• Published 23rd Dec 2012
  • 67,111 Views, 2,681 Comments

Winter Bells - Pen Stroke

Can Nyx find acceptance with her extended family during Hearth's Warming, or will she find the holiday hymns are filled with nothing but hollow promises?

  • ...

Home for the Holidays

Winter Bells

Preread, Edited, and Reviewed By

Batty Gloom, Illustrious Q, Municipal Engines, Cloudhammer, Wraithguard, Kohta Izumi, Kirk Heller


Part of a side-story miniseries known as "In The Family" for the story Past Sins

- The stories of the miniseries -


Chapter 1

Home for the Holidays


“Perhaps I should consider wearing crowns more often. They really are smashing, though a tad ostentatious.”


Rarity turned from her shop mirror, smiling at the familiar pony who had come trotting through the door. “Good morning, Applejack. Are you here for your refitting?”

Applejack nodded. “Yeah, I’m here, though I still don’t see the point. We just wore those costumes last year, and it’s not like we could have gone through a growth spurt. We’re all too old for that.”

Rarity took off her Princess Platinum crown and cape. She folded the cape into a neat bundle, then set the whole ensemble on a table before picking up another costume. This outfit was brown with large poofs on the shoulders and a big brown hat with a white feather. It was the tell-tale Hearth’s Warming costume of the character Smart Cookie, secretary to Chancellor Puddinghead.

“Now, Applejack, a lot can happen in a year, especially one as stressful as we’ve had.” Rarity motioned with a hoof towards a small raised platform in the center of her boutique. “Now, come on. The sooner we start the sooner it will be over.”

“Well, I reckon’ there’s no arguin’ with that,” Applejack said. She climbed up onto the small platform and, with Rarity’s help, quickly donned her Hearth’s Warming costume. Rarity then began to pull, poke, and prod, seeing where the costume didn’t fit as it should. She levitated a notepad and pencil in her magic, taking quick notes.

“Good fit in the chest, but sleeves are a little tight and the trail off on the back needs a fix,” Rarity muttered to herself. “In all, about what I would expect. I’ve heard from Rainbow Dash you’ve been using your free time this winter to train for the spring rodeo.”

“Rainbow’s been in here?”

“Everypony has,” Rarity said as she inspected the feather of Applejack’s hat before scratching down a note. “We all have costumes for the pageant, after all, and we all needed a refitting. Not a lot to change, thankfully. Twilight, Spike, and Pinkie Pie still fit perfectly into their costumes, and, with what Pinkie Pie eats, that is a miracle. Rainbow Dash needed the wing holes adjusted, and Fluttershy need some of her hems brought in. She lost weight, again. Oh, what I wouldn’t do for her metabolism.”

Applejack snickered a little. “And what about you?”

“We shall not discuss me,” Rarity said firmly. She put the notebook down and turned back to Applejack. “Besides, I’m already done. You can take your costume off.”

“Well, shoot, that was fast,” Applejack said. She began to take off the costume and soon offered the roughly balled pile of clothes to Rarity with the hat resting on top. Rarity scrunched her nose a little but took the costume in her magic all the same. She then proceeded to fold all the parts of the costume before setting it back with the others.

Applejack grabbed her old cowpony hat and placed it back on her head. She then began to trot towards the door. “Well, thanks again, Rarity, for takin’ care of the costume business. I got to run and try to catch Twi.”

Rarity quickly turned in Applejack’s direction and arched an eyebrow. “But Twilight’s already left.”

Stopping at the door, Applejack looked back at Rarity. “But I thought she, Spike, and Nyx weren’t leavin’ town till tomorrow morning.”

“No no,” Rarity said as she levitated her calendar off the wall and held it out where Applejack could see it. “They left this morning. You see, Twilight is taking Nyx and Spike to Canterlot today. She wants to have a chance to properly introduce Nyx to her parents. Then, tomorrow, Prince Shining Armor and Princess Cadance—”

“Ya know, I think you know them two well enough to just call them Shining and Cadance.”

“We may all be well acquainted with them, Applejack, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t show them respect,” Rarity said. “Now, as I was saying, they will be arriving in Canterlot tomorrow. They’ll then spend the rest of that day and the day after on what I’m told are family traditions: picking out the best logs for the Hearth’s Warming fire, going caroling, and the like. Then, you, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and I will arrive in Canterlot in the morning on Hearth’s Warming Eve. We’ll have our dress rehearsal for the pageant that afternoon and the performance that evening. After that, we’re all having a big Hearth’s Warming party in the castle with our families and the princesses. Finally, the next afternoon, we’re back on the train to Ponyville.”

“Wow, Rarity, you got all that memorized?”

“You can thank Twilight for that,” she said as she put the calendar back on the wall. “She grilled me on the schedule more times than I care to count.”

“Why? Sounds like a fun time, sure, but not exactly somethin’ that has ta go by the book. Heck, half the fun of Hearth’s Warmin’ is just being with your family and doin’ whatever ya want. No schedules, no place to be. Just a warm fire and good food.”

Rarity winced, her stomach grumbling a little. “Please, don’t talk about food.”

“Why? Haven’t you eaten?” Applejack asked.

“I have, but let’s just say I’m trying to get ahead of the Hearth’s Warming weight I tend to gain every year. Besides, to answer your other question, I think Twilight has every reason to be worried about this Hearth’s Warming this year. She is, after all, taking Nyx to Canterlot for the first time since the incident. That and she’s introducing Nyx to the rest of her family. It’s a delicate situation. Or, at least, Twilight feels it will be a delicate situation.

Applejack touched a hoof to her chin and scratched it. “Well, shoot, I guess that would make sense. I couldn’t blame her parents for bein’ anxious, just as I can’t be too mad at Granny Smith. She still don’t like seein’ Nyx ‘round the farm.” Applejack sighed and shook her head. “I love her to death, but Granny can be stubborn as a mule when she has a mind to be.”

“I guess the apple really doesn’t fall far from the tree,” Rarity said quietly.

“What's that?”

“Nothing,” Rarity replied calmly. “And yes, there is the concern of her parents, but I’m personally more worried about all the other ponies. Last time I was there, for the fall fashion season, I heard some rumors. Ponies are starting to find out that the princesses didn’t lock Nyx away in some far-off dungeon, and, from what I heard, they are not very happy about it.”


“...All through the night, the three ponies kept the fire of friendship alive by telling stories to one another and by singing songs, which of course became the winter carols that we all still sing today. Eventually, the warmth of the fire and singing and laughing reached the leaders, and their bodies began to thaw. And, it even began to melt their hearts.

“The three leaders agreed to share the beautiful land and live in harmony ever afterwards. And together, they named their new land Equestria!”

“Very good, Spike,” Twilight said. She smiled and looked up from the script she was holding. “It was perfect, though don’t you feel the accent is a little thick?”

“But that’s the best part,” Spike said in his faux braytish accent. He then stood up on the train seat and struck a dramatic pose. “It is this accent that brings the flavor of olden times to the stage. It is what enchants ponies and draws them in. It is what brings greater life to the story and greater meaning to its message of friendship and harmony.

“And besides,” Spike continued as he let his voice shift back to normal, “I learned the accent from the pony who did the narrating before me, and he was the best pageant narrator ever. Princess Celestia said so herself.”

“Well, I like it,” Nyx said, looking up from the book she was reading, which was a collection of Hearth’s Warming stories both old and new.

Spike laughed and pointed a claw at Twilight. “Ha, two against one, the accent wins.”

“All right, all right,” Twilight said with a small giggle. She packed away the pageant's script and then, using her magic, began to clear away some of the condensation that had built up on the inside of the window. Winter had settled into Equestria, and it was a particularly cold one. Even in the heated train, Twilight, Nyx, and Spike were bundled up in scarves, trying to keep back the draft coming off the windows.

With a bit of heat magic, Twilight cleared part of the window and was able to look outside. She saw the high towers of Canterlot and saw the final tunnel coming up quickly. “Looks like we’re almost there.”

“Then I’m going to go and grab a hot chocolate from the dining car,” Spike said as he hopped down from his seat.

“But there’s a coffee shop at the train station.”

“Yeah, a coffee shop that’s going to have a long line, Twilight,” Spike said. “I don’t know about you, but I’d rather not have to stand in the snow.”

“Hmmm, good point,” Twilight said. She then quickly grabbed a few bits from her saddlebags, which were tucked under their seat, and tossed them to Spike. “Go ahead and grab a hot chocolate for each of us.”

Spike nodded and jogged off in the direction of the dining car. Twilight watched him leave and then began to gather their things. She put small bags of snacks, that had been taken out for the train ride, back into their saddlebags. She then looked up at Nyx, intending to tell her she needed to put her book away and get ready to get off the train.

But Nyx wasn’t reading her book anymore. She was instead at the window, looking out through the hole Twilight had made in the glass and watching as the train carried them ever closer to Canterlot.

“What are you looking at, Nyx?”

“I’m trying to see the train station,” she answered as she squished her nose against the window. “You said your dad was going to be meeting us on the platform.”

“He is, but I don’t think you can see the station from here,” Twilight said. She used her magic to clear another hole in the window’s condensation and looked out at Canterlot. “Besides, you don’t even know what my dad looks like.”

“I know, but... I still wanted to see if I could see him,” Nyx said. She pressed her cheek against the side of the window, straining her eye to try and see the train station. She then jumped, caught off guard by the sudden blackness as the train dove into the final tunnel before the Canterlot station.

Twilight giggled a little as Nyx recovered from being startled. “How about we go sit on the other side of the train so we can wave to him as the train pulls in? That sound like a plan?” Nyx nodded, and soon the pair were on the other side of the train. Twilight cleared a single, large hole in the window condensation, and Nyx pressed her face against the glass.

And as Twilight watched Nyx, she couldn’t help but smile a little. She was still nervous about coming to Canterlot, but, in the end, she felt the benefits of the trip outweighed the risks. She didn’t want Nyx to be a stranger to the rest of her family. She wanted Nyx to know her grandparents, Uncle Shining, and Aunt Cadance.

She just wanted them all to be able to share a Happy Hearth’s Warming.

Twilight was drawn back out of her thoughts by the bright light from the window. The train had exited the tunnel and returned to the white, wintery world that Equestria had become. The train slowed, beginning its arrival at the station. The towers of Canterlot loomed above them, stretching all the way up to the gray, cloud choked sky. It looked like the weather patrol was gearing up for another snowstorm. Twilight was now happy she had brought their heavy jackets. The scarves they currently had on weren’t going to cut it.

“Hey, I think I can see the station,” Nyx said. She was pressing her face so hard against the glass, she was likely frightening any ponies that happened to look at the train as it passed by. “Wow, there’s a lot of ponies on the platform.”

“Really?” Twilight said as she leaned in to look out the window herself. “This train doesn’t leave to go back to Ponyville for another hour. Why would there be—”

Twilight froze, eyes widening. She quickly pulled Nyx away from the window, flipped the latch, and pulled open the window before sticking her head outside. Nyx was right; there was a large crowd of ponies on the platform, but they weren’t ticketed passengers waiting to get on the train. No, they were ponies with notepads, cameras, fancy hats, and press badges.

They were reporters.


“So are you sure this source is reliable, Column?”

A beige unicorn nodded his head and used his tongue to flick the toothpick he was holding from one side of his mouth to the other. “Yep, got it straight from a servant at the castle. Twilight Sparkle is bringing Nightmare Moon in on this train.”

“But I thought the princesses drained her magic and put her in jail someplace,” the teal photographer pegasi, Quick Snap, said.

“Well, the official announcement we printed in our paper was, and I quote, ‘Nightmare Moon has been drained of her power and placed in the care of a pony that will ensure she will never again be a threat to Equestria. She is a mare that Princess Celestia trusts completely.’ Who knows, maybe we all just heard what we wanted to hear back then. Still, you can’t ignore the rumors floating in from Ponyville.”

“You mean the ones that say Nightmare Moon is running free?” Quick Snap asked.

“From what I’ve heard, she’s transfigured herself to look like a filly and has been running around with the other fillies and colts. I even heard somepony say their friend’s brother saw her going to school and that she had somehow magically changed her cutie mark.”

“Now that has to be a pile of old hay. No teacher in her right mind is going to let Nightmare Moon into her classroom, and no pony can change their cutie mark.”

Column snorted. “Kid, she’s an alicorn. They don’t play by the same rules as you and me. After all, if I could cast love magic like that Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, I’d be going out with a rich model and wouldn’t have to run around Canterlot every day looking for stories.”

“So, are you saying you want to be a princess?” Quick Snap teased.

“You bet your flank,” Column replied. He turned his head and smiled as he and many of the other reporters on the platform saw a light in the distant tunnel. “Now, come on, let’s get to the edge of the platform before we get muscled out. Be ready to take a picture of her and Twilight. I want them together in the same shot.”

Column and Quick Snap joined the growing crowd of reporters, who clung together as close to the edge of the platform as they dared. They raised their cameras and pulled out their notepads. Reporters cleared their voices, ready to try and shout above one another to get what could be an exclusive scoop.

The train rumbled into the station, its cars clattering as they slowed to a stop. The engine vented its pent up steam and the doors to the cars began to open. The few ponies on the train disembarked, and the reporters watched each one of them. There were a pair of older mares who disembarked together. A stallion with his wife and family, who quickly scuttled away from the pack of reporters. One after the other they watched, trying to spot Twilight Sparkle or the filly-sized Nightmare Moon.

But then they never saw her. The last passenger got off. The train was emptied and the cleaning crews began to go through, preparing the passenger cars for their return trip to Ponyville. The reporters glanced at one another and then they fanned out, going off the gut instincts they had honed over years of being in the newspaper business.

Twilight Sparkle had given them the slip, which really only meant one thing.

There was a story to be uncovered.


The two older mares who had disembarked the train slowly climbed down the steps of the train station and reached the sidewalk. One was in her Hearth’s Warming best. A bright red hat with a matching vest over top a deep green blouse. She smiled and whistled down a taxi. But she did not wait for the other old mare to follow her into cart. No, she had come to Canterlot alone, and departed in the same fashion.

This left the other older mare standing on the sidewalk. She was in a heavy shawl with a hood and had a large hump on her back that, if one were to look closely, moved and shifted in unnatural ways. Most of her face was wrapped up in a scarf, but for those who could see her eyes, they would notice they were strong and vibrant. They were the eyes of a much younger mare.

The second older mare looked around for a moment, then smiled and slowly limped her way towards a blue stallion who was standing on the sidewalk, watching the ponies that were leaving the station. He was an older unicorn, getting close to being middle aged though not quite there yet. He had a darker blue mane and a pair of crescent moons for a cutie mark. It was a pony the older mare knew all too well. His name was Night Light.

The disguised Twilight Sparkle continued to play the role of an old mare as she limped towards her father. She made sure she was close and then made sure nopony else around. Only then did she try to get his attention.

“Psst, dad.”

Night Light quickly turned his head, blinking a few times as he looked over the supposedly older mare that had crept up beside him. “I’m sorry? Do I know you?”

“It’s me,” Twilight said. With a bit of magic, she pulled down her scarf and revealed her face.

“Oh,” he said with a short laugh. “Sorry, I didn’t recognize you in that getup.” His smile faded as he looked over Twilight’s outfit. “Why are you wearing all that?”

Twilight glanced back at the station as she put her scarf back into place. “There are a bunch of reporters standing on the platform like they were waiting for the train, and, well, I could only think of one reason there would be so many reporters considering almost nopony else was on the train.”

Night Light nodded, understanding his daughter’s concern. He looked back at the station and saw a few of the reporters come out the front door. They were looking around, as if searching for something or somepony. Yet, before they could look their way, Night Light put a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder and then cleared his throat.

“There you are, mother!” he called out loudly, enunciating his words forcefully like he was talking to a mare who was hard of hearing. “You must tell me about your trip while we take the taxi home. Hey, taxi!”


Fearing the following reporters, Twilight stayed in disguise until the taxi pulled up in front of her house. Thankfully, they didn’t live far from the station. The three story townhouse was, for the most part, just as Twilight remembered it, except for the roof which had been replaced just before she left for Ponyville. It was one of many similar terraced townhouses on the street, which stood in a clean line all the way down the block.

It was a well-off neighborhood. Not the fanciest in Canterlot, like the manors and mansions near the palace, but they were close to the heart of the capital city. Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns was only a few blocks away as was the best of the downtown shopping. In all, it was and had always been a perfect fit for her family.

Night Light stayed back by the taxi a moment, paying the stallion for the trip, while Twilight stood at the end of the walk that lead to their front door. The house was in its holiday best. Garland and strings of enchanted, glowing glass hung from the edges of windows and the roof. A wreath hung on the door, and a blanket of snow covered everything. Twilight doubted she could have found a more welcoming site in all of Equestria, at least to her.

“Twilight!” Spike whined. The hump in Twilight’s old mare disguise shifted. “Can we get inside already? It’s getting hot under here.”

“Did her hump just talk?” the taxi puller asked with a cocked eyebrow.

“Yes, it did,” Night Light answered as if nothing was out of the ordinary. “Now, here are your bits and you can keep the change.”

The prospect of a very generous tip quickly drew the taxi stallion’s attention back to Night Light. “Thank you, sir, and have a Happy Hearth’s Warming.”

Night Light nodded, and waved a quick goodbye to the taxi stallion before he pulled away. He then turned back and moved up beside Twilight, continuing the illusion that he was helping an elderly mare to the door. “I was wondering if that was where Spike was hiding. How you doing, son?”

“I’ll be doing better when we get inside,” Spike answered as Twilight and Night Light began climbing the steps to the front door. They were soon inside, and with a flash of magic Twilight transfigured the hooded shawl she had been wearing back to its original form, her heavy winter coat.

A moment later she unzipped the coat’s front, peeling it off. She had been wearing her saddlebags underneath and both Spike and Nyx had been riding on her back. They jumped off within moments, and Spike went to the door, cracking it open a little so he could get some cold air on his face. And Nyx was right behind him, standing a few steps back and smiling as they both recovered from the oven that the inside of Twilight’s coat had become.

“Here, let me get your coat,” Night Light said. He magically grabbed the coat and hung it on a nearby coat rack before turning and shouting into the house. “Velvet, honey, they’re here!”

“I’ll be right down!” the voice of Twilight’s mother, Twilight Velvet, called down from the stairs. “I’m just putting a few things away!”

Night Light chuckled, shaking his head. “Your mother. Can’t be happy with guests around unless she knows this house is spotless.” He then turned back to Twilight, his smile widening as she took off her saddlebags. “But you know that as well as I do. Now, come on, give this old stallion a hug.”

Twilight was more than happy to oblige. She lifted her forehooves and hugged her father tight, giggling a little as he gave her a squeeze. The pair then stepped apart, letting Night Light turn and smile at Spike. “And how is my daughter’s number one assistant?” he asked as he offered a hoof. “Still keeping my daughter out of trouble?”

Spike took Night Light’s hoof in his claw and gave it a shake, laughing as he said, “More than you know.”

“Well, it’s good to see you both. How have things been since the wedding?”

“Actually, dad, there’s one more pony you need to say hello to,” Twilight said. She stepped to one side, smiling as she swept a hoof from her father to Nyx, who had been standing behind Twilight, trying to go unnoticed. “Dad, this is Nyx. Nyx, this is your grandfather, Night Light.”

For a moment, Night Light’s smile weakened. He inspected Nyx closely, and she stepped back anxiously under his gaze. She looked away, staring at her hooves as she scratched her foreleg with the other, but his gaze remained constant. He then took a step forward, towering over her as most adult ponies did.

“Nyx,” he said with a calm yet commanding tone, forcing her to look up and meet his gaze. He then bent his head down and extended a forehoof, bringing it to the side of her head. “What’s this behind your ear?”

He brought his forehoof back a moment later, which was now holding a small holiday cookie. He also smiled, which in turn made Nyx smile as she took the cookie. She took a single bite, and her smile grew until it threatened to burst off her face. “This is good!” was all she could say through the flavorful food that filled her mouth.

“That’s a secret, family recipe my grandfather came up with,” Night Light said as he raised his head. “He was a royal chef, and nopony came into his house during the holidays without getting a cookie.”

“Hey, what about me and Twilight?” Spike asked.

“There’s a whole plate of cookies in the kitchen,” Night Light assured Spike. “In fact, why don’t you take Nyx in there. You can get yourself a cookie and then some milk from the fridge for the both of you.”

“Sounds good,” he said as he began to lead Nyx to the kitchen. “Maybe this time I’ll actually get to enjoy it.”

Night Light cocked an eyebrow, watching Spike and Nyx walk into the living room and then through the door into the kitchen. He then looked back at Twilight, who smiled and laughed a little under her breath. “He’s a little steamed I made him leave the hot chocolate we bought back on the train.”

“Well, he is a dragon that likes his hot chocolate,” Night Light said. He turned to go to the kitchen, but Twilight caught his shoulder. She was wearing a smile that was both thankful and hopeful. “Yes, honey?” he asked.

“Thank you for doing that for Nyx. Does this mean...?”

Night Light lifted a hoof and placed it on Twilight’s shoulder. “Listen, Honey, I still don’t think you should be the one taking care of her. You should be having fun with your friends, finishing your studies with Princess Celestia, and maybe finding a special somepony like your brother. You’re too young to be taking care of a filly, let alone an alicorn filly.” He then smiled. “But that’s no reason to ruin Hearth’s Warming for you or her. Let’s just enjoy these next few days and we can talk about it later.”

Twilight pulled her father into a hug again, squeezing him. “Thanks dad, but I still think I can change your mind before we get on the train back to Ponyville.”

A thumping on the stairs drew the pair from their hug, and soon Twilight’s hooves were wrapped lovingly around another pony. A white, middle aged mare with a faded purple and white mane and a cutie mark comprised of three stars.

“Mom,” Twilight said as she squeezed Twilight Velvet tightly. “How are things? You finish your new book?”

“Trying. Just need to polish off the last couple chapters,” Velvet answered with a tired sigh. “And I need to do it soon. The publishers are starting to get impatient.”

“Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll get it. You always do,” Twilight reassured her, “and I can’t wait to read it.”

“You’ll get the first one off the press, like always,” Velvet assured before looking around the home’s small entryway. “I thought you were bringing—”

“They’re in the kitchen,” Night Light said.

Velvet nodded, turned, and crept to the kitchen door. She poked her head in for just a moment, just long enough to get a glimpse. She then retreated back to where her daughter and husband were standing. “I don’t know why, but I thought an alicorn filly would be bigger. And where’s her disguise? I thought we agreed that, when we go out, she’d have her disguise.”

“We did and I have it. I just didn’t make her wear it on the train,” Twilight said before levitating and opening her saddlebags, revealing the headband contained within. “See, it’s all right here, and got all the enchantments on it, I promise.”

Velvet laughed a little. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to doubt you, honey. I just wanted to be sure.” She then moved over beside Twilight, smiling and nudging her daughter’s shoulder. “Now, come on, let’s get you a cookie and make sure Spike and Nyx don’t ruin their dinner.”


“Well, here it is.”

Nyx stepped into the room slowly as Twilight followed a few steps behind. She saw the cool blue decour and the bookshelf that was stuffed to capacity with a wide spectrum of books on magic. She saw the work desk that was neatly organized. She saw the bed, the closet, the old toy chest that had long been repurposed as a place to put more books. It was not all that different from the library, but at the same time it was still so amazing and wondrous.

It was Twilight’s childhood bedroom.

Nyx walked around slowly, looking at all the books on the shelf. She then moved to the window, looking outside. It was dark outside. Big white, sticky flakes were floating down from the sky to blanket Canterlot in a fresh layer of white. All the houses on the street had their little, enchanted lights on, making every home glow with bright, festive colors. It was a kind of view a pony could expect to find on the front of a Hearth’s Warming card.

“It’s beautiful,” Nyx said as she continued to look out the window.

“Yeah, Canterlot is at its best in winter,” Twilight said as she took a seat beside Nyx at the window. “Though, I’ll admit, most of my time I used this window with my telescope to study stars and didn’t really look down at the street. Still, did you have fun today?”

Nyx nodded her head, recalling the day. They had frosted some more cookies so there would be a fresh plate for when Cadance and Shining Armor arrived the next morning. They had then taken a break from the kitchen to play in the backyard. With Twilight, Spike, and Night Light’s help, Nyx built a snowpony. They then had a snowball fight. It was Twilight and Nyx against Spike and Night Light. Velvet had been content to sit and watch from the porch. She loved the holiday season, but wasn’t as big a fan of snow.

After that they had all cooked dinner together and then played a board game in the living room. So, in the end, it had been a fun day, a really fun day that was only made better by the idea that she, Twilight, and Spike were going to be staying in Twilight’s old bedroom.

“Good,” Twilight said. She lifted a forehoof, hooked it around Nyx and brought her close. “And, you know what, it will only get better tomorrow when Shining and Cadance get here.”

“Are you sure?” Nyx asked as she leaned her head against Twilight.

“Of course I am,” Twilight said.

“It sure didn’t sound like it when you were talking to Rarity.”

Twilight frowned a little. She had gone to Rarity’s so she could get her measurements checked for her pageant costume, and had brought Nyx along. She and Rarity had talked about the trip to Canterlot, about her own concerns about her brother’s resentment towards Nyx. That whole time, Nyx was supposed to be in the other room, playing with Sweetie Belle.

Apparently, that wasn’t the case.

“Nyx, you shouldn’t eavesdrop on other ponies’ conversations,” Twilight told her before sighing and nuzzling the top of her head. “And I know what I told Rarity, but I also know my brother. He’s always been protective of me, but he’s also a reasonable stallion. Once he has a chance to get to know you, I know he’ll come around and he’ll be your BUFF.”

Nyx turned to look at Twilight as she cocked an eyebrow. “My what?”

“Your ‘best uncle friend forever,’” Twilight said before sighing and shaking her head. “Why doesn’t anypony understand acronyms anymore?”

Nyx giggled a little at Twilight’s frustration. She then let her head once more rest against Twilight’s shoulder. She then yawned as her eyes began to droop. Twilight saw this and, with a smile and a nudge, she got Nyx back to her hooves. They walked over to Twilight’s old bed, a large queen-sized bed that had more than enough room for both of them.

Twilight carefully tucked Nyx beneath the covers on the right hoof side, kissing her on the forehead gently. She then slowly slipped out of the room, going downstairs to sit and talk with her mother and father while Spike did as he always did: eat too many cookies and fall asleep on the couch.


In the cool grip of night, with snow flicking and dancing in the light from its headlamp, a train chugged down the track with determination and endurance only a machine could muster. It plowed through the snow on the track, clearing a path for the train cars that rumbled behind it. Many of the windows were dark as ponies tried to sleep. Others remained lit, the warm light from the train’s interior spilling out onto the clean, white snow.

Among the windows that were still lit were those that belonged to the last car on the train. This car was very different from the others. Where the others were made to hold dozen of ponies comfortably, the last car was meant for just a few. Where other ponies had to try and sleep in their seats, the last car provided a bed.

It was a private, royal car, and it was currently occupied by the royal couple: Shining Armor and Mi Amore Cadenza.

Cadance and Shining were laying on a soft rug in the center of the royal car, snuggling gently before they retired to their bed. They were watching the fire in their car’s stove burn, enjoying the warmth that it was pouring into the air. Shining was levitating a piece of celery in the air, the last from a large bowl of celery sticks and strawberries that he had fetched from the dining car.

Cadance opened her mouth, and gave a small, content purr as the celery was placed on her tongue. She chomped it down, savoring the crisp flavor before swallowing. She then opened her mouth again and stuck out her tongue, inviting Shining to place another morsel on her tongue.

Shining, however, could only laugh and hold up the empty bowl in his magic. “Sorry, that’s all there is.”

“Aww.” Cadance pouted and leaned into and nuzzle Shining’s neck. “Shining, would you go get some more from the dining car?”

“Don’t you think you’ve had enough? This was your third bowl.”

Cadance stuck out her bottom lip and looked up at her husband with big, pleading eyes. “But Shining.”

He laughed, leaned in, and kissed his wife gingerly on the lips. “Sorry, but your munchies will just have to wait until morning.”

She giggled back and returned his kiss. She then leaned into his shoulder, focusing on the fire in the stove. “It will be nice to see your parents again. I haven’t talked to them since the wedding.”

“I know they’re looking forward to having you there. I think they’re still amazed you want to stay with me in my old bedroom instead of in a guest suite at the castle.”

Cadance laughed and playfully stuck out her tongue. “Well, I may be a princess, but I’m also their daughter-in-law and I want the full daughter-in-law experience. That means I’m going to eat as many cookies as I want, help cook dinner, play board games, and sleep in your old bedroom where I can find some embarrassing old toy or stack of comic books you don’t want me to see.”

“You mean like when I found that old diary of yours last month, the one from when you were still foalsitting Twilight? What was that one entry I read? ‘Dear Diary, Shining Armor came back from playing hoofball with his friends while I was babysitting Twilight today. He looked so hot, and—’”

Cadance lit her horn and, a moment later, a pillow flew off their bed and flopped against the back of Shining’s head. The pair then shared a laugh and a kiss before going back to watching the fire in the stove.

“I do hope you have a good time, Cadance,” Shining said. “Just, be careful around the house.”

“Why would I need to be careful?”

“Twilight is bringing Nyx.”

Cadance sat up and looked into her husband’s eyes. “Shining, we’ve talked about this. I don’t think we have any reason to think Nyx is dangerous. Celestia and Luna pardoned her of what she did. Not only that, she’s been living with Twilight for the past few months and there hasn’t been any sign of trouble.”

“I know, I know. Celestia and Twilight have both told me the same thing, but... you remember the wedding, don’t you? Twilight had a gut feeling that something was wrong. It was because of that gut feeling that the Changeling Queen sent her down into the gem caverns, which let her help you escape.”

“What does that have to do with anything?”

“Well, I just have a gut feeling that I can’t trust Nyx,” Shining explained. “When she was Nightmare Moon, she brainwashed me into leading the Canterlot occupation. What if she had made me hunt you down? What if she had banished you someplace and it was because I was able to find you? I haven’t been able to protect you as I should...

“And... and I just want to be careful.”

“Then be careful,” Cadance said, “but don’t be so cautious that you ruin Hearth’s Warming. Twilight really wants you and Nyx to get along.”

“I know, and I promise I’ll try.”

Cadance smiled and then kissed Shining on the lips. “Good. Now, come on, let’s get to bed. Twilight and your mother probably have the whole day planned tomorrow, and we’ll need our energy.”

“You go ahead,” Shining said as he watched her stand up. “I’m just going to be a few more minutes.”

Cadance nodded and slowly slipped off to bed, leaving Shining near the stove. He then turned his head. His horn glowed as he opened the flap to a saddlebag that rested near the door of the car. From within, he withdrew a few folders that he levitated over to where he was laying. He set most of the folders down beside him, but kept one suspended in his magic. He flipped it open and began to read down the papers contained inside.

Psychological Evaluation

Form B5 - Page 2

Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial (If Applicable)
- Armor, Shining

- Prince

Examining Doctor
- Dr. Brain Trust

Examiner’s Summary and Elaboration of All Pertinent Observations

Follow up examination with Prince Shining Armor. This examination is being made at the request of Prince Armor as a follow up to his debriefing examination after the recent incident involving the second return of Nightmare Moon.

After a thorough examination, it is my opinion...


To see how Past Sins and its side stories fit with Season 3 of MLP, check this blog post.



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My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic © Hasbro

I do not own the intellectual properties this fan-fiction is based on.
