• Published 7th Feb 2013
  • 1,635 Views, 47 Comments

Pony of the Gears - TheFoxern

Copper Feather is a pony who's lived a rough life, and has finally gotten a reprieve and the retirement he deserves. But like the rest of his life, nothing goes according to plan. He may be done with his job, but it's not done with him. (Co

  • ...

16: Back in the Badlands

Copper stared down at the mess on the floor and then around the room. Slowly he took in everything. Glasses were everywhere, as were bottles. “Have you been in here all day?” There was a grumble from the mass of blankets on the bed in the center, which seemed devoid of any debris. He sighed, shaking his head. “I did tell you to take it easy...”

“I...eel like I'm dying...” a voice mumbled from beneath the covers. “I want to diiieee...”

“It's called a hangover.” Copper moved towards the bed, being careful not to step on, or in, anything. Apparently changelings couldn't die from alcohol poisoning, otherwise Chestnut would be dead about ten times over. “Ya know, someone tried to kill me.” But maybe she hadn't been drinking alone.

There was a grumbling from under the blankets and Chestnut’s head popped out. Or well, Copper assumed it had to be Chestnut’s, as he didn't know any other changelings in the area. “Why?”

“Not sure,” he said as he moved beside the bed. “You're out of shape, by the way. Not sure if you can tell...” She was staring at, or through, him, her eyes wide. It was difficult for Copper to tell which. “What?” he said finally, when he could not take the staring.

“You...” she said, seeming to falter in her search for words.

“Me?” There was a few seconds of thought, then he chuckled and nodded. “Yes. Back to normal. No more technically dead for me.” Her silence lead him to believe that was not enough, so he continued, “That was the point of coming here, remember?” All that she managed was a slight nod. He sighed. “Honestly, that was the whole point of this.” Though now there is a new point to it. “I can think far clearer,” I can't stop my mind from racing, “and things are starting to make sense.” Though not enough.

“R-right... I just...” She stared at him, then cleared her throat and closed her eyes. “My head is killing me...”

He chuckled softly, “I did tell you to take it easy, didn't I?” He looked out the window a before moving over to it and looking out.

“Does this happen every time?” She groaned and shook her head. The blur went from black, to brown, as she was once again Chestnut.

“No. Only when you drink too much. Some ponies build up immunities to it though, or I should say a tolerance. While others find it worth the headache.” Something was coming. He could feel it. “Now come. We have to get outta here.”

“Why?” she said as she crawled out of the bed and into the mess on the floor.

There was a slight hesitation as Copper made his way towards the door. “Just...a feeling,” he said as he glanced both ways down the hall, which was empty. “First...we have a stop to make...”

The dungeons felt just the same as they walked down them, Chestnut constantly muttering things like, “Oh my head...” and “Never again...”

Copper couldn't help finding it amusing. But everything seemed amusing to him right now. He felt like he was floating along. Well, technically he was, but that wasn't what he truly meant. He turned a corner to see Jeta leaning against the wall, staring at the one opposite. The door at the end of the hall was still closed. “Everything all right, Jeta?”

“Mm?” She tilted her head to look at him and Copper knew immediately something was wrong. “Oh everything's fine. The wall is just...” Her gaze traveled back to where she had been staring, “So interesting...”

He rushed to her quickly and stared at her. It took a few seconds to find a clue, but there was a small puncture wound in her neck. “Watch her,” he said and rushed to the door. Copper wasn't an idiot and knew that he couldn't force the door, but he pressed his ear to it.

“You failed,” somepony said after a pause.

“Nae Ah didne,” Pots snapped, “Ah took th' job fur th' someain impersonatin' Copper. Since nae a body was actually daein' 'at, there's nae job.” Copper tried the door and to his surprise it was unlocked. He stopped, leaving it open a fraction. He could see the bubble film in front of the door, saying that it was still full of air and dry. That was both good and bad.

He rushed back to Jeta. “Jeta. What's the release word?”

“Mmm?” She looked at him, or rather, through him.

“The release word. For Pots,” Copper insisted, trying to remain calm, but that was becoming difficult. He needed Pots alive.

But the blank look that she was giving caused him a bit of worry. “Pop Pot go boom,” she said with a giggle, before she slumped to the side.

“Well she's useless,” Chestnut said, leaning heavily against the wall.

“You aren't being very helpful yourself,” he snapped at her and shook Jeta gently, “Jeta... Come on. Jeta. Please... What is the release word?”

She giggled again and mumbled, “Boom goes the pot...”

“Jeta...come on. We're looking for a word starting with J.” He lifted her up so that he could look at her. It had to start with J, as that was the way you cast the spell. Beginning letter of the so called guard, who would be the only one who knows the word, unless they tell somepony.

“Jeta start with J,” she said with a grin.

He frowned and let her go. “Fine, we'll do this the hard way.” Jeta slumped once again to the floor, as Copper made his way quickly to the door. He kicked it as hard as he could, which was bad for the pony standing off to the side of it. He saw two other ponies, one was Pots and the other was- Jet. Blue with a bright gold mane sticking out from under his helmet. He was a failed Wonderbolt, who joined Celestia's guard when they kicked him out of the Wonderbolt Academy. For excessive brutality, if Copper remembered correctly. Beating a pony to near death, so they couldn't beat him in the next days race kind of thing. But that wasn't why Copper hated him.

“Ah Copper. I was wondering when-” Copper was not going to hear a lecture, not now, not by this brute of a pegasus. And the hoof he got to the throat would shut anypony up. But that wasn't near enough to take him out, just put Jet down. Copper went to slam both hooves down on him, but Jet rolled away, coughing heavily. “Damn,” he wheezed, holding his throat as he backed away. “No mercy, eh?”

“Not for you,” Copper growled and gave the door another hard kick. The noise of somepony being crunched between a door and a wall was very unpleasant. “Or any friend of yours.”

“Oh please, like that pathetic excuse for a unicorn was my friend,” he said, regaining some composure. Copper looked at Pots, who appeared to be unconscious. Or dead. He hoped it was the former. “I'm like you. No friends. Things are easier that way.”

“I have friends, Jet. More friends than I know,” Copper said, taking deep breaths. There was a lot of blood in the air and on the floor. Jet was splattered quite a lot. They really had worked Pots over. He really hoped that he wasn't dead.

Jet laughed, smirking as he spoke. “You? Friends? Copper the dog?” Copper's eyes narrowed. “Oh I do love how much you hate that little nickname...” He rushed at Copper. He swung a hoof towards Copper's face, but it instead connected with hoof. Copper struck back, but Jet leaned back with ease. “Whose dog are you now, Copper?” Copper made a sweep for his back legs, as Jet flapped his wings, gaining elevation above the swipe. He rolled to the side as all four of Jet's hooves clattered on the floor where he had been. “Whose dog?”

Copper wasn't about to give him the satisfaction of an answer. Besides that, he needed to watch him. Jet was a competent fighter, one that Copper had gone up against a few times. Every time had been a struggle and now Jet had years on him. Years that Copper was sure he spent beating ponies into the dirt. Jet was the kind of pony Pots wasn't. The ruthless one. Not just a killer, but murderer without rules and a shiny helmet to do it under. A dodge to the side put Jet closer to the doorway. But Jet wasn't stupid; he knew Copper would be on him easily if he tried to run. Copper blocked another blow and kicked at Jet's stomach, which he blocked in turn. “You're biding your time...” Copper said, breathing heavily.

But so was Jet. “Whatever do you mean, dog?”

“You're...not fighting seriously... I know there's more on the way...” His mind was racing again, there was that twinge of the feeling. And the smirk on Jet's face confirmed his suspicion. Another swipe at Jet, with a block of his kick.

“It's no fun fighting you,” Jet said as he struck out again, but Copper knocked his hoof out of the way. “You're so serious.” Copper ducked as he swung at him again and he shouldered into Jet, planting him into the door. There was quite the unpleasant crunch. He staggered backwards, holding his stomach. Jet had gotten in a hit. “No smiles. C'mon. Where's the dog who was out to teach me a lesson, hm?” He smirked at him and shifted over slightly. “The one who beat me into the dirt, just to see if I would do it again. What happened to Corser's protégé? C'mon. Show me what you've got. We ain't on the same side anymore.”

Copper was out of breath. That blow had knocked the wind out of him. He coughed and gasped as he backed away.

“You're pathetic. What happened to all your fight? Your drive?” His face melted into a smirk. “You know...when I'm done with you, I think I'll kill your little friends in the hallway, too,” his wings shifted as he spoke, extending down to touch the ground.

Copper took a deep breath and let instinct take over. He felt that he had noticed something, something that was important, but it wasn't registering. Something needed to be done now. So he ran at him. Jet continued to smirk and swung at him. He was surprised when it connected and even more surprised when Copper didn't slow down in the slightest. He barreled into him and knocked them both out into the hallway. Of course, as the bubble formed around Jet, Copper realized what his subconscious had noticed. When he struck him in the throat, he had cracked the stone. They weren’t the toughest things and can be broken if one tried. As water filled the bubble through cracks and Jet's eyes widened as he took in a breath of water, Copper continued to push. He struck Jet in the stomach, forcing the last bit of air out of his lungs. “I am no one's dog,” he spat, shoving him away. Jet struggled for a few seconds as he tried to get towards a room with air. But with no air in his lungs and nothing but water to inhale it wasn't long before he lost consciousness.

“Well...that was a tad brutal,” Chestnut said, watching as Copper swam quickly back into the room. He pulled the door to the side and watched as the unicorn slumped to the floor. With the way he writhed and groaned, Copper assumed he would live. Though the coughing up blood also told him not for long.

“Chestnut. Can you turn into a seapony?” he said as he moved to Pots. He was alive.

She gave him a look, one which he ignored. “Yes. I suppose if I have to,” she said reluctantly.

“I need your bubble stone. We're taking Pots with us.” He was already dragging Pots over to the door.

“Didn't you say he tried to kill you?” she said as she transformed into Jeta and handed over the bubble stone and necklace.

Copper hesitated as he saw her and was about to ask her to change, but that would work better. “Yes. But it's complicated. We need to get him out of here and we need to get out of here.”

She nodded as she watched Copper put the necklace on Pots and drag him out of the room. Once out, it was a lot easier to move. “First seapony we see, you need to tell them there are ponies down here who need medical attention.” He stared at Jet, before pushing him into a side cell, which was full of water and closing it. “Hopefully they don't find him and try to revive him.” Jet needed to die, there was no other way. For the things he had done, this kind of death was being kind. Copper wished there was some other way, but if Jet was left alive, he would do nothing but interfere and eventually he would kill Copper. He knew that he only won this time because of luck.

Copper moved to the wall across from the giggling and mumbling Jeta on the floor. He wrote on the little clipboard by Pot’s cell, 'Will explain later. Sorry. -Copper'

“She is not going to be happy,” Chestnut said, looking over his shoulder at the little note.

He chuckled softly, shaking his head. “No. I can't imagine she will be. Especially because I won’t be saying goodbye...again.”

Then they left. They had a plan in case of the need of a quick get away and it was time to use it. It was simple and all it consisted of was a fishing boat with just changelings aboard. Simple, but effective. Copper even saw one of Celestia's ship off in the distance as they left. He wondered whether she would actually be on it or not.

“Can I see that?” he asked a changeling beside him, who was looking through a spyglass. He was a gray blue, with a white mane and a gold streak. He had a strap from shoulder to waist, with a leather holster for his spyglass. A gold star was his cutie mark. Copper stared at his eyes. Apparently, he couldn't decide on a color, so he went with all of them. Two colors showed at once, each eye on a different spectrum and they changed slowly through shades. “What's your name?” Copper said as he accepted the proffered spyglass.

He tilted his head to the side. “I...don't have a name.”

Copper hesitated, before looking through the spyglass. “What do you mean you don't have a name? I thought all of you changelings had names. Like Chestnut.”

“Well...” He shifted uncomfortably. “We usually don't get names anymore... A name is a big thing. It's special...and now that we're no longer in Equestria few of us have names, especially us younger ones.”

The ship was too far off now to make out anypony on board. But he could see they had stopped and were probably making their way down. “So why don't you have a name?” he said as he turned back. Those eyes were hypnotic, to say the least.

“Because it's special. We can't just choose a name.” Copper offered the spyglass back to him, which he accepted with an odd sort of carefulness, as if now the item was some holy artifact.

“Well...” Copper looked out at the ocean and took a deep breath. “I hope you don't mind, but I think I'll call you Spyglass.”

“Spyglass?” he said slowly, staring out at the ocean with Copper.

“Yeah. It feels fitting,” he said with a slight chuckle. “And besides that, I need something to call you. Since Chestnut is still out of commission from her hangover...”

“She said she got hit over the head,” Spyglass said as he turned to look at Copper. “What's a hangover?”

“It's from drinking too much alcohol,” he said with another chuckle.

“Alcohol...” he said slowly, deep in thought for a moment. “That's some kinda drink thing, isn't it?”

Copper nodded. “Oh yes,” he said, trying not to laugh at this point. “Not very good to have too much of though, you end up very sick and feel like you've been hit over the head with a building.”

“That doesn't sound fun...”

“Oh it can be, if you do it right,” he said chuckling.


It took a bit over a day to be back in the Badlands. Everything looked just as dried out and horrible as ever. But to Copper, it looked oddly wonderful. He felt now that he was truly alive. The air didn't even bother him anymore when he breathed normally, but he still couldn't take in too deep of a breath without coughing. He stared out at the cracked desert, which made up the northern part of the badlands. The swamplands to the south could not be seen, but it still affected the air. There was quite a lot of changelings to greet them. “This seems a bit excessive,” Copper said as he looked out at the few dozen changelings, with only a few of them actually looking like ponies.

“Queen Chrysalis does not like that you have brought a guest,” one changeling who was walking through the group towards Copper said.

“Yes, well...I am sure Chrysalis will agree with me on my decisions,” Copper looked back as Pots came slowly out, with the help of Chestnut and Spyglass. “And you are not going to stop me.”

The changeling quickly backed away under his gaze. “Calm down Copper,” Chestnut said as they came up beside him. “I can understand Queen Chrysalis' point of view. Pop Pot is not someone she would want in her country.”

Copper took a deep breath, but stopped himself before he inhaled too deeply. “Yes, well. As anypony could see that he's in no shape to do anything. And his magic is sealed at the moment. So he is no harm at all right now.” He adjusted his bowtie absentmindedly and looked towards the slowly retreating changeling. “I will speak with Chrysalis when we get back to the castle.”

They walked slowly through the changelings, which now began to wander off as they realized they were there for no reason. Some of them were actually a bit annoyed that they were pulled from other things they were doing. “I think you make the Queen nervous...” Chestnut said as they helped Pots into the carriage.

“Probably,” Copper said as he climbed into the carriage behind them. Spyglass stared back at the ship, obviously having quite deep thoughts. Copper hesitated a moment, looking at him. He needed allies. Ponies he trusted, even a little. But most of all, he wanted friends. “Are you going to come with us?”

Spyglass blinked and looked back at him. But it was Chestnut who spoke. “Why would he come with us?”

Copper gave a shrug. “Not many changelings talk to me. He's one of the few that does. And honestly, I can't take the way that they were avoiding me.” He sat down in the back of the carriage. “I'm sick of being alone.” That seemed to be the final word from Copper. His mind was already elsewhere and he was tired. Some days were simply more tiring than others.


Copper awoke in the middle of a conversation between, upon him opening his eyes to find out, Chestnut and Spyglass. “-ven't been going well as of late... Celestia has redoubled her efforts to exterminate changelings since news of Copper's return...” Spyglass was saying, staring down at the floor.

Chestnut sighed, she was staring out the window. “So obviously she knows that the Queen is helping him...”

“Obviously,” Copper said with a yawn and a stretch. He noted how both of them sat on the other side of the carriage with Pots between them, even though there was enough room on Copper's side, even with him laying down. He wasn't sure where exactly to file that information. Either under respect, courtesy, or fear.

“Yes,” Spyglass continued. “It's just a good thing that there are very few changelings in places Celestia has control.”

“Who's against Celestia?” Copper said, sitting up. He had an annoying crick in his neck now. These seats were not very comfortable.

“Well, no one...” Spyglass glanced at Copper and then at Chestnut.

“No one's against Celestia, Copper,” she said, looking at Spyglass a moment and then at Copper. “Well, except Queen Chrysalis...but there are just some that don't let her rule them. Even though she still kind of does. Trotland is really the only safe place outside the Badlands for changelings nowadays... Though I plan on talking with the Queen about Aquis, as it seems a good place. Though flippers are difficult to get the hang of at first...”

Copper looked towards Spyglass and chuckled softly as he noticed the change of cutie mark. “Glad you decided to come along, Spyglass?”

He only glanced at Copper, before looking at the floor. “I'm worried the Queen won’t like it...”

He shrugged and stretched again. That crick was annoying and rubbing it was barely doing anything for it. “Well, you're essential to my plans.” Spyglass looked up and stared at him. As did Chestnut.

“He's part of your plans?” Chestnut said, almost sounding annoyed.

“Yes. As are you, Chestnut.” He had been running plans through his head while he slept. Even with Nightmare's criticism, he was sure he had a good one now.

“And what if I don't want to be part of your so called plans?” She folded her arms in front of her, staring at her.

“Well that would be unfortunate,” Copper said, looking out the window. “I'd have to find some other pony to get my notes.”

She blinked. “Notes?”

He looked at her and smiled. “Yes. My notes, that I left in Ponyville. I need them and my tools, if I'm to get anything further out of my plans.”

“You...you want me to go to Equestria?” She looked rigid now.

“Yes,” Copper said, nodding. “I need somepony to get them and you seem like the most competent. But if you don't want to... Well, I guess I could ask Ellis...”

Chestnut gave a sarcastic hah. “She would never leave the castle.”

“Hm... Well...” He leaned against the back of the carriage. This was a more comfortable position for his neck. “Who would you suggest? I mean, since you don't want to.” Copper felt he was really starting to get a feel for Chestnut and how she viewed others.

“I never said that,” she snapped, frowning at him.

“Oh?” He looked at her, a smile on his face. “So, you will go then?”

Her face scrunched a bit as she thought about this. “What's my part?” Spyglass said, leaning slightly forward. Copper could practically feel him brimming.

“I...” He cleared his throat, chuckling softly. “Well, you're going to deliver letters for me. I need somepony who is not a known association with me-” he raised a hoof at Chestnut, who was about to speak, “changeling or not. I need someone who no one has seen me around. And you're going to be in Ponyville, so you can't do it.”

“Deliver letters?” he said, tilting his head to the side slightly.

Copper nodded. “Yes. And bring their replies back to me. It's more important than it sounds.” He was quite aware at how unimportant it sounded. Delivering a letter was a fairly simple task. But there was things Copper needed to know, like Pot’s release word.

Spyglass nodded, smiling slightly. It was the first time that Copper had notice him smile. “Alright. I'll do my best.”

He gave him a big smile, “I know you'll do wonderfully.” He turned his attention back out the window. “And look at that...we're almost there.”

The road through the swamp was unmistakable. For one, the carriage slowed quite a lot and made a lot of twists and turns as it made its way through the only solid strip of land that went all the way to the castle. Chrysalis had made sure that there was only one way. But Copper was more interested in the transition from barren wasteland to swamp. It was quite abrupt. It went from rock hard ground to squishy swamp in a few hooves. That wasn't natural. That had been done intentionally. And the more Copper thought about it, the more that Chrysalis's remark that Celestia did it seemed true. She sent Jet after him. Or after Pots. Or maybe both.


“Get up, Copper.” He looked up at the pony who was speaking. Those gray eyes could stare through you. “Do you think somepony is just going to stop because you're on the ground?” The striking white of his mane in the twilight was off set by the inky black blue of his coat. “Get. Up.” The horn on his head shone as soft lights shifted their position in the air.

Copper managed to struggle to his feet, staring the pony down. “I'm not beaten yet, Corser...”

“Really?” He was too fast and Copper found himself on the ground again. “Because with the way you're laying there, I thought you pretty damned beaten.” It wasn't a fair fight. Both of them knew that. No pony had ever beaten Corser in a fight. He was powerful. But anypony would be when they had lived a thousand times and died just as many. It was no wonder he was the captain of the Night Guard. The only pony who could possibly stand a chance would be Shining Armor, captain of the Day Guard.

But once again, Copper got up, staring him down again. “I can still get up.” He tensed, but there was no strike this time.

“And that's probably your best skill,” he said as he circled around him slowly. “Not giving up. It's a good thing to have, but it might get you killed. There's more to a fight then taking a hit, to getting up afterwards, to... Well, the whole thing in general. The only reason you should take a hit, is to hit. The only reason you should be hit, is because you hit. Anyone that hits you, hit them back. It doesn't matter if it takes years for the chance.” Copper jumped back as Corser made another swing at him. “Your instincts are well refined. Use them. But don't let them control you. You have a brain. Use your brain.”

Copper had thought, before meeting Corser, that he knew how to fight. He'd been in a lot of fights and he’d come out on top each time. But watching Corser fight was ridiculous. Yes, he was fast, but that wasn't what made it so difficult. There was nothing wasted. Corser could fight for hours, against dozens of opponents and not get tired.

“Always leave an exit for your opponent,” Corser continued. He had been lecturing Copper for an hour now. But he had asked for this. “Somepony with a way out, won’t fight as hard. If they can easily get away, they'll take it when they start to lose.” This time Copper struck at him, but all he hit was hoof. And then got the other hoof to the face. “If you're stronger than your opponent, block. If you’re faster, dodge. But the difference needs to be less than a hoof. Watch them, study them. Somepony will give away all of their fighting experience in the way they stand.” His horn shone again and the lights moved.

Copper managed to get to his hooves once again. “So...somepony like you...” He stared a moment at Corser. “Would be impossible to beat...”

He gave a shrug in response. “I have experience. Thousands of lives worth of it. Such was my curse.” There was a sudden crash and a day guard came soaring through a window, followed by a grinning Jet.

“That the best you got? Not so smug now are ya you little-” he stopped and stared at Corser and then at Copper. “Terribly sorry to interruption your little...whatever you were doing. This pony-”

“I don't care, Jet,” Corser snapped. He walked deliberately over to the other guard. Copper could not see who it was, but he could see the smug look on Jet's face.

Jet looked at Copper. “What? You want a piece of me?” How somepony could look so smug was a mystery to Copper. “C'mon than. Me and you, dog.”

Copper ground his hoof into the ground. “We're on the same side. We shouldn't fight.”

He laughed, a harsh, brutal sound. Copper noticed out of the corner of his eye how even Corser tensed. “Like sides have anything to do with it. You're just afraid I'll beat the hay out of you.”

Again Copper looked at Corser and was about to speak, but got a hoof to the side of the head instead. For a moment everything started to go black, but Copper pushed that away and stared at Jet. Had he really just hit him, without reason? What sort of pony would do that? Whatever sort Jet was, apparently. “What the buck is wrong with you?” Copper managed to say, staring at him.

“C'mon. Try and hit me. I'll give you a free shot,” Jet said, smirking at him.

That was such an obvious lie, there was no way he would give him a free shot. But striking him, just like that. He needed to be taught a lesson. “Go ahead, Copper. Let's see what you've learned,” Corser said. He fought the urge to look at him. What kind of pony was Corser?


Copper blinked and stood up. Apparently they had arrived. He hesitated just a moment before exiting the carriage. He looked at Pots, who seemed to have regained enough consciousness to be able to look around. He gave Copper a depressingly sad smile. Copper stepped out and there was a large woosh of green flame in front of him. When it had gone, Chrysalis stood before him, glaring down at him. “Ah, Chrysalis. We need to talk.”

“Never mind that,” she snapped, looking back at Pots, who was staring up at the castle. “The hay did you bring him for?”

“That's what we need to talk about,” Copper said and walked past her as he continued speaking. “I have worked out a plan and he is part of it. A big part of it in fact. Where's the Doctor?”

Chrysalis had no choice but to follow him. That was what Copper was trying to get her to do. Keep her away from Pots until she knows why he's here. “I don't know. He comes and goes without a word most of the time. I've no idea where he goes.”

That was a lie, but Copper was going to let it slide. Doctor Whooves probably asked her not to tell him where he went. That was fine, for now. “That's unfortunate, I need to speak with him as soon as possible. The plan needs him as well.”

“Oh, so now he's part of your plan?”

Copper looked at her. “As are you.”

There was a moment of hesitation, before she said, “And what if I won’t be part of your little plan?”

He sighed and rubbed his neck. “Well, then I'll have to find somepony else. I'm sure any changeling could do it, technically...”

She blinked at him. “You need a changeling specifically?”

“Well, specifically I need you,” he said, as they walked through the main door. “But I think I might be able to make it work with just Chestnut and Spyglass...” Why was it so easy to get somepony to go along with something, when you start talking about who you could replace them with?

She glared down at him. “Why do you need a changeling?”

He stopped and stared back, watching Chestnut and Spyglass help Pots down the path. “Someone has to replace Celestia.”

Author's Note:

((Chapter editing assistance by Amneiger.))

I had thought this chapter would give me a hard time, mostly because of the little fight bit, but mostly because I was extremely conflicted about killing off Pots. I still am. And the adding in of Corser, which now that I have him finally in this story, I realize how much Copper and Corser are together in spelling. XD Not that that's a problem, because they are different characters, though they do share similarities. Which is probably why Copper sort of looks up to Corser, who is older by quite a bit. But Corser is actually the character of Up All Night, another story I'm writing. Currently in progress, and it wont reach anywhere near the length of Pony of the Gears (hopefully). Of course his story takes place before Pony of the Gears... Anyways... As for Spyglass... He isn't technically my character, even though he was made to fit my sort of world. He actually belongs to one of my roleplay partners. I often roleplay to flush out characters, and Copper is a prime example of this. Roleplays often inspire bits of my stories as well, such as Spyglass, and Copper giving him that name. I don't know if I'll have him be as obsessive as he got but... We'll see. I just thought him such an interesting character, I had to incorporate him. Blarg text!