Diplomat to the ball.”

He didn't like that title. He didn't like any title, to be honest. “I don't feel like a diplomat...and I'm not. I'm The Negotiator.” Except that one. That one he liked.

“Yes yes.” He steered Copper towards the door. “Now get going. You've a ball to attend and you need to hob nob with all those uppity ups.”

Copper nodded as headed out the door. “Right...and there's Lers to deal with...” Outside, there was a covered carriage. Copper wondered how much it had cost Horsh, but he knew he would get back far more then he paid. Then he spotted the two ponies at the front of the carriage and he could feel it deep down: pity. He shook his head and walked up to the carriage. One of the ponies moved quickly to open the door for him. “Thank you.” He looked at the pony and the feeling increased. The pony was brown, with a bandage over half of his face, covering his eye.

He did not speak to him, merely bowing his head down. Copper felt sorry for him as he got inside. It was nice, though he noted it was nicer on the outside than on the inside. The door closed behind him and he heard the pony take up his position. Red seats, which he found soft and comfortable. He flexed his wing outward, stretching it into the seat beside him. Staring at it, he moved it up and down slowly.

It was never a good idea to have nothing to do. If you do that, then your mind wanders. For Copper that was especially not a good thing. He had a lot of bad memories. So he bided his time, watching his wing raise up and down slowly and thought of it as well as mechanical things. Oh how he adored mechanical things and clockwork. He had found he was quite good at them quite a long time ago and that's how he got his cutie mark. First pegasus that ever even showed interest in mechanics, to his findings.

But that was all right for him. He didn't even think of himself as a pegasus. It was easier to think of himself as an earth pony with a wing, and there were quite a few mechanic earth ponies. He had spoken with several of them and managed to learn from them. But it never seemed enough. He never had time to actually put forth what he had learned. Oh sure, he helped Horsh with the odd gadget now and then, but for the most part he just observed.

The carriage came to a stop and the door opened. Copper looked out at the mansion. If it did anything, in his opinion, it was loom. It was built to loom. Griffon mansions were built like that. Not on purpose as far as he could see, but out of want to be high. That put most of the structure quite high in the sky. Many griffon buildings were up there in the sky, flying on clouds. Copper marveled at the small airships that took those that couldn't fly to the land of clouds. He had stayed away from being up there; he was worried he would fall. Not quite afraid, but close to it.

The cobbles outside the carriage were an odd shape, in his opinion. Like some sort of oblong spiral. He looked at them as he walked forward and then up at the large, open, double doors. The doors were always big to allow griffons and ponies to fly in and out. But everypony was walking. There was a bit of a walk to the door and a few stragglers were ahead of Copper. The sun was setting and he imagined Princess Celestia using her power to cause it to rise over Equestria. The moon was already up, it was rare for a sunset to not have the moon already risen here.

He shook his head and came up to the doors, inside he could see a very, very large room. The entire place was packed full. There was a large griffon standing to the side, announcing those ahead of him. Copper didn't care the least who was there. This was his second to last chance to convince Lers to sign on with the trade route. “The Grand Copper Feather, Equestrian Diplomat.” The griffon announced and the sudden pressure of gazes caused Copper to hesitate. He looked out over the floor, almost everypony was staring at him. Then he spotted Lers, by the buffet and, ignoring the stares, headed towards him.

The crowd parted ahead of him and probably closed behind him, judging by the whispering behind him. People whispering about him was always annoying and he knew what they were talking about. The tux had been made for a pegasus and therefore had slits in the back for the wings. Or in Copper’s case, a wing and a stub. Copper was so lost in thought, that he nearly walked into a griffon who had not moved out of his way. She gave him a smile, or as much a smile as one could do with a beak. “Ah, Copper. I am so pleased you could make it.”

Copper looked at her and then remembered who she was. He cleared his throat. “Good evening, Lady Evale.” He leaned slightly to the side to see if he could spot Lers, but it seemed he moved on.

“I see you making a head start to the buffet. Come, I shall accompany you.” She turned around and began walking towards the buffet.

“Damn it...” he breathed as he followed her. Lady Evale was on his side, he knew. But she could cause more problems then she solved if given the chance to force her opinion. “How are you this evening?” But he had to be polite. She held as much sway as Lers did.

“Oh I am more than fine tonight.” Copper ignored her for the most part, scanning for Lers. “I'm afraid he spotted you coming.”

“Damn.” He stood by the buffet, his back to it. “Do you think he will try and leave?”

“Oh I highly doubt that. A pony of Lers standings could not simply walk out on a ball of this magnitude a mere hour in.” She picked up a drink and offered it to Copper.

Who shook his head. “No, thank you... I need to stay focused.” He stood up straighter, he thought he caught a glimpse of Lers, but couldn't be sure.

“Ah yes...quite right.” To his surprise, she downed the drink in one go. “Come, I will assist you in your endeavor to speak with him.”

He went to say something in response, but she was already on the move. It was amazing how she could move so quickly through the crowd, yet conversed with more ponies and griffons than Copper could keep up with. And she knew all of their names. All of them. He had trouble remembering names of day to day ponies and griffons. Yet there she was, a how are you mister such and such. Lovely to see you miss blah blah. How are the kids mister and miss whatever. She did this for an hour and then there was Lers, backed into a corner. He was talking with some pony, who looked miserable and then grateful at their approach. Lers however, glared at Copper. “I do not want to talk with you.”

Copper sighed and took in a deep breath. “Please Sir Lers, we need to discuss the matter at hoof.”

“I don't want to discuss anything with the likes of you.” For being such a thin and fairly elderly pony, Lers could stand quite tall.

“Did you at least look over the documents?” Copper insisted, from a bit of a distance. It never paid well to get too close to someone who wanted nothing to do with you.

“You mean that drivel of a contract? I honestly can't see how anyone in their right mind, present company excluded,” he said with a glance at Evale, “would ever sign such a thing.”

“Please Sir Lers.” It was difficult to keep one’s patience around such a pony. “It would benefit everypony if you would simply give the project your endorsement.” Lers gave him a look of disgust, but he continued. “Faster travel, better and safer established trading and all the jobs for everypo-”

“I said I will not!” Lers cut him off and stomped his hoof in the ground. Several patrons nearby turned to watch. “I will not give you my endorsement on anything. I would not stoop so low as to give someone such as yourself the time of day!” He moved off to the side, pushing aside a waiter who had been walking by. “You are nothing but a dog, sent off to try and cheat others out of their hard earned...” His face scrunched up with effort and then he stood up straight. “I pride myself on not dealing with ponies of your standing. And my opinion will not change. You...you're nothing but...” He paused, searching for a suitable insult. “Nothing but a cripple with ideas of grandeur.”

Copper ground his hooves into the ground, gritting his teeth. The hardest thing right now, was to not charge him and beat him to death. “The ignorance of that old fool will be the downfall of everything,” he said through grit teeth. Then he moved quickly, assisting the elderly waiter back into his feet.

“Come,” Evale said, placing her hand gently on his shoulder. “I think you need that drink now.”

“I agree.”



He looked up, staring into Twilight's questioning face. “Hm? What?”

“He asked if you'd like anything to drink,” she said, gesturing a hoof at the water who was staring down his nose at him.

“Ah. Sorry...” He took a deep breath and nodded. “Yeah...just some water.” The waiter nodded and walked back to the restaurant.

“Are you alright Copper?” There was a thick tone of concern to her voice as she spoke. Copper simply nodded. “It's just, you keep seeming to zone out.”

He chuckled sightly and shrugged. “Just thinking.” He ground his hoof into the ground, staring down at the table and the sandwich in front of him. He was not a cripple. Earth ponies were not crippled. But he wasn't an earth pony.

She tilted her head slightly to one side. “What are you thinking about?”

“Oh just the last time I wore a bowtie.” He gestured vaguely at the waiter, who was at another table where a light yellow pony with an orange mane and green eyes sat. Her cutie mark was of three carrots. She seemed to be having a conversation with the waiter and Copper realized he was staring at them.

He turned back to Twilight as she asked, “When was that?”

“Oh quite a long time ago, I think... I'm terrible at remembering when things happen...” He leaned down and took a bite of the sandwich. “This is really good.”

Twilight smiled a bit at him. “Why did you have to wear a bowtie?”

He had already eaten half of the sandwich, as she took her first bite. Goodness, he was hungry. “Oh I had to go to a ball,” and rather than wait for another question, he decided to continue as she ate. “It was being held by Lady Evale, a quite influential Griffon. Lers was attending it and I had to try and convince him to give his assistance. So I asked Lady Evale for an invitation, so I could try again. He was refusing to see me at that point... Unfortunately, he didn't agree.”

Now she was finished with half of her sandwich. “Is that when he...”

“Hm?” He blinked and then shook his head. “Oh no. He didn't die at the party. That was a few days later... He... Well I went to speak with him, he threw a lamp at me... There was a bit of a fight and... Well his heart gave out.”

Twilight frowned slightly, looking at him. He didn't like being dishonest with her, but he was worried that if he told her he was there to force him to sign and that he accidentally killed him... Well he was sure she wouldn't want to be friends with him. “He threw a lamp at you?”

Copper chuckled and nodded. “Mhm. And he burned down the building, too.”

She stopped, halfway to taking another bite of her sandwich. “The building burned down?”

“Yeah.” He took another bite and swallowed this time before speaking. “Griflon's National Library. He owned the building.” Twilight looked horrified. “Oh no one was hurt.” He paused, watching as her expression failed to change. “And most of the books survived.” He ventured. “Nothing rare, or too expensive.”

Twilight relaxed a bit. “Well, it's good that no boo- nopony was hurt...” She busied herself with eating.

He chuckled softly and finished his sandwich as the waiter arrived with two glasses of water, setting them both down on the table. “Thank you,” Copper said, picking up and downing half the glass in a single go. He was really thirsty as well. It would be odd getting used to eating and drinking regularly again. No more nibbling when he got the chance just to keep away the rumbles and the grumbles.

They ate the rest of their meal in silence, well, Twilight ate. Copper drank. Four glasses of water by the time he was satisfied. With that, Twilight paid and they both got underway. “Let's see...” she mumbled, the scroll hovering in front of her. “We'll go see the mayor next.”


Town hall was a circular building, which was quite interesting. At least Copper found this interesting, when he brought it up to Twilight, she gave him an odd look and felt a bit embarrassed for bringing it up. It didn't take long for them to actually get to see the mayor, who was busy with paperwork. “Miss Mayor? Do you think you have time to see us?”

“Oh! Twilight, come in. Of course I do. Who did you br-” her voice caught in her throat as she saw Copper.

Twilight frowned slightly. “It's all right, Twilight. I'm honestly used to it.” He gave a slight bow to the mayor, who was a light grayish amber color with a gray mane. “My name is Copper Feather.”

Sort of purply blue colored eyes behind half moon spectacles seemed to stare it him a moment, before she shook her head back and forth. “Sorry,” she said and cleared her throat, quickly adjusting the teal sort of pomf on the front of the white collar around her neck. “I am the mayor of Ponyville.”

“Copper is our newest resident, Miss Mayor,” Twilight said, smiling at the mayor.

“Oh?” she said, moving to her desk and sifting through papers. “Ah yes. Here we go... I got this letter from Princess Celestia a long time ago to prep for a somepony who would be coming here...”

Copper nodded. “Yes that would be me. And I must say, I'm enjoying Ponyville so far.” He glanced at her cutie mark, a scroll wrapped with a blue ribbon.

“That's good,” she said, turning to him and smiling at him. He had to give her one thing, she bounced back from surprise quite well.

Twilight nodded and looked at the scroll again. “All right then. Next is Sugarcube Corner. We'll see what's going on there with Mr. and Mrs. Cake and see if Pinkie is there.”

Copper smiled and followed her out of the Mayor’s office. The mayor relaxed in her seat as she watched them leave. “That's good. I'd like to see more of Pinkie.”

Author's Note:

((Chapter editing assistance by Amneiger.))