• Published 23rd Dec 2012
  • 67,195 Views, 2,681 Comments

Winter Bells - Pen Stroke

Can Nyx find acceptance with her extended family during Hearth's Warming, or will she find the holiday hymns are filled with nothing but hollow promises?

  • ...

A Day with Family

Winter Bells

Preread, Edited, and Reviewed By

Batty Gloom, Illustrious Q, Municipal Engines, Cloudhammer, Wraithguard, Kohta Izumi, Kirk Heller


Part of a side-story miniseries known as "In The Family" for the story Past Sins

- The stories of the miniseries -


Chapter 2

A Day with Family


Twilight Velvet zipped back and forth from one side of the kitchen to the other. Her magic washed the dishes in the sink and, at the same time, she poked her head in and out of cupboards, making a quick mental grocery list. “All right, let’s hurry up and finish. We got to go and meet Cadance and Shining at the train station soon.”

“Velvet, honey, relax, we got plenty of time,” Night Light said before taking another sip from his coffee.

“Well, actually, we have fourteen minutes,” Twilight said with a glance at the clock. “So, maybe we should start finishing up.”

“You're not helping, Twilight," Night Light snipped.

Nyx stifled a small giggle as she took another bite from her cereal. The whole family was gathered around the kitchen table for breakfast. Velvet had quickly downed a bagel and was now fussing over the sink, trying to wash dishes as they became dirty. Night Light was sitting calmly, drinking coffee, and skimming the morning paper. Twilight had toast and jelly with orange juice, which she was eating as she was fussing over the family’s schedule for today. And Spike was next to Nyx, rolling his eyes.

“Are they always like this?” Nyx asked.

“Yep,” Spike said as he dug his spoon into his bowl. “Where do you think Twilight gets it from?”

Once more Nyx giggled and took a final bite of her cereal. A moment later, the finished bowl was whisked away by Velvet’s magic where it met the warm, soapy water in the kitchen sink. Five minutes later, they were all gathering near the front door, getting ready to head out for the train station. Scarves were donned as were saddlebags and coats. The snow the night before had left a deep chill in the air. No pony would be outside without a heavy coat that morning.

“Okay, is everypony ready?”

“Yep,” Nyx answered with a happy bounce. She was in the new jacket Twilight had gotten her from Rarity’s boutique and was grinning ear to ear. She was still a little anxious about meeting Shining Armor, but at the moment what Nyx wanted the most was to go outside and play in the fresh snow as they walked to the train station.

“Oh, Nyx, dear, I think you’re missing something,” Velvet said, a weak, forced smile on her lips.

“I am?” she asked before looking back over her jacket. “What is it?”

“Well...” she began before looking over at Twilight. “Honey, could you...?”

Twilight sighed, nodded, and gently touched her hoof to Nyx’s shoulder. The pair stepped away from the front door, moving over by the kitchen door as Twilight opened her saddlebags. She withdrew a familiar headband, making Nyx smile.

“I thought I had lost it! Where did you find it?”

“I didn’t find it, Nyx, I borrowed it. I needed to put some enchantments on it,” Twilight explained.

Nyx’s smile turned into a frown. “You mean like the enchantments you had on my old glasses, don’t you?”

“I know you don’t like to wear disguises anymore, Nyx, but you saw those reporters yesterday. They were there at the train station because they found out you were coming here with me. I don’t know how they found out. I intend to talk to Princess Celestia about it when I have a chance. Still, that doesn’t change the fact that they were there.

“And I don’t want them or anypony else ruining Hearth’s Warming for you just because they don’t want to forget what happened,” Twilight explained. “I want you to have a good time. I want you to be able to come with us when we go to pick out logs and sing carols. But, to ensure that happens, you’ll need to wear a disguise.”

“All the time?”

Twilight shook her head. “No, not all the time. Whenever we’re in here or in the backyard, you can take the headband off. You just have to wear it when we are outside with other ponies.”

“But what about the Hearth’s Warming party? My friends are going to be there and I don’t want to have to wear a disguise around them,” Nyx said as she sat back on her haunches and crossed her forehooves.

Twilight puckered her lips. “Well, the party is going to be at the castle and we know everypony that’s going to be there. So...” she nodded. “Okay, deal, you don’t have to wear it at the party. But, for right now, will you please put it on?”

Nyx sighed but leaned forward as she nodded. “Okay.”

Gently, Twilight placed the headband on Nyx’s forehead, using her magic to tuck a few stray strands of her mane into place. She and her mother had been planning the family’s Hearth’s Warming since Nightmare Night, and this was a part that her mother had almost demanded. This was an evolution in Nyx’s disguise. This wasn't just a vest to hide her wings and glasses to hide her eyes. This was a whole body illusion spell, the very same kind of spell applied to the armor worn by the royal guards.

The magic engaged the moment the headband was settled on Nyx’s head, and it felt like a cool shiver was running down her spine. Her black coat began to turn white and the slitted pupils of her eyes rounded out. Her wings just seemed to disappear, and soon she looked like a completely different filly. The only things that remained constant were her mane and her cutie mark.

Once Nyx felt the spell take hold, she opened her eyes. “How do I look?”

“A lot more like Rarity than I thought you would,” Twilight admitted with a small, nervous laugh. “But I guess that’s what I get for not trying to rewrite the part of the enchantment that changes your coat color to something other than royal guard white.” She then leaned in and gave Nyx a little nuzzle. “But thanks for doing this. I promise, once we start having fun, you’ll forget all about it.

“Now, come on,” Twilight said, putting on a smile. “Let’s go meet your Uncle Shining and Aunt Cadance.”


“Sunshine! Sunshine! Ladybugs Awake! Clap your hooves and give a little shake!”

The train had arrived right on time, and, after unloading their luggage, Shining Armor and Mi Amore Cadenza happily greeted the ponies who were waiting for them. Cadance and Twilight broke down into giggles and hugged tightly after finishing the nursery rhyme. A few feet away, Shining embraced Velvet and Night Light, greeting his parents the only way a loving son could.

“How was the train ride?” Twilight asked as her hug with Cadance ended.

“Long,” she answered as she stretched her wings. “The royal train car is nice, but I can only stand being cooped up in the same room for so long. It reminds me a little too much of the time I spent in the gemstone caverns beneath Canterlot.”

“What gemstone caverns?”

Cadance turned her head, glancing down at a little filly who was standing beside Twilight. Her coat was white and she was wearing a winter jacket that went with her mane and a headband that matched her eyes. “Oh, hello? Who is this?”

“Cadance, this is Nyx,” Twilight answered.

“But, I thought—”

“It’s the headband,” Twilight answered before glancing over at her mother, “and I’ll explain why later. Still, how have you been?”

“Good,” Cadance answered as the family began to make their way off the platform. “Shining Armor and I took a week off and just relaxed after Celestia and Luna retook the throne. I don’t know how they managed to get Canterlot back into order so quickly. This place was a madhouse after Night—” Cadance caught herself and smiled sheepishly. “I mean, after Nyx relinquished the throne.”

“Was it really that bad?” Nyx asked, concern ringing in her voice.

Cadance smiled sheepishly. “Oh, well, I guess it wasn’t that bad. Shining Armor got the guard working to make sure Canterlot was safe and I did my best to deal with the nobles. I guess they were all just worried you’d change your mind and want the throne back, at least until Celestia and Luna returned.

“But it all worked out in the end, didn't it?” Cadance said, trying to sound optimistic. “Celestia and Luna came back, you got to stay with Twilight, and I didn't have to use that rebel army I was building.”

Nyx took a single, small, anxious step back. “You were building an army?”

Cadance winced again. “Well, I—”

“Yes, she was,” Shining Armor said as he came up beside the two mares and filly.

“But I’m glad I didn't have to use it,” Cadance quickly added as she gently elbowed Shining Armor in the side. “Now, honey, why don’t you say hello to Nyx? She is your niece after all.”

Shining Armor glanced down at Nyx, she looked up at him, and, for a moment, they just stared at one another. Nyx forced a weak smile, but Shining Armor’s jaw line only tightened. “Hi,” was all he said to her before turning to look at Velvet. “Mom, have you gone and picked out logs for the fire yet?”

“No, but that is our next stop,” Velvet assured her son. “After all, Cadance said in her letter she wanted to enjoy all of our holiday traditions, and I wouldn't want to deny my favorite daughter-in-law the chance to have a perfect Hearth’s Warming.”

“Isn't she your only daughter-in-law?” Spike asked, an undercurrent of sarcasm in his voice.

“Yes, but that doesn't change the fact she’s my favorite,” Velvet answered quickly. “Still, we better get our tails in gear. We want to get there before the afternoon rush.”

Shining Armor nodded and picked up his and Cadance’s luggage with his horn. “I hope you don’t mind if we stop by the house first though. Just want to drop off the bags.” Velvet and Shining Armor trotted away at that, Night Light and Spike following a few steps behind. This left Cadance, Twilight, and Nyx standing on the platform.

“I’m so sorry, Twilight, he’s been like this for the past few days,” Cadance said.

“No, it’s okay, I knew there was a chance he’d be like this,” Twilight said before lowering her head and nuzzling Nyx. “But it will be all right. I know we’ll get through to him. Won’t we, Nyx?”

“If you say so,” she replied, though her words rang hollow with doubt.


“Velcome, Velcome to Lumber Jack’s Log and Tree Emporium. If you’re looking for trees, check spruce Ve have in the back. Fresh cut and perfect for any living room. Or, if you’re more traditional sort, examine our fine selection of logs from Rainbow Range. I guarantee, Ve have perfect color, no matter vhat you’re looking for.”

Lumber Jack, the owner of the so called emporium, smiled as he welcomed another family. He was an earth pony with a coat that was tree-bark brown with a large saw for a cutie mark. He was wearing a red and black plaid shirt and a constant smile. He boomed out to the crowd with his strong, deep voice and often filled the air with his uproarious laughter.

Turning back to the nearby street, Lumber Jack watched as a large taxi carriage pulled up outside his emporium, if one could even call it that. Lumber Jack’s shop was really just a roped off part of the parking lot at the Canterlot race grounds, but that didn't keep his mood or his reputation down. Everypony knew that if you wanted good quality logs or trees, then Lumber Jack was the stallion to go to.

He watched as the taxi carriage’s door opened. He then threw his forehooves into the air as the smile on his face grew as large as his cheeks would allow. “Ahhaaa! Night Light! I vas vondering vhen I vould to see you, you old spiral head.”

“It’s good to see you too, Jack,” Night Light said. “Though, you’re looking a bit heavier than last winter.”

“Vhat do you expect vith this cold, my friend? Vhen Lumber Jack is standing outside all day, he needs vay to stay varm.” He playfully slapped his belly, making no effort to hide he was a heavy set pony. He then walked up to the carriage, extending a hoof and helping Velvet down from the interior.

“But ah, my friend, your vife fares better than me. You are looking as lovely as ever, Twilight Velvet,” Lumber Jack said before gently patting her hoof.

“I trust business has been good, Jack?”

“Oh yes, very good,” he assured her before turning to greet the next pony getting down from the carriage. “Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, you do this old stallion great honor by visiting his humble tree and log emporium. And Shining, I swear, you getting bigger every time I see you, and in good vay. You're Big and strong, not like Lumber Jack, vho just get’s big. But, heh, vhat can I say? I can’t get away from that Canterlot donut shop to save life.

“And Spike, my little dragon friend. I vas hoping to see you sometime soon. I ran out of matches and there are some scraps of kindling I need burnt in back of emporium. It’s in big red, steel drum. You know the one. If you can give me a light, I can give you this.” Lumber Jack reached into the pocket of his jacket and retrieved a blue gemstone the size of a coin, which he tossed into Spike’s waiting claws.

“Hey, setting a fire is something I can handle,” Spike said proudly as he took the gem and began to walk towards the back of the tree lot.

“This I know. You almost burnt down half my stock first time you came here vith Twilight,” Lumber Jack laughed. “Ah, but it is good memories.” He then turned back to the carriage and, with a big smile, scooped up the next mare off the carriage into a big bear hug. “And Twilight Sparkle, my little life saver. Thank you for finding book on the vood veevils. My trees, my logs, Hearth’s Varming itself, they vere saved because of you and your beautiful brain.”

“Thanks, Jack,” Twilight said between gasps. “B-but I can’t—”

“Sorry, this old tree chopper doesn’t know own strength sometimes,” Lumber Jack said as he quickly set Twilight down. He used a hoof to brush some of the bits of sawdust that had transferred from his shirt to Twilight's coat. He then looked back at the carriage, eyes lighting up like a kid who had just seen a new toy. “And vho is this?”

Nyx tried to retreat back into the carriage, but Lumber Jack proved to be fast, despite his size and heavy-set physique. He grabbed Nyx by a hind leg and pulled her from the carriage, holding her upside down and cocking his head to one side.

“Night Light, vhy did you not tell me you and Velvet ve’re going to have another foal? I vould have sent present.”

“Actually, Nyx is mine,” Twilight said, gently raising a hoof like she was answering a question in class.

“This, this is yours?” Lumber Jack asked as he pointed a hoof at the disguised Nyx. “But you are so young, Twilight. You are still but foal yourself. How can you have filly this old? Also, vhy Nyx? Nyx is not a good name. No, no... her coat is too vhite for that. No, I shall call her Little Snowflake.”

“But my name is Nyx,” she protested.

“First thing to know, Little Snowflake, is Lumber Jack always knows best,” he said as he turned her right side up and set her on his back. “Vhy? Cause I am Lumber Jack. It is simple as that. Now, Little Snowflake, is this first time you've been out to pick Hearth’s Varming log?”

“It’s actually my first Hearth’s Warming, but my name isn’t—”

“First Hearth’s Varming! Twilight, vhere did you find Little Snowflake, in voods?!” Lumber Jacked roared with laughter at his own joke while Twilight could only laugh nervously. Still, Jack took no notice. He instead turned and carried Nyx into the emporium. “A child this old should not only just be having her first Hearth's Varming. Come, Little Snowflake, you hear Hearth’s Varming Story from Lumber Jack.”

“But I already know it,” Nyx protested. She tried to jump off Lumber Jack’s back, but he blocked her efforts with a turn of his head. All the while Twilight trotted behind, nervously keeping an eye on the pair.

“Oh, really! Then tell Lumber Jack vhat you think you know.”

“Hearth’s Warming is a celebration of the founding of Equestria. It’s the day the leaders of the three pony tribes agreed to live together in harmony and friendship after almost freezing to death at the hooves of Windigos.”

Lumber Jack looked back at Twilight. “Ah, she is smart like you.” He then focused on Nyx. “But tell me, Little Snowflake, vhy is it that ponies buy my special vood and put my trees in their homes?”

“I don’t know. Cause they’re pretty?”

“Ahahahaha, NO!” Lumber Jack turned abruptly, almost unseating Nyx from his back. He lifted a hoof to gently stroke the branch of a nearby fir tree. “Trees, they are old earth pony tradition. In cold of vinter, on the day of solstice, vhen sun’s time in the sky is shortest, earth ponies of old country vould bring evergreens, like this fine fir, into their homes. Evergreens, as the earth ponies saw them, vere guardians of spring. They vithstood the bitter cold of vinter, staying awake vhen all other plants and trees slept. Then, vhen it vas time for spring, evergreens vould vake up all other plants.

“I don’t know how,” Lumber Jack added with a shrug. “Trees, they don’t have mouths to shout vith. But, they vake up all other trees and plants all the same. Personally, I think they tug on roots. Lumber Jack knows he can’t stay asleep when somepony pulls his leg.

“But trees, they aren’t for your family,” Lumber Jack said quickly. He trotted away from the trees, and to the other side of the lot where there were large but neatly organized piles of wood. Near each pile of wood was paired a small fire pot in which burned a sample log from the pile. The fires, however, didn’t burn in normal tones of reds and oranges.

No, the fires were a rainbow of colors. Some were green, some were blue, and there were a large number of them burning in different shades of pink. And, amongst the pink fires, Jack, Nyx, and Twilight were able to see the rest of the family.

“Honey, what about this one?” Velvet asked, pointing at one of the pink fires as she and Cadance followed behind Night Light.

“No, too salmon,” he said with only a short glance.

“What about that one. That one looks nice,” Cadance said as she motioned towards a different fire .

“Hmmmm... close, but no. It’s too orange.”

“But it’s pink,” Cadance protested as she looked to Shining. “There’s no orange to it, is there?”

Shining laughed and set a hoof on Cadance’s shoulder. “Trust me, if my father says there’s orange, there’s orange.”

Lumber Jack laughed and pointed a hoof at the rest of Twilight and Nyx’s family. “See, this is vhat I am talking about. For your family, Little Snowflake, there is only one thing Lumber Jack can provide. A traditional Hearth’s Varming log.” He quickly brought Nyx close to one of the fire pits, one where a rose pink fire was burning gently. He bent low, letting himself and Nyx enjoy the warmth coming off the flames.

“You say you know Hearth’s Varming story, yes? Then you know of famed Hearth’s Varming fire, yes? Spell cast by... oh, vhat vas her name?”

“Clover the Clever?” Twilight said smartly.

Lumber Jack stomped his hoof and smiled. “Yes, her. That spell, that fire, it is vhat kept leaders of the three tribes and their aids alive in cold cave. It is also vhat drove away Vindigos. So, it became tradition for families in newly founded Equestria to burn logs all through night, from Hearth’s Varming Eve to Hearth’s Varming Day. They do this to keep fire of friendship, family, and harmony alive while ensuring Vindigos never return.”

“But why are so many of them pink?” Nyx asked as she looked around.

“Ah, Little Snowflake, this is because fire in the old story is pink. It is also because Lumber Jack’s grandpappa’s grandpappa found that certain trees in Rainbow Mountain Range burn with different colors. So, yes, truly traditional Hearth's Varming fire is plain orange, but plain orange is not special enough for Hearth’s Varming. So, for those vho vant that extra bit of holiday cheer, Lumber Jack sells logs that burn pink, blue, green, and vhite. Lumber Jack even has logs this year that burn purple. Those very rare. I’ll give you good price, too.”

“Thank you, Jack,” Twilight said, seizing the opportunity to put herself back into the conversation. She levitated Nyx off his back and set her on the snow covered ground. “But you know my dad. He’s the one that picks the color, and he always wants a traditional pink.”

“Ah, but this is vhy I love your father,” Lumber Jack joked as the trio began walking to the part of the lot where most of the pink burning logs were kept. They could see the rest of the family in the distance, standing behind Night Light who was inspecting a trio of pink fires. “He has very discerning eye. Vill only take best pink color, and, after he picks, I can raise price on those logs and make mint.”

“This one!” Night Light announced, pointing at one of the fires. “Lumber Jack, give us four dozen of these logs.”

Lumber Jack laughed, lifted a hoof, and slapped Twilight in the back. “Vhat did I say? Vhat did I say? Your father, I could kiss him.” He then trotted towards the rest of the family while turning and shouting at one of the other ponies who were working at the emporium. “Hey, Twine Knot, get your lazy flank over here and get my best customer four dozen from stack thirty two. Then, make new sign for stack thirty two. Ve have our premium grade, ah-HAH!”

As Lumber Jack went to seal the deal, Twilight placed a forehoof on her back, rubbing the spot where she was slapped. Still, through the pain, she was smiling. “That went well.”

“But he hung me upside down and called me Little Snowflake!” Nyx griped.

“He did that to me when I first came here, and he did it to Shining too. I think his old name for me was Grape.” Twilight giggled again. “No, wait, it was Brainy Grape.”

Nyx cocked her head to the side and looked over at Lumber Jack, who was crushing Night Light in a bear hug. “So he does that to everypony?”

“Well, he does that to every little filly and colt the first time they come here,” Twilight explained as she continued to rub her back. “I just think it’s how he gets to know ponies. That and I know for a fact that he loves to tell little fillies and colts the story of why trees and color logs are used as Hearth’s Warming decoration.”

“Well, I guess it was kind of fun to find out about that,” Nyx admitted, beginning to smile.

“Kind of fun? Just kind of fun? My daughter, Miss Loves-to-Learn-Everything-About-Everything, only found that kind of fun?” Twilight asked playfully as she poked Nyx in the nose.

Nyx giggled and scampered back a few steps, escaping from Twilight’s nose-poking attack. “Okay, okay, it was a lot of fun," she admitted. She then bounced a little, a smile of inspiration spreading on her face. “Hey! Can I pick out a Hearth’s Warming log too?”

“Well, my father’s a bit protective about the fireplace. We can only put the logs he picks out in there.” Twilight smiled and leaned in close to Nyx, "But, if you pick a color really quick and if we can find a small piece, we can burn it in the grill that's in the backyard.”

Even with the restriction on size and time, Nyx jumped for joy and quickly sprinted off to pick a color. This left Twilight to run after her, a smile on her face as their hooves kicked up snow. Not too far away, Night Light and Lumber Jack were swapping stories from the year as his worker, Twine Knot, stacked and tied the four dozen logs that had been ordered.


Column sat on a park bench, face bent down in a scowl. A candy cane protruded from his lips, though it was a wintry treat that wasn’t as innocent as it looked. On the inside of his mouth, Column’s tongue was licking at it angrily, whittling the candy cane end into a fine point. He was thinking of his editor as he turned the festive treat into a sharp, dangerous tool for stabbing. The same editor that had reprimanded him and Quick Snap for detouring to the train station and coming back without a story.

“Come on, Column,” Quick Snap said as he brought his camera up and snapped another picture. “Headline wants us to cover the festival, and we can’t do that unless you interview some ponies.”

“Headline can fall in a vat of ink for all I care,” Column grumbled. He sat up in his seat and waved a hoof at the festival. “The Canterlot Hearth’s Warming Festival is not headline news, Quick Snap. We’ll be lucky to get in the paper at all with this ‘feel good’ garbage. Oh, look, a little kid won a stuffed Princess Celestia toy at the ring toss. Oh, this has such political and cultural ramifications. Our society will never be the same!”

Column flopped back down onto the bench, resuming his efforts to turn his candy cane into a shiv. “We aren’t going to get anywhere, Quick Snap, unless we find the real stories.”

Quick Snap rolled his eyes and turned to resume taking pictures. He lined up a shot of a colt throwing snowballs at a stack of bottles. The young pony was rearing back, about to throw what looked like one doozy of a curve ball. But then Quick Snap noticed something moving in the background. It was large, too large to be a normal pony, and for the most part, it was pink.

“Hey... hey Column!” Quick Snap said, trying to shout at his partner while still keeping his voice down.

“What? Did some kid drop his hot chocolate in the snow again?”

“I think I just saw Princess Mi Amore Cadenza!”

Column sat up on the bench as he twirled the candy cane in his mouth. He then turned, spat it out into a nearby garbage can, and got up from the bench. “Well, the princess and her wedding may be yesterday’s news, but it’s still better than all these snot nosed brats.” He motioned for Quick Snap to follow him as he began to trot between the festival stalls. “Load up a fresh roll of film. Maybe we’ll get lucky and catch her out with another stallion. Nothing sells papers like trouble in marital paradise.”


Cadance’s tongue hung out of her mouth, and her stomach gave an audible grumble as she looked over the food stalls and tents at the Canterlot Hearth’s Warming Festival. Pies, cakes, hearty soups, chili, chocolate dipped strawberries, and so many other holiday foods and treats beckoned to her like sirens of the sea. It took all her self control not to use her title as a princess to jump to the front of a line.

“Now, remember everypony,” Velvet said to rally her family, “we only have an hour before we need to scamper off to go caroling. Grab something quick and then meet back at this table. And don’t ruin your appetites. We’re going to a big dinner put on by my publisher tonight and I want us to clean our plates while we’re there so we don’t offend anypony. Got it?”

“We got it, honey,” Night Light assured before putting his hoof around Shining’s shoulder. “Come on, I saw some carameled apples back there. Let your old man buy you one.”

“Can I get a caramel apple too?” Nyx asked, a happy bounce in her step.

“I think you’ve had enough sweets today,” Twilight lectured, “or do you think I didn’t notice that spoonful of sugar you got Spike to put on your cereal this morning? Or the candy cane Lumber Jack gave you before we left his tree yard? ”

Nyx smiled, laughed weakly, and tried to look innocent, but Twilight just rolled her eyes. She used her hoof to gently give Nyx a bump on the flank, guiding her away from the caramel apple stall. “Come on, I see a stand over there selling fresh fruit salads. We’ll have that. Cadance, you want to come with us?”

Cadance’s gaze lingered on a pie she had been eyeing, but then she sighed and reigned in her appetite. “Sure, I could use something light after the big breakfast I had,” she said as she fell into line beside Twilight.

“Mom, you coming?” Twilight asked.

Velvet shook her head as she took a seat at the table. “No, your father’s getting me something, and one of us has to stay back here to keep an eye on the table.” That moment, another family began to approach the table. Velvet quickly turned and with a firm glare snapped, “it’s taken!”

“O-okay,” Twilight said with a nervous chuckle. “Have fun with that.”

“I don’t remember your mother ever being this tense around the holidays,” Cadance whispered as she, Twilight, and Nyx walked towards the fruit stall. “It isn’t because of me, is it?”

“No,” Twilight answered quickly. She then glanced over her shoulder, seeing Velvet using her steely glare to scare another family away from their table. “Well, some of it may be because of you, but not all of it. Her publisher is starting to lean a little on her to finish her latest book and she’s stuck on the last couple chapters.”

With a small bounce, Nyx leapt up onto Twilight’s back and then leaned to one side, craning her head around Twilight’s neck. “Your mom writes books!? Have I read any of them?”

“Call her ‘grandma’ Nyx,” Twilight corrected before shaking her head. “And no, you haven’t read any of her books. She writes mystery novels for adult ponies, and those books are a little more mature than what you should be reading.”

“But I read books like that when I was a big pony,” Nyx complained. “Why can’t I read them now?”

“Well, because...” Twilight tried to argue, only for her words to turn to mush in her mouth. Once again, Nyx’s less than straightforward age was giving her a headache. Nyx had been a full grown mare at one point and, if she had read those kind of novels before, then there was no point in keeping her from them. At the same time, she was, physically and mentally, a filly again. But still—

“Wouldn’t you rather read some of the old books in Twilight’s bedroom?” Cadance asked, a sly smile on her lips as she, Nyx, and Twilight got into line at the fruit stand. “She has dozens of them. In fact, I bet she still has that book about Smarty Pants.”

In an instant, Nyx had leapt from Twilight’s back to Cadance’s. “There’s a book about Smarty Pants!?” she asked with a tone of urgency.

“Oh yes, Velvet wrote it for her,” Cadance answered before looking over at Twilight. “You remember that book, don’t you? I probably read it to you a hundred times.”

Twilight smiled, blushed, and nodded. “I do remember it and I do still have it. It’s— OOF!” She stumbled a little as Nyx landed on her back for a second time.

“Can I read it?!”

Twilight laughed. “Yes you can, Nyx, but only if you get down.”

Nyx was off Twilight’s back in an instant. She then fell in line beside Twilight, trying to be as well mannered and behaved as possible while, at the same time, bouncing with enthusiasm.

Cadance’s sly smile grew as the line moved forward, bringing the trio closer to the fruit stand. She leaned into Twilight and whispered, “I still got it,” causing both her and Twilight to break into quiet chuckles.


“Princess Cadenza! Twilight Sparkle! Over here! Look over here!”


Twilight and Cadance stumbled, blinking to try and get the spots out of their eyes while Nyx ducked beneath Twilight. The flash had come from a camera, and soon the two mares and filly were under auditory and ocular assault. The teal photographer pony was circling them like a fly around garbage, snapping pictures as fast as his camera would allow. The beige unicorn reporter shouted as he held a pencil and notepad in his magic.

“Twilight Sparkle! When did you get into town?! Did you purposefully dodge reporters at the Canterlot train station?! What really happened to Nightmare Moon?! Who is that filly?!”


“Princess Cadenza! Is that child one you and Shining had out of wedlock?! Was your royal wedding nothing more than a shotgun wedding?! Have you been gaining weight?!”


“KID! KID! Yes, you, little filly! Who are you?! Did you inherit that white coat color from Shining Armor?! Who’s your daddy?!”



The photographer and reporter suddenly found themselves in a pink sphere as Shining Armor galloped up, coming to the rescue. His brow was furrowed, and he was snorting out of his nose like an angry bull. The reporter and photographer smiled and waved at him, but the small gesture did not dissuade Shining. With a flash of magic from his horn, the sphere of magic rocketed skyward.

The bubble shield moved and swerved like an angry bee, shaking the reporter and photographer around until it settled above a large pile of snow. Then, with a small pop, it disappeared, dropping the two ponies into the pile of grimy, wet snow that had been cleared off the streets of Canterlot. Their fall into the dirty slush was punctuated by a pair of shouts and wet splats.

Shining snorted, venting his irritation one final time before turning to look back at Cadance and Twilight as Velvet and Night Light came trotting up. “Twilight, honey, are you okay?” Velvet asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

“What about you, Cadance?” Shining asked as he moved up beside his wife.

“I’m okay,” she reassured him. “They just startled us, that’s all.”

“Why did they do that?” Nyx asked as she slowly came out from beneath Twilight. She was rubbing her eyes, still trying to make the flash-induced spots go away.

“They were probably after me,” Cadance said. “Those paparazzi ponies always like to harass princesses. It has been a while since Shining and I have been in Canterlot.”

“No, it’s not your fault,” Shining Armor said as he gently lifted a hoof to her cheek. He flicked his gaze in Nyx’s direction and glared at her for just a moment. “I’m sure they were after something else.”

Nyx winced, took a step back, and hung her head. Shining’s glare may have been brief, and nopony else may have noticed it, but Nyx received the message loud and clear.


Questions, Comments, Concerns?


My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic © Hasbro

I do not own the intellectual properties this fan-fiction is based on.
